NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 9 House Of Hundreds 2
Question 1. Place the given numbers on the number line
1. 820, 740, 680, 620
2. 900,775,825,675,725
Question 2. Write how many jelly beans are given, by using the packets of two hundreds, a hundred and lose items that are given below. One has been done for you.
Read and Learn More Class 3 Maths Mela Question and Answers
1. The snake wants to reach the rat. How many steps will the snake take?
Answer: 50
2. The owl wants to reach the snake. How many steps will the owl take?
Answer: 60
3. State true and false.
- The snake is not between the rat and the owl.
Answer: False - The length of steps between the rat and the owl is 100 steps.
Answer: False
4. If the snake is 30 meters ahead in the original position. Then, what will be the distance between the snake and the owl?
Answer: 30 m
5. Fill The blanks.
1. 855 steps = 770 steps
Answer: 85
2. 815 steps + steps = 880 steps
Answer: 65
3. ____________Steps + 90 steps = 860 steps
Answer: 770
4.790 steps + 80 steps =_____________ steps
Answer: 870
Question 3. Fill the empty boxes with an appropriate number
1. 910 > 386 >174 > 21
2. 956 > 856 > 453 > 285
Question 4. Anna wants to visit a temple in her village. For this she used the long route shown in the picture. See the footprints then find the missing numbers.
Question 5. Match the following puzzle sentences with the correct numbers. One has been done for you.
Question 6. Creative question
1. List all the hundreds. For example: 200
Answer: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
2. List all the numbers that contain consecutive digits. For example: 123
Answer: 123, 234, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789
3. List all the two-digit numbers that contain twin digits. For example: 11
Answer: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99
4. List all the three-digit numbers that contain triplet digits.
For example:
Answer: 111, 222. 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999
5. List all the numbers whose pattern is the same from left to right and from right to left. For example: 121
Answer: 121, 131, 141, ……, 212, 232
Question 7. Nimmi and Sinu are playing a game in which they identify the picture by its qualities. For example – If Nimmi said 12, then it means that the picture has some quality of one and two digits. On the basis of this information, fill the box appropriately.