Orthodontic Appliances Question And Answers

Orthodontic Appliances General Concepts Short Questions

Effects Of Orthodontic Appliances On The Oral Enviroment

Question 1. Advantages and disadvantages of removable appliances.

Removable Appliances Advantages:

  • Oral hygiene maintenance
  • Useful in tipping movement
  • Less chair time
  • Convenient to operators to handle more patient
  • Fewer forces required
  • Not technique sensitive
  • Easy to fabricate
  • Relatively cheaper
  • Damaged appliances can be replaced

Removable Appliances Disadvantages:

  • Poor patient cooperation
  • Capable of only tipping movement
  • Prolonged duration of treatment
  • Difficult to treat multiple rotations
  • Difficult to close residual space created due to extraction
  • Risk of damaging and misplacing appliances by patient
  • Cannot be used to treat severe cases of Class 2 and Class 3 malocclusions with unfavorable growth pattern

Question 2. Ideal requisites of Orthodontic appliances.

  • Biologic requirements:
    • Able to result in desired tooth movement
    • Should not create any damage to oral structures
    • Should not interfere with growth
    • Should not interfere with oral functions
    • Should not create unwanted tooth movement
    • Biocompatible
    • Should not disintegrate
  • Mechanical requirement
    • Simple to fabricate
    • Not bulky
    • Strong to withstand forces
    • Able to apply forces to tooth
    • Universal applicable
  • Hygienic
    • Should be self-cleansing
  • Esthetic
    • Esthetically acceptable

Orthodontic Appliances General Concepts Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. Disadvantages of Fixed Appliances.

  • Difficult to maintain oral hygiene
  • More time consuming
  • More chair time required
  • Technique sensitive
  • May apply misdirected forces
  • Frequent visits required
  • Expensive

Question 2. Advantages of Fixed Appliances.

  • Cooperation of the patient is achieved
  • Various tooth movements are possible
  • Tooth movement of multiple teeth is possible simultaneously
  • Good occlusion is achieved
  • More precise tooth movements are possible

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers 

  • Can be used in complicated malocclusions
  • Better anchorage is obtained
  • Management of appliances possible
  • Convenient for the operator as no need for timely wear of the appliance
  • Less time for treatment required

Question 3. Ideal requirements of removable appliances.

  • Biologic requirements:
    • Able to result in desired tooth movement
    • Should not create any damage to oral structures
    • Should not interfere with growth
    • Should not interfere with oral functions
    • Should not create unwanted tooth treatment
    • Biocompatible
    • Should not disintegrate
  • Mechanical requirement:
    • Simple to fabricate
    • Not bulky
    • Strong to withstand forces
    • Able to apply forces to tooth
    • Universal applicable
  • Hygienic:
    • Should be self-cleansing
  • Esthetic:
    • Esthetically acceptable

Question 4. Advantages of removable appliances.

  • Oral hygiene maintenance
  • Useful in tipping movement
  • Less chair time
  • Convenient for the operator to handle movement
  • Fewer forces required
  • Not technique sensitive
  • Easy to fabricate
  • Relatively cheaper
  • Damaged appliances can be replaced

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