NCERT Class 3 Maths Mela Chapter 2 Question Answer Toy Joy

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy

Question 1. Match the following objects with their correct shapes

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Correct Shapes


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 F, 5 G, 6 D, 7 E

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Question 2. Observe the following figures to answer the questions

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Answer The Questions

1. How many cylinders are there in the given figures?

  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 3

Answer: 3. 5

2. How many cones are there in the given figures?

  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. 8

Answer: 3. 1

3. How many spheres (s) is/are there in the given figures?

  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. 8

Answer: 2.6

4. How many cube(s) is/are there in the given figures?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 6

Answer: 2. 4

5. Which object is situated just before the candle?

  1. Balloon
  2. Ornament
  3. Pringles can
  4. Food can

Answer: 1. Balloon

6. Which object is situated just after the matchbox?

  1. Pencil
  2. Eraser
  3. Ice cream
  4. Battery Cell

Answer: 1. Pencil

7. What object is between the Pringles can and drum?

  1. Bricks
  2. Block
  3. Food can
  4. No one

Answer: 3. Food can

Question 3. Carefully observe the following figures and identify the shapes with which they are made. One has been done for you.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Identify The Shapes Names Question


NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Identify The Shapes Names Answer

Question 4. Creative Questions

1. Draw cuboid and cube shapes with real

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Cube And Cuboid Shape

2. Find the number of cubes in the following figure

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Number Of Cubes


1. 14

2. 14

Question 5. In the given picture, some friends are going to their house collecting different types of shapes in the path.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy House Collecting Different Type Of Shapes

1. Which person collects the objects which have no edges? ______________________________
Answer: Rishu

2. Who is collecting cones? ______________________________
Answer: Raj

3. Riya is collecting which shape? ______________________________
Answer: Cylinder

4. Who is collecting objects which have edges of different lengths? ______________________________
Answer: Rohan

5. Which person collects objects that have only curved faces? ______________________________
Answer: Rishu

Question 6. In the given context, five friends are playing a game. They are asking questions to get answers from others.

1. Bhanu is asking a question to Sunnu. What is Sunnu’s answer?

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Bhanu Asking Question At Sunnu

Answer: Sphere

2. Manu Is asking a question to Nandu. What Is Nandu’s answer?

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Manu Asking Question At Nandu

Answer: Cuboid

3. Pandu is asking a question to Manu. What is Manus’s answer?

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Pandu Asking Question At Manu

Answer: Cone

4. Sunnu is asking a question to Pandu. What is Pandu’s answer?

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Sunnu Asking Question At Pandu

Answer: Cylinder

5. Nandu is asking a question to Bhanu. What is Bhanu’s answer?

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Nandu Asking Question At Bhanu

Answer: Sphere

Question 7.

1. Harish, Manish, Kallash, and Ramesh visit a museum, where they different figures which are cuboid, cone, sphere, cube, etc. Everyone likes one shape. Harish likes rectangular shapes. Manish likes square shapes. Kai lash likes cylindrical shapes. Ramesh likes conical shapes. Correct the following sentences as per the information given above and write them in the correct order.

1. Harish likes cone shapes ___________________
Answer: Harish likes rectangular shapes.

2. Manish likes cube shape ___________________
Answer: Manish likes square shapes

3. Kailash likes cuboid shapes___________________
Answer: Kailash likes cylindrical shapes

4. Ramesh likes sphere shapes___________________
Answer: Ramesh likes conical shapes

2. Observe the given wooden model to answer the following questions

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Wooden Model

1. ______________ shape is second from the top.
Answer: Cylindrical

2. ______________ shape is pink in colour.
Answer: Cuboidal

3. Cuboidal shape is ______________ from the bottom.
Answer: Cuboidal

4. Conical shape is ______________
Answer: Gray

5. Total number of shapes are ______________
Answer: 44

Question 8. Based on the following picture, identify the shapes which are asked in the questions.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy BAsis Of The Picture Identify Shapes

1. Bear is holding ___________ shape
Answer: Cubical

2. Elephant is holding a ____________ object
Answer: Cylindrical

3. Dear is holding a hemispherical shape. (True/False)
Answer: True

4. Zebra is holding a cylindrical object. (True/False)
Answer: True

Question 9. Look at the dice, the faces have 1 to 6 dots. Answer the questions given below.

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy The Dice Faces Have 1 To 6 dots

1.  NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy The Dice is the opposite to ______ dots
Answer: 6

2. 5 dots is opposite to ____________
Answer: 2

3. 4 dots is the opposite to ____________ dots.
Answer: 3

4. What number is on the face opposite number 6?
Answer: 1

Question 10. Golu and Bholu are two friends, playing a game with dice. They throw a dice one by one and move as number of steps ahead as the number shown by the dice. For example: If Golu gets number 2, then he moves 2 steps ahead from the starting point. The person, who reaches the finish line first will win the race.

  1. Golu’s number on dice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1
  2. Bholu’s number on dice : 2, 3, 1, 2, 1

NCERT Class 3 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Toy Joy Golu And Bholu Are Two Friends Playing Game Dice

Analyse the above activity to answer the following questions.

1. Who will win the race? __________________________
Answer: Golu

2. On which shape Golu will reach in the second throw?__________________________
Answer: Cuboid

3. On which shape Bholu will reach in the third throw? __________________________
Answer: Sphere

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