NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Diversity And Discrimination

Diversity And Discrimination

Diversity And Discrimination Facts To Remember

Geographical conditions and historical background affect the way we speak, eat, wear or believe.

  • Our diversity includes about 1600 languages, over a hundred dance forms and about eight major religions.
  • Sometimes we are prejudiced about things and people different from us. We feel secure with the people or situations known to us.
  • Stereotypes are also created about religion, sex race background etc. In turn, we hurt people.
  • As a result of prejudice and stereotyping discrimination takes place.
  • The caste system or label of untouchables was created because of discrimination.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar fought for his rights for his experience of caste-based discrimination. He is considered as the father of the constitution.

Diversity And Discrimination Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 2

Diversity And Discrimination Objective Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

(1). There are about ________ languages spoken in India.

Answer: 1600

(2). India became independent in the year ___________.

Answer: 1947

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Diversity And Discrimination

(3). ________ is known as the father of Indian constitution.

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

(4). Lower castes are also referred as _________.

Answer: Dalits

Question 2. Stale whether the given statements are true or false.

(l). Dr B.R. Ambedkar belonged to, the Mahar caste.

Answer: True

(2). Koregaon is located in Kerala.

Answer: False

(3). There are four major religions in the world.

Answer: False

(4). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism.

Answer: True

Question 3. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Diversity And Discrimination Match The Column

Answer: 1-(c), 2-(a), 3-(d), 4-(b)

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity Facts to Remember

Aspects like looks, behavior, culture, religion, and language; distinguish people from each other.

  • Diversity means a lack of uniformity.
  • Inequality comes from having different access to resources and opportunities.
  • Caste, religion, financial status, education, etc. are different forms of inequalities.
  • India is a land of diversities geographical, cultural, religious, and regional.
  • People differ in customs, religions, languages, habits, dress, etc.
  • Despite these diversities, some similarities unite us.
  • During the freedom struggle the whole country was united despite diversities.
  • Our flag reminds us of our unity in diversity.
  • Our national anthem also reminds us of our unity in diversity.

Understanding Diversity Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 1

Understanding Diversity Objective Type Questions And Answers

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

(1). Pashmina shawls are woven at ___________.

Answer: Himadri

(2). Life of Muslims is described in a travelogue written by ________.

Answer: Vindhyas, Satpuras

(3). Yak-cows are also called __________.

Answer: India, China

(4). _______ and _________ traders visited Kerala and Ladakh.

Answer: 2933 km

(5). Corals are _______ of polyps.

Answer: skeletons.

Question 2. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Understanding Diversity Match The Column

Answer: 1-(d), 2-(e), 3-(c), 4-(a), 5-(b), 6-(f)

Question 3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

(1). Peninsular plateau is triangular.

Answer: True

(2). The Great Indian Desert lies to the east of India.

Answer: False

(3). Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located in the Bay of Bengal.

Answer: True

(4). Sun rises 3 hours earlier in the east (Arunachal Pradesh) than in the west (Gujarat).

Answer: False

(5). Eastern ghats are also known as Sahyadris.

Answer: False

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Rural Livelihoods

Rural Livelihoods Points To Remember

People in a village follow Different Occupations to earn their living.

  • They do farming and nonfarming works like weaving, loading, pottery, etc.
  • There are people who have no land and work for others, like Thulasi.
    • There are farmers with small pieces of land, like Sekar.
    • There are people like Ramalingam who own large tracts of land. Farming involves preparing land, sowing, weeding, and harvesting.
  • 80% of farmers are poor and work for others and only 20% are well-off.
  • Other occupations are fishing, forestry, animal husbandry, etc.

Rural Livelihoods Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 7

Rural Livelihoods Objective Type Questions

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. The majority of rural Indians engage in _______ to earn a living.
Answer: farming

2. The percentage of large farms in India is about __________ %.
Answer: 20

3. In some villages of central India farming and _______ are important sources of livelihood.
Answer: collection from forest

4. ________ is the main crop of Kalpattu village.
Answer: Paddy.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Rural Livelihoods

Question 2. State whether the given statements are true or false.

1. Ramalingam distributes his rice produce amongst the poor.
Answer: False

2. Thulasi is a landless agricultural labourer.
Answer: True

3. Sekar does not take the help of other farmers at the time of harvesting.
Answer: False

4. Labourers earn about? 40/- per day in Kalpattu village.
Answer: True

Question 3. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Rural Livelihoods Match The Contents

Answer: 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

Rural Livelihoods Multiple Choice Questions

Choose The Correct Answer:

Question 1. In which state of India is the village Kalpattu located?

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Mumbai
  3. Delhi
  4. Kamal

Answer: 1. Tamil Nadu

Question 2. Which type of food do the people of Tamil Nadu eat?

  1. Idli
  2. Dosa
  3. Upma
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 3. By which land features is the village surrounded?

  1. By low hills
  2. By high mountains
  3. A group of rivers
  4. By streams

Answer: 1. By low hills

Question 4. What is the main crop of village Kalpattu?

  1. Paddy
  2. Wheat
  3. Sweet com
  4. Sugarcane

Answer: 1. Paddy

Question 5. What is the working time in Paddy fields in Kalpattu?

  1. 8.30 AM – 4.30 PM
  2. 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
  3. 7.00 AM – 2.00 PM
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. 8.30 AM – 4.30 PM

Question 6. How much land does Ramalingam have

  1. 20 acres
  2. 30 acres
  3. 40 acres
  4. 2 acres

Answer: 1. 20 acres

Question 7. Who is the supervisor of the field?

  1. Ramalingam
  2. Ramalingam’s wife
  3. Karuthamma
  4. All of these

Answer: 2. Ramalingam’s wife

Question 8. Giving water to the crops is known as

  1. Weeding
  2. Harvesting
  3. Planting
  4. Irrigation

Answer: 4. Irrigation

Question 9. How much did Ramalingam pay to his workers?

  1. 100 rupees per day
  2. 50 rupees per day
  3. 40 rupees per day
  4. 30 rupees per day

Answer: 3. 40 rupees per day

Question 10. Which animal milk does Ramalingam sell to local milk cooperatives?

  1. Of hybrid – Cow
  2. Ordinary cow
  3. Of hybrid – Camel
  4. Of hybrid – Buffalo

Answer: 1. Of hybrid – Cow


NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 8 Urban Livelihoods

Urban Livelihoods Facts To Remember

Urban life is fast and busy and different from rural life.

  • Different people work as vendors, traders, shopkeepers, executives, etc.
  • There are almost one crore vendors in the country.
  • Most of the people work on their own or are casual laborers on daily wages.
  • There are markets with shops and offices, banks, etc.
  • There are factories that employ generally casual workers on a need basis.
  • Casual workers get work during seasons, there is no job security or defined working hours.
  • There are permanent workers who work in offices, government departments, etc.
  • Regular workers get benefits like job security, pension, provident fund, gratuity, medical allowance, paid holidays, etc.
  • Call centers have become a new form of employment.

Urban Livelihoods Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 8

These can be regarding services provided by a bank, ticket bookings, etc.

Urban Livelihoods Objective Type Questions

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. Almost _______ % of all the workers are street workers on the streets of Ahmedabad.
Answer: Twelve

2. ________ issue licenses to permanent shops.
Answer: Municipal Corporation

3. Call centers are usually found in _________
Answer: Cities

4. _______ have been created in cities for the street vendors.
Answer: Hawing zones.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 8 Urban Livelihoods

Question 2. State whether the given statements are true or false.

1. Most of the businessmen are employed by the government.
Answer: False

2. Municipal Corporation decides which day of the week which market would remain closed.
Answer: True

3. Traders get together at Labour Chowlc to do business.
Answer: False

4. Shopkeepers and traders employ people to work for them.
Answer: True.

Question 3. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Urban Livelihoods Match The Columns

Answer: 1-c, 2-a 3-d, 4-b



NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Our Country India

Our Country India

Our Country—India Facts to Remember

Our country is vast with an area of 3.28 million sq km.

  • In the north, we have the Himalayas and Nepal and in the east the Bay of Bengal and Myanmar.
  • In the west, we have the Arabian Sea and Pakistan and in the south the Indian Ocean.
  • We have diverse landforms—Himalayan mountains, the Great Indian Desert, the Northern plains, the Deccan plateau, the coastal plains and the Island groups.
  • India is second most populous country after China.
  • India is in the northern hemisphere. Tropic of cancer passes through it.
  • We have seven neighbouring countries—Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh and Bhutan.
  • We have two island neighbours Sri Lanka and Maldives. Sri Lanka is separated from India by the Palk Strait.
  • India is divided into 29 states and 7 Union Territories.
    • New Delhi is the national capital.
  • Rajasthan is the largest and Goa is the smallest state in terms of area.
  • Himalayan mountains are divided into three parallel ranges:
    • Great Himalayas or Himadri,
    • Middle Himalayas or Himachal
    • and the Shiwalik.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Our Country India

  • Northern plains are formed by alluvial deposits of Ganga, Brahmaputra and their tributaries.
  • Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats or Sahyadris form the boundaries of the Peninsular Plateau.
  • Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri (MGKK) drain into Bay of Bengal.
  • Narmada and Tapi drain into the Arabian Sea.
  • Lakshadweep are called coral islands.
  • Sundarban delta is formed where the Ganga-Brahmaputra rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal.

Our Country India Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 6

Our Country India Objective Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

(1). World’s highest peaks are located in __________.

Answer: Himadri

(2). _______ and ________ are hill ranges of peninsular India.

Answer: Vindhyas, Satpuras

(3). __________ is the second most populous country after ________.

Answer: India, China

(4). East to west extent from Arunachal Pradesh to Kuchchh of India is ________.

Answer: 2933 km

(5). Corals are __________ of polyps.

Answer: skeletons.

Question 2. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Our Country India Match The Column

Answer: 1-(d), 2-(e), 3-(c), 4-(a), 5-(b), 6-(f)

Question 3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

(1). Peninsular plateau is triangular.

Answer: True

(2). The Great Indian Desert lies to the east of India.

Answer: False

(3). Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located in the Bay of Bengal.

Answer: True

(4). Sun rises 3 hours earlier in the east (Arunachal Pradesh) than in the west (Gujarat).

Answer: False

(5). Eastern ghats are also known as Sahyadris.

Answer: False

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 6 Urban Administration

Urban Administration Facts To Remember

Municipal Corporation takes care of civic amenities like lights, garbage collection, water supply, etc. in cities.

  • It is also responsible for cleanliness and controlling epidemics etc.
  • In smaller cities, it is called the Municipal Council.
  • The city is divided into different wards and councillors are elected from them.
  • Councillors form committees and make decisions about the entire city.
  • These decisions are implemented by administrative staff and the Commissioner.
  • A commissioner is appointed by the government.
  • The administration is divided into departments like water, electricity, etc. for proper functioning.

Urban Administration Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 6

Urban Administration Objective Type Questions

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. Owners of the houses pay __________ tax to the government.
Answer: property/house

2. Yasmin Khala worked in the _______ department of the Corporation.
Answer: accounts

3. Contract workers get paid _______ and their jobs are __________
Answer: less, temporary

4. A city is _______ than a village.
Answer: larger

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Civics Chapter 6 Urban Administration

Question 2. State whether the given statements are true or false.

1. We should leave the garbage in the open.
Answer: False

2. There are taxes on education and entertainment also.
Answer: True

3. City of Surat had a plague scare in 1994.
Answer: True

4. Property tax forms about 75% of the money earned by the Municipal Corporation.
Answer: False

Question 3. Match the contents of column A with that of Column B

Urban Administration Match The Column

Answer:  1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b


NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Major Domains Of The Earth

Major Domains Of The Earth

Major Domains Of The Earth Facts To Remember

Earth’s surface is divided into continents and oceans.

  • Mount Everest is the highest peak at 8,848 m and Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is the deepest place at 11,022 m.
  • There are seven continents
  • Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.
  • The continents of Asia and Europe together are known as Eurasia.
  • There are five oceans—Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic. All are
  • 71% of the earth is covered with water and 29% with land.
  • 97% of water is in oceans.
  • The Pacific Ocean is circular and the Atlantic is “S” shaped.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Major Domains Of The Earth

  • Atmosphere has 5 layers—troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere (TSMTE).
  • The atmosphere comprises 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases like C02, argon, dust particles, etc.
  • The greater part of the land lies in the northern hemisphere.
  • The density of air and temperature decreases as we go up.
  • Edmund Hillary (New Zealand) and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa (Nepal) were the first men to climb the highest mountain peak Mt. Everest on the planet Earth on 29th May 1953.
  • Junko Tabei (Japan) was the first woman to reach the summit on 16th May 1975.
  • Bachendri Pal was the first Indian woman to climb the highest peak on 23rd May 1984.

Major Domains Of The Earth Keyword

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 5

Major Domains Of The Earth Objective Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

(1). Narrow zone where land, water and air are found is called __________.

Answer: Biosphere

(2). _________ links North America to South America.

Answer: Isthmus of Panama

(3). Emission from _______ and ________ leads to air pollution.

Answer: Industries; vehicles

(4). Arctic Ocean is connected with the Pacific Ocean through _________.

Answer: Bering Strait

(5). Pacific Ocean is _______ shaped and the Atlantic is _________ shaped.

Answer: Circular, “S”.

Question 2. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Major Domains Of The Earth Match The Column

Answer: 1-(d), 2-(c), 3-(f), 4-(e), 5-(a), 6-(b)

Question 3. Q. 3. State whether the given statements are true or false.

(1). Asia lies in the eastern hemisphere.

Answer: True

(2). Discharge of waste into rivers, and lakes makes them suitable for human use.

Answer: False

(3). As we go up the density and temperature of air increases.

Answer: False

(4). The atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.

Answer: True

(5). South America is the third largest continent

Answer: False.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth

Motions Of The Earth

Motions Of The Earth Facts To Remember

The rotation of the earth on its axis causes day and night. Earth completes one rotation in 24 hours.

  • Due to its spherical shape, only half of it gets sunlight at a time and the other half remains in the dark causing day and night.
  • The revolution of earth around the sun in 365 and VA days; causes seasons.
  • There are four seasons in a year—summer, winter, spring, and autumn.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day and shortest night occur on June 21st.
  • On the same date, the Southern Hemisphere has its shortest day and longest night.
  • This is the summer solstice.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, the longest night and shortest day occur on December 22nd.
  • On the same date, the Southern Hemisphere has its longest day and shortest night.
  • This is the winter solstice.
  • On March 21st, it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere; and vice-versa on September 23rd.
  • In Australia, Christmas is celebrated in summer.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth

Motions Of The Earth Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3

Motions Of The Earth Objective Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

(1). Due to the _________ shape of the earth, only half of it gets light from the sun at a time.

Answer: Spherical

(2). It is autumn in the northern hemisphere on ________.

Answer: 23rd September

(3). It is autumn in the southern hemisphere on ___________.

Answer: 21st March

(4). The axis of the earth makes an angle of ________ with its orbital plane.

Answer: 66 1/2°

Question 2. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B:

Motions Of The Earth Match The Column

Answer: 1-(c), 2-(d), 3-(b), 4-(a)

Question 3. State whether the given statements are true or false.

(1). The rotation of the earth causes seasons.

Answer: False

(2). Earth moves around the sun in a spherical orbit.

Answer: False

(3). If the earth would not rotate, life would not be possible.

Answer: True

(4). Poles experience six months day and six months night.

Answer: True

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes And Longitudes

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes Facts To Remember

The Pole star always shines over the North Pole.

  • Globe is a true model of Earth.
  • The equator divides the earth into 2 hemispheres—northern and southern.
  • Prime meridian divides the earth into 2 hemispheres—eastern and western.
  • The longitudes are identified with the help of degrees. Degrees are further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds.
  • All meridians are of equal length. The value of the prime meridian is 0° and from it, we count 180° eastwards and westwards. The total number of longitudes is 360.
  • 180° east and 180° west are on the same line.
  • Latitudes are parallel and the size of the parallels of latitude decreases.
  • 90° N latitude marks the north pole and 90° S latitude marks the south pole

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes Keywords

Globe: A three-dimensional model of the earth is called a globe.

  1. Axis: The imaginary line joining the North Pole and the South Pole is termed as axis on which the Earth rotates.
  2. Poles: The two ends of the axis are called poles.
  3. North Pole: The northernmost end of the axis is the North Pole.
  4. South Pole: The southernmost end of the axis is the South Pole.
  5. Equator: 0° parallel of latitude is termed as equator. This is an imaginary line passing through the center of the earth and perpendicular to the axis.
  6. Tropic of Cancer: Parallel latitude of 23 1/2° North of the equator is called the Tropic of Cancer.
  7. Tropic of Capricorn: Parallel latitude of 23 1/2° South of the equator is termed as Tropic of Capricorn.
  8. Arctic Circle: The Parallel of latitude of 66 1/2° North is known as the Arctic Circle.
  9. Antarctic Circle: The parallel of the latitude of 66 1/2° South is known as the Antarctic Circle.
  10. Meridian of Longitude: The imaginary lines joining the North and South Poles concerning the Prime Meridian are called meridians of longitudes.
  11. Torrid Zone: A zone with high temperatures throughout the year and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is known as Torrid Zone.
  12. Temperate Zone: A Zone with moderate temperatures and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern hemisphere and between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the Southern hemisphere is called Temperate Zone.
  13. Frigid Zone: A zone with extreme cold lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere, and between Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere is called a Frigid Zone.
  14. Prime Meridian: 0° longitude passing through Greenwich (London) is named as Prime Meridian.
  15. Rotation: The movement of a heavenly body on its axis is called rotation.
  16. Local Time: The time of a meridian is named local time.
  17. Parallels of Latitudes: The lines drawn parallel to the equator in both the
  18. hemispheres upto the poles are known as parallels of latitudes.
  19. Standard Time: The local time of a meridian of longitude which is considered valid for the whole country, is called the Standard Time of that country. This meridian is called the Standard Meridian of that country.
  20. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): The time of the Greenwich meridian is known as Greenwich Mean Time.
  21. Indian Standard Time (IST): The time of 82 1/2° E longitude is taken as Standard time for the whole country.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The Solar System

The Earth In The Solar System

The Earth In The Solar System Facts To Remember

  • Stars and moon are visible only at night as sunlight makes them invisible during the day.
  • Stars in the night sky are similar to the sun but we do not feel their light or heat as they are very far from us.
  • Ursa Major or Big Bear and Saptarishi are constellations.
  • Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings around them. These rings are belts of small debris.
  • Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars move closer to the sun and are called inner planets. Inner planets are made up of rocks.
  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune move away from the sun and are called outer planets.
  • Outer planets are made up of gases and liquids.
  • Since 2006 Pluto has been recognised as a “dwarf planet”.
  • The speed of light is 300,000 km/sec. The light of the sun takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth.
  • The word ‘planet’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Planetai’ which means ‘Wanderers’.

The Sun and the Planets:

The Earth In The Solar System The Sun And The Planets

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The Solar System

The Earth In The Solar System Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 1