Prevention Of Oral Diseases Question And Answers

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Definitions


It is defined as the efforts, which are made to maintain normal development of physiological function & to prevent disease of the mouth & adjacent parts

The primary level of prevention

It is defined as the “action taken prior to the onset of the disease which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur”

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Important Notes

1. Prevention of oral cancer
(or) Prevention of periodontal disease
(or) Prevention of dental caries

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Provention of oral cancer

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Long Essays

Question 1. Define prevention. Discuss the measures taken at the primary level of prevention of caries.

prevention Definition:

It is defined as the efforts, which are made to maintain normal development of physiological function & to prevent disease of the mouth & adjacent parts

Primary Level Of Prevention Of Caries:

  • It is defined as the “action taken prior to the onset of the disease which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur”
  • It is applied to the prevention of chronic disease based on the elimination or modification of risk factors of disease
  • It includes
  • Primordial prevention
    • In it, efforts are directed toward discouraging children from adopting harmful lifestyles
    • The main approaches are individual & mass education
  • Population strategy
    • It is directed at the whole population
  • High-risk strategy
    • It aims to bring preventive care to individuals at special risk
    • It requires the detection of individuals at high risk
  • Services
    • Health promotion
      • It enables people to increase control over & improve their health
      • It is intended to strengthen the host through a variety of approaches to health education
  • Specific protection
  • Interventions used are
    • Immunization
    • Chemoprophylaxis
    • Protection against occupational hazards
    • Use of specific nutrients

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Level of prevention

Question 2. Write about various levels of prevention of oral diseases. Describe in detail various preventive services rendered by dentists for the prevention of dental caries at various levels.
(or) Community measures of prevention of periodontal diseases.


Levels Of Prevention

Levels Of Prevention Primary Level of Prevention:

  • It is defined as the “action taken prior to the onset of the disease which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur”
  • It is applied to the prevention of chronic disease based on the elimination or modification of risk factors of disease
  • It includes
    • Primordial prevention
    • Population strategy
    • High-risk strategy

Levels Of Prevention Secondary Level of Prevention:

It employs routine treatment methods

1. Secondary Level of Prevention Uses:

  • Terminate a disease process
  • Restores tissues to as near normal as possible

Prevention Of Oral Diseases

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2. Secondary Level of Prevention Services:

  • Early diagnosis & treatment
    • They are the main intervention in disease control
    • The earlier a disease is diagnosed the better it is treated
    • Further, it prevents the occurrence of further cases

Secondary Levels Of Prevention Tertiary Level of Prevention:

  • It replaces lost tissues
  • It rehabilitates patients to the point that function as near normal as possible

Secondary Levels Of Prevention  Services:

  • Disability limitation
  • It prevents the transition of the disease process from impairment to handicap
  • Rehabilitation
  • It is defined as the combined & coordinated use of medical, social, educational, and vocational measures for training & retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability

Preventive Services Undertaken By Dentist:

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Preventive services undertaken by dentist

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Short Essays

Question 1. The primary level of oral cancer.

The primary level of oral cancer

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Preventive services

Question 2. Tertiary prevention of oral disease.

Tertiary prevention of oral disease

  • It replaces lost tissues
  • It rehabilitates patients to the point that function as near normal as possible

prevention of oral disease Services:

  • Disability limitation
  • It prevents the transition of the disease process from impairment to handicap
  • Rehabilitation
  • It is defined as the combined and coordinated use of medical, social, educational, and vocational measures for training & retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability

prevention of oral disease Services provided by an individual:

Use of dental services

prevention of oral disease Services provided by the dental community:

Provision of dental services

prevention of oral disease Services provided by dentists:

  • Complex restorative treatment
  • Pulpotomy
  • Root canal treatment
  • Extraction
  • Removable & fixed prosthesis
  • Minor tooth movements
  • Implants

Question 3. Secondary level of prevention.

Secondary level of prevention

It employs routine treatment methods

1. Services provided by the community:

  • Periodic screening & referral
  • Use of dental services

2. Services provided by a dentist:

  • Complete examination
  • Early treatment of early lesions
  • Preventive treatment
  • Simple restorative treatment
  • Pulp capping

Question 4. Tools of Dental Public Health

1. Epidemiology:

public health Definition:

It is defined as the study of the distribution & determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems

public health Aims:

  • To minimize or eradicate the disease
  • Promote well-being of the society

2. Biostatistics:

public health Definition:

It is that branch of statistics concerned with mathematical facts & data related to biological events

public health Uses:

  • To define normalcy
  • To test the difference between two populations
  • To study the association between two/more attributes
  • To evaluate the efficacy of vaccines, sera by control studies
  • To locate, define, and measure the extent of morbidity and mortality in the community
  • To evaluate the achievements of public health programs
  • To fix priorities

3. Social sciences:

Includes sociology, cultural anthropology

4. Principles of administration:

  • Administrative work is divided into
    • Organization
      • Deals with the structure of the agency
  • Management
    • Concerned with the handling of personnel

5. Preventive dentistry:

Levels of prevention

Public Health Primary Level Of Prevention:

  • It is defined as the “action taken before the onset of the disease which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur”
  • It is applied to the prevention of chronic disease based on the elimination or modification of risk factors of disease
  • It includes
  • Primordial prevention ° Population strategy e High-risk strategy

Public Health Secondary Level Of Prevention:

It employs routine treatment methods

Public Health Tertiary Level Of Prevention:

  • It replaces lost tissues
  • It rehabilitates patients to the point that function as near normal as possible

public health Services:

  • Disability limitation
  • It prevents the transition of the disease process from impairment to handicap
  • Rehabilitation
  • It is defined as the combined and coordinated use of medical, social, educational, and vocational measures for training & retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability

Prevention Of Oral Diseases Viva Voce

  1. Prevention of the emergence or development of risk factors in population groups falls in the category of primordial prevention
  2. The knowledge of the pathogenesis phase of disease embracing the agent, host, and environment is required for primary prevention
  3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are the modes of intervention under secondary prevention
  4. Disability limitation is an intervention under tertiary prevention

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