Question 1. Types of shock.
Various types of shock are as follows:
Question 2. Septic shock.
- Release of endotoxin by gram-negative organisms.
- Severe septicaemia.
- Peritonitis.
- Meningitis
Question 3. Neurogenic shock.
Neurogenic Shock Causes:
- Paraplegia, quadriplegia.
- Trauma to the spinal cord.
- Spinal anaesthesia.
Neurogenic Shock Clinical Features:
- Skin remains warm, pink and well-perfused.
- Urinary output – normal.
- Heart rate-rapid.
- Blood pressure is decreased.
Question 4. Cardiogenic shock.
Cardiogenic Shock Causes:
- Injury to heart
- Myocardial infarction.
- Cardiac arrhythmia.
- Congestive cardiac failure.
Cardiogenic Shock Clinical Features:
- Initially
- Skin is pale and cool.
- Urine output reduced.
- Later
- Rapid pulse.
- Hypotension
- Distended neck veins.
- The liver is enlarged.
- The heart becomes enlarged.
Read And Learn More: General Surgery Question and Answers
Question 5. Hypovolaemic shock.
Hypovolaemic Shock Causes:
- Blood and plasma loss
- Electrolyte loss.
Question 6. Crush Syndrome.
Crush Syndrome
It is a symptom complex in which a portion of the body becomes crushed due to a heavy weight falling on that portion and is kept there for some time to crush all the tissues in that portion.
Crush Syndrome Causes:
- Earthquakes
- Mine injuries
- Air raids
- Collapse of building.
- Use of tourniquet for a longer period.
Crush Syndrome Clinical Features:
- Extravasaion of blood into muscles.
- Muscles are crushed and swollen.
- Acute renal tubular necrosis.
- Reduced urinary output.
- Tense and painful extremities.
Crush Syndrome Treatment:
- Application of tourniquet.
- Parallel incisions are made to relieve tension.
- Administration of intravenous fluid.
- Catheterization of bladder.
- Hemodialysis is a severe condition.
Question 7. Hypokalaemia.
Potassium deficiency in diet is called hypokalemia.
Hypokalaemia Causes:
- Following trauma.
- Starvation
- Loss of gastrointestinal secretion.
Hypokalaemia Clinical features:
- Gradual onset of drowsiness.
- Slow and slurred speech.
- Irritability.
- Muscular hypotonia and weakness.
- Absence of deep reflexes.
- Slow pulse rate.
- Diminished intestinal motility.
- Low BP.
- Skin remains warm and dry.
Hypokalaemia Treatment:
- Replacement of potassium deficit.
Question 8. Acidosis.
An increase in pH leads to acidosis.
Acidosis Types:
- Metabolic acidosis.
- In it, there is a gain or retention of fixed acids or loss of base.
- Cause:
- Diabetic acidosis.
- Lactic acidosis.
- Renal insufficiency.
- Rapid transfusion of bank blood.
- Diarrhoea.
- Clinical Features:
- Increase in rate and depth of breathing.
- Rapid and noisy respiration.
- Raised pulse rate and blood pressure.
- Urine becomes strongly acidic.
- Treatment:
- Administration of ringer’s lactate solution.
- Respiratory acidosis.
- Causes:
- Lung disorders.
- Peritonitis
- Crush injury.
- Depressed respiratory centre.
- Airway obstruction.
- Causes:
Acidosis Clinical Features:
- Slow rise in BP.
- Abnormal respiration.
- Restlessness.
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia.
Acidosis Treatment:
- Mechanical ventilation
- Endotracheal intubation.
- Avoid over-sedation and over-use of muscle relaxants.
Question 9. Haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage is defined as the escape of blood from blood vessels.
Haemorrhage Classification:
- Based on the bleeding haemorrhage.
- External and internal.
- Arterial, venous or capillary.
- Based on the time of appearance.
- Primary – Secondary – Reactionary.
Question 10. Secondary Haemorrhage.
Secondary Haemorrhage
It is a bleeding that occurs usually after 7-14 days of injury.
Secondary Haemorrhage Causes:
- Infection.
- Sloughing part of the arterial wall.
Secondary Haemorrhage Clinical features:
- Preceded by warning haemorrhage staining the dressings.
- Followed by moderate to severe haemorrhages.
Secondary Haemorrhage Types:
- Externally – example: at operation site of haemorrhoids- tomy.
- Internally Example: haematemesis following peptic ulcer operation.
Question 11. Hemophilia.
Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder of coagulation factors.
Hemophilia Types:
- Hemophilia A-classic haemophilia – due to factor 8 deficiency.
- Hemophilia B-Christmas disease -due to factor 9 deficiency.
- Von Willebrand’s disease due to deficiency of von Willebrand factor.
Hemophilia Clinical features:
- Easy bruising
- Prolonged bleeding.
- Spontaneous bleeding into subcutaneous tissue.
- GIT bleeding.
- Hpitaxis.
- Recurrent haemarthrosis.
- Hematuria.
- Intracranial haemorrhage.
Question 12. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DTC)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DTC)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a complex thrombo-hemorrhagic disorder occurring as a secondary complication in some systemic diseases.
- Includes
- Activation of coagulation
- Thrombotic phase
- Consumption phase.
- Secondary fibrinolysis.
Question 13. Blood groups.
Blood groups
Blood groups are classified based on the presence or absence of specific agglutinogen or antigen on the surface of RBC.
Major blood groups are:
1. ABO system
2. Rh blood group.
- Rh factor is an antigen present in RBC.
- Persons having D antigen are called Rh-positive.
Question 14. Rh factor.
Rh factor
- Rh factor is an antigen present in RBC.
- It was first discovered by Landsteiner and Weiner in rhesus monkey.
- It is detected only in RBCs
- It is inherited from both parents as homozygous positive DD, heterozygous negative Dd or homozygous negative dd.
- Rh Antibody is absent in plasma.
- But its production can be evoked by.
- Transfusion with Rh-positive blood.
- Entrance of Rh-positive blood from foetus into circulation of Rh-negative mother.
Question 15. Blood Transfusion.
Blood Transfusion
It is a process of transferring blood or blood-based products from one person into the circulatory system of another.
Blood Transfusion Types:
- Typical stored CPD blood from the blood bank.
- Filtered blood-filtered through a membrane with 40 |im pores.
- Warm blood is used in cardiopulmonary operations.
- Autotransfusion – preserving and then transfusing one’s blood.
- Replacement transfusion – used in newborns.
Question 16. Indications of blood transfusion.
Acute haemorrhage.
- During operations, preoperatively and postoperatively.
- Anaemia.
- Malnutrition.
- In severe burns.
- In coagulation disorders.
- In erythroblastosis fetalis.
- During chemotherapy.
Question 17. Complications of blood transfusion.
Complications of blood transfusion
- Transfusion reactions
- Incompatibility
- Pyrexia reactions
- Allergic reactions
- Sensitisation to leucocytes and platelets
- Transmission of diseases
- Serum hepatitis
- Reactions caused by massive transfusion.
- Acid-base imbalance.
- Hyperkalaemia.
- Citrate toxicity.
- Hypothermia.
- Failure of coagulation.
- Complication of over-transfusion.
- Congestive cardiac failure.
- Other complications.
- Thrombophlebitis
- Air embolism.
Question 18. Types of haemorrhage
Types of haemorrhage
- According to the source
- External haemorrhage – seen externally
- Internal haemorrhage – not seen externally
- According to the vessels involved
- Arterial haemorrhage – haemorrhage coming out of the artery
- Venous haemorrhage – haemorrhage coming out of vein
- Capillary haemorrhage – haemorrhage coming out of the capillary
- According to the time of appearance
- Primary haemorrhage – at the time of injury
- Reactionary haemorrhage – within 24 hours of injury
- Secondary haemorrhage – after 7-14 days of injury
Question 19. Reactions to blood transfusion
Reactions to blood transfusion