Signs of Ailment Reflection of RG And GL

Signs Of Ailment Reflection

External Signs

When we consume Ganoderma, toxins will start to be expelled from our bodies. This is only the reflection of the discharge of toxins from our body and is called a sign of ailment reflection.


1. Eyes Will Become Reddish

  • If the liver has got high amount of toxins, our eyes either one or both will become reddish and it is an indication that the body is discharging the toxins from our lever.
  • Eyes have a close relationship with the condition of the liver. We can understand that Reishi is acting on the liver to set it right by discharging the toxins from it.

2. Blurry Eyesight

Such blurring eyesight will usually occur in the mornings. It is an indication that Reishi is regulating the liver.

3. Disposal Of Wastes From Eyes

  • Since the function of detoxification of the liver is in progress, the functioning of the liver will be irregular.
  • Discharge of waste from the eyes indicates an excessive amount of acidity in the body.
  • Discharge of tears from the eyes is an indication that they are emotionally related to the liver. That is why emotional disturbances, especially anger affect the eyes.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands


As per physiology, the nose has a close affiliation with the lungs and throat.

  1. If excessive toxins are in the lungs, it will create a nasal block.
  2. When toxins are discharged, the acidity of the body will increase. That is why the body becomes heated, but this need not be construed as fever.
  3. Mucus will be discharged from the lungs and throat and cough will also be associated with it.
  4. The throat will become dry and itchy.

We have to understand that the above reflections indicate that toxins are being discharged from our bodies. Generally, we have to consume more amount of water, when the ailment reflection is there.


Related To The Function Of The Digestive System.

Pale Lips

Pale lips are an indication that the digestive system is weak and gas is in the stomach.

  1. Reishi identifies the disorders of the stomach of the patients having such ailment reflections, removes toxins from the stomach and regulates the digestive system.
  2. If excess toxins are in the stomach, not only the lips become pale, but the lips will also become dry and cracky.

Signs Of Ailment Reflection Of RG And GL Human Vital Signs

Mouth And Tongue

The ailment reflections will show the connection between heart and blood circulation.

  1. Swollen tongue, gums and other related problems are indications that there are problems in our hearts.
  2. Moreover, due to the increased deposit of fat substances in the blood vessels, there is also the possibility of offering a block in blood circulation.
  3. If the ulcer is on the tongue, mouth or gum, it is an indication that excess acidity is in our body.
  4. If the mouth emits bad breath, it is an indication that there are digestive disorders in the stomach and toxins are being removed from the stomach.


Ear Is Closely Associated With Our Kidneys.

  1. If an excess amount of toxins is in our kidneys, will make our ears blocked.
  2. If the kidneys are weak and their functions are irregular, excessive sound will be created in our ears and our feet will have more pain.

But after we walk for some distance, the pain will recede.


Skin is the biggest part of our human body. It is only through our skin that the toxins get out of our bodies.

  1. If Uric Acid is in excess in our body, our sweating will be salty When the toxins are removed by Ganoderma from our skin, bad odour will come from our skin.
  2. When the toxins not soluble in water are discharged from our skin, rashes and boils will appear on our skin.
  3. When water-soluble toxins are removed from our skin, the skin will become blistered and watery.

Joints Hands And Feet

Hot Sensation

Indications of injury on the joints or gout.

Non-Hot Sensation

Indications of rheumatic pains.

Pain On Shoulders

Due to the thickening of blood vessels, the system of metabolism is not functioning properly This is an indication of the advanced stage of the disorder.

Shivering Of Hand

It is an indication that the blood circulation in the upper part of the body is irregular.

Numbness On Left Hand And Arm

This is an indication of a weak heart. if the pain moves to the arm and stays there, a heart attack may happen at any time.

Numbness In The Foot

This is an indication that the blood circulation in the lower part of the body is irregular.

Pain In The Soles

This is an indication that our kidneys have become weak and the capacity of their function has decreased.

Painful Heels

This is an indication of a weak sex function.

Hot Sensation In The Soles

This is an indication that the kidneys are not functioning properly due to a weak sex function.

Interna Signs Head

Generally, all reactions that occur in the head are related to the blood circulation system, heart and brain nerves.

Pain On The Front Side Of The Head

This is the indication of neurosis due to mental burden and too much thinking.

Pain On The Rear Side Of The Head

The pain in the upper part is the indication of high blood pressure and pain in the lower part is the indication of either high or low blood pressure.

Headache And Gas Emitted Out Of Earlobe

This is an indication of a migraine.

Boils On Head

This is the indication for the removal of toxins and sometimes due to migraine.


This is the indication of an insufficient supply of blood or irregular blood circulation.


Due to the disorder of the throat and lungs, the blood vomited will be thick red. Tuberculosis is an example of this.

  1. If excess toxins and ulcers are in the stomach, dark blood will be vomited.
  2. If thick saliva is discharged, it is an indication of the disposal of toxins from the throat due to infection or cancer.
  3. If the tongue is stressed and tensed, it is an indication of heart disease.


Frequent urination is an indication that the kidney has an excessive amount of toxic waste.

  1. If the urine is chalky, it is an indication of the presence of a stone in the kidney.
  2. If the urine is oily, it is an indication that lipid waste is in the kidney.
  3. If the urine is thick and brownish, it indicates that the process of removal of toxins from the kidney is on.
  4. If blood is oozing along with urine, it is an indication that either there are kidney stones or the kidney is injured.


Diarrhoea and frequent discharge of motion an indications that many toxins are in the stomach.

  1. If diarrhoea occurs immediately after the use of Ganoderma, it is an indication that there is abnormal growth of cells in the colon.
  2. Constipation is an indication of the cleansing of toxins from the small intestines.
  3. If faeces with blood are discharged, it is an indication that piles or cancer problems is in the intestine.
  4. If the ulcer problem is in the intestines or stomach, dark blood will be discharged along with the motion.
  5. Discharge of dark faeces is an indication that the intestine is disposing of toxic waste.

Emotional Reaction

Feeling Of Sudden Shock

This is an indication of the weak functioning of the kidney and weak sex function.

Bad Tempered

This is an indication that the function of the liver is weak and the sex desire is also weak.


This is an indication of improper lung functioning.


This is an indication that the function of the heart is weak, the condition of the brain nerve system is poor and the blood circulation is improper.

Reishi Essence Of Mashroom

Using Reishi In The Prevention Of Sickness

In contemporary living, meat constitutes a major part of our diet and with the abundant supply of frozen, processed food products compounded by chemical additives such as emulsifiers and preservatives.

  • A large proportion of the population is constantly in the state of “:pre-illness.” Once that illness manifests, recovery can be slow and difficult.
  • Under these circumstances, it is wise to prevent any deterioration in health rather than seek a cure after illness prevails.
  • Fortunately, Reishi is such a superb medication because of its extensive properties which are both curative and preventive.
  • It produces exceptional results when used by one who is prone to illness in the pre-illness stage.

When you take an anti-cold tablet for a cold it may stop running nose, or stuffy nose, but may induce drowsiness. The effect is relief of cold and the side effect is drowsiness.

  1. When you take ampicillin capsules, for respiratory diseases like bronchitis, the effect is the relief of bronchitis and the side effect is diarrhea.
  2. But Reishi does not produce side effects.
  3. However, it produces reactions, which is called ailment reflection.
  4. Reactions are transient.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

For example, when your hall is cleansed of dust, you may react with sneezing, coughing, etc. This is not a disease but a reaction to dust.

  1. Similarly, when toxins are removed from cells, the body reacts by the same symptoms of the disease.
  2. This is known as the Healing Process or Ailment reflection.
  3. If the reaction is tolerable, continue the dose. If intolerable reduce the dose.
  4. Let the body adjust to the dose. Later you may increase the dose.

Reishi King Of Herbs

38000 varieties of mushrooms are there in all.

  • 2000 varieties are edible for human consumption.
  • 200 varieties have medicinal property
  • 6 varieties alone have superior therapeutic value.
  • DXN Gano has all the therapeutic values of these 6 varieties.
  • Reishi is capable of identifying and relieving diseases.

Reishi can penetrate all the cells of the body and remove the toxins deposited thereon.

Reishi Ganoderma 200 Active Elements

Reishi King Of Herbs Active Elements

How Reishi Works

Reishi is not a medicine that cures any disease directly.

The Important Functions Of Reishi Are :

  • Cleanses cells of toxins
  • Strengthens cell membranes so that toxins will find it difficult to enter cells.
  • It functions in both ways one by removing toxins from the cell and the other by preventing further entry of toxins into the body.
  • Hence Reishi is not disease-specific, it is cell-specific; enters into all cells and cleanses Toxins.
  • The cells thus freed from toxins improve their immunity power which helps to relieve diseases.
  • Hence it is classified as an Adaptogen in the modern medical field.
  • It functions on all parts of the body.
  • It does not create any side effects.
  • Has an overall normalizing effect.
  • Dose not only acts on diseases at sites but in cells of the whole body.
  • Non Toxic
  • No side effects but only reactions Re-actions are just responses to the removal of toxins and are transient.
  • Reactions occur due to the dissolution and discharge of stored toxins.
  • Overall Normalising Effect.

Focus And Achieving Of Gano Therapy

Reishi Essence Of Mashroom Focus And Achieving Of Gano Therapy

Reishi Essence Of Mashroom


Reishi King Of Herbs Essence Of Mushroom


  • Lanstan -impedes allergy.
  • Immunity is nature’s gift to fight infections. When the Immune System Weakens, diseases take over.
  • Due to the enhancement of the System, the body can get the diseases treated by itself.
  • Researchers have found that E S. P is effective in suppressing cancer cells from spreading.
  • Increases the power of the pancreas and regulates the sugar level of the body.
  • Improves the count of Red and White Blood cell


  • Naturally secreted at nerve cells.
  • Is a sleep-promoting substance in the body.
  • This is not found in any other herb.
  • An additional quantity of adenosine in Reishi enables GQS (Good Quality Sleep).
  • Is a potent regulator of cellular function.
  • Maintains the balance between tissue energy supply and demand.
  • Helps to increase the amount of blood current and improves blood supply to the organs of the body.


  • 112 types are found. Contains ganoderic acids.
  • Animal studies have revealed that it caps mast cells from releasing histamines.
  • Therefore reduces the chances of allergy and is considered a boon for asthmatic people.
  • Ganoderic acids seem to lower blood pressure
  • Found to be reducing LDL fat (Low-Density Lipoprotein)
  • LDL fats are responsible for increasing cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Improves the production of interferon and develops the power of immunity.

Organic Germanium

  1. Prevents cell decay and ensures a longer lifespan.
  2. Good for Epilepsy.
  3. Heart Problems.
  4. Hastens the healing process of wounds.
  5. Good for post-operative treatment.

Ganoderic Essence

  1. Overcomes skin diseases
  2. Beautifies skin
  3. Useful for open wounds
  4. Topical application

Ganocelium GL

  • Brain Tonic
  • Improves Memory power.
  • Gives Peace of Mind.
  • Prevents Tumor-Boon for cancer patients.
  • Improves immunity.
  • Cleanses Toxin.
  • Improves nerve function.

Reishi Mushroom Dosage for Healthy Life

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life

Reishi History and Its Medicinal Uses 13 Therapeutic Effects And Health Benefits of red reishi mushroom


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Healthy

Less Healthy

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Less Healthy

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

High Blood Pressure

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life High Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Low Blood Pressure


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Piles


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Diabetes

Women’s Ovary Problems

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Womens Ovary Problems

Pain In The Joints Muscle

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Pain In The Joints, Muscle


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Rheumatism

Heart Problem

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Heart Problem


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Paralysis

Gastritis And Ulcer

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Gastritis And Ulcer

Abnormal Cells

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Abnormal Cells

Asthma Tiredness

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Asthma Tiredness


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Gallstone


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Pimples

Kidney Problem

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Kidney Problem

Serious Case Of Kidney Problem And Use Of Dialysis

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Serious Case Of Kidney Problem And Use Of Dialysis

High levels Of Acid In The Body

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life High Level Of Acid In The Body

Hepatitis A And B And C

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Hepatitis A,B And C


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Neurosis


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Insomnia


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Sinus


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Anaemia


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Sterile


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Psoriasis

Hong Kong Foot

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Hong Kong Foot


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Mumps


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Epilepsy

Sensitive Skin

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Sensitive Skin

Split Skin And Watery Skin

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Split Skin And Watery Skin

Internal Injury

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Internal Injury

After Operation

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life After Operation

Post Natal Problem

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Post Natal Problem

Too Much Of Westem Medicine

RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Too Much Of Westem Medicine


RG GL Dosage For Healthy Life Alcoholic

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. At what age one can start?

Answer: From Day 1 of the birth of the child onwards.

Question 2. What side effects does it produce?

Answer: No side effects; only reactions. These are responses for the removal of toxins from the body. They remain only for a few days.

Question 3. What to do if reactions are severe?

Answer: Take plenty of water. Reduce dosage. Never stop taking capsules.

Question 4. What diseases relieve?

Answer: Practically all.

Question 5. Can I stop all medicines and take only this?

Answer: No. Continue your treatments and simultaneously take Gano. Over some time gradually reduce other drugs as Gano will build body resistance.

Question 6. Can I postpone any surgery? Is it the alternative?

Answer: No. any acute infection or surgery should not be postponed. Gano treatment is permanent, but not for acute cases which require immediate medical attention.

Question 7. How can I trust that this is a “Sarvaroga Nivarani”?

Answer: First of all have trust and use it. Thousands of patients have benefited. No side effects at all. By the very reactions you will observe that you are responding to the product.

Reishi History and Its Medicinal Uses

Reishi Nature’s Gift

From time immemorial ever since man was born, a constant fight has been going on between man and bacteria and viruses.

  • To undertake this fight on behalf of man nature has gifted him a natural doctor right from his birth.
  • This doctor alone keeps him alive longer without any disease.
  • The name of this Doctor in man is “Immunity”. This doctor was born with the man and dies with him.
  • If Immunity is strong, the body can fight effectively diseases caused by bacteria or viruses.

However, when immunity goes weak, the invading bacteria penetrate the cells of the body.

  • Having successfully penetrated cells they release toxins (poison) that cause diseases.
  • Thus when the doctor in us loses his power of resistance, we go weak and contract diseases in various organs, of the body.
  • Diseases are caused due to toxins and body imbalance.
  • Pollution may spread due to water, organic, Volatile substances, air, smoking or alcohol, etc.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

Bacteria or viruses may invade cells through these pollutions and release their toxins (poison) in the cells and create diseases.

Reishi History and Its Medicinal Uses Red Reishi Mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum,Lingzhi

  • Some diseases are due to nutritional deficiencies.
  • So the fundamental entity of a living organism is the cell.
  • If cells are healthy, we will also be healthy.
  • If cells are affected, we get diseases.
  • Falling ill means that the organs of the body become inactive.

Reishi Ganoderma A Natural Treatment

Reishi Gano

  • The Heaven’s Gift to the Earth’s man.
  • A higher-order fungus.

Reishi Different

All green plants produce their nutrients by photosynthesis.

From Other Plants

  • Mushrooms need no sunlight.
  • Mushrooms get nutrients from dead organic matter or soil.

Like Human Beings

  • Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
  • Mushrooms inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like human beings.
  • Hence when we take mushrooms we get a good quantity of pure oxygen.

Rare Capacity

  • The mycelium secures enzymes oozing from its roots and allows it to digest and absorb the nutrients in the waste material of trees, plants, and animals.
  • Hence mushrooms can absorb anything that comes in contact with them.
  • So edible mushrooms contain things that provide a lot of nutrition when consumed.

Reishi History

The efforts undertaken by many to make easily available the Reishi Ganoderma so that all the people of the world could get remedies for diseases and lead a healthy long life using this Reishi.

The Reishi Ganoderma, the King Herb, which was not easily available to us hitherto, was started to be introduced commercially for the first time by the Japanese.

  • In 1970, both Chinese and Japanese succeeded in cultivating Ganoderma by isolating the spores.
  • In 1975, the Japanese started cultivating it commercially.
  • In 1980, cultivation of Ganoderma on a commercial basis in Thailand was also started.
  • In 1993 Cultivation of Ganoderma on a commercial basis was started in Malaysia and valuable service has been done since then successfully in many countries of the world.

Technology Background

The weakness in the system of cultivation through spores lies in the inconsistency prevailing in supervising the selection of model spores.

Cultivation Through Tissue Culture Method :

Cultivation is properly done from the original plant. The quality of the product cultivated through this method is superior.

Cultivation By Organic Method

  1. Cent percent successful cultivation could be made through the Organic method.
  2. Chemicals, pesticides hormones, or other components are not used in this method of cultivation.
  3. The method of this type of cultivation with nutrients is used in other plantations such as rice and wheat.


  1. Superior therapeutic components are available in Red Ganoderma.
  2. Several varieties are available in Red Ganoderma and these are called the Gano family.
  3. There are more than 200 varieties of Red Ganoderma.
  4. Out of these, six have superior therapeutic value.
  5. Reishi Ganoderma is cultivated using the basic components of the above six varieties through the tissue culture method.

Strategy For A Healthy Life

Health means developing the resistance power and power of function of the body against diseases.

  • Health means improved resistance power through which the duration of the disease is shortened.
  • Health is a sense of well-being of body mind and soul.
  • One can achieve a healthy life only if the food, clothes, shelter, and environment are kept clean.
  • These are all the sources for Prosperous, disease-free, healthy life.

What Is Reishi and its Uses

What Is Reishi

Reishi is a basidiomycete, lamellas fungus belonging to the family of Polyporaceae. It grows naturally in densely wooded mountains of high humidity and dim lighting.

Since it flourishes mainly on the dried trunks of dead plum, Quercus serrata, or pasonia trees, it is very rarely found. Out of every 10 10,000 such aged trees, perhaps 2 or 3 will have Reishi growth and therefore it is very scarce indeed.

  • The spores of Reishi have such tough outer husks that germination is not easily possible and this phenomenon accounts for its rarity. It was said that when Reishi was discovered by anyone in the olden days.
  • It would have been kept as a secret even from his kin and kin and besides, there would have been a great celebration for the successful location of Reishi and safe return.
  • The herballous history of Reishi had long been documented in the oldest Chinese Pharamacopocea written in about the first or second century B.C.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

It had been recorded in it that Reishi had the most extensive and effective healing powers.

  • The late Hiroshi Hikino recognized as the world’s authority on the chemistry of Oriental medicinal plants, called Reishi one of “the most important elixirs in the Orient.”
  • Relatively rare and undiscovered in the West, Reishi and other mushrooms have been revered as herbal medicines for thousands of years in Japan and China.

What Is Reishi and its Uses

Emperors of the great Chinese dynasties and Japanese royalty drank teas and concoctions of the mushroom for vitality and long life and with a constant search for the elixir of eternal youth, Reishi was believed to be having such ingredients.

These Medicines Are Basically Classified Into 3 Broad Categories:

  1. 120 of them are classified as “superior” medicines
  2. Another 120 as “average” and the
  3. Remaining 125 as “fair”.

The “ superior” medicines are called “God’s Herbs” and they are for perpetual youth and longevity the medicines of the legendary wizards.

  • The “average” category medicines are those which can be taken as a tonic, and The “fair” category is taken for the remedy of specific ailments.
  • One must be careful about the volume taken of the “average” and “fair” category medicines and should never take them continuously.
  • However, the book states that any amount of“superior” medicines can be taken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavorable effects. Of all the superior medicines listed in the text, Reishi was rated number one.
  • Centuries ago, Reishi was considered to be a medicine that would give you eternal youth and longevity. In the 16th Century pharmacopeias Pen Tsao Kang Mu, contains details about hundreds of natural medicines the Chinese have used for thousands of years.

Its compiler Le Shih-Chen describes the uses of Reishi, “It positively affects the life energy, or qi of the heart, repairing the chest area and benefiting those with a knotted and tight chest.”

  • He also wrote that it increases intellectual capacity and banishes forgetfulness. “Taken over a long period of time, the agility of the body will not cease, and the years are lengthened to those of the Immortal Fairies.”
  • In ancient times, Reishi was considered a Fu Zhen herb (immune modulator.) Presently, Reishi has various applications including lowering or raising blood pressure, stimulating liver actions, and blood cleansing.
  • And acting as an adaptogen in helping the body to fight the effects of stress. The method of cultivation of Reishi for commercial purposes was found out with the result of which, Reishi is now made available easily to everyone.

A number of countries are now conducting sophisticated research in Reishi hoping to further the practice and science of medicine.

  • As little as 20 years ago, Reishi was rare and not widely found in Asia. It grew in the wild but was extremely hard to cultivate. Now with an increased knowledge of the climates in which it thrives.
  • Scientists are able to set up artificial growth conditions with the correct amounts of oxygen and moisture for the spores to grow into the Reishi mushroom.

With the success of Reishi cultivation, the world rejoiced over the abundant use of reishi in research and its useful application in medical practice.

What Is Reishi And Its Uses Reishi Mushroom Extract

There Are Many Varieties In Reishi

Akashiba – Red Reishi
Kuroshiba – Black Reishi
Toshiba – Blue Reishi
Shiroshiba – White Reishi
Kishiba – Yellow Reishi
Murasikishiba – Purple Reishi

Each of these has been classified in the “Shinnoh Honshokyo” and in the catalog of herbs written by the Ming Dynasty in about the first or second century B.C. The Akashiba-Red Reishi is the one being cultivated at present.

Reishi And Its Medicinal Uses

Reishi has long been known to extend life span and increase youthful vigor and vitality. It also promotes good blood circulation by eliminating thrombi in the bloodstream.

As a result, the person feels renewed vitality. Deterioration of both mind and body is arrested. Reishi is indeed a herb that can be used in multiple applications. It

  1. Improves cholesterol, coronary insufficiency
  2. Improves hyper and hypotension
  3. Improves nervous tension, neurosis
  4. Improves chronic bronchitis, hepatitis
  5. Improves leukocytopenia and reticuloendothelial system
  6. Effective in numerous other ailments.

Reishi was used in curing various diseases like allergy-related problems, diabetes, liver diseases, and other diseases infected due to the low immunity or resistance power of the body.

  • In traditional Oriental applications, Reishi is also used to treat insomnia, gastric ulcers, neurasthenia, arthritis, nephritis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, and poisoning.
  • It is also being used in treating neuromuscular disorders, stress-induced tension, myasthenia gravis, and muscular dystrophy – all with varying degrees of success.

After 2000 years of its application, Reishi has jumped into the spotlight as a specific medicine for cancer.

  • This must be a better irony for those in the modern medical profession who discounted the herbal remedies of Oriental medicine as being “old wives’ tales.”
  • But the families of many cancer patients who have received a diagnostic “death sentence” now seek Reishi as the only way left for them.
  • And it is a fact that no one can deny that by using Reishi, such cancer patients have taken a new lease on their lives. The percentage of it curing various diseases is tremendously high.
  • For example, allergy-related chronic bronchitis, among the difficult to cure has a recovery of 60% to 97.7%, when treated with Reishi.

In the treatment of upper respiratory infection, Reishi has a complete cure rate of over 50% and has shown effectiveness in 80% of the cases. This statistic is as impressive as that of treated pharmacology.

  • In almost all the countries of the world, people succeeded in curing diseases using herbs for thousands of years. India was at the forefront of curing diseases through such herbs.
  • Chinese and Japanese are also giving priority equal to that of India in using herbs in curing diseases.
  • Out of all these herbs, the superior one is the Ganoderma called “Reishi”. That is why it is called “The King of Herbs”.

Hiv Or Aids Disease Symptoms And Treatment


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is popularly known as AIDS. It is the most serious stage after one gets HIV infection. However, that stage does not come overnight.

  • It has been found that after one gets an HIV infection, it takes 2 to 12 years before this stage is reached – when rare illness of opportunistic diseases like Pneumocystis Carinii pneumonia – called PCP and Kaposi’s sarcoma, etc.
  • occur in the body. If untreated, or if the symptoms of the diseases are not diagnosed in time, these diseases prove fatal in 10 to 30% of the cases.
  • As AIDS is not cured by antibiotics and other drugs available to the present medical science, the doctors are baffled and so the world is terrorized by this dreaded epidemic.
  • According to the statistics, in 1993, 1.5 million people in the U.S.A. we afflicted by AIDS, plus 1 to 2 million people were feared to have HIV infection which is the causative agent.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

HIV Or AIDS HIV Infection Which Is The Causative Agents

This disease is spreading to other countries of the world. The spread of this disease has created another big problem how to provide medical care to the increasing number of infected people.

  • Many doctors refuse to treat such patients. Thus, AIDS has become a big dilemma and threat to mankind. It is surprising to note that like cancer, AIDS has not been understood properly and so proper treatment is not being given.
  • It is accepted that this disease develops after getting a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, which attacks the white cells of the blood, and in the fight against HIV, more and more white cells are destroyed, thus damaging the immune system of the body.
  • When such white cells become less than 200, AIDS is confirmed and no cure for the same has been found so far. At this stage, the patient gets infectious illness of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and Kaposi’s sarcoma, etc. Slowly and steadily, it becomes fatal.

How Does One Get An HIV Infection?

  • To understand this problem, one must study how one gets HIV infection and how such infection develops into AIDS. It is now accepted that one gets such HIV infection through the body liquids of the affected person, i.e. blood, semen, and saliva.
  • It is not contagious and so one does not get it, by shaking hands or kissing the patient. And so there is no chance of being infected by HIV.
  • While treating these patients affected with HIV infection and AIDS. One gets such HIV infection through:

HIV Infection Blood Transfusion:

  • All the blood collecting agencies of the world must take precautions to test the donor’s blood.
  • Only in emergency cases and when all other treatments have failed, should surgery be resorted to. This will minimize the need for blood transfusion.

HIV Infection Use Of Needles:

  • All medical practitioners using needles for giving injections MUST ensure the use of disposable needles. They should sterilize the needle before reuse.
  • Because drug addicts often use the same needle, HIV is widely prevalent among them.
  • A cure for drug addiction, as mentioned below has been found effective and should be widely propagated.

Hiv Or Aids Disease Symptoms And Treatment HIV Or Aids

How To Stop Drug Addiction?

Continue the treatment for two minutes three times a day on the point shown 3″ above ear lobes on both sides of the head.

  • Give general treatment together with two minutes of treatment each on endocrine glands at least thrice a day.
  • Give two glasses of gold or silver or copper or iron charged water reduced from six glasses for one month. Then give two glasses of this water reduced from four glasses for a further two months.
  • The craving for drugs will be greatly reduced within 15/20 days. Only then can the patient be asked to stop the drugs. Meanwhile, the quantity of drug intake may be reduced progressively.
  • Give the patient two to three cups of green juices and one to two glasses of fruit juices daily.
  • During the three-month treatment, give blue light on the head and the spinal cord for five minutes each twice a day.

HIV Or AIDS Ear Lobes On The Both Sides Of The Head

“One young man, aged 22, had been taking drugs for about six years. He also had the habit of masturbation. He started the Acupressure treatment.

  • After 20 days, he stopped taking drugs. Within 45 days, not only did he become free from addiction, but his masturbating habit had considerably decreased. He became an ardent follower of Acupressure.
  • Strict warnings must be given to drug addicts that they will not be given any health care if they get HIV infection. All the governments should agree to severely punish all the persons found to be dealing drugs.
  • The very root cause has to be eliminated. Thus, one of the main causes of AIDS can be controlled.

Sex Abuse

Another cause of HIV infection is Sex Abuse. It must be noted that sex is a fragile toy. If the child does not take care of it while playing with it, the toy will break and the child will cry to escape the punishment.

  • Society of gay people – homosexuals and heterosexuals behave like children playing with this fragile toy of sex.
  • These people should be strictly warned, that they should change their sexplay – stop oral sex and anal sex – so that HIV infection does not spread anymore.
  • Moreover, they should be given a warning that they will not get any health care. Society cannot pay for their sexual abuse. It is high time we investigated why one becomes homosexual. Wherever possible, preventive measures should be taken.
  • Secondly, all heterosexuals with HIV infection should be sterilized, so that they do not spread this disease to their children through their wives. These people should get the HIV Test done periodically and MUST have safe sex till they are declared negative.

Wives Of These Heterosexuals Must Be Given Rights To Get

  1. Immediate divorce and
  2. Proper compensation, if it is found that they got HIV from their husbands.

Any pregnant lady, suspecting HIV should get the HIV Test done and terminate pregnancy, if found to be positive. The couple suffering from HIV can adopt children – but should not be allowed to produce children with HIV.

Understanding AIDS

To understand this disease more easily, let us consider our body as a fort-a castle – with seven gates – which are the endocrine glands. Blood and saliva are the pipelines. Now, the HIV infection is an unknown enemy. It gets into the bloodstream damaging the supply line of nutrition and the central powerhouse (the brain).

  • By the time the enemy is known, the damage is too much, but not beyond cure. At this stage, under the popular treatment, the bombardment of antibiotics and heavy drugs is made inside the fort. Consequently, there are fires (ulcers in the stomach, mouth, etc.).
  • Even the pipelines are damaged and so the necessary supply of nutrition starts getting depleted. Consequently, the defense immune system of the body becomes weak. A vicious cycle starts.
  • The first gate to be damaged is the Thyroid or Parathyroid (depleting the supply of calcium), and the second one will be Sex-Gonads or glands, in the case of sex abuse (affecting phosphorus supply).
  • The third gate to be damaged will be the Lymph gland, as it is taxed from two fronts, on the one hand, it has to fight the toxin of HIV infection, on the other hand, it has to work more to remove excess dead cells dying daily.

Thus the immune system becomes weak. But as the vicious cycle continues with more and more bombardment of heavier, powerful antibiotic drugs that are administered it only damages more and more houses inside.

  • The fort – (more organs are damaged, setting in of more and more infectious diseases) slowly and steadily, the other gates become weak.
  • Even the people in the fort get annoyed with such bombardment and may stop their cooperation, i.e. internal immune system stops functioning.
  • It is a well-known fact of science that when the internal force is reduced to air from a tin box outside force (air) will crush it. In the same way, infectious diseases attack the body from all the gates.
  • The weakened defense force cannot fight on all gates. One by one, the gates are lost and eventually the battle is lost- as the vital pipelines are cut off.
  • Most people with Kaff temperament get infected with PCP and some people with Pitta temperament get infected with Kaposi’s sarcoma.
  • The best way to win this battle against HIV infection and prevent the development of AIDS is to empower the gates (activate the endocrine glands) and protect the pipelines (purify the blood).
  • Activate the defense immune system and proper lights to be arranged in all the dark corners (activate all the organs) of the fort, so that this enemy cannot hide. It has to run away.

Development Of AIDS From HIV Infection

Here such patients can be divided into two categories:

1. HIV Infection Due To Sex Abuse: In this case, the Thyroid or Parathyroid, Sex glands (Gonads), Adrenal gland Lymph glands, and liver are already damaged.

  • Moreover, these patients do not change their lifestyles so, when drugs are administered blindly, excess heat is created.
  • This leads to ulcers, and more damage to the liver, reducing its capacity to create more bile to control acidity and the bacteria and a vicious cycle develops in such a way that with every extra dose of more powerful drugs.
  • And antibiotics, more and more infectious diseases develop and within two years or less, the AIDS stage is reached.

2. Hiv Infection Is The Result Of Casual, Unsafe Sex Or Blood Transfusion In A Normally Healthy Person: Here it takes from three years to twelve years before the AIDS stage is reached.

  • Now let us see how AIDS develops. When one gets HIV infection, the immune system of the body puts up a spirited fight. The first gland to be affected is Thyroid or Parathyroid, which leads to the deficiency of calcium and iodine in the body.
  • As all the endocrine glands are interconnected, the next gland to be damaged is the Sex gland or Gonad, which controls the digestion of phosphorous in the body.
  • When these two glands do not function properly, the internal heat of the body is reduced, reducing the hunger which leads to the creation of excess water in the body-leading to frequent colds and sinus for which antibiotics or drugs are administered.
  • This consequently leads to the production of more H+ in the body. Consequently, the liver is damaged. This leads to Candidiasis. The mouth and esophagus are the most common sites in such HIV patients.
  • This leads to ulcers in the mouth and rectum leading to chronic mucocutaneous or disseminated herpes or complex virus infection.
  • Sometimes, the body tries to remove excess heat by creating loose motions which is considered chronic Cryptosporidiosis, an intestinal infection. As the body is not supplemented with proper nutrition, the vital supply of nutrition is damaged.
  • Later on, the Adrenal gland is damaged, and it damages proper oxygenation in the body. Together with this, sinus cold affects the lungs, and this leads to cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, causing more severe effects.

As The Lungs Are Damaged, Proper Supply Of Purified Blood To The Brain. Is Affected And Damages The Vital

  1. Pineal gland – which leads to Cryptococcosis, a fungal infection attacking the lungs, which may spread to the brain leading to Meningitis.
  2. Damage to the Pituitary leading to damage to the optic nerve – Toxoplasmosis, damaging eyesight. Meanwhile, the lifestyle is not changed, nor the endocrine glands (which create hormones – which work as antibiotics) are activated.

lymph gland has to overwork; it has to work to remove the daily dead cells and also to remove more and more white cells dying in the fight against HIV infection. As the Lymph gland is tired and functions less, more and more toxins gather in the body damaging the kidneys.

  • During this process, a period of three to twelve years, as the drugs or antibiotics are not effective, not only does the body not create resistance against them, but also it helps the infection to flourish.
  • Consequently, the tired endocrine glands stop functioning, and the whole immune system stops functioning. Thus, AIDS starts, and most of the patients -80% PCP owing to a gathering of more mucus in the lungs.
  • And the rest are infected by Kaposi’s sarcoma – the eruption of excess heat from the body. And even at this stage as no effective medicines are given, the rare infectious diseases become fatal.
  • It’s a fact that HIV/AIDS is not properly understood. Even though the vital endocrine glands play an important role in the immune defense system of our body, it is a pity that their functioning is not properly understood and so it has not been possible to control them.
  • Moreover, as this HIV infection affects the white cells in the blood, and therefore, necessary steps should be taken to detoxify and purify the blood, but unfortunately, this is not done.
  • And so, more and more unwise use of powerful drugs (steroids) and antibiotics, acts only to lead the HIV patient to become the victim of AIDS.

One Must Know That Heavy Dosages Of Antibiotics Or Other Drugs Have Not Been Effective So Far And It Is High Time That Alternative Medicines Were Tried.

  • Even the experts on AIDS have admitted that in some cases, the treatment of alternative medicines has been found effective.
  • There are several instances, around California where patients who after trying the popular allopathic treatment unsuccessfully, have tried alternative medicines, natural cures Chinese drugs, etc., and the positive HIV Test has become negative.
  • Surprisingly, Acupressure can play a great role in the early detection and then prevention of HIV infection developing into AIDS by curing it within eight to twelve weeks; and then CURING even 50 to 70% of patients of AIDS.


Acupressure can play an important role in the early detection of HIV infection. In blood cancer, the degeneration of the blood is a slow process and only after the other digestive organs and endocrine glands are damaged, the spleen the producer of blood is affected.

  • So there is pain on its left palm or sole, along with pain also.
  • Now, in the case of HIV infection, it affects the blood – so even when a person looks healthy, one would find pain – hurting on the point of the spleen and may be on the point of the lymph gland which has to overwork to fight out infection.
  • Thus, when there is a hurting – uneasy pain point of the spleen, and Thyroid or Parathyroid it can be an indication of HIV infection.
  • In cases where HIV has advanced, there will be pain even in the lymph gland. In case of doubt, check the family- husband-wife and all children below 20 years of age.
  • In the case of HIV patients with sexual abuse, there would be pain even on point of (Gonads). Sex glands and on point of Adrenal (showing excess heat in the body). In case, these patients have diabetes. the disease develops rapidly.

Diagnosis Cure:

  • Once HIV infection is located, the treatment must be started immediately. The whole body has to be treated and not the symptoms. One important thing the patient MUST follow is to stop the root causes by which one gets HIV infection.
  • For example, when a plane is ready for take-off, all other systems are closed, till it is airborne, in the same way, one must stop all the activities that would burden the organs, especially the digestive organs and endocrine glands.

Treatment Will Be As Follows:

  1. Stop taking all cooked foods, as well as milk, tea, coffee, and tobacco, thus preventing toxins from coming into the body. Also stop taking salt, meat, fats, and liquor.
  2. To empower the life battery and functioning of all organs of the body, drink four glasses of gold silver copper, or iron-charged water, reduced from 16 glasses of water. (Method to prepare such water is given.
  3. This water works as an antibiotic – (without any side effects) and peps up all the organs.
  4. To detoxify the body, a change in the diet is utmost necessary.
    • Give two to three glasses of fresh fruit juice. (pineapple juice is found to be very effective.)
    • Give three to four cups of green juice – extract of leafy vegetables – sprouted Chinese green peas, etc. cereals, radish-carrots + ginger + Amla (concentrated Vitamin C). In one cup of such juice add 1 tablespoonful of pure honey.
    • The patient can eat as much green salad and as many fruits as he desires.
    • Give daily enema of lukewarm water adding to it 2 teaspoonfuls of coffee powder and castor oil for 15/20 days. This will purify the anus and the large intestines.
    • Give an extract of

21 leaves of bitter neem tree with stem.
21 leaves with the stem of holy basil (Tulsi).
21 leaves of Bilipatra (Eagle Mar)
daily with honey, first thing in the morning.

This has been found very effective in purifying the blood. Where fresh leaves are not available, one can take five drops of extract (tincture) of these three types of leaves (a Homoeopathic medicine) twice a day.

  • Stimulating all the organs and endocrine glands by giving 5+5 minutes pressure on points of both the palms and then one to two minutes pressure on all the points which are painful and on all the points of all the endocrine glands thrice a day.
  • In the case of female patients, vaginal douche has to be given twice for the first 15 days and then once a day.
  • Abstinence from sex for 60 days.
  • The body can be supplemented with biochemical salts of (mixture of) pills or powder

Cal. Phos – 30 x (1 oz)
Kali Phos – 30 x (1 oz)
Kali Mur – 30 x (1 oz)
Ferrum Phos – 30 x (1 oz)
Kali Iodide – 30 x (1 oz)

(If Kali Iodide is not available in powder or pill form, add its tincture in another pill or powder. Give two grains of powder or six pills – thrice daily). No eatables for 15 minutes before and after taking this medicine.

  • In the case of patients who have already developed AIDS, treatment to remove excess heat as mentioned below is to be given:
  • First treatment for 15 days should be given then the treatment should be stopped for 10 days and then again the treatment be given for 15 days.
  • This will control fever, if any. In the case of fever, give as much warm water to drink and for treatment for fever. Deep breathing – Pranayam, with Linga Mudra and Pran Mudra for PCP.
  • Sheetli and Varuna Mudra for patients of Kaposi’s sarcoma. The blue light on the whole body + urine therapy should also be tried for quicker results.
  • Thus, within eight to twelve weeks, the HIV infection will come under control and the ELISA TEST will become negative. Thus HIV can be prevented from turning into AIDS. Moreover, the same treatment could be more effective, even, for patients with AIDS.

Treatment For Aids

Now AIDS patients have two main diseases: PCP and Kaposi’s sarcoma.


The above treatment is very effective.

  1. To remove Eosinophilia from the blood, they should take the following for 15 to 20 days.
  2. After sunrise, take half a teaspoon of half-ground Bishop seeds, soak them in lemon drops for at least two hours, and eat the same before sunset.
  3. Lie down on the back. Ask someone to pour one or two tablespoonfuls of honey in the mouth in such a way that it goes directly into the throat.
  4. They should first take red or orange light for two to four minutes on the chest – both lungs and back. Then blue light should be given for five to ten minutes twice a day. Stop taking light, when heat is felt.
  5. They should do Sun Mudra, and Linga (Shiv) Mudra. and the Pran Mudra.
  6. Do the following twice a day when under an attack of breathlessness:

Press hard on the back, of the points shown for ten seconds and pause. Repeat for a few minutes.

HIV Or AIDS Press Hard On Back On The Points

At the same time, ask the patient to rub from the middle of the chest to the sides for two to five minutes. Also, give treatment for one minute on the point shown below the neck.

HIV Or AIDS To Rub From The Middle Of The Chest To The Sides For Two To Five Minutes

  • This pressing and rubbing on the chest is also very useful and effective at the time of attack of asthma. It may be noted that during this treatment, cold will increase. That is a positive sign of recovery.
  • In that case, drink hot or lukewarm water, reduce food, or take more fruits or green juices enabling the body to throw out the excess water and toxins from the system.


Press on the points on the back and rub on the chest. Also, do Sun Pranayam.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma:

1. Remove heat as mentioned below:

  • To remove the excess heat from the body:
  • Take one teaspoonful of Haritki Churna (Harde Powder Powder of Terminalia Chebula Retz) + 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar first thing in the morning for eight to ten days continuously, then twice a week. This will also keep the bowels clean.
  • Take the powder of 15 black pepper (fat) + 2 teaspoonfuls of crystal sugar. Soak them in 1 glass of water overnight. Blend it and drink it all first thing in the morning for 15 days.
  • After 15 days, add 5 almonds in blending and drink for a further 10 days. This is very useful even for jaundice, psoriasis, sunstroke, etc.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma After 25 Days:

  • Take five black peppers + 10/12 black raisins + 1 teaspoonful of Saunf. Soak them in one glass of water in the evening. The next day, blend them and drink them in the afternoon. It’s a useful drink in summer.
  • Take an equal quantity of cumin seed powder, black pepper, amla powder, crystal sugar, and ginger powder. Grind them together and keep them in a bottle. Take one teaspoonful of this powder with water in the morning and evening.

2. Apply green juice and pulp of vegetables on the skin and give blue light on the same for five to ten minutes twice a day.

  • During this treatment drugs are to be stopped gradually for four to six days, and four pills of Thuja 200 – (a Homoeopathic medicine) are to be taken once a day for three days. This will counter the side effects of the drugs taken previously.
  • It may be noted that this treatment is harmless (no side effects), does not cost much, and could be easily taken by the patient or can be given to the patient by his or her relatives at home.
  • I have heard of wonderful results in all types of cancer or HIV and have found that this treatment is effective in at least 60 to 75% patients of with AIDS.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma Prevention:

The first cause of HIV infection, i.e. through blood can be prevented by medical people. And patients with drug addiction can be given treatment and warning. Thus, this cause can be also eliminated.

Another Cause Is Sex Abuse:

It may be possible to treat homosexuals and heterosexuals as patients. And if proper treatment is given to them, they may become normal.

Another Cause Is Sex Abuse Safe Sex:

When a male is aroused by sexual desire, he is not able to use his discretion to use condoms and have safe sex. The following treatment will enable the person to have self-control and safe sex.

Another Cause is Sex Abuse Control:

  • Take a rubber ball of about 2″ in diameter – like a tennis ball. Place it under the seat between the anus and testicles when loose clothes are worn. Sit on the ball for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
  • This method can be tried by women and is very effective in leucorrhoea.

HIV Or AIDS Leucorrhaea

How To Increase Spermatozoa In The Semen?

  1. Abstain from sex.
  2. Keep control as mentioned above.
  3. Drink two glasses of gold or silver or copper or iron-charged water reduced from four glasses.
  4. After 15 days of the above treatment, take one dry fig and one dry date. Cut them into small pieces and soak them in one cup of water. Next day morning, drink this water, chew the small pieces of fig, and date.

And drink one cup of hot milk with one teaspoonful of crystal sugar and one cardamom. Within three to six months, the sperm will increase to a normal level.

  • The above treatment can also be taken by childless couples. After four to six months of treatment and in more than 75% of cases, they will be blessed with a child.
  • If the growing youths are taught the treatment of acupressure from the age of ten to twelve, they will be able to control themselves and refrain from sex and drug delinquency. Moreover, they can be taught the above method of self-control.
  • It is high time to pause and think. Sex is a great pleasure, but care should be taken in its indulgence. In nature, it comes naturally. Animals have self-sex control.
  • In our world, on one hand, sex is exploited and then a complaint is made of sexual abuse. In the case of diabetes, self-control is advised. Excessive use of sugar or sweets for diabetic patients is dangerous. Then, why not there be self-restraint for sex?
  • It may be noted that popular medical treatment has failed to prevent the causes of diabetes, cancer, and AIDS. Let’s go back to Mother Nature and try natural therapies.
  • The results will be wonderful and there will be health and happiness in the world. If mankind desires to survive the dreaded diseases, one must go back to nature and accept its health sciences.

Man must realize, reconsider the whole aspect, and make amends to his wife and children who have been forcibly made victims of HIV infection and AIDS.

  • It should be accepted that sex abuse is a disease like drug addiction and proper treatment for the same must be started at once on a war footing.
  • It may be noted that in underdeveloped countries, sex is one of the major attractions for pleasure. Sex is being provoked more and more through cinema, magazines, and TV.
  • It is possible that if all the people are medically examined, it may be found that HIV has reached alarming levels. And if proper steps are not taken at the earliest, it will spread like wildfire and can become a great danger to life on the earth.

I, Therefore, Suggest The Following:

  1. A team of young volunteers from student universities + trained nurses + dedicated social workers + retired professors and teachers are to be created and trained in Acupressure.
  2. Such training can be completed in 12/16 hours by reading my book “Health in Your Hands” at least twice and making note of what they have not understood. Such training camps can be arranged at a few important centers in each country.
  3. After training in Acupressure is completed, free health camps should be arranged in the maximum number of centers and it must be made compulsory for all the families to come forward for a check-up.
  4. They will be checked up thoroughly and proper guidance about the treatment will be given to them for not only HIV but also for all types of diseases.
  5. A small booklet about HIV should be prepared in local languages and given to each family.
  6. All the females engaged in commercial sex should be checked up and proper treatment should be suggested. They should be taught how to use vaginal douche every day.
  7. All the females found to have such infection should be given treatment and shown the use of vaginal douche.
  8. All the youths should be made aware of the dangers of free sex and its adverse consequences. They should be taught to control their sexual desire which is possible. After the age of 21 condoms should be made freely available.

The Volunteers Should Visit Each Family In Pairs Examine All The Members And Teach Them How To Take Acupressure Treatment At Home.

  1. In this work, the help of local nurses should be taken. They will be able to show and teach the use of vaginal douche to women.
  2. The affected patients should be convinced and persuaded to come to the health centers every 15 days. At these health centers, provisions should be made to supply charged water.
  3. All positive patients of HIV must be strictly warned about the grave consequences and be given thorough treatment for two/three months till their infection is cured.
  4. The affected children should be given treatment for three months. The state should provide them with fresh fruits and black raisins which are a must to combat their Thalassemia.
  5. Retired professors and teachers should be included in the training camp and later on they should be given the charge of health centers where training can be imparted.
  6. Thus, if such action is taken on a war footing, not only HIV but even cancer, cataracts, asthma, diabetes, and other diseases will be cured and controlled. In short, within only 24/45 months, health can be guaranteed to all.

The cost involved is very negligible. Benevolent organizations and social organizations like Rotary, Lions, and Giants International clubs can assist. Even the health department of all the Governments can contribute.

  1. On my part, I am willing to train 300 to 1000 volunteers at each centre, to supervise such health camps and give them expert guidance whenever necessary, free of charge.
  2. In this prestigious project, the local newspapers and magazines can play an important role. Wherever possible, the use of the powerful medium of TV, seminars, and demonstrations should be made. Video cassettes can be prepared for the laymen.

How To Prevent Disaster After Marriage

The physical aspect of a marriage is

  1. Satisfaction in sex
  2. To have healthy children.

Now certificates about physical fitness and that the boy or girl has NO HIV are not possible. After marriage, one comes to know about any deficiency and as regards HIV, one comes to know of it after they have children and these children are having problems.

  • Only then if the couple goes to an Acupressurist, will he or she be able to find out about HIV while going through the root cause. Meanwhile, the couple may have more than one child.
  • Even when they come to know about the deficiency of semen or come to know about HIV, it is very difficult to abstain from sex, which is very necessary for the cure of these problems.
  • I have been very much perturbed to observe that every week, I come across more than 100 cases of problems in children and women; where these problems are related to V. D., deficiency in semen, and HIV.
  • It is a pity that society has not paid attention to this growing problem. Even I have found HIV among college-going boys and girls. Acupressure can prevent such problems.
  • One must know about this Health Science, at least those youths who would be going for marriage. First, they should use this therapy and cure their health problem if any.

Before Engagement And Marriage, One Should Take The Following Precautions:

  • Now if the half-moons are not visible in any of the fingers except the thumb or the first finger called the index finger, OR these white moons are not milky white but look dull like water in the nails of the boy.
  • Then it denotes that he may have some sex deficiency due to masturbation. In the case white spots are coming out of these white moons, it indicates that still masturbation is continued.
  • Now if the same thing is observed in the girl, it denotes that she may have the problem of white discharge, known as Leucorrhoea.
  • She may have problems in conceiving or the children to be born would be weak and she may not be able to satisfy her husband and be able to accept the extra liability of the marriage.

Pain On The Spleen

The left palm. one would find pain on this point if:

  1. One has Malaria for more than 20 days. There I will get a doctor’s certificate and this fact would be known to neighbors and could be easily verified.
  2. If one has Cancer in the blood – which is obvious and therefore, one should not consider this proposal.
  3. One may have Thalassemia – Here medical certificate is available. This disease is curable and so if otherwise desirable, treatment for the same should be taken before marriage and proper care should be taken before planning for a child and also during pregnancy.
  4. Otherwise, it could be due to HIV infection. It is not detected in ordinary blood Tests or even in ELISA Tests. Only in the Western Block Test, it can be detected. A cure for this dreaded problem has been given before.

Engagement or marriage can be entered into only after one is satisfied that this disease is cured. So, do not hurry for engagement or marriage.

  • In case the engagement is already entered into, and otherwise, marriage should be postponed for a year and proper treatment should be started at once.
  • Moreover, nowadays, many youths who have gone abroad for studies and settled there, come back to their home country with a desire to get a bride.
  • As there is sexual freedom and easy life in these foreign countries, these youths may have acquired HIV. Please take proper care in such cases.
  • This HIV is a silent killer. After marriage, the other partner is likely to acquire HIV in the first intercourse and then the children born thereafter will be having HIV.
  • During the last three years, I have come across hundreds of such cases, where just after a year or two, the wife came to her parents with a child and both are found to be infected with HIV.
  • Of course, such a woman can get a divorce. But even though she may be cured of her HIV, she would find it extremely difficult to get a husband; as society knows that she had HIV. And what about the innocent child?
  • It is high time, the medical world, the social workers, and the Governments of all the countries of the world paid proper attention to this grave problem, which is getting bigger and bigger every day.
  • If we desire that our future generation should be HEALTHY and HAPPY, we must take immediate remedial steps on a war footing against HIV or AIDS.

Discuss With Your Friends About Health

Find Your Friends

Last, but not least, we have to change our thinking. We have got to believe that these diseases are not our enemies. You will observe that our body creates a Common cold to remove excess heat from the body.

  • If such excess heat is not removed but suppressed inside, we become lifelong patients of cold sinus, then Allergy, and then Asthma. Thus, the Common cold is our friend.
  • In the same way, no serious diseases appear overnight in the body. As we ignore mild, friendly complaints or advice about minor problems, it develops into a major problem, for example. Cancer is the last friendly notice from our body- Nature.
  • Moreover, if such diseases, which are our friends, do not warn us to take immediate and necessary steps to remove such toxins or correct malfunctioning of any endocrine glands.
  • Then such toxins accumulate and the bad effects of malfunctioning of endocrine glands increase which results in irreparable damage to the Heart. And this may cause premature death.
  • For example, swelling on the liver and gall bladder denotes that there is excess heat in the body. When it is neglected the body sends another powerful friend Jaundice.
  • Many times this is not understood, and based on Sonography, crystals of dried bile – look like stones called gallstones are formed in the gall bladder and the gall bladder is removed.

Discuss With Your Friends About Health

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

Consequently, The Patient Has A Lifelong Problem Of Acidity And Indigestion. Very Recently, A Case Came To Me. Based On Sonography, The Gall Bladder Was Removed.

  • But as the flow of bile would not stop, Endoscopy was done. However, that created an infection of the Pancreas. The condition of the patient became critical and he had to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital.
  • As the Doctors were not confident of the survival of the patient, they agreed to allow Acupressure treatment as suggested by me. Within 10 days of the treatment, the patient was cured.
  • Thus it is observed that these diseases are our Friends and this book shows you an easy way to ‘Find out and know your Friends’.
  • Once you know your friends, i.e. the diseases and their root cause, then the cure is very simple and easy and has to be done by you or your relatives.

P.S.: Readers, before phoning or E-mailing for consultation, please press two palms on the front and back side to Find out which points are hurting when pressed. And inform these points to the author or any Acupressurist.

Health In Your Hands

Health In Your Hands

Process Of Proper Diagnosis In Human Beings

Importance Of Proper Diagnosis

In an advanced country like the U.S.A., where people are aware of the side effects of drugs, the average medical cost in 1992 was about $1300 per man, woman, and child. The cost of medical services was over 10% of the Gross National Product (Income).

  • In their best-seller book, “Take Care Of Yourself’, Donald M. Vickery, M.D., and James F. Fries, M.D. said, “Among the billions of different medical services used each year, some are life-saving, some result in great medical improvement and some give great comfort.
  • But some are unnecessary and harmful. You can even suffer physical harm if you receive a drug that you don’t need or a test that you don’t require.”
  • “Drugs have many beneficial effects and so they are consumed. However, from time to time, it can have undesirable effects – called the side effects or adverse reactions.” Some of them are simply annoyances, and some are more serious, though not dangerous.
  • Finally, some are dangerous leading to severe diarrheic, erratic heartbeats and palpitations, throbbing headaches, kidney problems, etc. “Such adverse reactions are serious and capable of causing death and so outweigh the benefits of drugs.”

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

“There are two types of side effects – those that are obvious to the patient and others that can be detected only through laboratory tests.” “There are about 40 drugs which may cause diarrheic.

  • About more than 20 drugs which may cause fluid retention. About 40 drugs may damage the nervous system. And more than 20 drugs that may cause blood diseases.
  • All these drugs are commonly and immensely consumed.” These quotations are taken from “Family Medical Guide” by the editors of Consumer Guide (having a sale of over 30 million copies in the U.S.A.) – Ila J. Chanson M.D., Jeffery W. Ellis, M.D., and Zachary S. Fenman, M.D. “The patients may take the drug improperly or at the wrong time or too frequently.
  • They may continue drinking alcohol or taking other drugs perhaps not realizing that such things as pills for colds, oral contraceptives, and vitamins could affect the action of the prescribed drug.
  • The result may be that the patients do not get better; perhaps they may suffer a dangerous overdose.” Editors of Consumer Guide for Prescription Drugs – 1991 edition. “People over the age of 50, constitute about a quarter of the general population, consume more than half of the prescription drugs, and most adverse drug reactions and interactions take place in older people.
  • Drugs work by causing subtle changes in the body’s chemistry. However, the effects of drugs are not always localized and this is one of the reasons that drugs have side effects.”
  • “With increasing age, there is small blood flow to the liver. (The amount of blood your heart can pump in a minute’s time decreases by 1% per year.) In addition, the liver gets smaller with age.
  • As a result, your liver becomes less efficient in metabolizing some drugs. The kidneys also become less efficient with age. Drugs that are not inactivated by the liver usually depend upon kidneys for termination of their effect.”
  • The list of possible adverse side effects attributed to each drug is almost always long. Many adverse drug reactions are the result of drug interaction. The more drugs you take, the more likely, there will be interaction in some way.

“Diseases can modify your response to Drugs,” quotes Brian S. Catcher, Pharma D in his book, ‘Prescription Drugs’.

  • In the API Textbook of Medicines, where the chief editor is Dr. Shantilal J. Shah, M.D., it is mentioned by Dr. Ashok B. Vaidya, M.D., in his article, “Drug Interactions in Clinical Practices” about the side effects and interactions which are not known.
  • Thus, even assuming that the diagnosis was correct and proper drugs were taken at the proper time, the serious side effects of prescription drugs have been admitted by doctors in the U.S.A. and India.
  • As such one can imagine the dangers of side effects if the diagnosis, in the first place, is not correct or if proper medication is not given to counter the reaction of the drug.
  • In a country like India, (it may be the same or worse; in other developing countries) drugs to remove worms from the intestines of children are freely given. Such drugs are advertised and available without prescription.
  • Parents are not aware of the fact that these drugs could adversely affect the liver so further medication to improve the function of the liver and changes in diet are necessary.
  • Moreover, the doctors also do not warn the parents about such drugs. Consequently, nothing is done to activate the liver or have necessary changes made in the child’s diet. So gradually, the digestive system of the child gets damaged and he becomes a long-term patient.
  • Often fast fast-acting pain relievers are taken without restraint, which later on damages the heart and could develop into Rheumatoid Arthritis. In the same way, heavy dosages of antibiotics should be given only after urine culture and finding out which drug is more effective and least harmful.

However, in most cases, such antibiotics are administered without doing a urine culture. While doing so, there is a great possibility of severe side effects, if the drug does not suit the patient.

  • In advanced countries, several books are available, wherein detailed information about the side effects of different drugs is given and people are conscious.
  • Moreover, given the legal action which a patient can take, the doctors there, take precautions while prescribing such drugs. Even then there are side effects. In most cases, such side effects and adverse reactions to such drugs are slow, but go on accumulating in the body. Only when it is concentrated in excess and upsets the patient with some other disease, then its side effects be found.
  • Furthermore, in advanced countries, there is a strict drug control policy that, prevents the production of drugs of sub-standard quality. Despite this, there are still cases, where drugs have caused severe side effects.
  • Sometimes, these side effects are found after a generation, and such drugs are banned and the manufacturers are forced to withdraw such drugs from circulation.
  • In the meanwhile, thousands of patients and their children are adversely affected, e.g. Thalidomide, a drug formerly used as a sedative, was withdrawn from use in 1961, as it was found to cause fetal abnormalities involving limb malformation when taken by pregnant women.
  • Such things will happen even in the future because, in this fast-moving world, scientists do not have sufficient time to test the drugs on human bodies for a longer period.
  • At this juncture, credit should be given to Ayurveda, in which a deep study about the interaction and side effects of not only drugs but also eatables was made throughout two generations by a group of research medical practitioners. And that is why Ayurveda is becoming popular in Western countries.
  • If this sorry state of affairs persists in advanced countries, one shudders to think about the extent and gravity of side effects in other developing countries, where there are no laws to protect patients, and as such the medical practitioners take less precaution.
  • Moreover, there is little or no proper drug control. Often the medical practitioners do not have enough time to go through the patient’s medical history and so to the root cause, and treatment is given based on symptoms narrated by the patients.

Such a grave condition worsens when the proper diagnosis is not made. The patient is in a hurry to get rid of whatever symptoms he is suffering from and the medical practitioner does not have time to discuss the effects of the drugs he is prescribing.

  • Moreover, many patients do not have enough time and money to undertake several tests if necessary, and they do not ask the doctor to give slow-acting drugthatch have the least side effects.
  • Now, one can imagine the dangers of severe serious side effects if the diagnosis itself is not correct, and heavy dosages of high-power drugs are given to the patient. The side effects are of such a grave nature that they sometimes impair the whole life of the patient and sometimes they prove fatal.
  • Recently, two cases came to me of about five-year-old boys. In both cases, it was informed that these boys had high fever after taking triple injections and the fever was brought down by heavy dosages of antibiotics.
  • In the case of one boy, the speech was so damaged that he could not even stammer to be understood. The damage was found to be in the brain. This happened because of excess heat created by the drugs. Parents gave him treatment as prescribed by me in their home and to their great surprise the boy got his speech to normal within a month.
  • In the case of another boy, the movement of his legs was impaired. On examination, his Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Thyroid – Parathyroid glands were found to be damaged along with point nos. 1-2-5 of the brain.
  • On further inquiry, the parents informed that since 18 months, the boy had difficulty in walking. It was a case of Muscular Dystrophy. Treatment was given accordingly and within 90 days there was remarkable improvement.
  • Thousands of such cases can be mentioned about the side effects of drugs under the popular therapy of Allopathy. Let us look at the way of diagnoses in various other therapies that are practiced in India.
  • In Allopathy, several tests, many of them quite costly, are required to come to the exact diagnosis. Even then many a time, the problems created by the malfunctioning of endocrine glands are not located.

Process Of Proper Diagnosis In Human Beings Medical Diagnosis

A few months back, two eminent, qualified doctors from the U.S.A. came to our center. They were allowed to sit by me and watch how the diagnosis was done. After an hour, they admitted that it was amazing to come to such a correct diagnosis within two minutes.

  • They mentioned that to come to such a diagnosis in the U.S.A., they would require several tests over a minimum period of seven days and people who were not covered under the Health Insurance would not be able to afford such tests and consultations.
  • Where Homoeopathy is concerned, long sittings between the patient and the Homoeopathic consultant are necessary for the latter to understand the tendency of the patient and to find out the root cause of the disease.
  • Sometimes, the symptoms are so similar that the homeopath is not able to find out the proper root cause and has to refer to the “trial and elimination” method. This takes a long time.
  • In the case of Ayurveda, India’s ancient health science, nowadays, there are very few practitioners available who are capable of finding out the root cause just by examining certain pulses situated at the base of palms. Such examination is called Nadi Parish.
  • In the case of Nature Cure, a useful health science, it is practiced on the Western concept that all people are alike and so the same treatment is prescribed for all types of patients without going deep into the root cause.
  • Sometimes, therefore, such treatment is not suitable. According to Ayurveda, all people are divided into three categories of VAT-PITT-KAPHA’ PRAKRUTI and require different treatments according to the type to which the patient belongs.
  • Moreover, they do not correct the Solar Plexus, so such treatment of Nature Cure may suit one type of people, but may not suit other types. The worst is that most clinical tests are lengthy, costly, and sometimes not necessary.
  • And despite undergoing numerous tests, the root cause has not been found. For example, in most cases of cold and Asthma, the root cause is ‘Cold due to heat’. However, treatment is given to increase the heat in the body and suppress the cold.

But such cold is not cleared from the system, of course, it is temporarily suppressed, but as soon as the body becomes powerful, it again tries to throw out the suppressed cold. This cold then becomes chronic and ultimately develops into Allergy and Asthma, and becomes the root cause of Arthritis and Rheumatism.

  • Further, it has been admitted by Western experts that very little is known about the complex workings of the endocrine glands and it has been difficult for most of the therapies to diagnose problems connected with the malfunctioning of these endocrine glands, for example. migraine.
  • During the last twenty years, I have observed that the root cause is the malfunctioning of one or more endocrine glands, e.g. when Thyroid/Parathyroid glands are overworking, calcium in our food is turned into solids, i.e. calcified and called ‘stones’ and despite operations to remove the stones, new stones go on forming till these glands are corrected.
  • In cases of retention of water, which is considered to be a kidney failure, and the patient is kept on dialysis; the root cause is found to be malfunctioning of the Pineal gland.
  • In some cases of heart problems, the root cause is malfunctioning of the Thyroid/Parathyroid gland. In psychological cases, it is observed that these problems are due to the malfunctioning of one or more endocrine glands. Therefore, in this book Chapter 2 is devoted to these endocrine glands.
  • Proper diagnosis has great importance when treating young children, who cannot speak or explain their problems. Child specialists have admitted that in many such cases, they take ‘a shot in the dark’.
  • Because these children require immediate treatment and cannot be exposed to certain tests like X-rays, instant and proper diagnosis is most vital and can be made with Acupressure. And so this ‘Do It Yourself therapy is a MUST in every home, children’s clinic, and hospital.
  • Today, society and nations of the world are more worried about increasing cases of Retardation, Thalassemia, Deafness, Dumbness, and even Blindness and Muscular Dias trophy among children. One of the root causes is the damage to the sex glands of the parents.
  • Now HIV is spreading like wildfire and innocent wives and children are the victims. All these problems can be PREVENTED. During my studies about HIV/AIDS in the U.S.A. in 1994, I was surprised to learn the HIV gets directly into the blood and damages the spleen.

Generally, HIV infection is not suspected even for 10 to 15 years. However, the affected patient can transmit this disease to his/her life partner and children born after such infection. And so in the free and easy society of Western countries and Africa, it is spreading in a big way.

  • In countries like India and other developing countries, where little care is taken about the hygiene of women engaged in sex business, the problem of HIV is spreading like wildfire.
  • During my health camps in various parts of India, I was surprised to observe the high number of HIV cases. In case of doubt, I have made it a point to call the husband, his wife, and all the children below the age of 15 years and I am shocked to find HIV in most of such cases.
  • Such detection is made even in the elementary stage of HIV, while in advanced stages of HIV and AIDS, the detection is very simple and instant.
  • It is now high time when not only W.H.O. and all those engaged in the noble profession of medical service but also all the health-conscious people of the World should put Acupressure to a drastic Test and only when satisfied with the results should accept it.
  • Acupressure is the health science of Nature and the only therapy capable of prevention, instant proper diagnosis, and cure of most of the diseases without cost and side effects.
  • If mankind desires to lead a healthy life free from dreaded diseases like Cancer, Heart problems, Muscular Dystrophy, Brain problems, and HIV/AIDS, it will have to terminate its prejudices and vested interests and unite to give Health to all by the year 2005, so that man can be more happy and healthy in the 21st century and thereafter.
  • Before we refer to Diagnosis, it is important and necessary to know our body. The more we try to understand its organs, its endocrine glands, and the complex system of their functioning, the more we will realize how our body is the most wonderful and compact creation of nature.

List Of Eye Diseases With Pictures


  • Cataracts are a prevalent occurrence in the lives of all individuals. Additionally, cataracts are susceptible to individuals aged 55 years or older due to the ageing process. In the past, the life expectancy of underdeveloped countries such as India was less than 50 years.
  • However, this has increased, which means that the prevalence of cataracts is increasing. The eyes become opaque when a cataract develops, and blindness results unless the cataract is removed.
  • The information provided below demonstrates how a seemingly insignificant issue has evolved into a dreaded issue.Dr. Allen Jones, Director of the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind (U.K.), has provided information.
  • At present, there are approximately 4.9 million impaired individuals in India, and an additional 1.3 million are added each year, according to his address in Mumbai on 24-4-84.
  • Approximately 250,000 of the 1.3 million blind individuals are blind either by birth or as a result of an infection at the time of delivery. Cataracts are the sole cause of blindness for approximately one million individuals.
  • Additionally, approximately 1,000,000 individuals develop blindness as a result of accidents or ocular diseases. “In this manner, the number of blind individuals in India will exceed 10 million within the next four to five years.”I am alarmed. The population has grown, and it is now anticipated that approximately 2.5 million individuals in India will develop cataracts. Even when cataracts are surgically removed from 50% of individuals, approximately 1.25 million individuals develop blindness as a result of cataracts.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

It is not true that this problem of cataracts exists only in India or similar underdeveloped countries. Even in rich countries like the U.S.A., there are about 20% to 25% of people.

  • Those who get cataracts because they are not insured and so cannot afford such an operation to remove cataracts, they become blind. Thus, it is quite possible that every year, about 9 to 10 million people get cataracts out of whom about 2.5 million people become blind.
  • However, this dreaded problem of cataracts can be tackled. If one eye specialist does five such operations daily to remove cataracts, he can do about 1,500 operations in a year (300 days).
  • And to operate on 9 to 10 million cataract patients, it would require about 6,500 eye specialists. The total number of eye specialists in the world is over 15,000.
  • Unfortunately, most of them live in big cities so the villagers have few chances of being cured of their cataracts. If we can harness the services of all the eye specialists and if they do only 20 operations of cataracts per day in a year.
  • Over 10 million operations for cataracts can be performed and just within 4 to 5 years, all the cataract patients can be cured and not a single person will become blind due to cataracts.
  • Additionally, if the drive for eye donations is given priority, eye specialists can even perform more and more eye transplantations, and thus blindness can be reduced.

Donation Of Eyes:

  • It is imperative that social workers and religious preachers worldwide make a concerted effort to encourage individuals to donate their eyeballs after their passing.  The corpse is either cremated or buried following the death of an individual.
  • The valuable eyes are obliterated, regardless of the custom. The deceased individual is not assisted by these pupils.
    Subsequently, why not donate valuable eyes and derive the gratification of providing eyesight to two blind individuals? A donation of this magnitude is more valuable than a million rupees.
  • Prejudices are, in fact, enduring. The educated individuals should, however, reevaluate their position. I urge all progressive individuals worldwide to donate their eyes after their passing and encourage others to emulate their noble example.

Eradication Of Cataracts:

  • Such a major problem can be tackled if only we can prevent cataracts. The American Association of Eye Specialists has admitted that “approximately two-thirds of blindness from cataract is of the over 55 years type, for which no cause has been proved.
  • This has been labeled the senile type – a term that unfortunately implies helplessness. More and more people are living long enough to have “senile” cataracts.
  • Despite a great deal of experimental work, the basic causes of senile cataracts in humans are still not clearly understood”. According to the Eye Association of the most advanced nation prevention of cataracts is not possible.
  • However, nature’s health science of Acupressure is capable of tackling the problem of cataracts and blindness.


Now to understand cataracts, we must know about our eyes. The great role played by Arjun in Mahabharat is played by our eyes in our lives. Arjun, a great Archer, had a bow called “Gandiv”. Nature has provided all of us with this type of bow.

Cataract Eyes

If perspiration goes into the eyes, it can irritate the eyes. So to prevent such perspiration from the forehead from entering the eyes, nature has grown brows over the eyes. Please study carefully the following figure of the eye.

Cataract Perspiration From The Forehead From Entering The Eyes, Nature Has Grown Brows Over The Eyes

Cataract Working Of Our Eyes

Cataract The Muscles Of The Eyes Expand Or Contract To Allow Proper Light Inside

The working of our eyes is not like an ordinary camera but more like the most sophisticated electronic automatic camera. To adjust the focus, the pupils of the eyes open up.

  • Accordingly, the muscles of the eyes expand or contract to allow proper light inside. Colors are identified and the proper picture develops in our mind. All these processes are automatic.
  • Now, in all electronic cameras, there is a battery so that all the working of the camera becomes automatic. the battery becomes weak, the recharging of the flashlight becomes slower, and when the battery becomes very weak.
  • All the functions stop and so we have to replace the battery. Now, such a battery is created in our body at the time. of conception.
  • The electricity created by this battery gives power to all the organs and also to the eyes so that they work automatically.
  • Now, if for any reason, the flow of electricity to the eyes is disturbed, the functioning of the eye will also slow down. Further, in our brain, the cerebrospinal fluid is extracted from the blood.

This cerebrospinal fluid rotates in most vital organs through the central nervous system. Such nutrition is supplied to the eyes through the optic nerves.

  • Now if for any reason excess heat is created in our body, it can shrink the optic nerve and so there will be less flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the eyes. Consequently, there can be damage to the eyes.
  • Moreover, the function of this optic nerve is controlled by our most important endocrine gland – the Pituitary gland.
  • Now, in case of malfunctioning of this Pituitary gland, there will be damage to the optic nerve through which the transparent liquid in the eyes gets nutrition.
  • Due to the use of eyes, carbon-toxin is created in them and this carbon is cleared from our eyes by the lymph gland.
  • Now, when this lymph gland has to overwork to remove the toxins, that are created in our body due to other serious diseases, its function slows down. Similarly, even the process of removing the carbon from the eyes also slows down.

Root Causes Of Cataract

Thus, The Root Causes Of Cataract Are:

  1. Lesser supply of electricity to the eyes.
  2. Damage in the optic nerve, or to the Pituitary gland, when the eyes do not get enough nutrition and
  3. Slower function of the lymph gland, the removal of the toxins – carbons from the eyes becoming lesser and lesser.
  4. When Diabetes continues for a long time, there is a deficiency of glucose in the cerebrospinal fluid so the eyes do not get enough glucose to work efficiently and throw out the carbon.

So, when there is an increase of carbon in the transparent liquid of the eyes, the vision is reduced, i.e. becomes hazy. This is the beginning of a cataract.

  • Now, because of the internal pressure, the carbon starts gathering around the lens of the eyes – diminishing its transparency.
  • Later on, when more carbon is pressed – gathered behind the lenses, the transparency is blocked – and the lenses become opaque. An operation of the cataract is performed and a brownish jelly-like substance – carbon is removed.

Cataract How To Cataract Is Formed

Cataract Cataract In The Eye

Cataract Jelly Like Cataract After Removal

  1. If our Pituitary gland can be controlled to function properly and
  2. If the eyes get proper nutrition through the optic nerve and if diabetes is cured or controlled.
  3. If the lymph gland is made to function normally, all the carbon from the eyes is properly removed and
  4. The eyes get a proper flow of electricity.

Then There Will Not Be Any Formation Of Cataracts. It Is Possible To Remove The Root Causes Of Cataracts In The Following Manner:

Prevention Of Cataracts:

1. To Empower The Battery Of The Body:

So the eyes get a proper supply of electricity: If one glass of charged water (gold or silver or copper or iron charged) is prepared from 2 glasses of water and drunk daily, the inner battery of the body is empowered.

  • This charged water is the best tonic. If a pregnant woman drinks such water throughout pregnancy, the possibility of the child becoming blind becomes very remote.
  • Moreover, if the fetus develops properly – physically and mentally; the possibility of the child becoming retarded, getting polio, deafness, muscular dystrophy, and even hereditary diseases is greatly reduced.
  • Thus after the age of 50, drinking such water is advised. That will keep the battery powerful and eyes will get enough supply of electricity.
  • Moreover, all the organs of the body will also be reactivated and with the daily treatment of Acupressure, even the aging process can be slowed to a great extent.

2. You will observe that it shows the points of all the working organs and endocrine glands on the front palms and the back shows nerves, the spinal cord, and the optic nerve.

Cataract The Working Organs And Endocrine Glands On The Front Palms And On The Back

  • Now, if the palms are pressed on both sides for five to six minutes once daily, all the organs are reactivated, and all the endocrine glands are controlled.
  • and when the point of the optic nerve is also pressed, it is activated and so it supplies nutrition from the brain to the eyes properly.

3. Moreover, when excess heat H+ is created in the body, this important optic nerve shrinks and its working is impaired. To remove such H+.

  • The body mixes two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen and so H2O (water) is formed and this water is thrown out of the body in the form of Common cold.
  • As we are not aware that this Common cold is beneficial to our body, we suppress it with powerful drugs – painkillers and antibiotics. Consequently, instead of excess heat being removed from the body, more heat is created in the body damaging the optic nerve.
  • Moreover, the function of the liver/gall bladder is not properly understood. They work in our body like a radiator in a car.
  • If they do not function properly, acidity increases in the body thereby excess heat is generated and consequently eyes are damaged. Thus, you will observe that there is a direct relation between the liver and the eyes.

So, to remove this excess heat from the body, one must treat the liver or gall bladder and also do the following:

  • Take first thing in the morning one teaspoon of Haritki powder (uf- Powder of Terminalia chebula Retz, an Ayurvedic medicine) + 1 teaspoon of sugar for eight to ten days continuously, then thrice a week. This will also keep the bowels clean.
  • Take Powder of 15 black pepper and two teaspoons of crystal sugar. Soak them in 11 glasses of water overnight. In the morning blend them and sip the sherbat first thing in the morning for 10 days.
  • Then add five almonds to the soaking and blending and drink it for a further 10 days. This drink is also very useful in jaundice, psoriasis, and sunstroke, and for removing excess heat due to chemotherapy, etc.
  • Take 5 black peppers 10/12 black raisins +1 teaspoon of saunf. Soak them in a glass of water overnight. The next day, blend them and drink them in the afternoon. It is a useful drink in summer.
  • Take an equal quantity of cumin seeds, black pepper, saunf, Amla powder, crystal sugar, and ginger powder. Grind them into powder and keep them in a bottle. Take one teaspoon of this powder with water in the morning and evening.
  • Moreover, in the analysis of the transparent liquid of the eyes, it has been found that it contains a large quantity of vitamin C and glucose, a small quantity of vitamin B complex, and very little quantity of phosphorus.

For This Important Liquid Of The Eyes To Get Proper Nutrition, One Is Advised To Do As Under:

  • Take sprouted Chinese green peas + green leafy vegetables like spinach, ‘sandal’, fenugreek + cabbage + carrot + green coriander leaves any leafy vegetables or non-poisonous leaves – crush them or blend them.
  • And in one cup of such juice add one teaspoon of health powder (i.e. a mixture of 300 grams of amla powder + 100 grams of ginger powder) + one tablespoon of honey and drink it twice a day.

4. To activate the lymph gland, give Acupressure treatment on its point no. 16 for a minute in the morning and evening.

  • Take proper treatment for any serious diseases, like cancer, venereal diseases, and HIV or AIDS infection.
  • And if this lymph gland starts working properly, it will be able to clear the carbon from the eyes. Consequently, the possibility of getting cataract will become remote.

5. Moreover, if diabetes continues for a long time, the percentage of glucose required in the cerebrospinal fluid becomes less and so there is a considerable reduction in the amount of glucose supplied to the eyes that causes damage to the eyes and the retina.

  • This Diabetes can be cured as under:
  • Drink two glasses of gold or silver or copper or iron-charged water reduced from four glasses.
  • Drink a cup of fresh juice of green coriander leaves as the first thing in the morning for 35/40 days. After 10 days, check the glucose content in the blood.
  • When it is found to be reduced, stop the medicine for the diabetes slowly for five to ten days. Within 35 to 40 days, this diabetes will be brought under control.
  • Chew the food thoroughly.
  • Take Acupressure treatment and activate the endocrine glands – including the Pancreas.

If such proper care is taken, not only cataracts but even the possibility of one’s getting glaucoma will be greatly reduced.

Cataract Of Eyes And Eye Diseases Of Human flow Illustrate Diagnostic Steps For Congential And Develpoment contract


Now in case one has already got glaucoma, or damage to the retina, when pressed you will find pain on the points of the optic nerve and those of the eyes. At that time, the above-mentioned treatment will be able to cure this disease.

Cure For The Beginning Of Cataract:

  • When cataract starts forming in the eyes, first the vision becomes hazy. At that time, it is advised to do as mentioned earlier and that will cure this beginning of cataract.
  • Moreover, healthy urine (which does not contain either sugar or pus) – should be collected in the morning and allowed to cool down. Then fill it in an eyeglass and wash the eyes by opening and closing – by blinking the eyes in the urine.
  • This experiment of self-urine was tried by India’s former Prime Minister Shri Morarjibhai Desai at the age of 67 when cataracts had just begun forming in his eyes. So for a further 25 years, he could avert the operation to remove his cataract.
  • Rub one black pepper with water on a clean stone and apply it to the eyes. There will be a burning sensation – water will come out of the eyes. And along with it the carbon in the eyes will get diluted and removed in 40/45 days.

Put The Lemon Drops In The Eyes Twice A Day And Observe The Improvement.

  • Thus, one can prevent and even cure the beginning of the cataract at a very low cost and one can do it himself. Consequently, the eyesight can be preserved throughout life. The above-mentioned care can also prevent color blindness and night blindness.
  • Now, that we have understood how to prevent and even cure cataracts even if it is set at about 25 to 30%, let us understand about eyecare and how to do away with spectacles and eradicate blindness.

Eradication Of Blindness

The problem of blindness has grown to a mega size and with each passing day, it is becoming bigger. However, Acupressure can play a great role in defeating this dreaded dragon, and that too without any cost. Let us examine how it can be done.

Causes of Blindness:

  1. A child can become blind in the mother’s womb.
  2. At the time of delivery, the baby’s eyes catch the germs from the vagina – if the mother has an infection there and is not treated immediately, the baby loses eyesight.
  3. Due to diseases of the eye, the eyesight is lost.
  4. Due to cataracts, one can become blind.
  5. Due to accidents.

1. Blindness In The Mother’s Womb: The fetus develops eyes in the third month. And if at that time, there is neglect and lack of proper nutrition, the child’s eyes do not develop properly and so the child becomes blind from birth.

  • Now, as mentioned earlier, if the expectant mother, in the second month, starts pressing her two palms – both palms 5 minutes each daily.
  • She will be able to prevent any disease, her health will remain good and there will be proper development of the child in the womb.
  • Moreover, she should drink copper silver gold, or iron-charged water at least one glass reduced from two glasses every day; or at least two cups of green juice.
  • Just by doing these two things, there will be proper development of the child and so the possibility of blindness or even mental retardation, polio, muscular dystrophy, and hereditary diseases will be greatly reduced.
  • And thus, the birth rate of blind children can be reduced to a great extent. Later on, there will be the possibility of giving eyesight to this small number of blind children with eye transplantations.
  • Shri G. S. Sharma, an Ayurvedacharya reports, “A lady in Kolkata, twice gave birth to sightless children. The third time, when she was pregnant, she started taking charged water from the second month till delivery.
  • She gave birth to a healthy child with perfect vision.”

2. Due To Infection: The expectant mother should have a medical examination before delivery and should take treatment for vaginal infection or venereal diseases.

  • And immediately after the birth of the child, treatment should be given to the child’s eyes, so that it does not lose eyesight due to the mother’s infection.
  • The nurses and midwives in the rural areas should be trained for this treatment. It is unpardonable that a child with fully developed eyes should lose eyesight only because of such an infection.
  • The total responsibility for this is of the father and mother. With proper care before and after the delivery, we can prevent blindness due to this factor.

3. Eye Diseases: If proper care is not taken for the eye diseases that appear mild or the wrong treatment is given, there is a possibility of losing eyesight. Moreover, if regular treatment is taken, the possibility of getting diseases of the eyes like watering and reddishness, etc. will be very low.

4. Cataracts: About 80% of blindness is due to cataracts. In this chapter, this matter is discussed at length by how we can prevent cataracts and which will enhance the chances of operations of cataracts of those unfortunate blind people.

At this stage, it is the bounden duty of the Governments of all the nations to prohibit all eatables and drinks which damage the eyes, for example, vegetable hydrogenated oil, margarine, etc.

  • While manufacturing these items, the manufacturers add hydrogen in a faulty way and it has been found from the experiments on rats, that they become blind in the 3rd to 5th generation.
  • In the same way, humans also can suffer from blindness within five generations. Thus, in all other cases except blindness caused by accidents, blindness can be prevented.

Very few people will remain blind. If more people donate eyes, these few blind persons can also be given sight with eye transplantation. Now, that cataracts can be cured and blindness can be eradicated, let us see how to take proper care of our precious eyes. Just do the following:

1. Splash cold water on closed eyes three to four times a day. If possible, keep the eyes in eyeglasses filled with cold. water and blink the eyes for two minutes three to four times a day.

Cataract Splash Cold Water On Closed Eyes Three To Four Times A Day

  • Apply a little saliva in both eyes when you get up in the morning.
  • Before retiring in the night, apply ghee made of the milk of a black cow, if available.
  • Add a grain of alum to 8 oz. of rose water, shake it well, and put these drops in the eyes.
  • Give Acupressure treatment on point no. 35 of the eyes and that of the optic nerves along with the treatment of all the endocrine glands. This will activate the eyes and prevent and cure any disease of the eyes.
  • Make a regular practice of blinking the eyes. And never watch the cinema or TV at a stretch, without blinking your eyes.
  • Do palming for a few minutes of the eyes two to four times a day.
  • Never read in poor or excessively bright light. And wear sunglasses when going out in bright sunlight.
  • Drink at least one to two cups of green juice adding 1 teaspoon of health powder and 1 tablespoon of honey in it.
  • In case of redness in the eyes, put a pack of cold milk on them.
  • Put the drops of extract of green coriander leaves.
  • Drops of cooled self-urine can be put in the eyes. Or the morning self-urine, when cooled can be filled in the eyeglasses and eyes should be blinked in it for two minutes. This also cures the cataract if it is in the beginning stage.
  • Cure problems of liver and acidity and also that of excess heat in the body.
  • Take Proper Care Of Teeth: In case one gets pyorrhoea, the toxin from the mouth goes into the stomach with the saliva and upsets the stomach.
  • Not only that, but it damages the transparent fluid in the eyes. In case of pyorrhoea (getting a bad smell from the mouth) you may immediately do the following:

Cataract Do Palming For A Few Minutes Of The Eyes Two To Four Times A day

Eradication Of Blindness Cure:

Fill up the mouth with morning’s first urine and wobble for 5 minutes. Then gargle with lukewarm water. To a good toothpowder add 10% alum + 10% fine salt + 10% Mahasudarshan powder and use it as a toothpowder, thrice a day (after each meal and in the morning).

  • Then massage castor oil (otherwise coconut oil or any edible oil) on the gums. After every meal, take a little salt and chew it, then gargle. It is more beneficial to add lemon in water for gargling.
  • That gives freshness to the mouth. Within 30/45 days, this problem can be overcome.
  • Give pressure treatment around the eyes shown here for two to three minutes on each eye thrice a day. Pressure is to be given on the bones
    around the eyes and not on the eyeball.
  • Also, give pressure treatment on the points of optic nerves and pituitary and pineal glands and This will help reduce the optical number of spectacles.

Cataract Pressure Treatment Around The Eyes

Make a mixture of 300 grams of amla powder + 100 grams of ginger powder + 200 grams of pure honey. And eat one tablespoon of it every morning followed by one cup of hot milk and repeat the same in the evening.

Do Some Exercises For The Eyes As Follows:

Up to 30 minutes of sunrise or 15/20 minutes before sunset, let the sunrays fall directly on the eyes. At that time roll your eyes in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

Cataract Sunrays Fall Directly On The Eyes

Up to 90 minutes before sunrise or 60 minutes before sunset, let the sun’s rays fall on the closed eyes. Then do palming of the eyes for a few minutes.

  • During the moon nights of the 8th to 23rd moon days, lie down on your back and while blinking, see the moon for 10 to 15 minutes. The eyes will get great relief.
  • Close the eyelids in such a way that there is pressure on the eyes. Keep in this position for 15/20 seconds, then remove this pressure and keep the eyes closed for 15/20 seconds. Repeat thrice.

Cataract Close The Eyelids n Such A way That There Is Pressure On The Eyes

Do the lion’s pose as given here for 30/40 seconds.

Cataract Do The Lions Pose

If these instructions are followed properly, one would not get spectacles, and even if anybody has got spectacles up to 4 (minus four number); they will be able to get rid of the spectacles in a few months.


When the eyes do not get a proper supply of electricity, the muscles in the upper corner of the eyes or the end of the passage let out the transparent liquid of the eyes. Get contracted and so the pressure in the liquid inside the eyes goes on increasing abnormally leading to severe headaches and redness in the eyes.

  • The vision is blurred and then the retina is damaged.
  • Now, if care to cure the eyes mentioned above is taken, the possibility of getting Glaucoma is greatly reduced. And there are several instances in which this Glaucoma is cured.
  • If Acupressure is properly propagated, more people will become healthy. The eye problems can be greatly reduced, and so services of more doctors can be diverted to do operations of cataracts and transplantations of the eyes.
  • These eye problems of cataracts and blindness can be tackled within five to ten years. The tiny cost-free lamp of Acupressure can thus remove the darkness of blindness and give sight and happiness.