Orthodontic Tooth Movement Question And Answers

Types Of Tooth Movement Important Notes

Types Of Tooth Movement

  • Couple
    • It is a pair of parallel forces having equal magnitude acting in opposite direction
    • Brings about pure rotation
  • Center of resistance

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Center of resistance

  • Center of rotation in different movement

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Center of rotation

  • Types of tipping

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Types of tipping

  • Types of forces

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Types of forces

Types Of Tooth Movement Long Essays

Question 1. Define optimum force. Classify and discuss Orthodontic forces.

Optimum Orthodontic Force

  • It is a force that rapidly moves teeth in the desired position with minimum damage to adjacent tissues and with less discomfort to the patients
  • Value – According to Oppenheim and Schwarz, it is equal to capillary pressure i.e. 20-26gm/cm2

Orthopaedic Force.

  • It is defined as an act upon a body that changes/tends to change the state of rest or uniform motion of that body
  • It has definite magnitude, specific direction, and point of application.

Value – In grams

Generated by – Orthodontic appliances

Significance – Orthodontic treatment depends on it

Types Of Optimum Forces:

Continuous Force:

  • Active force
  • Decreases little in magnitude between appointment periods
  • Example Light wire appliance
  • Requirement:
    • Components must be highly flexible
    • Activation must be of low force level
  • Results:
    • Direct resorption of root socket
    • No occlusion of blood vessels
    • No sacrifice of nutritional supply
    • No rest period
    • Soft tissue tolerance

Intermittent Force:

  • Active force
  • Declines to zero magnitudes before next appointment
  • Example Removable active plates
  • Requirements:
    • High stiffness of components
    • Initial activation – twice the expected
  • Results:
    • Greater force on teeth
    • Undermining resorption
    • Repair of necrosed soft tissue
    • Resumption of blood supply

Interrupted Force:

  • Inactive between appointment intervals
  • Has cyclic, long-term magnitude time pattern

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers 

  • Ex. Extra oral appliance
  • Requirements:
    • Should exert heavy forces
    • No decay
    • Have specific magnitude – time pattern
    • Have sufficient inactive period

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Graph showing the different types of force

Types Of Tooth Movement Short Essays

Question 1. Tooth Movement.

It is a unique process in which a tooth is made to move through bone.

Types Of Tooth Movement:


  • It is a type of tooth movement where a single force is applied to the crown resulting in the movement of the crown in the direction of force and the root in the opposite direction.
  • Controlled Tipping:
    • Tooth tips about the center of rotation at its apex.
  • Uncontrolled Tipping:
    • The Centre of rotation occurs apical to & very close to the center of resistance.

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Controlled tipping

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Uncontrolled tipping

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Translation

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Intrusion

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Extrusion

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Torquing

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Uprighting

Orthodontics Types Of Tooth Movement Rotation

Types Of Tooth Movement Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. Force and Couple.

Force: It is defined as an act upon a body that changes/tends to change the state of rest or uniform motion of that body

  • Expressed in grams

Couple: It is a pair of concentrated forces having equal magnitude and opposite direction with parallel but non-collinear lines of action

  • Example. Pure rotation

Question 2. Intrusion.

  • Intrusion is defined as the axial movement of the tooth along the long axis toward the apex of the root
  • This tooth movement requires minimum force and the center of rotation passes through the center of resistance
  • 10-20g of force is required the periodontal ligament at the apex is compressed over a small area and no area of tension exists

Question 3. Tipping movement.

It is a type of tooth movement where a single force is applied to the crown resulting in the movement of the crown in the direction of force and root in the opposite direction.

  • Controlled Tipping
    • Tooth tips about the center of rotation at its apex.
  • Uncontrolled Tipping
    • The Centre of rotation occurs apical to & very close to the center of resistance.

Question 4. Moment of force.

Definition Of Moment of force

  • It is defined as the measure of rotational potential of a force concerning a specific axis
  • It is a tendency for a force to produce rotation

Calculated by

  • Moment = Magnitude of force x distance
  • Unit
  • Gram millimeters
  • Factors determining it
  • Magnitude of force
  • Distance from the center of resistance

Types Of Tooth Movement Viva Voce

  • The center of rotation is the variable point
  • The center of resistance is a fixed point
  • Tipping is tooth movement around the mesiodistal axis
  • Torqueing is tooth movement around fac-io-lingual axis
  • Rotation is tooth movement around the long axis of the tooth
  • Couple brings about pure rotation
  • The unit of measurement of moment of force is gram millimeters
  • The center of rotation during intrusion and extrusion is outside the tooth
  • The center of resistance in the multi rooted tooth is located at 1-2mm apical to furcation

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