Principles Of Periodontal Surgery Short Essay Question And Answers

Principles Of Periodontal Surgery

Principles Of Periodontal Surgery Short Essays

Question 1. Indications and contra-indications of Periodontal surgery.

Periodontal surgery Indications:

  • Irregular bony contours
  • Mucogingival problems
  • Deep pocket
  • Infrabony pockets
  • Grade 2 and 3 furcation
  • Persistent inflammation

Periodontal surgery Contra-Indications:

  • Advanced age
  • Presence of systemic diseases
  • Where conventional procedures can treat the case
  • Inadequate patient motivation
  • Presence of infection
  • In case of poor prognosis.

Question 2. Enumerate Principles of Periodontal Surgery. (or) General Principles of Surgery.

1. Preparation of Patient:

  • A patient has to undergo the initial or preparatory phase of therapy (scaling and root planning)

Preparation of Patient Reason:

  • Eliminates completely some lesion
  • Makes the tissue more firm and consistent
  • To obtain a good relationship between clinician and patient

2. General conditions:

  1. Premedication:
    • Prophylactic use of antibiotics to prevent the infections
    • Use of personal protective measures
    • Use of prophylactic mouth rinser
  2. Sedation and Anaesthesia:
    • To prevent pain during surgery
    • Used in apprehensive patients
  3. Tissue management:
    • Carry out the procedure as traumatically as possible
    • Use of sharp instruments
  4. Suturing:
    • For hemostasis
    • Improves healing
    • Reduces post-operative pain
    • Prevents bone exposure
  5. 3. Complication management:
    • Syncope
    • Hemorrhage

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

Question 3. Periodontal pack/Periodontal dressing types.

Periodontal dressing Types Zinc Oxide Eugenol Composition:

  • Zinc acetate – Accelerator
  • Asbestos – Binder
  • Tannic acid
  • Zinc oxide
  • Eugenol

Example: Wondre-Pak

Periodontal dressing Disadvantages:

  • Allergy to Eugenol
  • Burning Sensation
  • Erythematous area

Non-Eugenol Composition:

1. One tube:

  • Zinc oxide
  • Oil – Plasticity
  • Gentle handling of tissues
  • Gum – Cohesiveness
  • Lorothiodol – Fungicide

2. Other tube:

  • Coconut fatty acid
  • Rosin
  • Chlorophyll

3. Miscellaneous:

  • Cyanoacrylate

Methacrylate Application:

Principles Of Periodontal Surgery Applications

Question 4. Suture materials used in surgery

  • Suture materials are classified as

1. Absorbable sutures:

  • Natural-Surgical gut
  • Synthetic- Polyglycolic acid- Dexon

2. Non absorable sutures:

  • Natural- silk
  • Synthetic- Prolene

Principles Of Periodontal Surgery Non absorable sutures

Question 5. Dentin hypersensitivity.

Hypersensitivity Definition:

  • It is pain or sensitivity caused by opened dentinal tu- blues caused by attrition, abrasion, or cemental wear of teeth

Hypersensitivity Theories:

  • Neural theory
  • Odontoblastic theory
  • Hydrodynamic theory

Hypersensitivity Management:

  1. At home
    • Dentrifices are used
  2. In office
    • Corticosteroid
    • Varnishes
    • Dentin bonding agents
    • Fluoride compounds
    • Restorative resins
    • Patient’s education

Principles Of Periodontal Surgery Short Question and Answers

Question 1. Management of localized gingival bleeding.

  • Consult physician
  • Carry out blood tests to rule out bleeding disorders
  • Treat the cause
  • Operate gently and carefully
  • Use of sharp instruments
  • Suture around the bleeding end
  • Application of pressure
  • Application of moist gauze soaked in sterile ice water for several minutes
  • Use of local anesthesia with vasoconstrictor
  • Use of hemostatic agents
  • Gelfoam
  • Oxidized cellulose
  • Surgicel

Question 2. Types of periodontal dressing

1. Zinc oxide eugenol Composition:

  • Zinc acetate as an accelerator
  • Asbestos as binder
  • Tannic acid
  • Zinc oxide
  • Eugenol

2. Noneugenol Composition:

  1. One tube:
    • Zinc oxide
    • Oil for plasticity
    • Gum for cohesiveness
    • Lorothiodol as fungicide
  2. Other tubes:
    • Coconut fatty acid
    • Rosin
    • Chlorophyll
  3. Miscellaneous:
    • Cyanoacrylate
    • Methacrylate

Question 4. Post-surgical Instructions.

  • To do
    • Take medication
    • Maintain pack for 1 week
    • Chewing from non-operated area
    • Application of ice
    • Follow daily activities
  • Not to do
    • Avoid hot foods
    • Avoid citric juices
    • Avoid smoking
    • Avoid brushing

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