Some Common Human Diseases And Cures

Common Diseases

In Acupressure therapy, it is an accepted fact that our body is so wonderful, that it reveals all its problems. There is no need to study the symptoms or names of the diseases. It is not necessary to go into long details about the past history.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

  • Because, of any problem even though it may be just in the beginning stage, the corresponding point on the palms or soles becomes tender and so when you press there, you feel pain.
  • It is easy to find out which organ has been damaged. which are related to different working organs.
  • In my book “Health in Your Hands: Volume 1”, a cure for all different diseases is mentioned, i.e. in the case of a problem with the liver, has to be pressed. In the case of trouble in the right eye, the right palm has to be pressed.
  • For easy diagnosis, this process has to be reversed. That is, for example, any eye problem like watering, redness pain, etc. will be diagnosed when you press on point no. 35 and observe hurting on it.
  • So whether a patient tells you about his eye problem or not while checking his or her palms, if you observe any hurting, even a flicker in the eyes when you press the right palm, you can tell the patient that he or she has a problem in the right eye.
  • At the same time, also on the left palm, and if there is hurting, such a problem also exists in the left eye. To go further, press on points of the optic nerve on the back of both the palms.
  • And if it is hurting there it denotes that the patient has a problem in the retina of his or her eyes. Now, you are aware that the optic nerve is controlled by the Pituitary gland.

So to get confirmation about the damage to the retina, you are supposed.

Common Diseases Left Hand Location And Number Of Points Connected With Different Organs And Endocrine Glands

Common Diseases Right Hand For Treatment Pressure Is To Be Applied On Hand Around These Points Of Palms

Common Diseases Right Sole Location And Number Of Points Connected With Different Organs And Endocrine Glands

Common Diseases Left Sole For Treatment Pressure Is To Be Applied On And Around These Points Of Soles

Both the thumbs. And surprisingly, you will observe hurting. Thus, you are able to diagnose not only the common eye problem of the patient but even any other such serious problem. When you locate such a serious problem, go deeper to find out the root cause.

Thus diagnosis of all types of common ailments is very easy. Now, when there is a hurting pain.

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments

Common Diseases Common Diseases Back Side Of Left Hand

Common Diseases Common Diseases Back Side Of Right Hand

Common Diseases Inside Of Foot

Common Diseases Outside Of Foot

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments Part 1

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments Part 2

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments Part 3

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments Part 4

Common Diseases The Middle Circle In Right Hand Front Side

Common Diseases Common Diseases Back Of Left Palm

Common Diseases Common Diseases Back Of Right Palm
Common Diseases Point 3 Above The Earlobes

Problems of controlling the different organs of the body- problems of the brain + drug addiction + Muscular Dystrophy if there hurting.

Common Diseases Diagnosis Of All Types Of Common Ailments Part 5

(In the case of pain of first check-up if there are any boils, pus formation in cuts/ear infection, etc. before coming to the above conclusion about degeneration.)

  • If not, get a medical check-up done of urine and blood sugar. If no sugar is found in the urine or blood, i.e. if there is no diabetes, then it is a clear indication of degeneration.
  • But the practitioner or patient need not worry. Assure the patient that all types of degenerations are curable. In the same way even in the case of V.D.
  • And HIV or Thalassemia, assure the patient that if proper treatment (as mentioned in the book “Health in Your Hands: is taken for 60/75 days, it is curable.

Some Common Human Diseases And Cures Common Human Diseases

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