NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow

Let us Recite!

There once was a crow.
He was black, as you know.
How to be beautiful, he wanted to know.
Colourful feathers, he wanted to grow.

He found one peacock feather.
He stuck it in his tail.
Then he found another,
He picked up all without fail.

He stuck them in his wings,
Put one on his head.
I am now beautiful,
He danced and said.

The other crows laughed at him.
“Oh, what a fool you are!
You are beautiful in black.
We love you for what you are.”

Let us Do!

Question 1. Tick ✓ the correct option.

1. The crow wanted to be __________

  1. Beautiful
  2. Bold
  3. Colourful
  4. Small

Answer: 1. Beautiful

2. The crow found _____ peacock feathers.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Some
  4. Ten

Answer: 3. Some

3. He put a _______ on his head.

  1. Seed
  2. Cotton
  3. Stone
  4. Feather

Answer: 4. Feather

4. The other crows called him a

  1. Fool
  2. Good
  3. Ugly
  4. Great

Answer: 1. Fool

Question 2. State ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. The crow was white.
Answer: False

2. He wanted to have colorful feathers.
Answer: True

3. He picked four feathers.
Answer: False

4. The crow kept the feathers under his feet.
Answer: False

5. The crow laughed at the other crows.
Answer: False

Question 3. Complete the lines using the words given. (fail, one, found, picked, tail)

1. He found __________ peacock feather.
Answer: one

2. He stuck it in his __________
Answer: tail

3. Then he _______ another.
Answer: found

4. He ________ up all without _______.
Answer: picked, fail

Question 4. On the basis of the poem give answers to the following question.

1. What did the crow want to know? (how to get more food/how to be beautiful)
Answer: The crow wanted to know how to be beautiful

2. Which feathers did the crow pick up? (Hen’s feathers/Peacock’s feathers)
Answer: The crow picked up Peacock’s feathers.

3. What did the crow think after sticking the feathers? (He thought that he was now smart / He thought that he was now beautiful).
Answer: He thought that he was now beautiful

Question 5. Write one word from the poem that rhymes with the one given in it.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow One Word From The Poem


Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow One Word From The Poem In Rhymes

Question 6. Underline the odd word. One has been done for you.

Example: Peacock Crow Sparrow Man

  • Beak – Tail – Table – Feather
  • Wing – Sang – Sing – Tring
  • Black – White – Red  – Fool
  • Want – Picked – Danced – Helped


  • Beak – Tail – Table – Feather
  • Wing – Sang – Sing – Tring
  • Black – White – Red  – Fool
  • Want – Picked – Danced – Helped

Question 7. Which words in the box do not have correct spellings? Write their correct spellings in the space given below.

  • FOUND 


  1. Another
  2. Beautiful
  3. Laughed
  4. Stuck

Question 8. Make a sentence of your own using each of the given words.

  1. FOUND
  3. STUCK
  4. LOVE


  1. I found a watch.
  2. Peehu is beautiful.
  3. I stuck a sticker on my book.
  4. I love my mother.
  5. Draw a colorful picture.

Question 9. Fill in the blanks by choosing from the words given in the brackets.

1. I saw _____ (one/won) crow today.
Answer: one

2. The monkey lost its _______ (tale/tail).
Answer: tail

3. He wanted to __________ (no/know) my name.
Answer: know

4. The crow was a ________ (fool/full).
Answer: fool

5. My grandmother told me a __________ (tale/tail).
Answer: tale

6. Do you have  _______ (other / another) pencil?
Answer: Another

Question 10. Read the words in Column A. Complete the words in Column B that rhyme with it. One has been done for you.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow Filling Column A With Column B


Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow Filling Column A With Column B Rhyme

Question 11. See the picture given below and answer the questions based on it.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow Rhyme

1. What is the thing marked as A?
Answer: The thing marked as A is the beak of the bird.

2. B is the ________ of the bird.
Answer: feathers

3. The part marked as C is the ______ of the bird.
Answer: tail






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