Skeletal Maturity Index Question And Answers

Skeletal Maturity Indicators Important Notes

Skeletal Maturity Indicators

  • Skeletal maturity indicators
    • Hand wrist radiographs
    • Skeletal maturation using cervical vertebrae
    • Clinical and radiographic examination of stages of tooth development
  • Fishman’s skeletal maturity indicator
    • It evaluates hand-wrist radiographs making use of anatomical sites located on the thumb, third finger, fifth finger, and radius
    • 11 skeletal maturity indicators were described covering the entire period of adolescent development
    • Interpretation uses four stages of bone maturation
      • Epiphysis equal in width to diaphysis
      • Appearance of abductor sesamoid of the thumb
      • Capping of epiphysis
      • Fusion of epiphysis

Skeletal Maturity Indicators Short Essays

Question 1. Hand Wrist Radiograph.

It is one of the skeletal maturity indicators

Significance Of Hand Wrist Radiograph:

  • Describes ossification and union of small bones of hand and wrist
  • Determines skeletal age of patients

Indications Of Hand Wrist Radiograph:

  • In the discrepancy between dental and chronological age
  • Determines the skeletal age of the patient
  • Determines skeletal malocclusion
  • Predict future skeletal growth
  • Predict pubertal growth spurt
  • Aid in research
  • Assess the growth status of individual

Methods Of Hand Wrist Radiograph:

  • Atlas method by Greulich and Pyle
  • Bjork, Grave, and Brown’s method
  • Fishman’s skeletal maturity indicator
  • Hagg and Taranger’s method

Anatomy Of Hand Wrist:

Consist of:

  • Distal ends of long bones of the forearm
  • Carpals
  • Metacarpals
  • Phalanges

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Anatomy of hand wrist

Question 2. Maturity Indicators.

Importance Of Maturity Indicators:

  • Determine the stage of maturity
  • Assess skeletal growth
  • Decides the treatment planning
  • Helps in objective diagnosis
  • Assess different ossification centers

Methods Of Maturity Indicators:

  • Hand wrist Radiograph
  • Cervical vertebrae
    • By Hassel and Farman
    • Shapes of cervical vertebrae determine stages of development
    • Shapes of C3 and C4 are compared

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers 

    • Inferior vertebral borders were examined
      • Flat – when immature
      • Concave – when matured
    • Six stages in vertebral development are viewed
  • Tooth Mineralization
    • Selected teeth – lower canine
    • Calcification patterns and stages of mineralization are examined
  • Maxillary sinus
  • Frontal sinus

Question 3. Fishman’s Skeletal Maturity Indicators.

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Fishman's Skeletal Maturity Indicators

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Stage Two The epiphysis and diaphysis

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Stage Five Capping of diaphysis by the epiphysis 2

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Stage Eight Fusion between the epiphysis and diaphysis of the middle phalanx of the middle finger

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Stage Nine Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis of the radius

Skeletal Maturity Indicators Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. MP 3.

  • Used in maturation assessment by Hagg and Taranger
  • Describes changes in third finger middle phalanx

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators MP3

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Hand-Wrist radiograph assessment by Hogg and Taranger

Question 2. Stages of Maturation using Cervical Vertebrae.

Orthodontics Skeletal Maturity Indicators Maturation Using Cervical Vertebrae

Question 3. Carpal index.

  • One of the skeletal maturity indicator
  • Used as a part of hand wrist
  • Carpals – consist of eight small bones arranged in
    • Proximal Row
      • Scaphoid
      • Lunate
      • Triquetral
      • Pisiform
    • Distal row
      • Trapezium
      • Trapezoid
      • Capitate
      • Hamate
        • These bones show specific patterns of appearance, ossification, and union
        • These are compared with standards

Skeletal Maturity Indicators Viva Voce

  • Skeletal age is useful throughout the post-natal growth period
  • Dental age as a maturity indicator is useful from birth to early adolescence
  • Morphological age as a maturity indicator is useful from late infancy to early adulthood
  • 29 bones are included in the hand-wrist region
  • The radius and ulna are long bones of the hawristist region there are 8 carpal bones in the hand wrist
  • There are 5 metacarpal bones in the hand wrist
  • Each digit of the hand has proximal middle and distal phalanges
  • Sesamoid is small nodular bone
  • There are 1 primary ossification center and one secondary ossification center for each metacarpal bone

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