Interceptive Orthodontics Definitions
- Interceptive orthodontics:
- It is defined as that phase of the science and art of orthodontics employed to recognize and eliminate potential irregularities and malpositions of the developing dentofacial complex.
- Preventive orthodontics:
- According to Graber, it is defined as the action taken to preserve the integrity of what appears to be a normal occlusion at a specific time.
- Serial extraction:
- It is a procedure that includes the planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth and later specific permanent teeth in an orderly sequence and pre-determined pattern to guide the erupting permanent teeth into a more favorable position.
- Space regainer:
- Appliances used to regain the space lost by the mesial movement of the molar due to premature loss of deciduous, by distal movement of the first molar are called “Space Regainers”.
Interceptive Orthodontics Important Notes
- Serial extraction
- Indications:
- Skeletal class 1
- Flaring of teeth
- Localized gingival recession in lower anterior
- Ectopic eruption of teeth
- Unilateral/bilateral premature loss of deciduous canines
- Discrepancy should be at least 5 mm
- Contra-Indications:
- Class 2 and 3 malocclusions
- Open bite and deep bite
- Midline diastema
- Class 1 with minimum space deficiency
- Types:
- Dewey’s method
- The most commonly used method
- Extraction of deciduous canine is done at the age of 8-9 years
- Followed by extraction of the erupting first premolar
- Tweed’s method – D4C
- Dewey’s method
- Indications:
- Exercises for different muscles:
Interceptive Orthodontics Long Essays
Question 1. Define Serial Extraction, and explain its indications, contraindications, and methods.
Interceptive Orthodontics:
It is defined as that phase of the science and art of orthodontics employed to recognize and eliminate potential irregularities and malpositions of the developing dentofacial complex.
Serial Extraction:
Definition: It is a procedure that includes the planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth and later specific permanent teeth in an orderly sequence and predetermined pattern to guide the erupting permanent teeth into a more favorable position.
Indications Of Serial Extraction:
- Class 1 malocclusion with normal muscle activity
- Deficient arch length
- Absence of primate spacing
- Premature loss of deciduous canines
- Impacted lateral incisors
- Crowded interiors
- Localized gingival recession
- Ectopic eruption of teeth
- Mesial migration of posteriors
- Abnormal sequence of eruption
- Lower anterior flaring
- Ankylosed teeth
- Deficient growth
- Straight profile persons
Contraindications Of Serial Extractions:
- Skeletal Class 2 and 3
- Spacing
- Anodontia
- Open bite/Deep bite
- Midline spacing
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- Dilacerated tooth
- Extensive carious/restored tooth
- Mild discrepancy
Dewel’s Method:
Tweed’s method:
Nance method:
- Similar to Tweed
Question 2. Define Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics. Explain various methods of interceptive orthodontics.
Preventive Orthodontics: According to Graber it is defined as the action taken to preserve the integrity of what appears to be a normal occlusion at a specific time.
Interceptive Orthodontics: It is that phase of the science and art of orthodontics employed to recognize and eliminate potential irregularities and mal-positions of the developing dento facial complex.
Procedures Of Interceptive Orthodontics:
Serial extraction:
- It is planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth and later specific permanent teeth in orderly sequence and predetermined pattern
- Rationale:
- Arch lenght tooth material discrepancy
- Physiologic tooth movement
- Advantage:
- Physiologic
- More stable
- Less retention required
- Less psychological trauma
- Healthy gingival tissue
- Disadvantage:
- Rationale:
Lengthy Procedure:
- Need of fixed mechano therapy
- Patient’s cooperation
Dewel’s method [CD4]:
- Step 1 – Extraction of deciduous canine [C]
- For alignment of incisor
- Step 2 – Extraction of deciduous first [D]
- To accelerate eruption of 1st PM
- Step 3 – Extraction of 1st PM [U]
- To permit eruption of permanent canine
Tweed’s method [DC4]:
Nance’s method: Similar to Tweeds
Developing Anterior cross bite:
Significance: Treated to prevent minor orthodontic problem
Reason to treat:
- May manifest in permanent dentition
- May lead to skeletal malocclusion
Types Treatment/Appliances:
- Functional Eliminating occlusal prematurities
- Dento-alveolar Tongue blade, Catlan’s appliance
- Skeletal Myofunctional appliances
Interception of habits:
- Habit effecting dento-alveolar segment
- Thumb sucking
- Tongue thrusting
- Mouth breathing
- Habit breaking appliances are used
Space Regaining:
- Space lost by mesial movement of molar can be regained by distal mivement of 1st molar.
Age: At early age
Appliance used:
- Gerber space regainer
- Jackscrew
- Cantilever spring
Muscular Exercises:
- Normal occlusal depends on the surrounding perioral musculature
- Muscle exercise help to improve aberrant muscle function
Interception of skeletal malrelations:
Importance: Reduces severity of disease
For class 2: Head gear is used
For class 3: FR 3/face mask therapy
Removal or soft tissues and bony barriers:
Question 3. Serial Extraction.
Serial Extraction:
It includes the planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth and later specific permanent teeth in an orderly sequence and pre-determined pattern to guide the erupting permanent teeth into a more favorable position.
Basic Principles:
- Arch length tooth discrepancy
- Physiologic tooth movement
Serial Extraction Indications:
- Class 1 malocclusion
- Arch length deficiency
- Absence of primate spaces
- Mal-positioned/Impacted lateral incisors
- Markedly irregular/crowded anteriors
- Localized gingival recession
- Ectopic eruption
- Mesial migration
- Lower anterior flaring
Serial Extraction Contra-Indications:
- Class 2 and 3 malocclusion
- Spaced dentition
- Open bite and deep bite
- Mid line diastema
- Anodontia/Oligodontia
- Un-erupted teeth
- Extensive caries
Serial Extractions Advantages:
- More physiologic
- Less Psychological trauma
- Less duration
- Better oral hygiene
- Preserve gingival health
- Less retention required
- More stable
Serial Extractions Disadvantages:
- Prolonged treatment
- Patient co-operation
- Development of habits
- Deepening of bite
- Require fixed appliance therapy
- Step 1 – Extraction of deciduous canine [C]
- For alignment of incisor
- Step 2 – Extraction of deciduous first [D]
- To accelerate eruption of 1st PM
- Step 3 – Extraction of 1st PM [U]
- To permit eruption of permanent canine
Tweed’s method [DC4]:
Interceptive Orthodontics Short Essays
Question 1. Serial extraction and write about its indications.
Serial Extraction:
It includes the planned extraction of certain deciduous teeth and later specific permanent teeth in an orderly sequence and pre-determined pattern to guide the erupting permanent teeth into a more favourable position.
Basic Principles:
- Arch length tooth material discrepancy
- Physiologic tooth movement
Serial Extraction Indications:
- Class 1 malocclusion
- Arch length deficiency
- Absence of primate spaces
- Mal-positioned/Impacted lateral incisors
- Markedly irregular/crowded anteriors
- Localized gingival recession
- Ectopic eruption
- Mesial migration
- Lower anterior flaring
Question 2. Interceptive Orthodontic Management of Maxillary Retrusion.
Myofunctional appliance/face mask therapy is used to promote maxillary growth
Anchorage Site:
- Chin
- Skull
- Chin and Forehead together
Principle Of Maxillary Retrusion:
- Creates pulling force on maxillary structure
- Reciprocal pushing force on mandible/forehead
Parts Of Maxillary Retrusion:
- Chin cup: Takes anchorage from chin area – connected to face mask assembly by metal rods
- Forehead cap: Derive anchorage from forehead
- Elastics: Applies forward traction on upper arch
- Intraoral appliance: Consists of traction hooks on molars
- Metal Frame: Connects various components
- Receives elastic from intraoral appliance
Interceptive Orthodontics Short Questions And Answers
Question 1. Space Regainers.
Appliances used to regain the space lost by mesial movement of molar due to premature loss of deciduous, by distal movement of the first molar are called “Space Regainers”.
Time: At early age
- Prior to eruption of second molar
- Gerber Space Regainer
- Jack Screws
- Cantilever Springs
Question 2. Advantages of Serial Extraction.
Physiological Procedure:
- Less psychological trauma
- Reduce treatment duration
- Maintenance of oral hygiene
- Preservation investing tissues
- Less retention required
- More stable
Question 3. Disadvantages of Serial Extraction.
- Not universally applicable
- Prolonged treatment time
- Frequent visit required
- Development of habit
- Risk of reduction in arch length
- Creation of space between canine and 2nd premolar
- Requires short term fixed mechano therapy
Question 4. Interceptive orthodontic procedures.
- Interceptive orthodontic procedures are
- Serial extraction
- Developing anterior crossbite
- Interception of habits
- Space regainer
- Muscular exercise
- Interception of skeletal malrelation
Interceptive Orthodontics Viva Voce
- Button pull exercise is done for lips
- Stretching of upper lip to maintain lip seal is therapeutic measure for short hypotonic lips
- Tug of war exercise is good exercise for lips
- One elastic swallow and two elastic swallow is for tongue
- Hold pull exercise is helpful in stretching the lingual frenum
- Serial extraction is crried out when space needed is 5-7mm
- First tooth to be extracted in Dewel’s method is deciduous canine
- First tooth to be extracted in tweed’s method is deciduous first molar
- Midline diastema is contraindication of serial extraction