Useful Important Hints
How to empower the battery:
In order to get faster relief and break the vicious cycle of diseases it is advisable to do the following to recharge the battery – to empower the immune defence system:
1. Perform Pranayam: The easy four-step way:
1st Step: Inhale the air counting 1-2-3-4.
2nd Step: Keep the air in the lungs counting 1-2-3-4.
3rd Step: Then exhale the air counting 1-2-3-4.
4th Step: Pause – do not inhale counting 1-2-3-4.
Then repeat 10 to 15 times, three to four times a day and with practice go on increasing the count to 10. During the pause, the lungs get rest and are revitalised.
This type of controlled breathing called Pranayam was tried on patients suffering from tuberculosis in a hospital in Chicago and the results were beneficial.
Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands
Once you reach a count of 10, you may do Pranayam, as follows:
Inhale counting – 10
Retain counting – 20
Exhale counting – 10
Refrain-pause counting – 10
In the ratio of 1:2:1:1.
2. Control of the five basic elements through Pranayam-Mudras:
While doing pranayam, even the five basic elements of the body can be controlled because they are represented by the different fingers as follows:
Thumb – fire or sun
Index finger – wind or air
Middle finger – sky or space
Ring finger (4th finger) – earth
Small finger – water
Now, through different combinations of these fingers- mudras – we cannot only control these elements but also cure many diseases.
- This can be done in any position but ‘Padmasan’ (sitting in a lotus position) or ‘Sukhasan’ (sitting in a normal position) is advisable for better results.
- These mudras can be started for 10 minutes and can be done for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Some of such mudras are shown below and are to be performed by both hands simultaneously.
1. Meditation Mudra :
Simply touch the thumb with the index finger. Pressing is not necessary.
This helps in increasing brain power, mental concentration, memory, etc. and cures the problems of sleeplessness, tension and lack of concentration.
2. Vayu Mudra (Air):
Keep the index finger on the base of the thumb at the mount of Venus and press with the thumb.
It cures rheumatism, arthritis, gout, Parkinson’s disease and blood circulation defects. For better results, also do Pran Mudra.
3. Shunya Mudra (Space):
Keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with the thumb.
It helps in curing earache, deafness, vertigo, etc. It is necessary to do this Mudra for 40 to 60 minutes to get the best results.
4. Prithvi Mudra (Earth):
Put the ring finger together with the thumb.
It cures the weakness of the body and the mind. It increases life force (Chetna) and gives new vigour to an ailing person. It also gives peace of mind.
5. Varun Mudra (Water):
Put the tips of the thumb and the little finger together.
It cures impurities in blood, and skin problems and makes the skin smooth. Useful in gastroenteritis and any other diseases that cause dehydration.
6. Sun Mudra:
Bend the ring finger and on its outer side on the second fold, press with the thumb.
It creates heat in the body, helps digestion and also helps in reducing fat in the body.
7. Pran Mudra (Life energy):
Bend the little and the ring fingers so that their tips touch the tip (front edge) of the thumb.
It increases the life force and cures nervousness and fatigue. It also helps increase the power of the eyes and in reducing the number of eyeglasses.
8. Ling (Shiv) Mudra:
Join both the palms and interlock the fingers, keep the thumb of the left hand vertically straight and encircle it with the index finger and the thumb of the right hand.
- It increases the resistance power of the body against cold and bronchial infections and also against changes in weather and fever due to cold. It gives power to the lungs, creates heat in the body and burns up accumulated phlegm and even fat.
- While practising this mudra one must drink plenty of green and fruit juices and water, at least eight glasses a day. Now, while performing these mudras if pranayam is done, you will get better results.
Retention of air:
While doing pranayam, after inhaling air, press the upper part of thumb no. 1 with the index finger. You will be able to retain air easily in the lungs for a longer time than without such locking.
- Now if, the middle of thumb no. 2 is pressed, the retention increases. Now if the base of the thumb (no. 3) is pressed, the retention is the maximum.
- If there is more retention of air in the lungs, it is fully utilised and gives better power to blood and the body. This will also mean that fewer number of breaths are taken.
- According to the Indian philosophy, our life span is measured not in minutes, days, months and years but is fixed in the total number of breaths.
- Now by doing pranayam and retaining air in the lungs for a longer time, we reduce the total number of breaths during the day. This will help us to increase our longevity.
1st Method (Sun Pranayam):
- For increasing heat in the body, close the left nostril, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through it whilst counting from 1 to 10 as mentioned above.
- As the right nostril is connected with the Sun (known as Pingala nadi in Yoga) inhaling and exhaling through it will produce heat in the body.
- Therefore, this pranayam is very useful in winter and monsoon and for the cure of diseases like cold, asthma, polio, paralysis, bronchitis, arthritis, TB, etc. where heat is required.
2nd Method (Moon Pranayam):
- For increasing coolness in the body, close the right nostril, inhale and exhale through the left nostril whilst counting as above. The left nostril is connected with the Moon (known as ‘Ida’ in Yoga).
- So, it produces coolness in the body. Therefore, this pranayam is useful in diseases like fever, sunstroke in summer, etc. where coolness is necessary.
3rd Method (For balancing of heat and cold):
- Inhale through the right nostril and exhale from the left nostril and then inhale through the left nostril and exhale from the right nostril. This will control the heat of the body.
- During the period the breath is held inside, pull the stomach inside for more effective results as well as for reducing the fat around the stomach.
- Please see to it that while inhaling, your chest expands by five to seven cm. Better results can be obtained by breathing as above.
- Pranayam should be done in a comfortable posture, by sitting upright on the ground or on a chair or sofa, or can be done in a standing position or even while walking.
- Breathing from the desired nostril – right or left – can be affected by closing the other nostril. Otherwise, if you lie down on the left side of the body, the breath will flow from the right nostril.
- In India, people are advised to lie down for 10 to 15 minutes on the left side after lunch or dinner so that the breath is linked with the sun, producing heat in the body and helping digestion.
- Similarly, if you lie down on the right side, the breath will flow from the left nostril which is useful during too much heat or fever.
4th Method (Kapalbhati):
Sit upright in a quiet place. Inhale and exhale very fast through the nostrils. Start with 10 times and go up to 50 times in a minute through the nostrils. Do this pranayam for two minutes twice a day.
5th Method (Bhastrika):
Open the mouth, inhale slowly through it and then immediately blow out hard. Do it 1 to 15 times. Do this pranayam every time after you do ‘kapalbhati’. These will clear any congestion in the head.
Sheetli, i.e. How to create a cooling effect in the body:
- Open the mouth, put out the tongue and inhale (draw in) air through the mouth. Close the mouth and retain the air as much as possible. Then exhale through the nose. Repeat 15/25 times.
- You will immediately feel cool. This method is called Sheetli in Yoga and is found to be useful in summer, sunstroke, fever or whenever a cooling effect is necessary, for example., in Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Regular practice of pranayam and breathing exercises will ensure proper oxygenation of all the parts of the body and cure many diseases.
- Proper oxygenation helps in purifying the blood and removing toxins and carbon dioxide from the body.
- This, in turn, will reduce the unnecessary burden on kidneys, reducing the possibility of skin diseases and failure of the kidney. Moreover, pure blood enables the proper functioning of all the organs and thereby increases vigour and vitality.
- These breathing exercises are beneficial to all and should be practised daily. However, these exercises are a must for the treatment of cold, cough asthma, TB and mental disorders like polio, meningitis, nervous breakdown, muscular dystrophy, etc.
Blue Light And Red Light
1. 90 minutes before sunrise and 60 minutes before sunset; keep a glass of the desired colour (blue or red) in the sunlight in such a way that the rays will fall on the affected parts of the body.
- While taking this sunlight, care should be taken to see that the patient is not exposed to strong, direct wind.
- If it is not possible, take a coloured bulb of 60 to 100 watts. If such a coloured bulb is not available, take a plain bulb, a gelatin paper of the desired colour, fold it four times and wrap it around the bulb.
- Light the lamp, keep the affected part 18 to 20 inches away and take the red light for 1 to 2 minutes or 5 to 10 minutes of Blue light twice a day as recommended.
2. Drink lukewarm water, preferably iron copper or silver or gold charged water at least two glasses reduced from four glasses.
3. Drink 2 to 3 cups of green juice
adding to each cup – 1 teaspoon of health drink
Also, add to each cup – 1 tablespoon honey.
4. The battery of our body is recharged during sleep. So it is most important to sleep for 6-8 hours.
- The above four things help to recharge our unchangeable battery. This battery is capable of curing almost all diseases.
- And that is why it is most important to recharge this inner battery.
Health Powder Or Drink
In 300 g of Amla powder (an ayurvedic preparation – made out of a fruit called Amla) add 100 grams of dried ginger powder. Mix them. Take one teaspoon of this powder with water twice daily or add it to green juice.
- Otherwise, to four glasses of water add two teaspoons each of Amla and ginger powder (use fresh Amla and ginger if available) boil it and reduce it to three glasses.
- Filter the water and drink it during the day. If desired, honey can be added to it. Amla is a concentrated form of Vitamin C’. It has 16 times more vitamins than lemon.
- Such a drink will give protection to the body against colds and other diseases and increase digestive powers. People in the West take apple cider which is also beneficial.
- The healthy drink is beneficial to all, especially to convalescent people, old people, expectant mothers and growing children.
Green vegetable juice:
- 25 g mixture of the fresh juice of the following green leaves and vegetables is also beneficial:
- Leaves of ‘sandal’ or ‘spinach’, leaves of ‘methi’ (fenugreek), cucumber, leaves of ‘pudina’ (mint), tulsi’ (holy basil), lettuce, coriander and cabbage leaves.
- All types of non-poisonous leaves can be used. Even carrots and radishes can be added.
How to prepare the green juice:
First, wash all these leaves, vegetables, etc. first with salted water, then with clean water. Then crush them or blend them. Collect the paste in a piece of clean cloth and squeeze and filter it. And green juice is ready.
Face mask:
- The remaining paste can be mixed with a little cream, and turmeric powder and applied on the face as a face mask. Keep it for 10/15 minutes. If possible, take blue light on the face for 5 to 7 minutes.
- Wash it with fresh water. In 10/15 days, the face will glow. Even white spots and pimples will vanish.
Copper Or Silver Or Gold And Iron charged water
It has been found that the following minerals are useful for treating diseases connected with the organs as follows:
- Copper: Useful for all diseases and problems connected with the nervous system, for example., high B.P., arthritis, polio, tension and leprosy.
- Silver: Useful for the diseases of the organs connected with the digestive system and the urinary system.
- Gold: Useful for the disorders of the breathing system, lungs, heart, brain and as a general tonic. It acts as an antibiotic.
The charged water can be prepared as follows:
- Copper-charged water: Put 60 g of pure copper plate or ingots or wire or six to eight copper coins in a vessel containing four glasses of water and boil it.
- Silver-charged water: Put 30 to 60 g of silver-pure bullion or pure coins (.999 purity) in a vessel containing four glasses of water and boil it. (Never use silver ornaments.)
- Gold charged water: Put 15 to 30 g of gold-pure bullion gold coin or ornaments (chain or bangles) of 20-22 carat gold in a vessel containing four glasses of water and boil it.
- Iron-charged water: (In case of deficiency of iron in blood, anaemia or during pregnancy) Put 60 g of unrusted, not galvanised, piece of iron (nails, etc.) in a vessel containing four glasses of water and boil it.
All these metals can be put together in water, in the proportion of gold 15 to 20 g/silver 30 g/copper 60 g/ Iron 60 g. It should be borne in mind that all the metals put in the water are thoroughly cleaned and are not rusty.
- Use stainless steel, copper or Pyrex glass vessels. Boil and reduce 25% of the water, i.e. retain three out of four glasses of water after boiling.
- Filter this water, keep it in a thermos if possible and drink it lukewarm or hot during the day. Drinking one glass of this water the first thing in the morning is very beneficial. This water is a good tonic.
- When 4 glasses of water are reduced to 2 glasses, it gets medicinal value and is useful for all types of serious and chronic diseases.
- In acute cases, this water may be boiled down to one glass or even half a glass. When you drink such concentrated water, avoid sour things like lemon, sour buttermilk, etc.
- This charged water is found useful for good health. It is a must for the treatment of any problems connected with the improper flow of the current of Bioelectricity, i.e. high B.P., polio, rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis, chronic diseases including cancer, etc.
- The use of concentrated gold-charged water has given wonderful results in cases of mental retardation, muscular dystrophy, TB, heart attack, HIV or AIDS, etc. and is a good brain tonic too.