Dentinal Hypersensitivity Long Essays
Question 1. Management of dentin hypersensitivity
Management of dentin hypersensitivity:
1. Home care with dentrifices
- Strontium chloride
- Potassium nitrate
- Fluoride
2. In-office treatment
- Varnishes
- Corticosteroids
- Treatment of dentinal tubules
- Burnishing of dentin
- Silver nitrate
- Zinc Chloride
- Iontophoresis
- Fluoride compounds
- Potassium oxalate
- Dentin bonding agents
- Restorative resins
- Laser
3. Patient education
- Dietary counseling
- Tooth brushing technique
- Plaque control
Dentinal Hypersensitivity Short Essays
Question 1. Theories of Hypersensitivity.
Theories of Hypersensitivity:
1. Neural Theory
- States that hypersensitivity occurs due to the activation of nerve ending lying within the dentinal tubules
- Rejected because
- Dentinal nerves do not extend beyond the inner dentin
- A newly erupted tooth does not poses such nerve endings yet it is sensitive
- Application of local anesthesia to exposed dentin does not eliminate dentin sensitivity
2. Odontoblastic Transduction theory
- Assume that the odontoblast extend to the periphery
- Stimuli excite the odontoblastic process, this comes into close apposition to nerve endings and transmits excitation to it,
- Rejected because
- Absence of synaptic relationship between odontoblast and pulpal nerves
- There is no neurotransmitter vesicles in the odontoblastic process
- The membrane potential of odontoblast is too low to permit transduction
- The odontoblastic process is restricted to the inner third of dentinal tubules
3. Hydrodynamic theory
- Proposes that a stimulus causes displacement of the fluid that exists in the dentinal tubules
- This activates the nerve endings present in the dentin or pulp
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- Accepted because
- When dentin is exposed, fluid can be seen
- Profuse branching of tubules at DEJ is present to induce sensitivity
- Neural theory: Stimulus applied to dentin causes direct excitation of the nerve fibers
- Odontoblastic transduction theory: Stimulus is transmitted along the odontoblast and passes to the sensory nerve, endings through synapse
- Hydrodynamic theory: Stimulus causes displacement of fluid present in dentinal tubules which further excite nerve fibers
Dentinal Hypersensitivity Viva Voce
- The hydrodynamic theory is an accepted theory of dentinal hypersensitivity.