NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 19 Word Power Question And Answers
This chapter will give you a tool to develop your vocabulary and revise the word power you have created. We will see antonyms, word substitution, homophones, and homonyms.
Antonyms are the words that have opposite meanings.
Antonyms are words that have similar meanings.
Homophones (Sound-Alike Words)
The words that Pronounce the same, but have different meanings are called homophones. Homophones may have the same spellings or different spellings.
- Rose – a flower
- Rose – the past tense of rise
- Accept Rahil accepted Ritu’s invitation.
- Except I like all colors except blue.
- Access They do not have access to the internet in the village.
- Excess We have an excess of furniture. You can borrow from us.
- Allowed You are not allowed to leave the exam hall before 2 pm.
- Aloud He spoke.
- Bail The actor was released on bail from jail.
- Bale A large tight bundle, (of hay, etc) The women on the farm lifted the bales of hay.
- Bare You should not walk barefoot on the road. Bear Bears can be seen in the forests.
- Born He was born in Nainital.
- Borne Madhur has borne great pains to reach this position.
- Cell (a small unit) The biologist studied the plant cell under a microscope.
- Sell (to transfer goods or services in exchange for money) The artist decided to sell her paintings at the local art fair.
- Check (to inspect or examine something) Please check the document for any errors before submitting it. Cheque (a method of paying money by bank account) In some countries, people prefer to pay by cheque rather than using electronic methods.
- Coma (a state of prolonged unconsciousness) After the accident, the patient remained in a coma for several days.
- The comma (a punctuation mark indicating a pause in a) Make sure to use a comma to separate items in a list.
- Desert (a dry, barren area of land with little or no vegetation) The camel is well-adapted to survive in the harsh conditions of the desert. Dessert (a sweet course typically served at the end of a meal) We enjoyed a delicious chocolate cake for dessert after dinner.
- Dose (a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time) The doctor recommended a daily dose of the medication.
- Doze (to sleep lightly or take a short nap) After a tiring day, he decided to doze off on the couch.
- Dear (regarded with affection or deep fondness) She wrote a heartfelt letter to her dear friend on their birthday.
- Deer (a graceful, hoofed mammal with antlers) We spotted a group of deer grazing in the meadow.
- Effect (a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause) The new law had a positive effect on the community.
- Effect (to have an influence on or produce a change in something) The economic downturn began to affect businesses across the country.
- Eminent (standing out, renowned, distinguished) The professor is an eminent scholar in the field of physics. Imminent (about to happen, impending) The storm clouds gathered, and it felt like rain was imminent.
- Fair She has a fair complexion.
- Fair Children like to go to the fair.
- Fare How much is the fare of the bus to Moti Nagar?
- Feat (an achievement that requires great courage of skill) He performed a great feat. Feet (the power extremity of the leg on which a person stands or walks). His bare feet projected from his trousers.
- Grate (a framework of metal bars used for cooking or heating) She used a cheese grater to grate the Parmesan for the pasta.
- Great (of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average) Climbing Mount Everest is a great challenge.
- Groan (a low sound expressing pain or disapproval) The old chair let out a groan as he sat down. Grown (past participle of grow, to increase in size or develop) The once small sapling had grown into a mighty oak tree.
- Hair His hair is black and silky. Hare a hare is playing in the lawn.
- Heel (the back part of the foot) Her new shoes were stylish but uncomfortable around the heel.
- Heal (to become healthy again, or to treat and cure a wound) With proper care, the wound began to heal.
- Idle Don’t sit idle
- Idol They have a big idol of lord Ganesh in their hall.
- In (inside or within a location) The keys are in the drawer.
- In (a small hotel or lodging house) They decided to stay at an inn for the night.
- Jealous (feeling envy or resentment) She couldn’t help but feel jealous of her friend’s success. Zealous (enthusiastically devoted to a cause or pursuit) The young artist was zealous about perfecting her craft.
- Knight (a warrior) The knight rode into battle, carrying a lance and shield. Night (the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise) They went for a stroll in the park at night.
- Lesson (a period of learning or teaching) The maths lesson covered the principles of algebra. Lessen (to make or become less in degree, intensity, or extent) The medication helped lessen the pain.
- The salesman made them a fool. Maid, We don’t have any maid-servant at our home.
- Mail (letters and parcels sent or delivered by the postal system) She received an important document in the mail.
- Male (masculine gender) The males are directed to board the plane from the right door.
- Nose (a sense organ) His glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Knows (third-person singular of know) She knows the answer to the riddle.
- Not (used to express negation or denial) I’m sorry, but I do not have any information on that topic.
- Knot (a tying made by looping a piece of string or rope) The sailor expertly tied a secure knot to keep the boat in place.
- One (the number 1) There is only one apple left in the basket.
- Won (past tense of win) They won the championship after a hard-fought match.
- Off (away from a place or position) Please stay off the grass; it’s just been seeded. Of (expressing the relationship between a part and a whole) The cup is made of ceramic.
- This is our home
- Hour It will take an hour to get there.
- Pale (light in color) Her face turned pale when she heard the unexpected news. Pail (a bucket, typically with a handle) The gardener used a pail to water the plants.
- Plain Write all the details on a plain sheet of paper. Plane Their plane will land in Dubai at around 6 am.
- Rohit is quite busy with his work. Quiet Please, keep quiet.
- Rain (water falling in drops from the atmosphere) We decided to stay indoors due to the heavy rain. Rein (a strap used to control a horse) The rider pulled gently on the rein to guide the horse. Reign (the period of rule of a monarch) The queen’s reign was marked by prosperity and cultural growth.
- Raise (to lift or move to a higher position) She decided to raise the curtains to let in more sunlight. Rays (beams of light) The morning rays of the Sun illuminated the landscape.
- Sun The Sun is shining brightly today. Son His son studies in Singapore.
- See Can you see what is there? Sea The Arabian Sea is in the West of India.
- Stationary I like to keep watching the stationary water of the lake.
- Stationery There is a stationery store at the corner.
- Tail (the hindmost part of an animal, especially when extended beyond the rest of the body) The dog wagged its tail happily.
- Tale (a narrative of real or imaginary events)
- She enjoyed reading fairy tales before bedtime.
- A throne (a ceremonial chair for a sovereign or monarch) The king sat on his ornate throne during the coronation ceremony.
- Thrown (past participle of the throw) He had thrown the ball so far that it landed outside the field.
- Umpire (an official who oversees and enforces the rules in sports) The umpire made a fair decision despite the challenging situation.
- Empire (a group of nations or territories under a single authority) The Roman Empire was a vast and powerful civilization.
- Wander They are wandering around that area. I wonder if it rains today.
- Weight His weight is 65 kg. Wait She waited for 30 minutes.
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling, but different meanings.
- Address
- (to refer to see) Napoleon addressed the crowd. (the postal address) Has she changed her address?
- Bat
- (Sports Equipment) He swung the bat and hit a home run in the baseball game. (Nocturnal Animal) Bats are nocturnal creatures that fly at night.
- Can
- (Container) She opened a can of soda and took a sip. (Ability) With hard work, you can achieve your goals.
- Date
- (Calendar Day) Today’s date is the 15th of December. (We have a dinner date on Friday night.)
- Fly
- (Insect) A fly buzzed around the room. (Travel through the air) Birds fly south for the winter.
- Kite
- (Toy) Children love to fly kites on windy days. (Bird) The majestic eagle soared high like a kite.
- Left
- (Direction) Turn left at the traffic light. (Remained) He left his jacket at the party.
- Mean
- (Signify) What does this symbol mean? (Unkind) Don’t be mean; share your toys with your sister.
- Nail
- (Material) Hammer the nail into the wooden board. (Body Part) She painted her nails with bright red polish.
- Palm
- (Tree) The palm tree swayed in the tropical breeze. (Hand) He held the small object in the palm of his hand.
- Right
- (Direction) Go right at the intersection. (Correct) She chose the right answer on the test.
- Rose
- (Flower) He gave her a bouquet of red roses. (Past Tense of Rise) The Sun rose early in the morning.
- Saw
- (Tool) He used a saw to cut the wood. (Past Tense of See) I saw her at the store yesterday.
- Trip
- (Journey) We’re planning a road trip across the country. (Stumble) Be careful not to trip over the uneven pavement.
- Tie
- (Fasten) He had to tie his shoelaces before going for a run
- (Equality) The game ended in a tie; neither team won
- Well
- (Water Source) The village relies on the well for drinking water. (In Good Health) Despite her age, she is still quite well and active.
One Word Substitutions
One-word substitutions are defined as single words that are used in place of a group of words to denote a person, an object a place, etc.
- abbreviation a shortened form of a word or phrase.
- accessible which can be approached.
- amateur one who does something as past-time.
- anonymous of an unknown name
- aquatic animals which live in water.
- audible the sound which can be heard.
- autobiography a book on one’s life written by oneself.
- bankrupt one who cannot pay back his debt.
- A biography is a book on one’s life written by somebody else.
- cemetery a place where dead bodies are buried.
- century one hundred years.
- curable that which can be cured.
- deaf one who cannot hear anything.
- democracy the government formed for the people, by the people, and of the people.
- desert a place where there is no water or plantation.
- edible suitable to be eaten
- extrovert A person who enjoys being with other people.
- incurable that which cannot be cured.
- indoor something carried on within or inside a building.
- inflammable something that is quickly and easily burnt.
- insomnia loss of sleep.
- ignorant person who doesn’t know anything.
- jail a place where prisoners are kept.
- kidnap to carry away a person forcibly.
- kindergarten is a place for small children.
- legal that which is lawful.
- linguist one who knows many languages.
- logic the science of reasoning.
- lunar eclipse of the Moon.
- notorious that which is ill-famous.
- orphan one who does not have a father or mother.
- orphanage a place where orphans live.
- patriot one who loves one’s own country.
- pessimist one who looks on the darker side of things.
- pioneer one who leads others.
- A polygon is a figure with many angles or sides.
- postmortem a study of dead bodies.
- robot an intelligent and obedient machine like man.
- the art of making statues sculpture
- one that does not favor any religion.
- secular simultaneous happening at the same time.
- solo a piece of music by one person.
- spokesman one who speaks on behalf of others.
- suicide killing of oneself.
- theist one who believes in God.
- thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature.
- tragedy the story that ends in death or sorrow.
- wardrobe an almirah where clothes are kept.
- The zoo is a place where animals and birds are kept.
- zoology study of animals.
Idioms And Phrases
The expression has a different meaning from its literal meaning.
Integrated Exercise Type: 1 Gap Filling
1. Complete the following paragraphs by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:
Question 1. Dr. Diesel was 1…………gifted engineer. 2………. highly practical and persevering in giving 3…………his ideas
- An
- The
- A
- Some
Answer: 3. A
- Is
- Was
- Been
- Were
Answer: 2. Was
- Over
- Towards
- On
- To
Answer: 4. To
Question 2. When wet waste is mixed (1)…………dry waste, it is called garbage. For zero garbage, the two (2)…………be kept separate. Dry waste can be recycled. Wet waste can be (3) compost and used for gardening in place of fertilizers.
- In
- On
- Into
- With
Answer: 4. With
- Could
- Would
- Should
- Shall
Answer: 3. Should
- Make
- Turned
- Mixed
- Sintered
Answer: 2. Turned
Question 3. During (1)……….. hottest part ofthe year, many of our city streets seem to be on fire (2)…….masses of gulmonhar flowers this (3)…… of the most beautiful tress.
- A
- The
- An
- Some
Answer: 2. The
- From
- By
- With
- Over
Answer: 3. With
- Is
- Was
- Are
- Be
Answer: is
Question 4. Gauri was only eight years old, but (1) a mountain of family responsibilities had already (2)…………(3),………… her head.
- A
- The
- An
- Some
Answer: 1. A
- Descend
- Descending
- Descended
- Descends
Answer: 3. Descended
- Over
- On
- Above
- In
Answer: 2. On
Question 5. The mere mention of the Nobel Prize (1)…………. world-famous scientists and most coveted visions (2)………… economists. It is (3) ………. individual award in the world
- Creates
- Create
- Creates
- Creating
Answer: 1. Creates
- For
- Of
- from
Answer: 2. Of
- Over
- A
- An
- Some
- The
Answer: 4. The
2. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct options.
Question 1. According to the doctor, this time next week, … around as normal and the cut on my foot is complete.
- Am Walking / Healed
- Will Be Walking / Will Have Healed
- Walked / Was Healing
- Have Been Walking / Heal
Answer: 2. Will Be Walking / Will Have Healed
Question 2. ………..we climbed, ………… the air became, which made it difficult for us to proceed
- The Higher/ The Colder
- The Highest/ The Coldest
- Too High/ Too Cold
- As High/ So Cold
Answer: 1. The Higher/ The Colder
Question 3. They could easily afford to stay at the best hotels, ………….they preferred to stay at small family-run guesthouses
- As
- Yet
- For
- Therefore
Answer: 2. Yet
Question 4. The photographer rolled a machine……. the middle of the room
- Above, From
- In, Off
- By, Across
- Into, Of
Answer: 4. Into, Of
Question 5. There’s a cinema near the station……?
- Aren’t it
- isn’t there
- weren’t it
- init
Answer: 2. isn’t there
Question 6. The cat and the dog have a……enemy in the rat.
- Same
- Common
- Mutual
- Similar
Answer: 2. Common
Question 7. There was……..huge hole in………napkin she took out from……her bag.
- The, a, a
- A the, no article
- No article, the, no article
- A, the, an
Answer: 2. A, the, no article
Question 8. The….. of cotton is very heavy
- Bald
- Bail
- Bale
- Band
Answer: 3. Bale
Question 9. Hypocrites try to…… appearances
- Keep Uopn
- Keep Over
- Keep Up
- Keep Away
Answer: 3. Keep Up
Question 10. Our new digital photo-print machine, the manual …………is lost and awaits to be set up properly.
- Of What
- Where
- By Whom
- Of Which
Answer: 4. Of Which
3. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word
Question 1. The Kohli family are very energetic and hardworking people……(1) weekdays, they get up very early and ….. (2) breakfast. Then, they go to school and work. When their office and school are over, they attend swimming classes. They have dinner at 7 pm and by 7.30 they are ready for a walk…..(3) their neighborhood.
- On,
- Have,
- Around
2. Monuments are objects …. (1) buildings that have been created to …… (2) an important person or a historic event that happened. People…..(3) built monuments for thousands of years.
- Or Honour
- Remember
- Have
3. An educated man is not only self-reliant……(1) can assist others in getting proper education. He……(2) supposed to be well-mannered, kind, and sympathetic. So a man who…..(3) acquired knowledge and skill only for his material development, cannot be called truly an educated man.
- But also
- Is
- Has
4. On a sunny spring day, Tania ran ….. (1) a bus and shouted at it to stop. She got on with her money. She…..(2) the conductor that she had to go to town and handed the…..(3) money to the conductor.
- After
- Told
- Fare
5. Once upon a time, there was a king…..(1) Central India. He was good-looking……(2) very proud. He admired himself all the time, in mirrors, in water, and even in people’s eyes. He called himself the …….(3) handsome king in the world.
- in
- but
- most
Type 2: Editing
1. The following paragraphs have not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done for you.
1. Enid Blyton’s books are, of course, of primary school children. Many were suitable for old primary school children, but any were especially written for new readers in the early primary school years.
2. God-like qualities are planted with us at birth. They grow amid the thorns of our fault. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorn, the defects We despair, thinking such we cannot do anything good We neglect to water a good within us, and eventually it dies.
3. Any people came to the site where the revolutionary general was to be hanged. When asked if he had any desire, the smile ran on his dry lips and he nodded his head.
4. Walt Disney was our hero. He has left me a legacy that can be enjoyed time and again. He knew how to entertain us so well. he developed a process for creating animated films.
5. The Gir National Park, also known as Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, is situated in the state of Gujarat, it is one of the major wildlife sanctuaries in North India. It was established on 18th September 1965 as a forest reserve primarily to conserve the Asiatic Lion.
6. According to tradition, Gautama Buddha sat in meditation in the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya. Unfortunately, an original tree has disappeared and is replaced by a successor -the Peepal tree
Type 3 Omitting
In the passage that follows, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets.
1. Buddha taught people in many different ways. He taught children to tell stories. He gave detailed explanations of the path to the wise. To others, taught without speaking any words at all. He always talked with kindness and love.
2. The Theory of Evolution states that the plants and animals in the world today developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler. These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors and the process goes back through millions of years to the very beginning, when life was in simplest form, merely a tiny mass of jelly-like protoplasm.
3. Gone are the days when wedding gifts meant anything was readily available. Today people tend to spend effort to choose the right gift-a gift that not only has aesthetic appeal but also has a high usability
4. The Supreme Court made it compulsory for cinema theatres to play the national anthem with the image of the national flag before screening’
5. A man getting very impatient. Again and again, he would peep the doctor’s room to see how many patients were left. After a long time, his turn came, and he heaved a sigh of relief
6. All living things to breathe to survive, each species has its peculiar way. Some breathe their lungs while others through their skin.
Type 4: Sentence Recording
Question 1. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
- Child/ the/ and/ thunder/ scared/ the/ lightning
- That/ scar/ may/ leave/ wound/an
- All/ a/ noise/ the/ loud/ pigeons/ scattered
- The lightning and thunder scared the child.
- That wound may leave a scar.
- A loud noise scattered all the pigeons.
Question 2. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
- Route/ shortest/ the/ is/ to/ Noida/ what
- He/ phone/ and/ reached/dialed/ for/ the/ a/ number
- Know/ what/ do/ this/ is/ you
- What is the shortest route to Noida?
- He reached for the phone and dialed a number.
- Do you know what is this?
Question 3. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
- Easy/ very/ it/to /close /was/ the/ door
- Wear/ these/ digital/ people/ majority/ of/ days/ watches/ a
- Democracy/ very/ important/ of/ press/ in/ freedom/ is/
- It was very easy to close the door.
- A majority of people wear digital watches these days
- Freedom of the press is very important in a democracy
Question 4. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
- That/ life/ began/ centuries ago/ on/ scientists think/ twenty million/ Earth/ About
- Brother/ instinct/ my/ first/ my/ was/ younger/ to/ignore
- Book/ care/ must/ with/ borrowed/ treated/ a/ be
- Scientists think that life began on Earth about twenty million centuries ago.
- My first instinct was to ignore my younger brother.
- A borrowed book must be treated with care
Question 5. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
- Not/ have/ when/ should/ decided/ 1/ go/ on/ 1
- The/ habitats/ regeneration/ rate/ is/ very slow/ of/ the
- Mankind/ is/ one of/ the/ inventions/ greatest/ of/ Computer
- I have not decided on when I should go.
- The regeneration rate of the habitats is very slow.
- The computer is one ofthe greatest inventions of mankind
Question 6. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
- Adored/ she/ be/ to/ loves
- Sunset/ it/ is/ a/ beautiful/ what/
- See/ and/ play/ things/ two / different/ parents/ as/ work
- She loves to be adored.
- What a beautiful sunset it is!
- Parents see work and play as two different things
Question 7. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
- Did/ succeed/ tried/ not/ but/ Charlie
- Beautiful/ my/ dress/ sewed/ mother/ a
- Student/ to/ proper/ should/ attention/ pay/ his/ studies
- Charlie tried but did not succeed.
- My mother sewed a beautiful dress.
- A student should pay proper attention to his studies
Question 8. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
- Dogs/ like/ the /used/ humans/ their/ showed/ that/ brains/ study
- Policemen/ group/ works/ of/ with/ she/ a
- Hands/ sound/ hear/ of/ you/ two/ the/ can
Question 9. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
- Important/ games/ studies/ area/ as/ as
- Book/ own/ on/ afraid of/ you/ writing notes/ not be/ your/ should
- People/ lakhs of/ every year/ visit/ the/ Taj Mahal
- The study showed that dogs used their brains like humans.
- She works with a group of policemen.
- You can hear the sound of two hands.
Question 10. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
- Have become/ part/ developing/ airports/ essential/ an/ a/ of/ city
- Our/ animals/ of/ all/ environment/ the/ are/ part
- Sculptures/ famous/ is/ for/ temple/ the/ its
- Airports have become an essential part of a developing city.
- All the animals are part of our environment.
- The temple is famous for its sculptures.
Type 5: Reported Speech
Question 1. Report the dialogues to complete the paragraphs that follow.
- Mother: You seem so tired. Take some rest.
- Suraj: I can’t even think of relaxing. I have lots of homework to do.
- Mother: You should not take so much of stress.
- Suraj: Don’t worry. Please give me a hot cup of tea.
Mother said to Suraj that ….(1)…. Suraj replied that …..(2)…..The mother advised him not to take so much of stress. Suraj told his mother not to worry and requested her to give him a hot cup of tea.
- He seemed so tired and advised him to take some rest.
- He could not even think of relaxing as he had lots of homework to do
- Charlie: Dear Santa, here is a list of what I want.
- Patty: How do you suppose Santa Claus can afford to give away all those toys?
- Charlie: Promotion! Don’t kid yourself Everything these days is a promotion! I will bet if the truth were brought about, you would find that he’s being financed by some big eastern chain!
While making the list of what Charlie wanted from Santa Claus, he asked Patty how………(1) all those toys. She said that………(2)…… and that it was possible as Santa was being financed by some big eastern chain.
- Santa Claus could afford to give away
- Everything in those days was a promotion
- Yashvi: How did you spend your holidays?
- Saksha: I went for cricket coaching. What did you do?
- Yashvi: I went for the NTSC coaching classes.
- Saksham: At least during the holidays you could have enjoyed your If.
- Yashvi: asked Saksham……(1)……his holidays.
Saksham said that…….(2)…….. for Cricket coaching and wanted to know what she had done, during the holidays. When Yashvi told him that she had gone for the NTSC coaching classes, Saksham told her that she could have enjoyed herself during the holidays.
- How he had spent
- He had gone
- Himanshu: The landlord has come. Take out the money you have set aside.
- Anu: But there are only three hundred rupees. If you give them to him, where is the blanket going to come from?
- Himanshu: Don’t worry. I will figure out some other plan.
Himanshu told his wife that the landlord had come, and she should take out ….(1)… His wife, Anu said that …..(2)…..and asked him if he gave them to him then where the blanket was going to come from.
- The Money She Had Set Aside.
- There Were Only Three Hundred Rupees.
- Marie: Did you see my new umbrella? Isn’t it fine?
- Tony: Yes, it is! Did you buy it from the mall?
- Marie: No, your father has brought it for me.
Marie asked her son Tony …….(1)…….. umbrella and she wanted to know whether it was a fine one. Tony agreed and asked his mother………(2)………the mall. His mother replied in the negative and added that his father had brought it for her
- If he had seen her new
- If she had bought it from
- Customer: Why is the meal so sour?
- Waiter: Nobody has complained for five days sir, about the meal.
- Customer: What! Where is the Manager?
- Waiter: He has gone to some other hotel to have dinner, sir.
One day a customer was having dinner in a hotel. He asked the waiter why the waiter told him……………
At this, the customer was shocked and wanted to know where the Manager was. The waiter replied that he had gone to some other hotel to have dinner.
- The meal was so sour.
- Nobody had complained for five days about the meal.
- Mother: Why are you looking so worried?
- Daughter: My exams are approaching.
- Mother: When will they start?
- Daughter: Next month, Mother
Mother asked her daughter (1)……. daughter replied that her exams were approaching. Mother further asked (2) daughter told her mother that they would start the following month.
- Why she was looking very worried.
- When they would start.
- Mother: Rita, finish your food
- Rita: I don’t want to have this food you never give me a pizza or burger
Mother: told Rita (1) Rita replied that (2) and told her mother that she never gave her a pizza or burger.
- To finish her food.
- She did not want to have that food
- Saurav: I heard you were very sick last week. How do you feel now?
- Kritika: Yes, it was a tough week. I feel better now. Thank you for asking.
- Saurav: told Kritika that he had heard that she was very sick the previous week.
He further asked how (1) ………………… Kritika answered in affirmative that (2) ……………….week. She further added that she felt better then and thanked Saurav for asking.
- She felt then
- It had been a tough
- Rahul: Do you know that Ranjit met with an accident and is in hospital?
- Samar: Oh! I don’t. Is he badly hurt? Which hospital is he in?
- Rahul: The doctors say that there is nothing to worry about. He is admitted to Beach Hospital.
- Rahul: asked Samarif if he knew that Ranjit had met with an accident and was hospitalized.
Samar expressed his ignorance and enquired (1)…..He also asked (2)……….Rahul told him that according to the doctors, there was nothing to worry about and that he was admitted to the Beach Hospital.
- If he was badly hurt.
- Which hospital he was in