NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes And Longitudes

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes Facts To Remember

The Pole star always shines over the North Pole.

  • Globe is a true model of Earth.
  • The equator divides the earth into 2 hemispheres—northern and southern.
  • Prime meridian divides the earth into 2 hemispheres—eastern and western.
  • The longitudes are identified with the help of degrees. Degrees are further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds.
  • All meridians are of equal length. The value of the prime meridian is 0° and from it, we count 180° eastwards and westwards. The total number of longitudes is 360.
  • 180° east and 180° west are on the same line.
  • Latitudes are parallel and the size of the parallels of latitude decreases.
  • 90° N latitude marks the north pole and 90° S latitude marks the south pole

NCERT Notes For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth

Globe Latitudes And Longitudes Keywords

Globe: A three-dimensional model of the earth is called a globe.

  1. Axis: The imaginary line joining the North Pole and the South Pole is termed as axis on which the Earth rotates.
  2. Poles: The two ends of the axis are called poles.
  3. North Pole: The northernmost end of the axis is the North Pole.
  4. South Pole: The southernmost end of the axis is the South Pole.
  5. Equator: 0° parallel of latitude is termed as equator. This is an imaginary line passing through the center of the earth and perpendicular to the axis.
  6. Tropic of Cancer: Parallel latitude of 23 1/2° North of the equator is called the Tropic of Cancer.
  7. Tropic of Capricorn: Parallel latitude of 23 1/2° South of the equator is termed as Tropic of Capricorn.
  8. Arctic Circle: The Parallel of latitude of 66 1/2° North is known as the Arctic Circle.
  9. Antarctic Circle: The parallel of the latitude of 66 1/2° South is known as the Antarctic Circle.
  10. Meridian of Longitude: The imaginary lines joining the North and South Poles concerning the Prime Meridian are called meridians of longitudes.
  11. Torrid Zone: A zone with high temperatures throughout the year and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is known as Torrid Zone.
  12. Temperate Zone: A Zone with moderate temperatures and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern hemisphere and between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the Southern hemisphere is called Temperate Zone.
  13. Frigid Zone: A zone with extreme cold lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere, and between Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere is called a Frigid Zone.
  14. Prime Meridian: 0° longitude passing through Greenwich (London) is named as Prime Meridian.
  15. Rotation: The movement of a heavenly body on its axis is called rotation.
  16. Local Time: The time of a meridian is named local time.
  17. Parallels of Latitudes: The lines drawn parallel to the equator in both the
  18. hemispheres upto the poles are known as parallels of latitudes.
  19. Standard Time: The local time of a meridian of longitude which is considered valid for the whole country, is called the Standard Time of that country. This meridian is called the Standard Meridian of that country.
  20. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): The time of the Greenwich meridian is known as Greenwich Mean Time.
  21. Indian Standard Time (IST): The time of 82 1/2° E longitude is taken as Standard time for the whole country.

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