NCERT Class 3 Maths Mela Chapter 11 Question Answer Filling And Lifting

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting

Question 1.

1. State true and false.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Bottles Milk

1. Bottle 1 contains more milk than other bottles.
Answer: True

2. Bottle 1 contains more milk than other bottles.
Answer: False


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Glass Milk

1. Glass 1 contains more milk than Glass 3 but less milk than Glass 2
Answer: False

2. Glass 2 contains less milk than Glass 1 but more milk than Glass 3.
Answer: True

Question 2. Answer the following questions based on the given story. Knnu , Nonu, and Riyan visit Nonu’s house. Nonu’s mother gives them sugarcane juice in different glasses. Nonu’s sister put juice in the glasses of the same capacity. Now, she has to find out who drinks sugarcane juice most/less etc

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NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Juice Glass

1. Who drank the most sugarcane juice?
Answer: Knnu

2. Who drank the least sugarcane juice ?
Answer:  Nonu

3. State with yes or no.

1. Knnu’s glass contains less sugarcane juice than Riyan’s glass. (yes/no)
Answer: NO

2. Nonu’s glass contains more sugarcane juice than Knnu’s glass. (yes/no)
Answer: No

3. Nonu’s glass contains more sugarcane juice than all. (yes/no)
Answer: No

4. Fill in the blanks.

1. Riyan drank more sugarcane juice as compared to____________________________ but less sugarcane juice than __________________ but less sugarcane juice than
Answer: Nonu, knnu

2. If Nonu’s sister considered that the one who drank more sugarcane juice,___________would _______but less sugarcane juice than was be less more tired.
Answer: Knnu,Nonu

Question 3. Tick (✓) the one in each pair that contains more liquid. One has been done for you.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Liquids

4. Answer the following questions which is based on the Bowl, Glass and Bottle.

To fill the  NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Glass  the number of bowls of water required is 2 i.e.NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Bowls

To fill the NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Bottle number of glasses of water required is 3 i.e, NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting 3 Glass Water

1. How many bowls of water are required to fill the
Answer: 6

2. How many bottles will be filled by 
Answer: 2

3. State true and false


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting State True Or False 1

Answer: False


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting State True Or False 2

Answer: True

Question 4. Answer the following questions based on the given story. After many years, a fair is being held in Mona’s village. Mona is roaming in the fair with her children. She saw many fast food and sweets stalls. She stops at a rabri shop and sees that the shopkeeper is using various shaped utensils like ladle, bowl, glass and pot to serve rabri.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Various Shapes

1. How many bowls fill the three glasses?
Answer: 6

2. How many ladles can be filled by the pot?
Answer: 16

3. How can I fill the bowl halfway easily?
Answer: I can fill the bowl halfway easily with one ladle

4. How many glasses can be filled with three pots of rabdi?
Answer: 12

5. What is the difference between four ladles of rabdi and two bowls of rabdi?
Answer: No difference

Question 5. Answer the following questions based on the given story. One morning, Priya got up early and opened the door for the came on time as always.

He brought along a milk can and a measuring cup with which one liter of milkman. The milkman milk is measured. Priya has a jug bottle and glass jfj to collect the milk.

And the other information are given below.

  • Measuring cup measures one liter of milk.
  • The jug can hold one and a half liters of milk.
  • The bottle can hold three liter of milk.
  • The glass can hold half a liter of milk

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting State Half Of A Liter Milk

1. State true and false.

1. The jug can hold more than one liter of milk ____________________
Answer: True

2. The glass can hold exactly one liter of milk. ____________________
Answer: False

3. Bottle can hold more milk than jug.____________________
Answer: True

2. Fill in the blanks.

1. ____________________ quantity to be measured is more than the jug.
Answer: The bottle

2. The glass quantity to be measured is less than
Answer: Measuring cup, jug and bottle

Question 6. Tick (✓) whether the following can drink more or less than 1 liter of liquid

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Can Drink More Or Less Question

Question 7. Tick (✓) whether the following can drink more or less than 1 liter of liquid

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Can Contain More Or Less Than 1 Litre Or Equal To1 Litre

Question 8. Put a (✓) mark on the object which is heavier than other objects. One has been done for you

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Heavier Than The Objects

Question 9. Put a (✓) mark on the object with the correct weight. One has been done for you.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Correct Weight

Question 10. Fill the blanks according to the given quantities


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting TotalFood Pacets Weight

Total food packets weight is ____________ kilogram, (half / quarter/ one )
Answer: Half


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Total Tea Packets

Total tea packets weight is _______________ kilogram, (half / quarter/ one )
Answer: One


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 11 Filling And Lifting Total Plastic Bags Weights

Total tea packets weight is ______________ kilogram, (half / quarter/ one )
Answer: Half

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