Fascia Of The Back

Back Of The Body Question And Answers

Question 1. Briefly mention the skin and fascia of the back.

  • As the man lies on his back, the skin is thick and strong in the back and is tied to the underlying fascia.
  • The superficial fascia of the back is also thick and strong.

Skin And Fascia Of The Back It contains:

  • Cutaneous nerves
  • Fat
  • Cutaneous arteries and veins
    • The deep fascia is dense in texture.

Read And Learn More: Upper Limb

Question 2. Enumerate and write about the origin, insertion, nerve supply, and actions of the muscles connecting the upper limb with the vertebral column.

  • The upper limb is connected to the back of the trunk by a number of muscles
  • These muscles are called posterior axioappendicular muscles.
  • They are:
    • Trapezius
    • Latissimus dorsi
    • Levator scapulae
    • Rhomboideus minor
    • rhomboideus major

Back Of The Body Origin And Insertion Of Trapezius And Latissimus Dorsi Muscles

Upper Limb With The Vertebral Column Clinical Anatomy

  • Paralysis of the trapezius muscle causes drooping of the shoulder which should be differentiated from a collapsed lung as both can be mistaken for each other.
  • A small triangular area of auscultation is present in the back near the inferior angle of the scapula.
  • It is bounded by:
    • Superior horizontal border of latissimus dorsi
    • The inferior border of the trapezius
    • The floor is formed by the 6th, and 7th intercostal spaces, seventh rib, and rhomboideus major
  • This area is not covered by big muscles. So the underlying upper part of the lower lobe can be auscultated through this area.
  • Due to the peculiar feature of latissimus muscle, it can be conditioned and used as an autotransplant to repair a surgically removed portion of the heart.


Back Of The Body Posterior Axioappendicular Muscles

Back Of The Body Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following can extend, adduct, and medially rotate the arm?

  1. Teres minor
  2. Subscapularis
  3. Latissimus dorsi
  4. Deltoid

Answer: 3. Latissimus dorsi

Question 2. All among the listed are actions of trapezius except:

  1. Elevation of the scapula
  2. Retraction of the scapula
  3. Depress the scapula
  4. None of them

Answer: 4. None of them

Question 3. All among the listed are actions of latissimus dorsi except:

  1. Adduction
  2. Extension and medial rotation of arm
  3. Helps to climb
  4. None among them

Answer: 4. None among them

Question 4. Paralysis of which muscle causes drooping of the shoulder?

  1. rhomboideus major
  2. Rhomboideus minor
  3. Trapezius
  4. Serratus anterior

Answer: 3. Trapezius

Question 5. Which muscle can be used as an autotransplant?

  1. Rhomboideus minor
  2. Trapezius
  3. Serratus anterior
  4. Latissimus dorsi

Answer: 4. Latissimus dorsi


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