Process And Types Of Diagnosis

How To Begin Diagnosis


  • The first and foremost qualification of a medical practitioner is his fitness and health of not only the body but also the mind. He or She must be cheerful and free from any prejudices. He or She should be following the same therapy that He or She will preach to others.
  • He or She must remember that the patient is a human being and has come to get rid of his or her problems and clear doubts about his ailment.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

First Clue:

  • A warm smile and welcoming handshake is what a patient expects. When you shake the patient’s hand, you get a clue about the problem. If the patient is younger than you, his palm should be warmer than yours.
  • However, if the palm is cooler, you will know that the energy flow in the patient’s body is less. Similarly, if the patient is older than you, the palm should be cooler. But if the palm is warmer, it indicates that there is excess heat in the body or the patient has a fever.

Solar Plexus:

Methods to confirm whether the solar plexus is in order or not:

  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, when you lie down on any hard surface on your back and if you press your finger or thumb in the navel, you will feel a throbbing sound just like the thumping of the heart, it means that the system is O.K.
  • Lie down on your back, arms straight by your sides. Keep your legs straight and your toes upright. The two big toes should be level with each other. If they are not, it indicates a disturbance in the solar plexus.
  • Join the two palms as shown and match lines 1 and 4. These lines will match with each other if the solar plexus is in order. If the solar plexus has shifted, the line will not match.
  • However, if there is not enough space for the examination table on which the patient can lie down, then the following method can be used:
  • Take two chairs of equal height. Ask the patient to sit down erect on one chair as tightly and backward as possible. Then ask the patient to keep both legs (without shoes and socks) on the other chair.
  • Examine the level of the two big toes. If the solar plexus is not in order, the big toes will not be in a straight line, i.e. at the same level, which means that the solar plexus is not in order.

How To Begin Diagnosis Join The Two Plams

To Set Solar Plexus In Order

1. Correct the solar plexus by pressing with one hand the knee of the leg whose big toe is lower and keep the middle finger of the other hand in between the two big toes and holding them, pulling up only the lower big toe.

  • After two or three pull-ups; check the level of the two big toes. If the level has not come in line, repeat the procedure till the level is proper.
  • Only in a few rare cases, where there is a natural difference in the feet of the patient, this method will not work. In such cases of lamp will be found effective.

How To Begin Diagnosis The Patient To Sit Down Erect On The Chair As Tightly And Backward As Possible

2. Look at the locate the pressure points of the solar plexus and press intermittently the points in both palms not only from the front but also on the back. After half a minute, verify whether the solar plexus has come in order. The following method can also be tried:

How To Begin Diagnosis The Knee Of The Leg Whose Big Toe Is Lower And Keep The Middle Finger Of The Other Hand

3. Keep your right palm vertically on the joint of the elbow of the left hand and try to touch the left shoulder with the thumb with a jerk. Repeat five times. In the same way, do it with the right hand and verify. This is one of the easiest ways. Hence it is advisable to do this exercise every morning whether the solar plexus is in order or not.

How To Begin Diagnosis How To Correct The Solar Plexus

4. Put a small oil lamp/candle on the navel (a coin or something can be kept on the navel as a base to hold the candle), cover it with a metal glass, and press it for a minute.

  • The air inside will burn out and a vacuum will be created. This vacuum will bring the solar plexus to the center. Then lift the glass from one side after one minute. Repeat this three to four times till throbbing is felt at the center.
  • After correcting the solar plexus, drink water or milk adding dry ginger to it. In the case of a chronic problem like diarrheas vomiting or stomach upset, the solar plexus may shift up or down and it will be necessary to correct it at least two or three times a day.
  • Even a minor difference in the level of big toes indicates that the solar plexus is not in order. It may be noted that upward shifting of the solar plexus leads to constipation and if it becomes chronic, this can lead to piles and even Cancer of the colon.
  • The muscle above the navel becomes stiff and this problem is often termed as Hiatus Hernia. Similarly, when the solar plexus has shifted downwards it leads to loose motion.
  • This often is wrongly diagnosed as diarrhea’ and prescribed treatment ends up damaging the whole digestive system.
  • The drugs taken to control such diarrhea can lead to acidity and ulcers, and long-term diarrhea leads to colic pain, anemia, and serious consequences like Cancer.
  • In the case of children too, the correction of solar plexus is very important. For a breastfed baby, if the mother has a gastric problem, the baby’s solar plexus also gets damaged either leading to constipation or loose motions.

How To Begin Diagnosis Put A Small Oil Lamp Or Candle On The Navel Cover It With A Metal Glass And Press IT For A Minute

Case Study Of Diagnosis :

1. A child of four months was brought to me as he had loose motions every time he was fed. He had been suffering from this problem since his birth and so the child had become very anemic. Doctors had advised an operation to correct this problem.

  • The infant was laid down on my table (At that time I was in my business). It was found that his two big toes were not at level. It was duly corrected.
  • On the third day, his father came and informed me that loose motions had stopped since then and the child was passing proper stools twice a day. Thus just by correcting the solar plexus, the operation was averted.

2. In a similar case, during my visit to the U.S.A. in 1991, a child of 4 years was brought to me.

  • Since birth, she was not passing stools for up to three days and would only pass stools when a suppository was inserted into her anus.
  • Her solar plexus was corrected and her mother was taught how to correct it. Since then, that child now a young lady, has regular motions and is having good health to the satisfaction of her parents.

3. During my visit to Kati (Madhya Pradesh, India), I met a surgeon, who was giving his services free in a clinic. He was open-minded and so on observing the Acupressure camp, he asked me to see one of his patients, who had a ‘Hiatus Hernia’ and was advised an operation.

  • I found that the solar plexus of the patient was not in order. I corrected it and the patient had great relief. During the treatment, the patient felt as if a lock was opening in his stomach.
  • After 3 such sittings of one minute each, the hard lump above the stomach softened. The patient was taught to do such treatment at home. After four days, the Doctor examined the patient and he declared that the operation was not necessary anymore.
  • Where ‘Hiatus Hernia’ is diagnosed, correction of the solar plexus will give good results, and operation can be averted.

4. Similarly, a patient came to me four days before the operation of piles was fixed. I corrected his solar plexus and taught him how to do so at home.

  • On the fourth day, when he went to the hospital, after examination, he was told by the doctors that there was considerable improvement and operation was not necessary.
  • Several such instances can be quoted. In the case of any pain around the navel or even in the chest, just check the solar plexus. In most cases, you will find that the solar plexus is not in order, and hence correct the solar plexus before suggesting any other treatment.

Process And Type Of Diagnosis Computer Diagnosis

What should be done in cases of frequent shifting of the Solar Plexus :

Due to frequent gas trouble, weakness of intestines, and lifting of heavy articles, sometimes, there is a shifting of the solar plexus.

  • In case of such frequent shifting of the solar plexus (sometimes it gets shifted in the afternoon even though it was corrected in the morning) the following treatment should be followed:
  • First, correct the solar plexus. Take a little string (thicker than a sewing thread) and tie eight to nine rounds of this thread around the base of a big toe.
  • It should not be very tight, then make a knot. Do the same with the other big toe. Ask the patient to keep it on for a minimum of three days.
  • During this period, this thread may be removed only, if there is unbearable pain in the big toes. Later on, the patient can check up on the solar plexus every alternate day and correct it if necessary.
  • For a complete cure, the patient should have a diet of green juice, fruit juices, and light food and also do some exercises, and asanas to strengthen the muscles of the digestive system.
  • Since the solar plexus is like the mainspring of a watch, it must always be kept in order.
  • Explain to the patient to find out whether his solar plexus is in order or not as per the method on pages 36-37 and also teach him how to correct the solar plexus.

How To Begin Diagnosis Tale A little String And Tie Eight To Nine Rounds Of This Thread Around The Base Of A Big Toe

Barometer Of The Body

Next, check up on the Thyroid or Parathyroid gland. This is the barometer of the body. In case of any complaint anywhere in the main functioning organs of the body, for more than eight days there will be a hurting pain on this point when pressed.

  • It is no surprise, that the points on palms and soles are the biggest which indicates its importance. In case there is no pain on these points, when pressed, it indicates that the patient is healthy the problem is minor and there is nothing to worry about.
  • Inform the patient accordingly. Many a time, the patient has a little doubt of having something wrong with his or her body. And so when the patient is assured that there is nothing to worry about, He or She is relieved from unnecessary worry and tension.
  • However, in all the patients who have come to me for a check-up, I have found this point to be tender in their palms. The degree of pain on this point denotes the severity and the extent of the problem in the body.
  • Such seriousness can be measured from the following illustration: This means that when you press this point even slightly, i.e. 5 degrees of pressure and the patient cries in agony, it denotes that degree-wise the problem is very serious.

How To Begin Diagnosis Barometer Of The Body

In the same way, when you press very hard say 100 degrees of pressure, and there is no pain or flicker in the eyes of the patient, it denotes that there is no problem. From experience, one would be able to know the exact degree of such seriousness.

  • Similarly, the degree of damage to any organ, can be found out by the above illustration chart, i.e. when pressed slightly on the point of the throat and if there is severe pain, it denotes inflammation of the tonsils due to bacterial or viral infection, causing a sore throat, fever and difficulty in swallowing.
  • This method is very useful in cases of chronic and serious disease, for example. if there is pain in of Lymph gland and also in the Sex gland, it denotes ‘degeneration in the Uterus’ in the case of a female patient and ‘degeneration in the Prostate’ in the case of a male patient.
  • Unless the patient is under great agony and there is severe pain on vital points of 36-37-26 and 30, the degree of problem cannot be more than 90%.
  • As such in all the problems even in the case of Cancer of blood or in the case of HIV/AIDS, treatment of 45 to 60 days is enough to cure the disease. And so the practitioner can be confident of curing almost all the diseases.
  • Even when a person thinks he is healthy and if there’s some unnoticeable problem developing inside the body or maybe there are some slight symptoms that are generally neglected then pressure will immediately reveal the internal problem of the body, for example. ‘A Naval officer came to me.

He said that he was healthy but wanted to know how to give pressure. I took his palm and pressed on Thyroid or Parathyroid. I could see the pain and agony on his face.

  • Slowly, I went on pressing different points and he went on confessing about hurting pain on various points. The nature of the disorder was identified as the beginning of a brain tumor.
  • Later on, the officer got himself thoroughly checked in a Naval Hospital, which had the best equipment. And my diagnosis was confirmed. The officer, then, started taking treatment as suggested in my book and cured himself and saved his well-paid job.’
  • While in Athens, I was invited by the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka to attend their 19th World Health Conference in 1989 to accept the Honorary Degree of M.D. for my book and Merit Medal for my Research about Cancer.
  • When I was conducting a workshop, I told the large gathering of eminent doctors who had gathered from different countries of the World that, “Acupressure has advanced so much that without knowing the history of the patient and without any tests, just by pressing on the palms, diagnosis is possible.”
  • I was asked by the chairman, Dr. Batliwala, an eminent acupuncturist in India, to prove my statement. I asked the doctors to come on stage one by one. I pressed their palms and told each of them what was wrong with them.
  • In the case of three doctors, I had to tell them that they were suffering from Cancer and that too of a particular organ. Not surprisingly, all of them agreed with my diagnosis made within 60 seconds.

However, in the case of a German lady doctor, when I informed her that she had lots of tension and was on the verge of collapse, she laughed it off. But within 15 minutes, she collapsed in the hall.

  • All the doctors present were greatly impressed by the efficacy of instant diagnosis and immediately bought copies of my book ‘Health in Your Hands’. Several such instances can be quoted. On many occasions, I have been challenged.
  • I will narrate only one instance. Once I was invited by former Finance Minister of India, Mr. Narayan Dutta Tiwari to his hotel room in Mumbai. His wife is a qualified gynecologist’ and has studied my book thoroughly.
  • When I reached there, Mrs. Tiwari discussed this therapy and when she was convinced that Acupressure is a Health Science she called her husband from the next room.
  • Mr. Tiwari is a tall, well-built, strong man. I was told that they would not inform me about any complaint and I had to diagnose and tell them about the problem.
  • I started pressing there was a flicker of pain in Mr Tiwari’s eyes, then one by one I went on pressing other points and told them about five different problems he was having.
  • When I told them he was suffering from severe piles Dr. (Mrs.) Tiwari jumped up in great astonishment, greatly impressed by the efficacy and exactness of this therapy.

Then I scolded her for not curing her husband of his constipation which he had been suffering from for a long time. I corrected the Solar Plexus and guided them about the treatment, which he had to take himself. After a week, Mr. Tiwari thanked me because his problem of constipation and piles had been cured.

Exactness Of Diagnosis

Once I was invited by an eminent eye specialist to his residence. He asked me to examine his 27-year-old healthy-looking son. After examination of both the palms in three minutes, I told them that there were tonsils on the right side and only reddishness on the left side of the throat and the root cause was ‘cold due to heat’.

The doctor could not accept such a diagnosis, so he called for a torch and a spoon and examined his son’s throat. Later, he was glad to admit that my diagnosis was perfectly correct.

How to reach the root cause:

After you have checked the solar plexus and corrected it, if necessary, you press and when you find pain on the same, proceed further and ask the patient about his or her complaints and go on pressing on corresponding points.

  • However, never come to any conclusion about diagnosis till you are satisfied with the root cause. ‘A female patient of about 35 years, complained about backache. Her eyes were pale and her hands were cold.
  • This symptom of pale eyes indicates the possibility of worms in the intestines and cold hands denote less energy. On further examination, it was found that there was pain of Sex glands.
  • On inquiry, she admitted that she had had whitish or yellowish discharge-Leucorrhoea for the last ten years. She never had regular menstruation since the beginning of the cycle.
  • Her husband had come with her and was strong and healthy. He confessed to his demands for sex even when his wife was not willing. The root causes were found out and proper treatment was advised. Now, after two months they are a happy couple.
  • ‘A young man of 19 years, came to me complaining about less appetite and less concentration during his studies. I went on pressing and then 11 to 15 (after observing white spots on the nails and that the white moons were very negligible-these symptoms denote the possibility of masturbation); On all these points.
  • There was pain indicating degeneration in the prostate-Sex glands and a problem in the digestive system. Slowly, the boy revealed that in the last five years, he had lost his mother, and he was masturbation.
  • He was unhappy and so depressed that he was thinking of committing suicide. All these problems had developed into degeneration of cancer of the Gonads – Sex glands.

He and his father, who had accompanied him and who was ignorant about the masturbation of his son, were explained about the seriousness of the case.

  • The boy was convinced about the futility of suicide and confidence was given about the cure. They agreed to cooperate, treatment was given at home.
  • Of course, along with acupressure treatment, a change was made in Diet-more of green juices + health drink + honey and mormoreuits and fruit j u,ic,es and concentrated gold or silver or copper iron-charged water was prescribed.
  • Within just two months, the boy was right. Now he is an ardent practitioner of Acupressure and studying hard to be a professor. It is a fact that in India and other less advanced countries, patients are not willing to discuss their sex and menstrual problems.
  • But Acupressure can lead you to the root cause. For proper diagnosis, it is most important and about the functioning of all the endocrine glands and lymph glands.
  • When any of the main functioning organs are damaged or not functioning properly, carbon gathers around the corresponding points, which are found to be tender and when pressed there is pain.
  • This pain is unpleasant and different from the experience of pressure given at that point. And when there is pain there will be flicker in the patient’s eyes.
  • Thus even without any information from the patient or without any physical examination or any other tests, diagnosis can be made just by pressing different points located in both the palms or soles.

Our body is a great wonder. It reveals any small problem on these points of palms and soles.

It may be noted that the diagnosis made by Acupressure is so accurate that on several occasions, I have challenged the diagnosis made with X-rays and other tests like Sonography. I quote three such instances:

1. An athlete suffering from severe backache was asked to have his spinal cord operated upon based on a diagnosis made by X-rays. He approached me and on examination, I found out that there was no pain in the spinal cord.

  • So I told him that there was no damage to the spinal cord, and as such the operation was not necessary. However, to find out the root cause of his severe backache, I pressed the point of the sciatic nerve.
  • These points were found to be tender which indicated damage to the sciatic nerve. He admitted that it was true. Being an athlete, during his daily exercises, he was doing Hal asana.
  • He had to go out on tour for about 12 days and there he could not do his daily exercises. After he returned, he tried to do Hal asana. But his legs would not touch the ground.
  • So he asked his son to bring down the legs slowly. However, his son brought down the legs fast with a jerk and damaged his sciatic nerve. The patient was told how to follow the treatment at home and within ten days he was cured of his backache.

How To Begin Diagnosis Back Of Right Hand

2. A gentleman was suffering from Jaundice. Based on X-ray and Sonography, he was prescribed to remove the stone from his gall bladder by operation. I was called three days before the operation for a check-up.

  • On examination, I found his heart to be in sound condition, there was little tenderness on the gall bladder, but the liver kidney, and Adrenal gland were found to be tender and were the most tender.
  • I told the patient that there was no stone in the gall bladder (because of excess heat in the body as indicated by pain in the Adrenal gland, the liver is damaged.
  • Because of excess heat, the liquid of bile stored in the gall bladder had dried up and became like crystals and looked like a stone in Sonography and this prevented the free flow of bile into the intestines which caused Jaundice).
  • I told the patient that there was no necessity for an operation on the gall bladder. But as there was pain there was a possibility of a stone in the kidney.
  • However the operation was done and the gall bladder was removed even on minute bisection no stone was found; as the small pieces of the gall bladder which were removed during the operation, could not be stitched together, they were thrown away.
  • After four hours of operation, the patient’s X-ray was taken and a big stone was found near the right kidney. This stone was removed by further operation of four hours. Fortunately, the condition of the patient’s heart was good and so he survived.
  • But as his gall bladder has been removed, he has got a lifelong problem of digestion.

3. A patient was told based on an X-ray and medical investigation that he had cancer in the mouth and an operation was necessary. He consulted me and I told him, within two minutes of examination, that there was no Cancer.

  • All he suffered was from soreness in the throat and the lump was due to cold. However, on the insistence of relatives, an operation was carried out and it was found that there was no malignancy.
  • Acupressure practitioners, thus, need not be carried away by the diagnosis made by other tests and other medical practitioners of other therapies.
  • In most of the cases, the patient will come to you as a last resort and bring with him the reports of all his tests. He will also argue with you when your diagnosis differs from the earlier diagnosis.
  • But you rely only on the observation you make from the hurting points on the palms or soles of the patient.

Self Diagnosis

The wonderful part of this therapy is that the patient himself can find out his problem with self-diagnosis. “One gentleman had pain in his chest. Fearing a heart attack, he went to a hospital. A cardiogram was taken and as there were no irregularities, he was discharged after four days.

  • Later on, every time he had pain in the chest, he would call for a doctor, get his cardiogram done, and be satisfied to know that it was normal. Then, he was presented with my book.
  • Afterward, whenever he had any chest pain, he would press the heart, and since there would be no pain he would be relieved of anxiety just in a minute.
  • During one year alone, he saved not only more than 30,000 but also a great deal of tension. When I had a chance to meet him, on examination, the root cause of his chest pain was found to be the shifting of the solar plexus, which was then corrected”.
  • The method of self-diagnosis is a unique feature of Acupressure. It helps to locate a developing disease before outward symptoms appear. For example, you are practicing Acupressure daily and you do not feel pain at any point.
  • But one day, when pressed on, there is a slight pain. Do not neglect. This slight pain denotes that something is wrong with the heart. Perhaps a heart attack is in the offing. Immediately take bed rest and correct the Solar Plexus for treatment of the heart.
  • For instance, one officer in the bank felt uneasiness. He pressed his and felt a slight pain. He immediately took leave, went home took bedrest for 72 hours, and took the treatment.

Then he went to a cardiologist. The cardiologist told the officer that he had survived a heart attack. The officer thanked me and I thanked the Great Supreme Power.

  • For the cure of any disease, early detection or diagnosis is always the most important factor.
  • Now, if you have the habit of pressing your two palms daily or at least three times a week, you come to know immediately about what is wrong with you without any visit to a doctor or any other tests.
  • So you can start treatment immediately and cure or curb the developing disease at the earliest. Such early detection is possible not only in the case of ordinary diseases but also in the case of serious dreaded diseases like Heart attack, Stroke, Cancer, Brain problems, and even HIV/AIDS.

Diagnosis Of Child

When any child is brought to me and looks pale, I examine him for worms and also press point no. 37 of spleen. If pain is observed on this point, If pain is observed on these points, it denotes Thalassemia.

  • To find out why the child has Thalassemia, I call for the child’s parents, sisters, and brothers and also examine them.
  • In many cases, I have been shocked to find the father suffering from HIV infection, which is transmitted to the mother and all the children born thereafter.
  • These other children also are found to have the same symptoms of Thalassemia, which denotes the early stage of HIV. Even though it may be negative at the time, there are chances later on of it developing into HIV positive.
  • So I recommend immediate treatment for the family. I am glad to tell you that due to such immediate treatment, such as Thalassemia and HIV get cured.
  • Acupressure is very useful for infants or even children of 3 years or more, who are not able to tell or explain their problems. Just by pressing on different points of the soles in the case of small children, or on palms, the exact root cause can be found.
  • Because when you press the different points, the child will cry out or pull away its leg or palm, when that point is hurting. That gives a clear indication about the problem without exposing the young patients to tests which can sometimes be hazardous.
  • Instant diagnosis being a unique feature of this therapy, a chapter has been devoted to children’s diagnosis.

Diagnosis Of Dreaded Diseases

You will be surprised to note that proper Diagnosis of any dreaded diseases like the common cold, Asthma, Cancer, Brain problems, and even HIV/AIDS, is possible in just two minutes without any test.

  • Not only can you find out whether the patient has Cancer or not, but you can detect the exact location of Cancer. Once I was asked by a lady, who had just returned from the U.S.A., to tell me about her problem.
  • After examining her palms for less than two minutes, I told her that she was suffering from Cancer of the right breast. She admitted that it was true and informed that because of Cancer her right breast had been removed.
  • I told her that despite the operation, the effect of Cancer was still there and had started damaging her liver. She started taking treatment as mentioned in my book and got completely cured. Now even after fifteen years, she enjoys good health.
  • A lady was put on dialysis, thrice a week. Later on, as there was no improvement, she was told that as both her kidneys had almost failed, she should go in for transplantation of kidneys.
  • In India, it would cost about 4,80,000 (equivalent to US $ 10,000). She got scared and came to me. Thorough examination revealed that the root cause was Cancer of the uterus and her kidneys were not more than 50% damaged.

She was advised treatment which she took at home. Just within 15 days, the swelling on her legs disappeared and she started passing clear urine quite regularly. She also felt energetic and became confident. Within 45 days of treatment, she was cured. The total cost of her treatment came to hardly 200, i.e. less than 5 US $.

  • That is why it is very important not to be carried away by what the patient narrates or by the previous report. In my practice, I have never seen such reports.
  • Very frankly, I know very little about the terms of these reports as I am not a medical student. And unto now, there has never been any necessity to call for such reports.
  • Pay attention to the symptoms the patient narrates and just think about what the root cause could be and within a minute you will be able to locate the exact root cause of his or her problem.
  • In the case of the common cold, tonsillitis, sinusitis, asthma, etc., in most cases, the root cause is ‘excess heat in the body.’
  • And it is most important to find out the root cause, because if the patient is suffering from a ‘cold due to excess heat’, popular treatment may be effective for a short period, and it will not cure the problem.
  • On the contrary, such treatment worsens the problem and leads to allergy, asthma, etc., and disturbance in the digestive system. This in turn leads to acidity, etc. Because of its importance a chapter has been devoted to the common cold.

I have to advise the practitioners or readers that if any point is pressed very hard there is bound to be pain. But such hard pressure is not to be given.

  • It is a wrong and unethical method on the part of some professionals to impress upon the patient that He or She is suffering from a serious disorder and so requires long-term treatment.
  • On all points, except that of the endocrine glands, enough pressure is to be given only to feel the pressure, i.e. 3 to 5 lbs. pressure.

How To Begin Diagnosis To Use The Scales Weighing Machine

How to use the scales-weighing machine

  • With zero on the scales, give pressure on it with your thumb till the scales show between 3 to 5 lbs. It is a normal pressure to be given on all points.
  • And only on the points of the endocrine glands, a little deeper pressure of about 12 to 15 lbs. on the scale is to be given. Since Acupressure is a ‘Do-It-Yourself’ therapy, one can easily do it without an expert’s guidance.
  • Only in chronic cases, where the root cause has not been traced, an expert’s guidance is required. Moreover, I have to advise new practitioners that unless they have tried this therapy on at least 100 patients under the supervision of some expert or at a reputed Acupressure center, they should not advise treatment.
  • Moreover, the practitioners should never reveal to a patient the seriousness of the disease in the very first meeting. Instead tell the patient that too many toxins have gathered in the body, which has damaged many organs and endocrine glands, and weakened the life battery.
  • It is, therefore, necessary to take a longer treatment and make a change in the diet. If possible, give the patient a literature pamphlet or book on Acupressure to read. The patient will be able to locate the problem and in the next sitting will ask you to confirm the root cause.
  • Moreover, never commit the mistake of telling a lady patient about her serious problem if she is alone.

In such cases ask her to bring her husband or senior member of the family (preferably male in less developed countries) and then discuss the seriousness of the problem.

  • But assure them that as the root cause is found out, with proper treatment and change in diet, within fifteen days there will be a remarkable improvement and within 45/60 days the disease will be cured.
  • A lady teacher, aged 40 years, came to me. On examination of her (because she complained about the irregularity of periods) and point it was found that there was a beginning of Cancer-degeneration in the Uterus.
  • On her insistence, I told her about this problem. Then for 15 minutes, I had to see her weeping and sobbing. With great difficulty, I managed to assure her that she needed not to worry that Cancer did not mean retirement from life and that it was easy to cure it at home.
  • She calmed down enough to understand the treatment. After a month, she happily reported that she was feeling much better, gaining vitality and strength, and that her confidence in this therapy had greatly increased.
  • Within 2 months of this treatment, she was perfectly well. The total cost of her treatment was hardly 200; i.e. less than 5 US$.
  • It is also necessary to tell the patient that his or her symptoms may get aggravated at the beginning of the treatment and that He or She should not worry, as it is a good sign that this therapy is working properly.

Our body is so unique, that any minor disturbance is reflected on the corresponding point on palms or soles as tenderness and so when that point is pressed, you will experience pain.

  • Therefore, till you are satisfied that you have detected the root cause, go on checking and finding out the tender points. Use your common sense, understanding, and observation.
  • Think twice before jumping to any conclusions about Diagnosis. Slowly and steadily you will get the insight.
  • With experience, your brain computer will start functioning in such a way that your thumb will automatically find the exact points of tenderness and your diagnosis will be correct.

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