Conjunction Exercise for Class 6 With Answers NCERT – English Grammar

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Question And Answers Definition Of Conjunction

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Question And Answers

A conjunction is a word that is used to join words or groups of words or sentences.

For example;

  1. Ruhan plays the piano. He also plays the guitar.
  2. Ruhan plays the piano and the guitar.
  3. Priyanka won’t be singing at the event. She has a sore throat.
  4. Priyanka won’t be singing at the event because she has a sore throat.

In the above example, sentences are joined with conjunctions and because respectively.

Kinds of Conjunctions

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions
  3. Correlative Conjunction

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions are used to join two independent sentences.

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Question And Answers Coordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions are words that are used to join two clauses or sentences, one of which is dependent on the other.

Some of these conjunctions are discussed below

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Question And Answers Subordinating Conjunctions

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that work together to connect words of equal importance within a sentence.

Some of these conjunctions are discussed below

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Question And Answers Correlative Conjunction

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 11 Conjunction Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Choose the most appropriate conjunction from the options and fill in the blanks

1. The weather was cloudy………it was warm

  1. Yet
  2. And
  3. Because
  4. Do

Answer: 1. Yet

2. She Was Tired She Stayed Up Late To Finish The Project.

  1. And
  2. But
  3. Yet
  4. So

Answer: 2. But

3. You Can Choose The Red Shirt and The Blue One.

  1. Yet
  2. And
  3. Or
  4. But

Answer: 3. Or

4. The Concert Was Rescheduled The Lead Singer Fell Ill.

  1. When
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. Until

Answer: 3. Because

5. He Is Not Only A Good Musician but Also A Talented Painter.

  1. Or
  2. But
  3. And
  4. So

Answer: 2. And

6. They Waited Patiently The Show Was About To Start.

  1. And
  2. Since
  3. For
  4. But

Answer: 3. For

7. We Should Ieave Now We Miss The Train.

  1. While
  2. Otherwise
  3. Yet
  4. Unless

Answer: 2. Otherwise

8. You Finish Your Vegetables, You Won’T Get Dessert.

  1. Before
  2. Either…Or
  3. Unless
  4. Although

Answer: 3. Unless

9. I Cannot Accept Anything Perfection.

  1. Yet
  2. Unless
  3. But
  4. Before

Answer: 3. But

10. He Is Allergic To Seafood He Enjoys Sushi Occasionally.

  1. However
  2. Unless
  3. Before
  4. Wherever

Answer: 1. However

Question 2. In The Following Sentences, The Underlined Conjunctions Might Or Might Not Have Been Correctly Used. Choose The Most Appropriate Replacement From The Options Given Below.

1. We Will Start The Meeting At 2 p.m. until Everyone Arrives.

  1. After
  2. When
  3. Since
  4. Yet

Answer: 2. When

2. As Long As He Finishes His Homework, He Can Go Out To Play.

  1. When
  2. If
  3. Unless
  4. While

Answer: 2. If

3. I Like Both Ice Cream And Cake, Yet My Brother Prefers Pie.

  1. For
  2. Nor
  3. But
  4. Still

Answer: 3. But

4. Even If She Went To Bed, She Read A Chapter Of Her Favourite Book.

  1. Although
  2. While
  3. Before
  4. For

Answer: 3. Before

5. She Likes Coffee A Lot, And She Prefers Tea In The Morning.

  1. But
  2. Yet
  3. Although
  4. Neither

Answer: 2. Yet

6. I will Finish My Work Early Today Until I Can Join You For Lunch.

  1. While
  2. So
  3. Before
  4. But

Answer: 2. So

Question 3. In the following sentences, conjunctions have been used incorrectly. Replace them with correct conjunctions and rewrite the sentences.

  1. It began to rain when we went indoors
  2. This is the school where I taught.
  3. He has been studying for the morning.
  4. Work hard as well as you will fail.
  5. You can come after you like.
  6. Ramesh is a physicist and Shyam is a politician.
  7. I came here or gave me a postcard.
  8. He worked so hard because his health broke down.
  9. He made a mistake so he was pardoned.
  10. Don’t talk as you are eating.


  1. It began to rain so we went indoors.
  2. This is the school where I taught.
  3. He has been studying since morning.
  4. Work hard otherwise, you will fail.
  5. You can come whenever you like.
  6. Ramesh is a physicist while/and Shyam is a politician.
  7. He came here and gave me a postcard.
  8. He worked so hard that his health broke down.
  9. He made a mistake but/however, he was pardoned.
  10. Don’t talk while you are eating.

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