Operative Dentistry Miscellaneous Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

Miscellaneous Long Essays

Question 1. Discuss various restorative materials used to restore Class 2.


various restorative materials used to restore Class 2:

Materials Used:

  • Composites
  • Amalgam
  • Direct filling gold
  • Metal inlay

1. Composite:


  • It is a compound composed of at least two different materials with properties that are superior or intermediate to those of an individual component


  • Organic matrix BisGMA or UDMA
  • Fillers Silica, barium. Zinc, Zirconium
  • Coupling agents organic silane
  • Coloring agents Titanium oxide
  • UV Absorber Benzophene
  • Initiator Camphoroquinone
  • Inhibitor Butylated hydroxyl toluene


  • High coefficient of thermal expansion
  • Composites with higher filler content exhibit lower water absorption
  • Wear resistant
  • Radiolucent
  • Low modulus of elasticity

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  • Water solubility 0.51.1 mg/cm2
  • Polymerization shrinkage
  • Esthetics
  • Microleakage
  • Biocompatible

2. Amalgam:

  • Composition:
    • Alloy:
      • Mercury
      • Silver 40%
      • Tin 32%
      • Copper 30%
      • Zinc 2%
      • Indium traces
    • Mercury:
      • Properties:
        • Initially, a small amount of contraction followed by expansion
        • Amalgam has a maximum compressive and tensile strength
        • Creep It is a time-dependent response
        • It leads to marginal deterioration
        • Amalgam shows tarnish and corrosion
        • Amalgam needs pulpal protection
        • Amalgam transmits temperature changes
        • It has a high coefficient of thermal expansion
        • Microleakage

3. Direct filling gold:


  • Cohesiveness
  • Softness during manipulation
  • Malleability and ductility
  • Brinell hardness number 25
  • Tensile strength 19000 psi
  • The coefficient of thermal expansion is 14.4 x 106/°C
  • High thermal conductivity
  • The density of gold is 19.3 gm/cm3


  • Gold foil:
    • Sheets
    • Gold foil cylinder
    • Gold pellets
    • Platinized gold foil
    • Corrugated foil
    • Laminated foil
  • Crystalline gold:
    • Mat gold
    • Mat foil
    • Electrically
  • Powdered gold:

4. Metal Inlay:


  • Inlay is an indirect intracoronal restoration that is fabricated extra orally and cemented in the prepared tooth


  • Better reproduction of details
  • More wear resistance
  • Biocompatible
  • Strengthen the weakened remaining structure
  • Less chair side
  • Less chances of voids
  • Easy to polish


  • Require temporary restoration
  • Expensive
  • Technique sensitive
  • Difficult to repair
  • Weak bonding to tooth structure
  • Unaesthetic

Non Carious Lesions And Management

Miscellaneous Short Essays

Question 1. Interim restoration.


Interim restoration:


  • Maintain esthetics
  • Act as space maintainers
  • Allow functioning
  • Determine occlusion
  • Establish phonetics
  • Seal and insulate the prepared tooth
  • Prevent passive eruption of the tooth
  • Prevent pathologic migration


  • Good marginal adaptation
  • Optimal strength
  • Plaque resistant surface
  • Economical
  • Easy to manipulate
  • Dimensionally stable


  • Pulp protection
  • Act as a sedative
  • Soft tissue protection
  • Protect weakened tooth protection
  • Maintain the aesthetics

Materials Used:

1. For Intra coronal preparation

  • Guttapercha
  • Zinc oxide eugenol
  • Zinc phosphate
  • Zinc polycarboxylate
  • Glass ionomer
  • Calcium hydroxide

2. For extra coronal

  • Polycarbonate crowns
  • Aluminum cylinder
  • Stainless steel crowns
  • Celluloid crowns
  • Indirect acrylic restorations

Question 2. Resin Cement.


Resin Cement:


  • For cementation of inlays/onlays
  • For cementation of crown and bridge
  • For bonding amalgam restoration
  • For cementation of orthodontic brackets
  • For cementation of endodontic posts


  • Unfilled resin cement
  • Filled resin cement

Available Forms:

  • Powder and liquid
  • 2 paste system
  • Single paste with accelerator


  • Powder:
    •  Resin matrix
      • B1SGMA
      • TEGDMA
    •  Fillersilica
      • Zirconia
    • Coupling agent
      • Organosilane
    • Initiator and activator
  • Liquid:
    • Adhesive HEMA:
    •  Initiator:
      • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Inorganic fillers:
    • Silica
    • Zirconia
      • Means of Polymerisation:
        • Chemical cure
        • Light cure
        • Dual cure
          • Commercial Names:
            • PanaviaEx
            • RelyX
            • ARC Resin cement

Miscellaneous Short Answers

Question 1. Temporary restorative materials.


Temporary restorative materials:

It is restoration given to the prepared tooth for the period between tooth preparation and cementing the restoration


  • Nonirritating
  • Esthetics
  • Easy to clean
  • Maintain periodontal health
  • Adequate strength and retention

Question 2. Secondary Dentin.


Secondary Dentin.:

  • Secondary dentin is formed after the completion of root formation
  • The direction of dentinal tubules is more asymmetrical and complicated
  • It is formed at a slower rate

Question 3. Tertiary Dentin/Reparative dentin.


Tertiary Dentin:

  • It is formed as a response to external stimuli
  • It is irregular, with cellular inclusions
  • Its tubular pattern ranges from an irregular to a tube-lar nature
  • Reparative dentin has decreased permeability
  • It is formed by secondary odontoblasts which are differentiated from mesenchymal cells of the pulp
  • Reparative dentin helps in the prevention of diffusion of noxious agents from the tubules

Question 4. Universal Operator position.


Universal Operator position:

  • 11 clock is considered a universal operating position


  • The dentist sits behind slightly to the right of the patient and the left arm is positioned around the patient’s head.


  • Most areas of the mouth are accessible from this position either using direct/indirect vision

Working Areas:

  • Palatal and incisal/occlusal surfaces of maxillary teeth
  • Mandibular teeth

Question 5. Transillumination and Magnification.



  • Used for detection of caries
  • Based on the difference in the refractory index of carious and sound normal tooth
  • Carious tooth appears as a dark shadow when compared with the normal tooth


  • Devices:
    • Loupes
    • Surgical telescopes
    • Bifocal eyeglasses
  • Advantages:
    • Increases visibility of the operating area
    • Easy to perform the delicate procedure
    • Increases operator’s efficiency
    • Protects eye from injury

Question 6. Soldering.



  • It is the process of joining two metals together by adding the third metal
  • The soldered metal should have a melting point equal to or lower than the two metals
  • To increase the flow of solder, flux is added to it
  • However, too much of flux leads to the flowing away of solder
  • This is prevented by the addition of antiflux.

Question 7. Surface Hardness.


Surface Hardness:

  • It is the property that is used to predict the wear resistance of a material and its ability to abrade opposing dental structures
  • Various hardness tests are used to determine the hardness of different dental materials
  • They are
    • Brinell hardness test
    • Rockwell hardness test
    • Knoop hardness test

Question 8. Modulus of elasticity


Modulus of elasticity:


  • It is the relative stiffness or rigidity of material within the elastic range


  • It is the ratio of stress to strain and is described as E


  • It indicates that the less the strain, the greater will be the stiffness
  • Elastic modulus has a constant value
  • It is not affected by the amount of plastic and elastic stress that is induced in the material
  • It is independent of the ductility of the material
  • The modulus of elasticity of enamel and dentin describes that
  • Enamel is stiffer and more brittle
  • Dentin is more flexible and tougher


  • Giganewtons per square meter (GN/ m2)
  • 2326 gauge needle is used to aspirate the contents of the lesion.

Question 9. Objectives of interim restorations.


Objectives of interim restorations:

  • Interim restorations are often required before the placement of a permanent restoration
  • They are excepted to last for only a short period
  • Zinc oxide eugenol is the cement of choice for it


  • Arrests caries process
  • Protects the teeth till they get permanently restored
  • Allows pulp to heal

Question 10. Zsigmondy Palmer system


Zsigmondy Palmer system:

  • It was introduced by Adolph Zsigmondy of Vienna in 1861 for permanent dentition and modified for primary dentition in 1874.

For permanent dentition:

  • As per this system, the oral cavity is divided into four quadrants and each permanent tooth has a specific number.
  • Numbering progresses posteriorly from the midline.
  • The central incisor was designated as 1 ending up with 8 for the third molar.

Miscellaneous For permanent dentition

For primary dentition:

  • The deciduous central incisors are designated A and progress posteriorly up to the 2nd deciduous molar alphabetically designated as E.

Miscellaneous For primary dentition

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