Kidney Problems
The modern age has brought with it an increase in the number of cases related to kidney problems. Day by day, this problem is growing bigger and bigger. And despite new equipment for dialysis and operations for transplantation of kidneys, it has become a mega problem.
Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands
- The demand for kidneys is so great that it has even lured doctors to remove kidneys from innocent, gullible patients and do illegal trading in the same.
- Surprisingly, the popular medical therapy does not understand the function of the kidneys and so does not know how to repair them.
- They are making a big hue and cry about the same making the poor, illiterate people scared. They have introduced dialysis and operations for the transplantation of kidneys and have made it a big business but at the cost of mankind.
- It should be noted that kidneys are like metal filters (for example., sieve, which we use to filter flour-filter tea, etc.). And these kidneys are supposed to work for a lifetime.
- Now in case the flour is wet and gets stuck in the holes of the metal filter, further filtering is stopped. At that time do we throw away this metal filter? No. Mother nature is very kind.
- It has grown tea, and we use it daily without knowing its therapeutic value. Before we learn about the use of tea, let us examine why there is failure of kidneys.
Or To Say Correctly How And Why The Tiny Filters Of Our Kidneys Are Filled Up And Prevent The Function Of Filtering Toxins From The Blood.
- Today, more importance is given to the heart and less to the most vital organs – the lungs. Whatever toxins are gathered in the blood during circulation, is cleared in the lungs.
- Only whatever toxins remain uncleared are cleared by the kidneys. More and more attention of mankind is directed towards the taste- more and more restaurants – more fast foods, etc.
- However, the health department does not care to see the quality of the food – oil, vegetables, spices, etc. used in these hotels and restaurants.
- Eating more oily, fried, and spicy junk food brings only more toxins into our blood on the one hand, and on the other hand, breathing exercises are not followed.
- Pollution in cities has greatly increased. In the same way, the habit of smoking is increasing despite warnings. All these have resulted in reducing the capacity of our vital organs, lungs.
- And so, day by day, the burden on the kidneys increases. Moreover, the use of white oil, hydrogenated oil, and the consumption of certain drugs also directly damage the kidneys.
- All these toxins get stuck in the minute holes in the kidneys and slowly and steadily they are not able to clear all the toxins from the blood.
- Another root cause of damage to the kidneys is the increase in venereal diseases, gynecological problem, which develops into cancer of the uterus, cancer of the prostate and HIV or AIDS, etc.
In All These Serious Diseases, Toxins In Large Quantities Are Produced In The Body And Bring Heavy Pressure On The Kidneys.
- Now when the level of toxins increases in the body above a certain level, it starts breaking the proteins, which produces more Nitrogen.
- This vicious cycle goes on thereby increasing the level of creatinine in the blood. When such a level goes over 8.00% in the blood, the doctors declare it as a failure of the kidneys. The patient is asked to go for dialysis.
- In the same way, when the water content in the body increases due to its retention and the weight goes on increasing, the doctors consider it to be a failure of the kidneys and advise dialysis.
- Before dialysis can be started, it is necessary to do the operation for the Artery Vein, Fistula – called A. V. Fistula, so that through one tube, blood can be sucked into the machine, where it is filtered and through the other tube, the blood can go back into the body.
- At that time sodium free liquid is mixed or injected into the blood. Now, it is surprising that the patient and his/her relatives are not informed that this operated hand will become useless for the rest of life.
- And if proper care is not taken, about not wearing a band or bangle or watch on that hand, not taking any weight, not keeping this arm under the head during sleep, etc.
- Then this operation of A. V. Fistula will have to be done again. Thus after this operation is done, the patient leads a miserable life.
The most regrettable aspect is that the family physician or the expert does not care to find out the root cause of the damage to the kidneys.
- And so the poor patient remains a patient throughout life and has to undergo dialysis two times a week in the beginning and then three times a week.
- After a few months, if creatinine does not come under control, the patient is advised to go for transplantation of the kidney.
- Patients who cannot afford to buy a suitable kidney request or their relatives to donate one of their kidneys, while the rich people buy such a kidney and are involved in the illicit trading of the kidneys.
- Even after such a transplantation of one kidney, the patient has to take utmost care for three months so that he or she may not get infection.
- However, dialysis and even transplantation of a kidney is not a guaranteed cure. As the root cause is not found and treated, the toxins go on gathering – increasing in the body and damaging the kidney.
- During this treatment of kidneys, nobody except the patient and his or her relatives is bothered about the high cost of such dialysis, which costs about 1000/- per dialysis in India and even.
- If two dialysis are done in a week the cost of such dialysis comes to 1,00,000/- per year and the cost of transplantation of a kidney is so much more costly an affair, that very few people can afford it.
Easy Cure
In all such problems about the kidney, one need not worry or panic. This problem is created because of the breach of the laws of nature and inviting diseases and so one must go back to nature and its therapy of Acupressure.
- Acupressure goes to the root cause to find out why kidneys are damaged and suggests treatment that can be easily taken at home at no cost.
- It may be noted that even in the case of blood cancer and HIV or AIDS it takes a maximum of 75 to 90 days to set a complete cure.
- As regards kidneys, the damage can be repaired within just 15 days and that too without cost. The patient can do this treatment at home.
Treatment For Curing Kidney Ailments:
- Before starting the treatment, gather the first urine of the patient in the morning in a glass and one will observe that this urine is not clear but hazy and has a bad smell. It denotes that the kidneys are not functioning properly.
- Put one cup of water to boil. Put one teaspoon of any tea in it. Do not add sugar or milk. Boil 1 cup of water til it is reduced to half a cup. Filter it, then add half a cup of regular water. Sip it hot.
- Regular breakfast can be taken after 15/20 minutes. One may get nausea. In that case, put some crystal sugar or 1 or 2 cloves in the mouth. Do not worry even if there is vomiting.
- Continue drinking this black tea for 10/12 days. And again examine the first urine. If it has become clear and there is no bad smell in it, it denotes that the kidneys have started functioning normally, continue the treatment for 15 days.
- During the day, drink 2 glasses of silver-charged water reduced from 8 glasses of water.
Method For Preparing Silver Charged Water
Put 8 glasses (225 ml about each glass) in a stainless steel or earthen vessel. Put 30 to 40 grams of pure silver coins or a bar of .999 touch purity in the water.
- Clean this metal properly before putting it into the water. (Please do not use silver jewelry or utensils – these generally contain white metal which is very harmful to the kidneys.) Boil the water till it is reduced to 2 glasses.
- Filter it and keep it lukewarm in a thermos. And drink it three or four times during the day. This silver-charged water will reactivate the kidneys, and bladder and also help to reduce the excess heat from the body.
- Drink 2 to 3 cups of green juice without adding salt or any spice to it.
- Perform Acupressure treatment –
- Within just 15 days, you will observe amazing results. There will be a proper flow of urine and even if there is a stone in the kidneys, that will break and be thrown out through the urine.
When The Kidneys Start Functioning Properly, It Will Help The Body To Clear Other Toxins.
- Remove the root cause. Before starting the treatment for repairing kidneys, find out the root cause and start the treatment for the same at the same time. Within just 50/75 days, the root cause will also be cured. Thus, the patient will get a new, healthy life.
- Retention of water – water content in the body is controlled by the Pineal gland. When there are serious problems like V. D., Cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc. one by one the endocrine glands stop functioning properly and later on Pineal.
- This malfunctioning of the Pineal gland leads to the retention of water. This is misunderstood as the failure of the kidneys. Doctors restrict the intake of water and other liquids.
- In such cases, when the patient takes proper treatment plus drinking black tea, the Pineal gland starts functioning normally and there is enough flow of urine and the problem of water retention gets cured.
- In fact, for the cure of the problem of the kidneys and removal of toxins (which are acidic), it is most necessary to repair the kidneys by drinking black tea, etc.
- And also increases the intake of green juices (which are alkaline) which neutralizes the acidity of toxins. Charged water activates all the endocrine glands and organs of the body and thus assists the body in throwing out toxins and getting itself cured.
In his book, ‘Spontaneous Healing’ Dr. Andrew Weil, eminent M.D. of the U.S.A. has proved that the body can heal itself. So, nature should be allowed to do its work.
- More intake of liquids (8 to 10 glasses) and free flow of urine is like a natural way of dialysis. At this point, it may be noted that when such patients of kidney problems are advised to take 3 to 4 cups of green juice and 2 to 4 glasses of charged water.
- They ask the opinion of their family physician or the expert under whose treatment they are. And as these doctors are not aware of the great benefits of such green juices and charged water (they have a fear that such metal-charged water will damage the kidneys).
- Hence they advise the patients not to take these green juices or charged water. It may be noted that green juices are alkaline and have great energy and help.
- The body clears toxins and gives energy while in charged water those metals gold silver or copper.
- Iron is in such a microscopic form that they are not harmful to kidneys but activates all the endocrine glands and organs and thus assists the body to heal itself.
Method For Preparing Silver Charged Water Preventions:
- To avoid any problems with the kidneys, it is advisable to drink the above-mentioned black tea for 12 to 15 days a year. Preferably in the cold season, drink plenty of water to 10 glasses in a day – plus consume 2 cups of green juices.
- Perform Acupressure and forget any worries about the kidneys.
Method For Preparing Silver Charged Water Case Study:
Thousands of patients on dialysis have benefited and after starting the above-mentioned treatment have been able to stop further dialysis and live normal lives.
- In most cases, damage to the kidneys is not even 50% but they have other serious problems.
- In the same way in more than 200 cases been able to prevent transplantation of kidney and dialysis. Once a lady of about 35 years of age, came to our center.
- She informed me that her mother’s kidney was found to be suitable, and she was going to have the operation for the transplantation of the kidney only after 10 days.
- On examination, the kidneys were not found to have been damaged much, but she had cancer of the uterus. She was asked to postpone the operation just for a month and advised treatment.
- She religiously followed it. After 35 days she went to the same hospital and the experts declared that she was all right and the operation for transplantation of kidneys or even dialysis was not necessary.
- Thus, very pleased, this lady came to our center with a purse of 25,000/-. It was not accepted and she was advised to donate the amount for whatever purpose she thought proper.
- In short, I have to advise mankind not to worry about the problems of kidneys. Go back to nature, get the root cause properly diagnosed follow Acupressure treatment, and be free from this problem about the kidneys in 60/70 days and enjoy life.