Thalassemia Symptoms And Treatment


This dreaded disease is primarily found in children. When it develops further and is considered to be Thalassemia Major, the blood of the young patients has to be changed every 45 to 30 days. These patients require costly injections. And tragedy is such, that in spite of all these treatments, these patients do not survive long.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

The Root Causes Are Mainly:

  1. Children of parents who have Thalassemia Minor.
  2. One of the parents is suffering from a venereal disease or has an HIV infection.
  3. The blood group of the parents does not match.
  4. In certain communities, there is intermarriage within the family.

On examining these patients, it is found that their digestive organs, stomach, liver, and gall bladder are sluggish; their blood-producing vital organ of the spleen is badly damaged.

  • Their endocrine gland of Thyroid or Parathyroid and Sex glands are damaged and so deplete the supply of calcium and phosphorus. Later on, even the Adrenal and Pancreas glands are damaged so these patients even get diabetes.
  • Under the popular medical therapy, there is No Cure. The worried unhappy parents have just to watch their children suffer. Acupressure can play an important role – first in early detection of this disease and then curing it within 60 to 90 days.

Early Diagnosis

When any child looks pale or is not developing satisfactorily, just look into his/her eyes. These eyes will look pale whitish. At that time check for worms and, if necessary, cure it as narrated.

  • In the case of Thalassemia, check the spleen, the stomach, the gall bladder and liver, and the Thyroid or Parathyroid. And if these points are painful, it denotes Thalassemia.
  • Thus, even in small children, without exposing them to painful tests, this disease can be easily detected at an early stage.

Early Diagnosis Cure:

Please read the next Chapter about Cancer. All the possible treatment mentioned therein for blood cancer is to be given to these patients,

  • 4 glasses of gold or silver or copper or iron charged water reduced from 16 glasses. In the case of children below 5 years, give about 2 glasses of such water reduced from 8 glasses.
  • Give 2 to 3 cups of green juice adding in each cup one teaspoonful of health powder + 1 tablespoonful of pure honey.
  • 1 to 2 glasses of fruit juices.
  • Plenty of green salad added therein sprouted Chinese green peas, nuts, and jaggery.
  • Stop all salts and spices and cook food wherever possible. Also stop milk, chocolates, biscuits, and bread made out of fine flour. If the child cannot remain on this diet, give it well-cooked rice with curd-boiled vegetables and a pinch of rock salt.

Drink the extract of the following first thing in the morning:

21 leaves of bitter neem with stalk.
21 leaves of ‘tulsi’ with stalk.
21 leaves of ‘bilipatra’ (7 x 3) with stalk.
Add honey to this juice.

If such leaves are not available, tinctures of the same are available at Homoeopathic shops. Take 1/2 oz. each and mix them in a bottle. Take 5 drops of this mixture in half a cup of lukewarm water in the morning and evening.

  • This is a powerful blood purifier and found very useful in blood cancer.
  • After 12 to 15 days when the child gets very hungry, give it two to three cups of curds adding crystal sugar, if desired, or a pinch of rock salt, whichever is found to be suitable.
  • Take blue light on the stomach for five minutes and on the back, neck, and spine for five minutes twice daily. This will revitalize these organs.

The mixture of powder or pills of the following Biochemic medicines:

Cal flour 12 x 1/2 Oz.
Kali Phos 12 x 1/2 Oz.
Cal. Phos 12 x 1/2 oz.
Natrum Mur 12 x 1/2 Oz.
Ferrum Phos 12 x 1/2 oz.

Is to be made and 1/2 gram of powder or 3 pills of this mixture is to be given thrice a day for 45 days. Stop medicine for 15 days and if necessary, repeat. If worms are found, give treatment for the same as mentioned in “Health in Your Hands”. Further to improve the digestive system, give

Nux Vomica 200-4 to 6 pills once a week
Nux Vomica 12 or 30-3 pills twice daily.

How To Increase Haemoglobin

Moreover, the following treatment is a must for these patients:

Take black dried raisins as may be required daily. Soak them in half a cup of water overnight. Eat these black raisins as mentioned below and drink the water.

Thalassemia The Level Of Hemoglobin In The Blood

Check the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If necessary repeat as above after nine days and continue in the same manner, till the haemoglobin level is satisfactory.

  • This treatment can also be given to all patients with cancer, TB, paralysis, arthritis, brain problems, and in case of acute anemia and to all children, with hemoglobin deficiency.
  • In the case of breastfed infants, the mother has to take the treatment.

How To Increase Haemoglobin Case Study:

  • In Bangalore, one child suffering from Thalassemia – major had to be given blood every 20 days. Treatment was started. The development was so satisfactory that after just 60 days, further transfusion of blood was not necessary.
  • The child was completely cured in 90 days. This treatment has been found successful and blood transfusion is stopped within 40/60 days. This treatment may be continued for 120 days, but proper care about the diet should be taken afterward.

Thalassemia Symptoms And Treatment Thalassemia

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