Back Of Neck Question And Answers
Question 1. Write a short note on the muscles of the back.
Muscles Of Back
- These are complex groups of muscles extending from the skull to the sacrum.
- The postural tone of the muscles is responsible for maintaining normal curvatures of the spine.
The Muscles Can Be Grouped Into Four Layers From Superficial To Deeper.
Splenius Muscle: Splenius means bandage, muscle wraps around other deep muscles like a bandage.
Consists Of Two Muscles:
- Splenius capitis originates from the lower half of ligamentum nuchae and spines of C3, C4, and C7 vertebrae and is inserted into the mastoid process.
- Splenius cervicis originates from the spine of the C3, and C6 vertebrae and is inserted to the posterior tubercle of the transverse process of the C2, and C3 vertebrae.
Splenius Muscle Action: When acting together, they draw the head backward, and when acting singly the muscle causes lateral flexion.
Erector Spinae Or Sacrospinalis: Long complex muscle extending from sacrum to cranium.
Erector Spinae Or Sacrospinalis Origin
- Ushaped origin
- The lateral limb is attached to the posterior segment of the iliac crest and lateral sacral crest.
- The medial limb is attached to the median crest of the sacrum, lumbar and lower thoracic spines, and supraspinous ligaments.
Erector Spinae Or Sacrospinalis Features: In the lumbar region, muscles expand to form a thick fleshy mass, which divides into three columns and each consists of three muscles.
- Iliocostocervicalis: Lateral column
- Consist of iliocostalis lumborum, iliocostalis thoracis and iliocostalis cervicis.
- Longissimus: Middle column
- Consist of Longissimus thoracis, longissimus cervicis, longissimus capitis.
- Spinalis: Medial column
- Consists of spinal lumborum, spinalis thoracis, spinalis cervicis.
- Arises from the transverse process of C3–T4 vertebrae and inserted into the area between the superior and inferior nuchal line
- Consists Of Three Muscles:
- Semispinalis thoracic
- Semispinalis services
- Semi spinalis capitis.
- The Multifidus is a deep muscle that arises from lumbar vertebrae and is inserted into 2–3 higher spinous processes.
- Rotatores: Deepest group
- Interspinales: Lies between adjacent spines of vertebrae
- Intertransversarii: Connect transverse process of adjacent vertebrae.
Muscles Of Back Applied
- Neck rigidity caused as a result of meningitis is due to spasms of extensor muscles caused due to irritation of nerve roots.
- Passive flexion of the neck produces pain as the nerves are stretched.
Question 2. Write a note on the suboccipital triangle.
Suboccipital Triangle
The Suboccipital Triangle is a triangular muscular space situated deep in the suboccipital region of the neck.
Suboccipital Triangle Boundaries: Boundaries of suboccipital triangle
- Superomedially
- Rectus capitis posterior major
- Rectus capitis posterior minor
- Superolaterally: Superior oblique muscle/obliquus capitis muscle
- Inferiorly: Inferior oblique muscle/obliquus capitis inferior
- Roof
- Medially: Dense fibrous tissue covered by semispinalis capitis
- Laterally: Longissimus capitis and splenius capitis
- Floor:
- Posterior arch of atlas
- Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
Suboccipital Triangle Contents
- Suboccipital plexus of veins
- Greater occipital nerve
- Dorsal ramus of 1st cervical nerve/suboccipital nerve
- The third part of the vertebral artery.
Suboccipital Muscles
- These are deep muscles in the suboccipital region.
- They connect the atlas to the axis and both vertebrae to the base of the skull.
- These muscles cause the extension of the head at atlantooccipital joints and rotation of the head and atlas on the axis.
- They mainly function as postural muscles.
- On Each Side, Four Muscles Are Present Which Include The Following:
- Rectus capitis posterior major
- Rectus capitis posterior minor
- Obliquus capitis inferior
- Obliquus capitis superior.
- These muscles are supplied by the dorsal ramus of the C1 spinal nerve.
- The two recti muscles cause extension at the atlantooccipital joint and on the other hand, the obliquus muscles cause rotation of the head to the same side.
Suboccipital Venous Plexus
- Suboccipital Venous Plexus lies in and around the suboccipital triangle.
- It Connects The Following Veins:
- Occipital veins
- Internal vertebral venous plexus
- Deep cervical vein
- Emissary vein from sigmoid sinus
- Muscular veins from six neighboring muscles.
Suboccipital Triangle Applied: The connection between the suboccipital venous plexus and internal vertebral venous plexus serves as a path of intracranial infection in the carbuncles of the neck.
Back Of Neck Multiple Choice Question And Answers
Question 1. All of the following nerves cutaneous supply on the back of the neck except:
- Lesser occipital nerve
- Greater occipital nerve
- Third occipital nerve
- Cutaneous branches of C4 and C5
Answer: 1. Lesser occipital nerve
Question 2. The contents of the suboccipital triangle include all except:
- The third part of the vertebral artery
- Suboccipital nerve
- Occipital artery
- Suboccipital venous plexus
Answer: 3. Occipital artery
Question 3. The dorsal ramus of the first cervical nerve supplies all of the following muscles except:
- Rectus capitis posterior major
- Rectus capitis posterior minor
- Semispinalis capital
- Splenius capitis
Answer: 4. Splenius capitis