Tenses Exercise for Class 6 With Answers NCERT – English Grammar

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 14 Tenses Question And Answers Definition Of Tenses

NCERT Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 14 Tenses Question And Answers

Tenses are verb forms that are used to express the time of an action in a sentence.

Tenses Example:

  • I am going to the library. (Present Tense)
  • They went to the movies. (Past Tense)
  • My sister will bake a pizza. (Future Tense)

In the above sentences, a verb shows actions happening at three different times.

Kinds Of Tense

Tenses can be classified into three basic kinds.

Present Tense

The present tense is the form of a verb that is used to show the action that takes place in the present time.

Present Tense Example:

  • She plays the piano every morning.
  • They are playing football in the park.
  • I have visited Paris three times in my life.
  • They have been studying for the exam for three hours.

Present tense can further be classified into the following types

Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is used to state an action that is happening in the present time. It is also used for an action that happens regularly or universal fact.

Structure of a Sentence in Simple Present Tense

Singular subject + V1 (base form of verb) + -s/-es + object

Plural subject + V1 + object

Simple Present Tense Example:

  • She writes with a pen.
  • We play in the park

Negative Sentence

Singular subject + does not + V1 (s/es) + Object
Plural object + does not + V1+ Object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • She does not write with a pen.
  • We do not play in the park.

Uses of Simple Present Tense

1. To state a habitual action or actions done repeatedly It talks about actions in a general way.

Simple Present Tense Example:

  • I cycle to school every day.
  • I get up at 5 am.

2. To state a planned future action

Future Action Example:

  • Tom leaves for Oxford tomorrow.
  • The college reopens in July.

3. To state universal truths

Universal Truths Example:

  • Nehru is the architect of modern India.
  • The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is used for actions that are taking place at the time of speaking.

Structure of a sentence in the present continuous tense

Subject + is/am/are + V1 + ing’ + Object

Present Continuous Tense Example:

  • We are playing badminton.
  • I am reading a newspaper.

Negative Sentence

Subject + is/am/are + not + V1 + ing + Object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • I am not meeting Mukul
  • They are not working

Uses of Present Continuous Tense

1. When we talk about an action that is in progress in the present time.

Present Continuous Tense Example:

  • She is pleading in the court.
  • They are driving to the mall.

2. When we talk about a planned future action.

Future Action Example:

  • She is going to publish her book next year.
  • She is speaking at the conference.

3. When we plan or arrange to do things in the future but not necessarily at present.

Future Example:

  1. I am transferring to a new location.
  2. We are going to the new Tom Hanks movie

Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect tense tells us about an action that has been completed in the present and whose effects are still there.

Structure of a sentence in the present perfect tense

1. Singular subject + has/have + V3 (past participle form of the verb) + object

Present Perfect Tense Example:

  • I have lost my exercise book.
  • She has worked hard for this job.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The present perfect continuous form of a verb tells that an action started in the past and is continuing in the present.

Structure of a sentence in present perfect tense + has/have been + V1 + ‘-ing’ + object

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • I have been studying for 5 hours.
  • They have been watching the stars.

Negative Sentence

Subject + has/have + not + been + V1 + ‘-ing’ + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • She has not been driving her car these days.
  • I have not been dealing with the work pressure greatly.

Uses of Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. It is often used with ‘for’, ‘how long…’, and ‘since’.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • How long have you been teaching the senior secondary?
  • You and I have been coming to this temple since childhood.

Past Tense

The past tense form of a verb shows that the action has already taken place in the past.

Past Tense Example:

  • Indira Gandhi passed away in 1984.
  • I saw him in the morning.
  • Radhika had been calling her.

A verb in the past tense takes four different forms. These forms are

Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense shows actions that are completed at a specified time in the past.

Structure of a sentence in simple past tense

Subject + V2 (past form of verb) + object

Simple Past Tense Example:

  • I ate breakfast.
  • We saw him at the market.

Negative Sentence

Subject + did not + V1 + Object

Negative Sentence Example:

I didn’t see him at the market.

We didn’t eat breakfast.

Uses of Simple Past Tense

1. When we want to express actions that took place at a specific time and are over now.

Uses of Simple Past Tense Example:

  • She visited the museum last Saturday.
  • We visited the Grand Canyon during our summer vacation.

2. When we want to express past habits.

Uses of Simple Past Tense Example:

  • She played the piano every evening when she was a child.
  • They always went for a walk after dinner.

Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions or events that were ongoing or in progress at a specific point in the past. Structure of a sentence in past continuous tense

Subject + was/were + V1-ing + object

Past Continuous Tense Example:

  • I was studying when the phone rang.
  • The children were playing.

Negative sentence

Subject + was/were not + Vj -ing + object

Negative sentence Example:

  • He was not working on the assignment last night.
  • She was not sleeping when I went to her room.

Uses of Past Continuous Tense

1. When we talk about an action indicate that one action was ongoing while another action happened. (Interrupted actions)

Uses of Past Continuous Tense Example:

  • As they were discussing the plan, the bus arrived.
  • We were having dinner when the power went out.

2. To indicate parallel actions happening in the past

Uses of Past Continuous Tense Example:

  • While I was cleaning the house, he was gardening.
  • They were chatting while waiting for the bus.

3. To describe background events

Uses of Past Continuous Tense Example:

  • The Sun was setting as they walked along the beach.
  • The birds were chirping while the Sun was setting.

Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tense is used to describe actions that were completed in the past.

Structure of a sentence in past perfect tense

Subject + had + V3 + object

Past Perfect Tense Example:

  • I realized I had forgotten my keys when I reached the office.
  • They had already left by the time we arrived.
  • She had finished her book before the movie started.

Negative Sentence

Subject + had not + V3 + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • He had not completed the assignment when the deadline arrived.
  • They hadn’t seen each other for years before the reunion.

Uses of Past Perfect Tense

1. Actions completed before another action in the past

Past Perfect Tense Example:

  • They had finished their meal before the guests arrived.
  • He had already read the book before the movie was released.

2. When narrating events in the past

Past Perfect Tense Example:

  • By the time we reached the airport, the flight had already taken off.
  • When he arrived at the party, the guests had already left.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe actions or events that were ongoing over some time and completed in the past.

Structure of a sentence in a past perfect continuous tense

Subject + had been + Vl -ing + object

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • She was out of breath because she had been running before she arrived.
  • They were tired because they had been working on the project all day.
  • He realized he was late because the meeting had been going on for hours.

Negative Sentence

Subject + had not been + V, -ing + object

  • I was surprised that he had not been studying for the exam.
  • She was rested because she hadn’t been traveling for days.

Uses of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. To emphasize the duration of an action

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • He was sore because he had been exercising vigorously.
  • The garden looked beautiful because she had been planting flowers.

2. Actions ongoing before another action

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • They were in a hurry because the bus had been waiting for a while.
  • She felt accomplished because the project had been progressing steadily.

3. To describe the cause of a situation in the past

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Example:

  • They were out of breath because they had been running to catch the train.
  • She was well-prepared because she had been studying diligently

Future Tense

A future tense form of a verb shows that an action will happen in the future or at a later point in time.

Future Tense Example:

  • I shall be joining the congregation on Sunday.
  • We will go to the market tomorrow.
  • Will you come to the library with me?
  • Will Mansi be performing this year?

A verb in the future tense takes four different forms. These forms are

Simple Future Tense

  • The simple future tense is used to express actions or states that will occur in the future.
  • Structure of a sentence in simple future tense Subject + will/shall + V, (base form of the verb) + Object

Simple Future Tense Example:

  • I will visit my grandparents next weekend.
  • They shall complete the project by the end of the month.
  • She will start her new job on Monday.

Negative Sentence

Subject + will/shall not + VL (base form ofthe verb) + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • He will not attend the meeting tomorrow.
  • We shall not forget your birthday.

Uses of Simple Future Tense

1. To describe predictions and future events

Simple Future Tense Example:

  • The company will launch a new product next year.
  • I think it will rain later in the day.

2. To describe spontaneous decisions

Simple Future Tense Example:

  • I’m cold; I will close the window.
  • The phone is ringing; I will answer it.

3. To describe promises and offers

Simple Future Tense Example:

  • I will help you with your homework.
  • She shall lend you her umbrella.

4. To show intentions and plans

Simple Future Tense Example:

  1. We will travel to Europe next summer.
  2. He will study for the exam over the weekend

Future Continuous Tense

The future continuous tense is used to describe actions or events that will be ongoing at a specified time in the future.

Structure of a sentence in the future continuous tense

Subject + will/shall + be + V1 -ing + object

Future Continuous Tense Example:

  • This time tomorrow, I will be working on a presentation.
  • By 5 pm, they will be celebrating their anniversary.
  • She will be studying when you arrive.

Negative Sentence

Subject + will/shall not + be + V1 -ing + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • He will not be attending the seminar at that time.
  • We shall not be traveling during the holidays.

Uses of Future Continuous Tense

1. Predicting ongoing actions

Negative Sentence Example:

  • I’m sure she will be studying when we call.
  • They will be rehearsing for the play in the evening.

2. Future interruptions

Future interruptions Example:

  • I will be cooking dinner when you come home.
  • They will be discussing the plan when the boss arrives.

3. To express politeness or courtesy

Politeness or Courtesy Example:

  • I will be waiting for your call.
  • She will be hosting the event next week.

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is used to express actions or events that will be completed before a specific point in the future.

Structure of a sentence in future perfect tense

Subject + will/shall + have + V3 + object

  • By the time you arrive, I will have finished my work.
  • She will have graduated by the end of the year.
  • They will have completed the project before the deadline.

Negative Sentence

Subject + will/shall not + have + V3 + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • I will not have forgotten your birthday by then.
  • They will not have completed the construction by next month.

Uses of Future Perfect Tense

1. Predictions about the completion of an action

Future Perfect Tense Example:

  • I’m confident that they will have solved the problem by tomorrow.
  • She believes she will have learned the language by next year.

2. Expressing hopes, expectations, or assumptions

Future Perfect Tense Example:

  1. I hope you will have finished the report by the deadline.
  2. They expect that the construction will be completed by the scheduled date.

3. Referring to an unfinished action at a specific future time

Specific future time Example:

  1. By the time the movie starts, we will have been waiting for an hour.
  2. They will have been working on the project for months when it’s finally completed.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The future perfect continuous tense is used to describe actions or events that will have been ongoing for a duration before a specific point in the future.

Structure of a sentence in the future perfect continuous tense

Subject + will/shall + have been + -ing + object

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Example;

  1. By next summer, I will have been living in this city for five years.
  2. By the time you arrive, we will have been working on the project for three hours.
  3. She will have been practicing the piano for a decade at her next concert.

Negative Sentence

Subject + will/shall not + have been + V, -ing + object

Negative Sentence Example:

  • I will not have been waiting for long when you get here.
  • By next month, they will not have been renovating the house for a year.

Uses of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1. For emphasizing the duration of an ongoing action

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Example: By the time you arrive, I will have been waiting for two hours.

She will have been studying for the exam all day by tomorrow.

2. For predicting ongoing actions leading to a point in the future

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Example: I believe they will have been traveling for months by the time they reach their destination.

She thinks she will have been working at the company for five years by her next promotion.

3. For expressing assumptions or expectations about ongoing actions

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Example: time the guests arrive.

They expect that she will have been training for the marathon for several months.

Chapter 14 Tenses Question And Answers Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Select the appropriate form of the present tense (simple, continuous, perfect, or perfect continuous) to complete each sentence.

1. She________On This Project Since Last Month.

  1. Works
  2. Is Working
  3. Has Been Working
  4. Worked

Answer: 3. Has Been Working

2. The Children________Outside When It Started Raining.

  1. Play
  2. Plays
  3. Were Playing
  4. Have Played

Answer: 3. Were Playing

3. By This Time Next Week, I_________My Assignment.

  1. Complete
  2. Will Have Completed
  3. Have Completed
  4. Am Completing

Answer: 3. Have Completed

4. How Long__________You For The Upcoming Exam?

  1. Do, Study
  2. Are, Studying
  3. Have, Studied
  4. Did, Study

Answer: 2. Are, Studying

5. I________Sushi Before Today.

  1. Not Eat
  2. Do Not Eat
  3. Have Not Eaten
  4. Am Not Eating

Answer: 3. Have Not Eaten

6. By The Time You Arrive, I_________ My Work.

  1. Already Finish
  2. Will Have Already Finished
  3. Am Already Finishing
  4. Already Finished

Answer: 2. Will Have Already Finished

7. We Usually__________To The Gym On Mondays.

  1. Go
  2. Goes
  3. Are Going
  4. Have Gone

Answer: 1. Go

8. He_________________A Novel For The Past Six Months.

  1. Writes
  2. Has Been Writing
  3. Has Written
  4. Wrote

Answer: 1. Writes

9. They________ In That House Since They Got Married.

  1. Live
  2. Lives
  3. Are Living
  4. Have Been Living

Answer: 4. Have Been Living

10. Right Now, She A Book In The Garden.

  1. Reads
  2. Is Reading
  3. Has Read
  4. Read

Answer: 2. Is Reading

Question 2. Select The Appropriate Form Of The Past Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Or Perfect Continuous) To Complete Each Sentence.

1. The Artist________ The Beauty Of The Sunset In His Painting.

  1. Captured
  2. Was Capturing
  3. Had Captured
  4. Had Been Capturing

Answer: 1. Captured

2. She ________Goodness Wherever She Went.

  1. Spread
  2. Was Spreading
  3. Had Spread
  4. Had Been Spreading

Answer: 1. Spread

3. The Soldier________ His Loyalty To His Country.

  1. Showed
  2. Was Showing
  3. Had Shown
  4. Had Been Showing

Answer: 3. Had Shown

4. Time________Quickly While We Were Having Fun.

  1. Passed
  2. Was Passing
  3. Had Passed
  4. Had Been Passing

Answer: 3. Had Passed

5. The Musician________ His Talent At The Concert.

  1. Displayed
  2. Was Displaying
  3. Had Displayed
  4. Had Been Displaying

Answer: 1. Displayed

6. She ________Her Skills To Fix The Problem.

  1. Used
  2. Was Using
  3. Had Used
  4. Had Been Using

Answer: 1. Used

7. The City________A Lot Over The Years.

  1. Changed
  2. Was Changing
  3. Had Changed
  4. Had Been Changing

Answer: 3. Had Changed

8. They________ The Tradition Every Year.

  1. Followed
  2. Were Following
  3. Had Followed
  4. Had Been Following

Answer: 4. Had Been Following

Question 3. Select The Appropriate Form Of The Future Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Or Perfect Continuous) To Complete Each Sentence.

1. I________ To The Market Tomorrow.

  1. Will Go
  2. Will Be Going
  3. Will Have Gone
  4. Will Have Been Going

Answer: 1. Will Go

2. By The Time You Arrive, The Party________

  1. Will Start
  2. Will Be Starting
  3. Will Have Started
  4. Will Have Been Starting

Answer: 3. Will Have Started

3. This Time Next Week, I________ On A Beach In Hawaii.

  1. Will Sit
  2. Will Be Sitting
  3. Will Have Sat
  4. Will Have Been Sitting

Answer: 2. Will Be Sitting

4. I________ My Homework By Dinner Time.

  1. Will Finish
  2. Will Be Finishing
  3. Will Have Finished
  4. Will Have Been Finishing

Answer: 3. Will Have Been Finishing

5. Don’t Call Me At 9 pm Because I________ The Football Match.

  1. Will Watch
  2. Will Be Watching
  3. Will Have Watched
  4. Will Have Been Watching

Answer: 2. Will Be Watching

6. The Time We Get To The Cinema, The Movie________

  1. Will Start
  2. Will Be Starting
  3. Will Have Started
  4. Will Have Been Starting

Answer: 3. Will Have Started

Question 7. I ________At This Company For 10 Years Next Month.

  1. Will Work
  2. Will Be Working
  3. Will Have Worked
  4. Will Have Been Working

Answer: 3. Will Have Worked

8. By The Time You Wake Up, I ________For Work.

  1. Will Leave
  2. Will Be Leaving
  3. Will Have Left
  4. Will Have Been Leaving

Answer: 3. Will Have Left

9. This Time Tomorrow, We________ To New York.

  1. Will Fly
  2. Will Be Flying
  3. Will Have Flown
  4. Will Have Been Flying

Answer: 2. Will Be Flying

10. I ________(Do) All The Housework By The Time You Get Home.

  1. Will Do
  2. Will Be Doing
  3. Will Have Done
  4. Will Have Been Doing

Answer: 3. Will Have Done

Question 4. Read the sentences and tick the option in the bracket which uses the correct future tense form.

  1. By the time we graduate, artificial intelligence will (transform/be transforming/have transformed) the world.
  2. I’m sure they will (plant/be planting/have planted) a thousand trees by the end of this month.
  3. This time tomorrow, the detective will (solve/ be solving/have solved) the mystery.
  4. Don’t disturb me at 5 pm because I will (participate/be participating/have participated) in a social awareness campaign.
  5. By the time the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella will (return/be returning/have returned) to her old self.
  6. Will(you argue/you be arguing/you have argued) your case by the time the jury arrives?
  7. I will (not be meeting/not have been meeting) you today, let us catch up some other day.
  8. By the time we finish our discussion, the diplomats will (negotiate/be negotiating/have negotiated) a peace treaty.
  9. She (has study/studies) Economics at the University.
  10. I (have been waiting/have been waiting) for the rain to come.
  11. He (have been traveling/has been traveling) around the world for a year now.
  12. The sun (is rising/rising) in the east every morning.
  13. My friend (is having/has) a party next weekend.
  14. We (are knowing/know) the answer to the question.
  15. The baby (is crying/cries) because it’s hungry.
  16. They (are discussing/discussing) the project in the conference room.
  17. The train (is leaving/leaving) at 8 PM tonight.
  18. She (have/has) a pet dog named Max.


  1. Have Transformed
  2. Have Planed
  3. Be Solving
  4. Be Participating
  5. Have Returned
  6. You Be Arguing
  7. Not Be Meeting
  8. Be Negotiating
  9. Studies
  10. Have Been Waiting
  11. Has Been Travelling
  12. Rises
  13. Is Having
  14. Know
  15. Is Crying
  16. Are Discussing
  17. Leaves
  18. Has

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