Introduction To Orthodontics Question And Answers

Introduction To Orthodontics Definition


Orthodontics includes the study of the growth and development of the jaws and face particularly and the body generally as influencing the position of the teeth, the study of action and reaction of internal and external influences on the arrested and perverted development.

Introduction To Orthodontics Important Notes

Jackson’s Triad:

  • Functional Efficiency
    • As malocclusion affects normal functioning of stomatognathic system
    • Orthodontic treatment restores it
  • Structural balance
    • Three tissues constituents oro-facial region i.e., dentoalveolar, skeletal and soft tissues
    • Orthodontic treatment obtains a balance among them
  • Esthetic harmony
    • Malocclusion effects the facial appearance of the individual
    • This effects the psychology of the person
    • Thus orthodontic treatment prevents this by improving the facial appearance

Introduction To Orthodontics Short Essays

Question 1. Aims of orthodontics.

  • Summarized by Jackson
  • Also termed as Jackson’s triad

Aims Of Orthodontics:

  • Functional Efficiency:
    • As malocclusion affects normal functioning of stomatognathic system
    • Orthodontic treatment restores it
  • Structural Balance:
    • Three tissues constituents oro-facial region i.e., dentoalveolar, skeletal and soft tissues
    • Orthodontic treatment obtains a balance among them
  • Esthetic harmony:
    • Malocclusion effects the facial appearance of the individual
    • This effects the psychology of the person
    • Thus orthodontic treatment prevents this by improving the facial appearance

Introduction To Orthodontics

Introduction To Orthodontics Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. Define orthodontics.

By British Society

Orthodontics includes the study of the growth and development of the jaws and face particularly and the body generally as influencing the position of the teeth, and the study of action and reaction of internal and external influences on the arrested and prevented development.

Question 2. Sequele of Malocclusion.

  • Poor facial appearance
  • Risk of caries
  • Predisposition to periodontal diseases
  • Psychological disturbances
  • Risk of trauma
  • Abnormalities of function
  • TMJ problems

Question 3. Jackson’s triad/Aims of orthodontics.

  • Functional efficiency
  • Structural balance
  • Esthetic harmony

Question 4. Need for orthodontic treatment.

  • For esthetic problems
  • For restoration of functions
  • For the balance of oro-facial structure
  • To prevent periodontal problems

Question 5. Angle’s contribution to orthodontics.

  • Father of Modern Orthodontics
  • Classification of malocclusion

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers 

  • Introduction of orthodontics as a separate branch
  • Started a school of orthodontics ar St.Louis, New London
  • Advocated arch expansion

Introduction To Orthodontics Viva Voce

  • Aesthetic harmony is the most common reason for seeking orthodontic care
  • Edward Hartely Angle is the father of modern orthodontics
  • Pierre Fauchard is the founder of modern dentistry
  • Edward H Angle promoted orthodontics as a specialty
  • William E Magil was the first to band the teeth for active tooth movement
  • Hippocrates is the pioneer of medical science
  • Le Felon first coined the word orthodontics

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