NCERT Notes For Class 6 History Chapter 1 Introduction What Where How And When

Chapter 1 Introduction What Where How And When

Introduction What Where How And When Facts To Remember

The earliest gatherers lived on the banks of Narmada for thousands of years.

Crops like wheat and barley were grown around 8000 years ago near the Sulaiman And Kirthar ranges.

  • Rice was first grown in the north of Vindhyas. People started rearing animals.
  • The earliest cities developed on the banks of the river Indus, its tributaries, and also on the banks of the river Ganga.
  • People travel in search of livelihood or to save themselves from natural disasters. Their mutual interaction enriched our culture.
  • Manuscripts were written on palm leaves or the bark of birch trees. They were about the lives of kings, religion, medicine, science, etc. These are preserved in temples or monasteries.
  • Inscriptions have been found engraved on stones or metals.
  • Other things like the remains of buildings, tools, weapons, ornaments, coins, etc. have been used by archaeologists to study pasts.
  • These were made of stone, baked clay, or bones.
  • The way of keeping track of dates is the use of words like B.C.: Before Christ o.r. BCE ie Before the Common Era.
  • A.D. means Anno Domini or “In the year of the lord” or C.E.: Common Era is used to denote years after the birth of Christ.

Introduction What Where How And When Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 History Chapter 1

Introduction What Where How And When Date Line

  • 8000 years Beginning of cultivation
  • 4700 years First cities in the river valley
  • 2500 years Establishment of the kingdom of Magadha


Introduction What Where How And When Objective Type Questions

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

1. Manuscripts were written on the bark of ________ tree or the leaves of ______ tree.
Answer: Birch, Palam

2. People who study past are called ______
Answer: Historians

3. Inscriptions were written on ______ surface.
Answer: Hard

4. People of Sulaiman and Kirthar range reared ______ and ______
Answer: Sheep, goats

5. _______ is a tributary of the river Ganga.
Answer: Son

Question 2. State whether the given statement is true or false.

1. Agriculture started around 2500 years ago.
Answer: False

2. Around 8000 years ago people reared animals.
Answer: True

3. People traveled in search of livelihood or adventure.
Answer: True

4. The term B.C. is used to denote years before the birth of Christ.
Answer: True

5. Garo hills are located to the south-east of India.
Answer: False

Question 3. Match the content of Column A with that of Column B.

Introduction What Where How And When Match The Column A With Column B

Answer: 1-(c), 2-(a), 3-(e), 4-(b), 5-(d).

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