NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Multiple Choice Questions

Light Shadows And Reflections Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Observe the picture given in the figure carefully.

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Screen And Torch

A patch of light is obtained at B when the torch is lighted as shown. Which of the following is kept at position A to get this patch of light?

  1. A wooden board
  2. A glass sheet
  3. A mirror
  4. A sheet of white paper

Answer: 3. A mirror

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Question 2. Shadows may give us information regarding the

  1. Size of the object
  2. Surface
  3. Shape of the object
  4. Shape of the source

Answer: 3. Shape of the object

Question 3. The diagram shows a light source, an opaque object m and a screen

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Light Source And An Opaque And Screeen

What will be the shape of the shadow on the screen?

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Shape On The Screen

Answer: 3

Question 4. Which of the following is not always necessary to 1 observe a shadow?

  1. Sun
  2. Screen
  3. Source of light
  4. Opaque object

Answer: 1. Sun

Question 5. Paheli observed the shadow of a tree at 8:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 3:00 PM. Which of the following statements is the closest to her observation about the shape and size of the shadow?

  1. The shape of the shadow of the tree changes but the size remains the same.
  2. The size of the shadow of the tree changes but the shape remains the same.
  3. Both the size and shape of the shadow of the tree change.
  4. Neither the shape nor the size of the shadow changes.

Answer: 3. Both the size and shape of the shadow of the tree change.

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections MCQs

Question 6. Which of the following can never form a circular shadow?

  1. A ball
  2. A flat disc
  3. A shoe box
  4. An ice cream cone

Answer: 3. A shoe box

Question 7. A student observes a tree given in the figure through a pinhole camera. Which of the diagrams given in figures (1) to (4) depicts the image seen by her

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Tree Given Through Pinhole Camera

Answer: 4

Question 8. Four students A, B, C and D looked through pipes of different shapes to see a candle flame 

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Candle Flames

Who will be able to see the candle flame?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 4. 4

Question 9. Two students while sitting across a table looked down True/False onto its top surface. They noticed that they could see their own and each other’s image. The table top is likely to be made of

  1. Unpolished wood
  2. Red stone
  3. Glass sheet
  4. Wood top covered with cloth

Answer: 3. Glass sheet

Question 10. The bouncing back of ray of light from the shining surface on which it was incident is known as

  1. Refraction
  2. Bending
  3. Reflection
  4. Dispersion

Answer: 3. Reflection

Question 11. Abha keeps a potted plant in front of a mirror

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Potted Plant Front Of A Mirror

From which point, can Abha see the image of the plant in the mirror?

  1. Point 1
  2. Point 2
  3. Point 3
  4. Point 4

Answer: 3. Point 3

Question 12. Which of the following is a luminous object?

  1. Chair
  2. Book
  3. Moon
  4. Torch

Answer: 4. Torch

Question 13. Which of the following cannot give off its light?

  1. Planet
  2. Electric bulb
  3. Torch
  4. Sun

Answer: 1. Planet

Question 14. Sachin can see through the glass because the glass is

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. Reflective

Answer: 1. Transparent

Question 15. Which of the following is always necessary to observe a shadow?

  1. Screen
  2. Opaque object
  3. Source of light
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

Question 16. There are mainly three types of objects, based on their properties. Are you able to look through a transparent object? Yes, you can. Because it has a property to pass the light through it. Objects that allow light to pass through them completely are known as transparent objects. Pure water, plane glass, air, etc., are examples of such objects. Can you look through a brick wall? Probably you cannot. Because brick walls cannot allow light to pass through them. Those objects which do not allow light to pass through them are known as opaque objects. Wall and wood are examples of such objects. The third type of object is one which partially allows light to pass through them. Such types of objects are known as translucent objects. Examples are tracing paper, bathroom window glass, butter paper, etc.

1. Which of the following is an opaque object?

  1. Glass
  2. Cardboard
  3. Air
  4. Pure water

Answer: 2. Cardboard

2. A transparent object allows light to

  1. Transmit completely
  2. Bounce back
  3. Partially pass
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Transmit completely

3. A butter paper is an example of

  1. Translucent object
  2. Transparent object
  3. Luminous object
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Translucent object

Question 17. Kabir has four sheets made of different materials. He tries to see a burning candle through each of the four sheets.

The table shows Kablr’s findings:

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Kabirs Finding And Sheets

Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows And Reflections Kabirs Finding

1.  What can be concluded from Kabir’s activity?

  1. Sheet 2 is made of a transparent material.
  2. Sheet 4 is made of a translucent material.
  3. Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 are made of opaque materials.
  4. Sheet 1 and Sheet 4 are made of transparent materials.

Answer: 4. Sheet 1 and Sheet 4 are made of transparent materials.

2. Which of these should Kabir keep the same for the activity?

  1. Size of the sheets
  2. Size of the candle
  3. Thickness of the sheets

Answer: 3. Thickness of the sheets

3. A burning candle emits light. Which of these objects can also emit light?

  1. LED
  2. Gold
  3. Water
  4. Mirror

Answer: 1. LED

4. Which of these works on the principle of reflection of light?

  1. Television
  2. Traffic signal
  3. Periscope
  4. Electric torch

Answer: 2. Traffic signal

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity And Circuits Multiple Choice Questions

Electricity And Circuits Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The metallic cap of an electric cell is a

  1. Positive terminal
  2. Negative terminal
  3. Neutral
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Positive terminal

Question 2. The number of terminals in an electric cell is

  1. Three
  2. One
  3. Two
  4. Four

Answer: 3. Two

Question 3. The filament of a torch bulb is made up of

  1. Tungsten
  2. Copper
  3. Brass
  4. Iron

Answer: 1. Tungstren

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity And Circuits MCQs

Question 4. A device that is used to close or open the electric Circuit is called

  1. Switch
  2. Conductor
  3. Battery
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Switch

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Question 5. Iron is an example of

  1. Insulator
  2. Non-metal
  3. Three
  4. Two

Answer: 2. Non-metal

Question 6. The metal disc of the electric cell is

  1. A positive terminal
  2. A negative terminal
  3. Sometimes negative and sometimes positive
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. A negative terminal

Question 7. Which device needs an electric cell to work?

  1. Water heater
  2. Mobile phone
  3. Mixer grinder
  4. Microwave oven

Answer: 2. Mobile phone

Question 8. In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of

  1. The glass case of the bulb
  2. The thin filament
  3. The thick wires supporting the filament
  4. Gases inside the glass case ofthe bulb

Answer: 2.  The thin filament

Question 9. The filament of a torch bulb is

  1. A metal case
  2. Metal tip at the center ofthe base
  3. Two thick wires
  4. The thin filament

Answer:  4. The thin filament

Question 10. Choose the figure from the options (1), (2),  (3) and (4) given below which shows the correct direction of current

Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity And Circuits Correct Direction Of Current

Answer: 2.

Question 11. An open circuit is called

  1. Switched ON
  2. Switched OFF
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Switched OFF

Question 12. When a fused bulb is connected to a circuit, It

  1. Does not glow
  2. Glows
  3. Both  1 and 2
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Does not glow

Question 13. Choose the incorrect statement.

  • A switch is the source of electric current in
  • A switch helps to complete or break the circuit
  • A switch helps us to use electricity as per our requirement.
  • When the switch is open, there is an air gap between its terminals

Answer: 1. A switch is the source of electric current in

Question 14. In the circuit shown in the figure, when the switch is moved to the ON position

Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity And Circuits In The Circuit Shown In Figure When The Switch

  1. The bulb A will glow first
  2. The bulb B will glow first
  3. The bulb C will glow first
  4. All bulbs will glow together

Answer:  4. All bulbs will glow together

Question 15. A device that breaks the circuit is called

  1. Filament
  2. Bulb
  3. Switch
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Switch

Question 16. In the following arrangement, the bulb will not glow, if ends A and B are connected

Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity And Circuits Bulb Will Not Glow If The Ends A And B Are Connected

  1. A steel spoon
  2. A metal clip
  3. A plastic clip
  4. A metal clip

Answer: 3. A plastic clip

Question 17. Paheli is running short of connecting wires. To complete an electric circuit, she may use a

  1. Glass bangle
  2. Thick thread
  3. Rubber pipe
  4. Steel spoon

Answer:  4. Steel spoon

Question 18. Our body is 

  1. A bad conductor of electricity
  2. Sometimes a good conductor and sometimes a bad conductor
  3. A good conductor of electricity
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3.  A good conductor of electricity

Question 19. Wet rubber is a

  1. Conductor
  2. Semiconductor
  3. Insulator
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Conductor

Question 20. Conductors and insulators both are important in our daily lives. Mostly all the wires are covered with a plastic layer, because if we use the bare wires, we may get electric shock. Some objects like switch board, sockets, and plugs all are made up of insulators. You must have seen the electric poles in your locality that carry electric wires. These wires are made up of aluminium, and copper and carry a high voltage. Conductors are made for carrying electricity while insulators are made for safety uses. Hence, both conductors and insulators are equally important for 

1. Which of the following are conductors

  1. Iron, steel, tap water
  2. The human body, glass, wood
  3. Pure water, plastic, rubber
  4. None ofthe above

Answer:  1. Iron, steel, tap water

2. Materials that allow an electric current to go through them are called

  1. Insulator
  2. Conductor
  3. Both 1  and 2
  4. None ofthe above

Answer:  2. Conductor

3. Insulation is used in the electric wire to prevent it from

  1. Short-circuit,
  2. Electric shock
  3. Fuse
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer:  4. Both 1 and 2

4. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity?

  1. Silver
  2. Rubber
  3. Dry air
  4. All of these

Answer:  1. Silver

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Fun With Magnets Multiple Choice Questions

Fun With Magnets Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Plastic comb

  1. Iron clip
  2. Paper notebook
  3. Silver cup

Answer: 2. Iron clip

Question 2. Which among the following in the given options is an example of a magnetic substance?

  1. Cobalt
  2. Nickel
  3. Iron
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 3. A mixture contains sand and iron dust. How can the iron dust be separated from sand?

  1. Blow air over the mixture
  2. Sieve the mixture using a strainer
  3. Pour water in the mixture and then filter it
  4. Spread the mixture and run a magnet all over it

Answer: 4. Spread the mixture and run a magnet all over it

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Fun With Magnets MCQs

Question 4. The north pole of a magnet can be identified by

  1. Another magnet has its poles marked as the north pole and south pole
  2. Another magnet no matter whether the poles’ are marked or not
  3. Using an iron bar
  4. Using iron filings 10.

Answer: 1. Another magnet having its poles marked as the north pole and south pole

Question 5. A bar magnet is immersed in a heap of iron filings and pulled out. The amount of iron filings clinging to

  1. The North Pole is almost equal to the South Pole
  2. The North Pole is much less than the South Pole
  3. The South Pole is much less than the North Pole
  4. The magnet will be the same all along its length

Answer: 1. The North Pole is almost equal to the South Pole

Question 6. Three magnets A, B and C were dipped one by one in a heap of iron filings. The number of iron filings sticking to them

Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Fun With Magnets Iron Fillings Sticking

The strength of these magnets will be NCERT Exemplar

  1. A>B>C
  2. A < B < C
  3. A < B > C
  4. A=B = C

Answer: 1. A>B>C

Question 7. A freely suspended magnet always points in the

  1. Upside down
  2. East-west direction
  3. North-south direction
  4. Any direction by chance

Answer: 3. North-south direction

Question 8. Which of these will convert an iron rod into a

  1. Bury the iron rod in the soil for a week.
  2. Hit the iron rod with a hammer ten times.
  3. Place the iron rod in a stack of iron bars for a month.
  4. Rub the iron rod against a permanent magnet fifty times.

Answer: 4. Rub the iron rod against a permanent magnet fifty times.

Question 9. Attraction is seen between the poles of two bar magnets in the case of

  1. The north pole of one magnet with the north pole of the other
  2. The south pole of one magnet with the south pole of the other
  3. The north pole of one magnet with the south pole of the other
  4. All of the above

Answer: 3. The North pole of one magnet with the south pole of the other

Question 10. 

Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Fun With Magnets Which Pair Of Cars Will Repel Each Other

Which pair of cars will repel each other?

  1. Pair 4 only
  2. Pair 3 only
  3. Both pair 1 and pair 3
  4. Both pair 2 and pair

Answer: 3. Both pair 1 and pair 3

Question 11. Which of the arrangements It boot for storing n pair of bar magnets?

Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Fun With Magnets Which Of These Arrangements Is Best For Storling A pair Of Bar Magnets

Answer: 3.

The magnetic properties can be destroyed by

  1. Hammering
  2. Heating
  3. None of these
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 3. None of these

Question 12. Atul Is an Intelligent boy. One day his mother gifted ‘ him a bar magnet. He starts playing with It. He also starts exploring various properties of magnets. His friend tells him that there are many other shapes and types of magnets like cylindrical magnets, horse-shoe magnets, etc. He finds that magnets are used in electrical appliances, compasses and even in making toys. One day his father tells him to keep this bar magnet safely. If a magnet is hammered, heated and struck against a hard substance, it loses its magnetic property.

1. _________________is an artificial magnet.

  1. Horseshoe magnet
  2. Magnetite
  3. Ball-ended magnet
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (3)

2. A magnet loses its property when

  1. Hammered
  2. Heated
  3. Improperly stored
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

3. Which of the following is a magnetic material?

  1. Silver
  2. Stainless steel
  3. Cobalt
  4. Leather

Answer: 3. Cobalt

4. Lodestone is a ___________

  1. Natural
  2. Man-made
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Natural

Question 13. The poles that attract each other are

  1. North-south
  2. South-south
  3. South-north
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (3)

Question 14. A freely suspended magnet comes to rest in the

  1. East-west direction
  2. North-east direction
  3. South-west direction
  4. None of the above

Answer: 4. None of the above

Question 15. The magnetic strength of a magnet is strong at

  1. The north pole
  2. The south pole
  3. The centre of the magnet
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 16.  Which of the following is a magnetic material?

  1. Iron
  2. Plastic
  3. Glass
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Iron

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us Multiple Choice Questions

Air Around Us Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. All living tilings require air to breathe
  2. We can feel the air, but we cannot see it
  3. Moving air makes it possible to fly a kite
  4. Air is present everywhere, but not in the soil

Answer: 4. Air is present everywhere, but not in soil

Question 2. Wind does not help in the movement of which of the following?

  1. Firki
  2. Weather cock
  3. Ceiling fan
  4. Sailing Yacht

Answer: 3. Ceiling fan

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us MCQs

Question 3. Boojho took an empty plastic bottle, turned it upside down and dipped its open mouth into a bucket filled with water. He then tilted the bottle slightly and made the following observations.

  1. Bubbles of air came out from the bottle.
  2. Some water entered into the bottle.
  3. Nitrogen gas came out in the form of bubbles and oxygen gas dissolved in water.
  4. No bubbles formed, only water entered into the bottle.

Which observation(s) is/are correct?

  1. 1 Only 2
  2. Only 4
  3. 3 Only 4
  4. Only 1

Answer: 1. 1 Only 2

Question 4. Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them because

  1. There is no oxygen in high mountains
  2. Oxygen is deficient in mountains at higher altitude
  3. Oxygen is used for cooking
  4. Oxygen keeps them warm at low temperature

Answer: 2. There is a deficiency of oxygen in mountains at higher altitude

Question 5. What is the function of the atmosphere?

  1. It protects us from smoke and dust particles
  2. It reduces the greenhouse effect
  3. It filters air
  4. It protects us from harmful radiation

Answer: 4. It protects us from harmful radiation

Question 6. The envelope of air that surrounds the Earth is the atmosphere ecosystem

  1. Biosphere
  2. Atmosphere
  3. Environment
  4. Ecosystem

Answer: 2. Atmosphere

Question 7. Which of the following components of air is present in the largest amount in the atmosphere?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Water vapour
  4. Carbon dioxide

Answer: 3. Water vapour

Question 8. About one-fifth of ordinary air is

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Water vapour
  4. Oxygen

Answer: 4. Oxygen

Question 9. The incorrect statement is

  1. Air is a mixture of gases
  2. The composition of oxygen in the air is maximum.
  3. The envelope of air that surrounds the Earth is the
  4. Aquatic plants and animals use dissolved oxygen in the water

Answer: 2. The composition of oxygen in the air is maximum.

Question 10. Burning of fuels produces

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Dust
  4. Smoke

Answer: 2. Carbon dioxide

Question 11. Which of the statements about air is true?

  1. Air can only be felt
  2. Air occupies space
  3. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen and CO2
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

Question 12. The components of air which are harmful to living beings are

  1. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
  2. Dust and water vapour
  3. Dust and smoke
  4. Smoke and water vapour

Answer: 3. Dust and smoke

Question 13. Usha took a lump of dry soil in a glass and added water to it till it was completely immersed. She observed bubbles coming out. The bubbles contain

  1. Water vapour
  2. Only oxygen gas
  3. Air
  4. Only nitrogen gas

Answer: 3. Air

Question 14. What is not true about air?

  1. It makes the windmill rotate
  2. It helps in the movement of aeroplanes
  3. Birds can fly due to the presence of air
  4. It has no role in the water cycle

Answer: 4. It has no role in the water cycle

Question 15. Roja blows air through a straw Into a glass of water. Answers She sees bubbles coming out from the straw In the water. What does this show?

  1. Air has mass
  2. Air takes up space
  3. Air can exert pressure
  4. Air contains water vapour

Answer: 2. Air takes up space

Question 16. The component of air that is used by green plants to make their food is

  1. Oxygen
  2. Dust particles
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Nitrogen

Answer:  3. Carbon dioxide

Question 17. Name the gas required for breathing.

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Water vapour
  4. Carbon dioxide

Answer: 2. Oxygen

Question 18. If there were no water vapour in the atmosphere, what would get disrupted?

  1. Nitrogen cycle
  2. Photosynthesis
  3. Water cycle
  4. Oxygen cycle

Answer: 1. Nitrogen cycle

Question 19. Oxygen is a supporter of

  1. Combustion
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Smoke
  4. Dust

Answer: 1. Combustion

Question 20. As you go higher, the atmosphere

  1. Gets thicker
  2. Gets thinner
  3. Remains the same
  4. Gets dusty

Answer: 2. Gets thinner

Question 21. Sumit wants to find out if burning takes place only in the presence of air. He places a burning candle inside each of the four inverted glasses

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us Water Four Inverted Glass

1. Inside which glass will the candle stop burning last?

  1. Glass 1
  2. Glass 2
  3. Glass 3
  4. Glass 4

Answer: 3. Glass 3

2. Which of these shows that air contains water vapour?

  1. Steam is produced when water Is heated
  2. Road surfaces shine on hot summer days
  3. Dew appears on plant leaves on winter nights
  4. Tiny particles shine in a narrow beam of sunlight

Answer: 3. Dew appears on plant leaves on winter nights

Question 22. See the following image and answer the questions given below.

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us Evaporation


1. The component required to carry vapours into the upper atmosphere is

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Dust
  3. Sunlight
  4. Air

Answer: 4. Air

2. The process shown in the image is called

  1. Oxygen cycle
  2. Air cycle
  3. Water cycle
  4. Environmental cycle

Answer: 3. Water cycle

Question 23. Rohan performed an activity as follows

He put a burning candle inside an inverted glass A in a jar B full of water. The water rose in glass A after the candle was extinguished. He then, tried the same activity with a taller glass B. Answer the following questions regarding the observation

1. Water will rise

  1. To equal levels in both glasses
  2. Higher in glass A than in glass B
  3. Higher in glass B than in glass A
  4. Will not rise in glass B

Answer: 3. Higher in glass B than in glass A

2. The activity shows that

  1. There are many components in air
  2. Air does not support burning
  3. Some components of air are fixed in quantity
  4. Air has pressure

Answer: 3. Some components of air are fixed in quantity

Question 24. The picture shows trekkers at four different locations on a mountain.  The picture shows trekkers at four different locations on a mountain

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us PQRS And S AreThe Four Different Locations

At which location will a trekker need maximum oxygen from the cylinder?

  1. P
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. S

Answer: 4. S

Question 25. Wearing a face mask prevents germs present in the air from entering our bodies. What is another benefit of wearing a face mask?

  1. It prevents the drying of lips
  2. It helps to reduce bad breath
  3. It helps to keep the face warm
  4. It prevents dust from entering the body

Answer:  4. It prevents dust from entering the body

Question 26. Which is the largest component of air?

  1. Oxygen
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Water vapour
  4. Carbon dioxide

Answer: 2. Nitrogen

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Motion And Measurement Of Distances Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Question 1. The invention  _______________ resulted in the development of animal-driven cars. CBSE Diksha

  1. Boat
  2. Wheel
  3. Roads
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Wheel

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Motion And Measurement Of Distances MCQs

Question 2. A piece of ribbon folded five times is placed along a 30 cm long measuring scale.

The length of the ribbon is between 

  1. 1.15 m -1.25 m
  2. 1.25 m . 1.35 m
  3. 1.50 m – 1.60 m
  4. 1.60 m – 1.70 m

Answer: 2.  1.25 m . 1.35 m

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Question 3. Four pieces of wooden sticks A, B, C and D are placed along the length of 30 cm long scale. Which one of them is 3.4 cm in length?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Four Pieces Of Woodn Sticks ABC And D

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 3.  3

Question 4. Figure shows a measuring scale which is usually supplied with a geometry box. Which of the following distance cannot be measured with this scale by using it only once?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Scale

  1. 0.1 m
  2. 0.15 m
  3. 0.2 m
  4. 0.06 m

Answer: 2. 0.15 m

Question 5. Which of the following figure shows the correct placement of a block along a scale for measuring its length?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Scale Measuring Its Length

Answer: 3

Question 6. Bholu and Goiu are playing in the ground. They start running from the same point A in the ground and reach point B at the same time by following the paths marked 1 and 2, respectively Which of the following is true for the given situation?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Bholu And Golu Are Playing In A Ground

As compared to Golu, Bholu covers a

  1. Longer distance but with a lower speed
  2. Longer distance with a higher speed
  3. Shorter distance with a lower speed
  4. Shorter distance with a higher speed

Answer:  2. Longer distance with a higher speed

Question 7. Jenny wants to measure the height of her son. She asks her son to stand against a wall. Which picture shows the correct way of marking his height?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Jenny Wants To Measure The Height Of Her Son

Answer: 2

Question 8. You are provided three scales A, B and C as shown in the figure to measure a length of 10 cm

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances You Are Provided Three Scales

For the correct measurement of the length, you will use the scale.

  1. only A
  2. Only B
  3. Only C
  4. Any of the three scales

Answer: 4. Any of the three scales

Question 9. Each metre is divided into 100 equal divisions called

  1. Centimetre
  2. Centimetre
  3. Kilometres
  4. None of these

Answer: 1 Centimetre

Question 10. Which of the following does not express a time Interval?

  1. A day
  2. A second
  3. A school period
  4. Time of the first bell in the school

Answer: 4. Time of the first bell in the school

Question 11. The distance between Delhi and Mumbai Is usually expressed In the unit of

  1. Decametre
  2. Metre
  3. Centimetre
  4. Kilometre

Answer: 4. Kilometre

Question 12. A ball rolling on the ground represents

  1. Rectilinear motion
  2. Rotational motion
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2

Question 13. Which of these Is an example of periodic motion?

  1. The earth revolves around the sun.
  2. The movement of a flag due to wind.
  3. A bus moving forward on a curved road.
  4. A ball bouncing after being dropped on the floor

Answer: 1. The earth revolves around the sun.

Question 14. Which of these conditions is necessary for rectilinear motion?

  1. Moving on a curved line.
  2.  Moving on a straight line
  3. Moving with a uniform speed.
  4. Moving with a non-uniform speed.

Answer: 2.  Moving on a straight line

Question 15. Paheli moves on a straight road from point A to point C. She takes 20 min to cover a certain distance AB and 30 min to cover the rest of the distance BC. She then turns back and takes 30 min to cover the distance CB and 20 min to cover the rest of the distance to her starting point. She makes 5 rounds on the road in the same way. Paheli concludes that her motion is

  1. Only rectilinear motion
  2. Only periodic motion
  3. Rectilinear and periodic motion
  4. Neither rectilinear nor periodic

Answer: 3. Rectilinear and periodic motion

Question 16. What type of motion does a spinning top show?

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Motion And Measurement Of Distances Spinning Top

  1. Periodic
  2. Circular
  3. Rectilinear
  4. Rotational

Answer: 4. Rotational

Question 17. Motion is defined as a change in the position of an object over time. Motion can be classified as rectilinear motion, circular motion, rotational motion, oscillatory motion and random motion. We can observe that some objects in certain cases show two types of motion at the same time.

Example: A ball is moving along the ground, it shows rectilinear as well as rotational motion. The wheel of a bicycle shows circular motion as well as rectilinear motion.

What type of motion does a butterfly show in a garden?

  1. Rectilinear motion
  2. Circular motion
  3. Random motion
  4. Periodic motion

Answer: 3. Random motion

Question 18. A bob of a pendulum shows

  1. Periodic motion
  2. Circular motion
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer:  1. Periodic motion

Question 19. The wheel of a bicycle moving on a straight road does

  1. Circular motion, rectilinear motion
  2. Periodic motion, rotational motion
  3. Random motion, oscillatory motion
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Circular motion, rectilinear motion

Question 20. Which of the following is the SI unit of length?

  1. Metre
  2. Millimetre
  3. Centimetre
  4. Foot

Answer:  1. Metre

Question 21. Which of the following have more than one type of motion?

  1. Motion of sewing machine
  2. A cycle moving on a straight road
  3. Motion of the moon around the earth
  4. All of the above
  5. Answer:  4. All of the above

Question 22. Footstep cannot be considered an SI unit because

  1. It varies from person to person
  2. People do not measure property with it
  3. It is a very old method of measurement
  4. Its value is not definite

Answer:  1. It varies from person-to-person

Question 23. A car moving on a straight road is an example of

  1. Periodic motion
  2. Rectilinear motion
  3. Circular motion
  4. Rest

Answer:  2. Rectilinear motion

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats Multiple Choice Questions

The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Animals like a camels can survive in a desert. Which of the following features in the camel helps them to survive in the desert?

  1. The hump of the camel that produces food
  2. A long neck helps to store more water
  3. Long legs to protect them from the heat of the sand
  4. Thicker skin helps in the transpiration of more water.

Answer: 3. Thicker skin that helps in the transpiration of more water.

Question 2. Fishes move in water with the help of their

  1. Mouth and gills
  2. Legs and scales
  3. Wings and tails
  4. Fms and tails

Answer: 4. Fms and tails

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organismd Characteristics And Habitats MCQs

Question 3. If you go to a desert, what changes do you expect to observe in the urine you excrete? You would

  1. Excrete a small amount of urine.
  2. Excrete large amounts of urine.
  3. Excrete concentrated urine.
  4. Excrete very dilute urine.

Which of the above would hold?

  1. 1 and 3
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 1 and 4
  4. 1 and 2

Answer: 1. 1 and 3

Question 4. Which one of the following depicts an aquatic adaptation?

  1. Streamline body
  2. Light and hollow bones
  3. Hair on body
  4. Strong hooves

Answer: 1. Streamline body

Question 5. Boojho comes across an animal with a streamlined and slippery body. What is the habitat of the animal?

  1. Water
  2. Desert
  3. Grassland
  4. Mountain

Answer: 1. Water

Question 6. Which of the following labels shows the correct function of a plant part?

The Living Organisms Fuctions Of Plant Part

Answer: 2.

The Living Organisms Fuctions Of Plant Part.

Question 7. Animals and plants have certain features which make them capable of surviving in a particular habitat. This is called

  1. Adaptation
  2. Speciation
  3. Specialization
  4. Evolution

Answer: 1. Adaptation

Question 8. Select those who represent all the types of aquatic habitats.

  1. Freshwater, coastal, and rainforest
  2. Marine, tundra, and desert
  3. Mountain, grassland, and coastal
  4. Marine, freshwater and estuaries

Answer: 4. Marine, freshwater and estuaries

Question 9. Choose the incorrect pair.

  1. Cactus – Desert
  2. Germs – Air
  3. Water lily – Sea
  4. Frog – Pond

Answer: 3. Water lily – Sea

Question 10. Which of the following cannot be called a habitat?

  1. A desert with camels
  2. A pond with fishes
  3. A jungle with wild animals
  4. Cultivated land with grazing cattle

Answer: 4. Cultivated land with grazing cattle

Question 11. Choose the set that represents only the biotic components of a habitat.

  1. Tiger, deer, grass, soil
  2. Rocks, soil, plants, air
  3. Sand, turtle, crab, rocks
  4. Aquatic plant, fish, frog, insect

Answer: 4. Aquatic plants, fish, frogs, insect

Question 12. Identify which among these is not an abiotic component of the environment.

  1. Soil
  2. Bacteria
  3. Water
  4. Air

Answer: 2. Bacteria

Question 13. Which of the following constitute the biotic components of the environment?

  1. Plants and animals
  2. Soil and minerals
  3. Air and water
  4. Sunlight and temperature

Answer: 1. Plants and animals

Question 14. A cactus In a desert lacks a leaf. Instead of leaves, its thick stem is responsible for photosynthesis. What is the reason for the absence of leaves in these plants?

  1. Leaves would have wilted easily in the strong desert sun
  2. Leaves are absent in cactus plants to save them from predators
  3. Leaves would have caused increased loss of water from the plant
  4. Leaves are reduced to spines to protect from cold nights in the desert

Answer: 3. Leaves would have caused increased loss of water from the plant

Question 15. Following are some features of plants.

  1. They lose a lot of water through transpiration.
  2. Their leaves are always broad and flat.
  3. They lose very little water through transpiration.
  4. Their roots grow very deep into the soil.

Which of the combination of given features is typical Of desert plants?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 3 and 4

Answer: 4. 3 and 4

Question 16. Which is an example of an animal found in a mountain region?

  1. Leopard
  2. Yak
  3. Mountain goat
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 17. Animals like polar bears living in cold regions have long hairs on their body. What is the role of these hairs to survive in a cold region?

  1. They keep their body warm
  2. They help an animal to run faster
  3. They help the animals to swim in the water
  4. They absorb water from the atmosphere

Answer: 1. They keep their body warm

Question 18. Carbon dioxide in the air is used by plants to

  1. Breathe
  2. Make food
  3. Remove waste
  4. Trap energy of the sun for photosynthesis

Answer: 2. Make food

Question 19. Which of the following is correct for respiration in plants?

  1. Respiration takes place only during day time
  2. Respiration takes place only during the night
  3. Respiration takes place both during the day and night
  4. Respiration takes place only when plants are not making food

Answer: 3. Respiration takes place both during the day and night

Question 20. Which of the following Is not an example of a response to a Stimulus?

  1. Watering in the mouth when we sec delicious food items
  2. Closing of leaves of Mimosa pudica plant when touched
  3. Shutting our eyes when an object is suddenly thrown in our direction
  4. A chick hatching out of an egg

Answer: 4. Shutting our eyes when an object is suddenly thrown in our direction

Question 21. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about excretion?

  1. Excretion takes place in plants
  2. Excretion takes place both in plants and animals
  3. Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only
  4. Secretion is one method of excretion

Answer: 3. Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only

Question 22. Which one of the following is not associated with reproduction?

  1. A new leaf coming out of a tree branch
  2. A dog giving birth to a puppy
  3. A seed growing into a plant
  4. Chick hatching from an egg

Answer: 1. A new leaf coming out of a tree branch

Question 23. Choose the odd one out from below concerning reproduction.

  1. Eggs of hen
  2. Seeds of plants
  3. Buds of potato
  4. Roots of the mango tree

Answer: 4. Roots of mango tree

Question 24. Although organisms die, their kind continues to live on Earth. Which characteristic of living organisms makes this possible?

  1. Respiration
  2. Reproduction
  3. Excretion
  4. Movement

Answer: 2. Reproduction

Question 25. Which plant among the following has a poorly developed root system?

  1. Aquatic plant
  2. Desert plant
  3. Terrestrial plant
  4. Mountainous plant

Answer: 1. Aquatic plant

Question 26. The term used for water habitat is

  1. Marine
  2. Freshwater
  3. Aerial
  4. Aquatic

Answer: 4. Aquatic

Question 27. Animals that hunt and feed on other animals are called

  1. Omnivore
  2. Abiotic
  3. Predator
  4. Prey

Answer: 3. Predator

Question 28. In which direction a plant will grow when kept near a window from where light is coming in?

  1. Towards the window
  2. Away from window
  3. Do not grow
  4. Straight up

Answer: 1. Towards the window

Question 29. Plants in deserts have

  1. Thick bark
  2. Sunken stomata
  3. Short roots
  4. Spongy stem

Answer: 2. Sunken stomata.

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components Of Food Multiple Choice Questions

Components Of Food Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following food items does not provide nutrition?

  1. Meat
  2. Fish
  3. Cereals
  4. Roughage

Answer: 4. Roughage

Question 2. Starch is a

  1. Carbohydrate
  2. Fat
  3. Protein
  4. Minerals

Answer: 1. Carbohydrate

Question 3. Deficiency of which vitamin causes rickets?

  1. Vitamin-A
  2. Vitamin-B
  3. Vitamin-C
  4. Vitamin-D

Answer: 4. Vitamin-D

Question 4. Which of the following food groups should be added to a balanced diet?

  1. Grains
  2. Fruits and vegetables
  3. Milk and meat
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

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Question 5. Which of the following is not a source of minerals?

  1. Milk
  2. Spinach
  3. Liver
  4. Sunlight

Answer: 4. Sunlight

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components Of Food Multiple Choice Questions

Question 6. Which of the following sources of protein is different from others?

  1. Peas
  2. Grams
  3. Soybeans
  4. Cottage cheese (paneer)

Answer: 4. Cottage cheese (paneer)

Question 7. Which of the following is not a plant-based protein?

  1. Peas
  2. Soybean
  3. Moong
  4. Milk

Answer: 4. Milk

Question 8. The given table shows the food items for lunch and dinner of four students

Components Of Food The given table shows the food items in lunch and dinner of four students

Which student ate meals that contained plant proteins only?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 1. 1

Question 9. Read the food items given below.

  1. Wheat
  2. Ghee
  3. Iodised salt
  4. Spinach (palak)

Which of the above food items is energy-giving food?

  1. 1 and 4
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 1 and 2
  4. 3 and 4

Answer: 1. 1 and 4

Question 10. Accumulation of excessive body fat leads to which of the following disorders?

  1. Night blindness
  2. Anaemia
  3. Obesity
  4. Goitre

Answer: 3. Obesity

Question 11. Which of the following nutrients is not present in milk?

  1. Protein
  2. Vitamin-C
  3. Calcium
  4. Vitamin-D

Answer: 2. Vitamin-C

Question 12. Which of the following is not a source of vitamin D?

  1. Butter
  2. Milk
  3. Sunlight
  4. Orange

Answer: 4. Orange

Question 13. Minerals and vitamins present in food are

  1. Protective
  2. Energy giving
  3. Bodybuilding
  4. Roughage

Answer: 1. Protective

Question 14. An individual consumes a diet rich in fats, carbohydrates and proteins, but ignores to incorporate an adequate amount of fluids. What will be the likely effect on the body if the individual continues With the same diet?

  1. The body will show rapid growth and development
  2. The body will eliminate all the nutrients from the body
  3. The body will reduce the output of sweat and urine
  4. The body will readily digest the consumed food

Answer: 3. The body will reduce the output of sweat and urine

Question 15. Which one of the following food items does not provide dietary fibre? 

  1. Whole grains
  2. Whole pulses
  3. Fruits and vegetables
  4. Milk

Answer: 4. Milk

Question 16. The roughage component in our food is made up of

  1. Glucose
  2. Cellulose
  3. Starch
  4. Cane sugar

Answer: 2. Cellulose

Question 17. Which vitamin gets easily destroyed during cooking?

  1. Vitamin-B,
  2. Vitamin-D
  3. Vitamin-A
  4. Vitamin-C

Answer: 4. Vitamin-C

Question 18. Read the following statements about diseases

  1. They are caused by germs.
  2. They are caused by to lack of nutrients in our diet.
  3. They can be passed from one person to another through contact.
  4. They can be prevented by taking a balanced diet.

Which pair of statements best describes a deficiency disease?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 2 and 4
  4. 1 and 3

Answer: 3. They can be passed from one person to another through contact.

Question 19. The table below shows some common symptoms of nutrient deficiency.

Components Of Food The Table Below Shows Some Common Symptoms Of Nutrient Dificiency

Pankaj is suffering from tooth decay and bleeding gums. Which of the following nutrients in food would help him recover?

  1. Vitamin-A and calcium
  2. Calcium and vitamin-C
  3. Vitamin-C and iodine
  4. Iodine and vitamin-A

Answer: 2. Calcium and vitamin C

Question 20. Vitamin D helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth. The human body produces vitamin D when exposed to both sunlight and high temperatures. Which type of climate is most likely to cause vitamin D deficiency in humans? competency?

  1. Cold and cloudy
  2. Warm and cloudy
  3. Cold and sunny
  4. Warm and sunny

Answer: 1. Cold and cloudy

Question 21. Which of the following conditions will occur if a person eliminates the food items that are rich in vitamin D from his diet?

  1. Beriberi
  2. goitre
  3. Rickets
  4. Scurvy

Answer: 3. Rickets

Question 22. Which condition will occur if a person eliminates the food items that are rich in vitamin B1 from his diet?

  1. Goitre
  2. Rickets
  3. Beriberi
  4. Scurvy

Answer: 3. Beri-beri

Question 23. Carbohydrates can be tested by using which of the following chemicals?

  1. Iodine
  2. Caustic soda
  3. Copper sulphate
  4. Fehling’s solution

Answer: 1. Iodine

Question 24. A student performed a test for the presence of nutrients in bananas. He placed a piece of banana in a test tube and added 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution. He observed the appearance of a blue-black colour. What can be concluded from this observation?

  1. Presence of fat
  2. Presence of protein
  3. Presence of vitamins
  4. Presence of carbohydrates

Answer: 4. Presence of carbohydrates

Question 25. Given below are the steps to test the presence of proteins in a food item

  1. Take a small quantity of the food item in a test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake it.
  2. Make a paste or powder of food to be tested.
  3. Add 10 drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube and shake well.
  4. Add 2 drops of copper sulphate solution to it.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Steps?

  1. 1, 2, 4, 3
  2. 2, 1, 4, 3
  3. 2, 1, 3, 4
  4. 4, 2, 1, 3

Answer: 2. 2, 1, 4, 3

Question 26. Mansi experimented on the powdered rice. She added a few drops of iodine to it and observed that the colour of the solution changed. What was the colour change observed after adding Iodine to powdered rice?

  1. Blue-black
  2. Violet-blue
  3. Red-green
  4. Green-black

Answer: 1. Violet-blue

Question 27. The appearance of the above-mentioned colour shows the presence of which of the following nutrients?

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Fats
  4. Minerals

Answer: 2. Carbohydrate

Question 28. If vinegar was added to the powdered rice instead of iodine, what outcome might be expected?

  1. A green colour
  2. A violet colour
  3. A blue-black colour
  4. No change in colour

Answer: 4. No change in colour

Question 29. The above-identified nutrient is found in

  1. Protective food
  2. Energy giving food
  3. Bodybuilding food
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Energy giving food

Question 30. Which symptoms will occur due to the deficiency of the above nutrient?

  1. Discoloration in hair
  2. Pale skin
  3. The slow rate of breathing
  4. Low energy levels

Answer: 4. Low energy levels

Question 31. The table below shows the food items in the meals of four students

Components Of Food The Table Below Shows The Food Items In The Meals Of Four Students

Question 32. Which student ate meals that contained plant proteins only?

  1. Sanjay
  2. Anjum
  3. Raghu
  4. Jenny

Answer: 2. Anjum

Question 33. Which two students ate the most similar food items?

  1. Sanjay and Anjum
  2. Anjum and Raghu
  3. Raghu and Jenny
  4. Jenny and Sanjay

Answer: 3. Jenny and Sanjay

Question 34. Why is it necessary to have a variety of food items in meals?

  1. More food items make the meal tasty
  2. More food items make the meal look good
  3. A single food item cannot make our stomach full
  4. A single food item does not contain all the nutrients

Answer: 4. A single food item does not contain all the nutrients.

Question 34. Adlti squeezed a piece of lemon. She noted a few drops of liquid fall down

Components Of Food Aditi squeezed a piece of lemon. She noted a few drops of liquid fall down

What does the result of Aditi’s activity show?

  1. Lemon contains water
  2. Lemon contains vitamin
  3. Lemon contains minerals
  4. Lemon contains protein

Answer: 1. Lemon contains water

NCERT Class 6 Science Question and Answers Chapterwise

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