Gingival Enlargements

Gingival Enlargements

Gingival Enlargements Definitions

Periodontal Abscess: The periodontal abscess is a localized accumulation of pus within the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket

Gingival Enlargements Important Notes

1. Gingival enlargement

  1. Based on etiology
    • Inflammation – Acute
    • Chronic
  2. Drug-induced
    • Phenytoin
    • Cyclosporins
  3. Systemic diseases
    • Conditioned enlargements
      • Puberty
      • Pregnancy
      • Non-specific
    • Systemic diseases
      • Leukemia
    • Neoplastic
      • Benign tumors
      • Malignant tumors
    • False enlargements
      • Idiopathic
  4. According to location
    • Localized-limited to one/more teeth
    • Generalized- involves the entire mouth
    • Papillary-confined to interdental papilla – Marginal- confined to marginal gingiva – Diffuse-involves entire gingiva
    • Discrete-isolated lesions
  5. According to the degree
    • Grade 0- Normal gingiva
    • Grade 1- Involves interdental gingiva
    • Grade 2- Involves marginal and interdental papilla
    • Grade 3- Covers 3/4th of the crown of teeth

2. Leukemic gingival enlargement

  • Occurs only in the acute type and not in the chronic type
  • Mostly occurs in acute monocytic leukemia
  • The gingival connective tissue is infiltrated with immature leukocytes

3. Gingival enlargements and their locations

Gingival Enlargements Gingival enlargement and their locations

4. Cyclosporine

  • It is a potent immunosuppressive drug used to prevent organ transplant rejection and treat several autoimmune diseases
  • Gingival enlargement, nephrotoxicity, hypertension, etc are its side effects
  • Another immunosuppressive tacrolimus exhibits less severe gingival inflammation
  • It is used as a substitute for cyclosporine

5. Phenytoin

  • It is used to treat all forms of epilepsy
  • Gingival enlargements occur in 50% of patients on this drug
  • It often occurs in young patients
  • Phenytoin stimulates the fibroblasts and reduces collagen degradation
  • Ethosuximide, valproic acid, and mephenytoin are other antiepileptic drugs causing gingival enlargements

6. Plasma cell gingivitis

  • Gingiva appears red, friable, granular
  • It bleeds easily
  • It may be associated with cheilitis and glossitis
  • It is allergic in origin possibly related to components of chewing gums, denitrifies, or diet.

7. Gingival abscess

  • It is a localized, painful rapidly expanding lesion of sudden onset
  • It is limited to marginal gingiva or interdental papilla
  • It is due to foreign substances carried deep into the tissues such as toothbrush bristle, a piece of apple core, or a lobster shell

Gingival Enlargements Long Essays

Question 1. Classify gingival enlargements. Discuss the history- theology and clinical features of drug-induced gingivitis.

Gingival Enlargements Classification:

Based on etiology:

  • Inflammation:
    • Acute
    • Chronic
  • Drug-Induced:
    • Phenytoin
    • Cyclosporins

Gingival Enlargements Systemic diseases:

  • Conditioned enlargements:
    • Puberty
    • Pregnancy
    • Non-specific
  • Systemic diseases:
    • Leukemia
  • Neoplastic:
    • Benign tumors
    • Malignant tumors
    • False enlargements:
    • Idiopathic:

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

Gingival Enlargements  According to the degree:

  • Grade 0- Normal gingiva
  • Grade 1- Involves interdental gingiva
  • Grade 2- Involves marginal and interdental papilla
  • Grade 3- Covers 3/4th of the crown of teeth

Drug-Induced Gingivitis:

Drug-Induced Gingivitis Clinical Features:

  • It occurs 3 months after initiation of phenytoin therapy
  • Common in younger individuals
  • Generalized distribution but severe in the maxilla
  • The site involved- marginal gingiva and interdental papilla
  • Appears as a painless, bead-like enlargement
  • Interferes with occlusion
  • Has lobulated surface
  • Firm to resilient in consistency
  • No tendency to bleed

Drug-Induced Gingivitis Histopathology:

1. Epithelium:

  • Shows varying degrees of acanthosis
  • Elongated, thin rete pegs are present
  • Increased epithelial pearls
  • Presence of PMNs

2. Lamina propria:

  • The proliferation of fibroblasts present
  • There is an increase in collagen production

Question 2. Classify different gingival enlargements. Describe in detail acute inflammatory enlargement.

Gingival enlargement Classification:

1. According to the etiology:


  • Acute
  • Chronic


  • Phenytoin
  • Cyclosporins
  • CCB’s

Systemic diseases:

  • Conditioned Vitamin C deficiency
  • Puberty
  • Pregnancy
  • Non-specific
  • Systemic diseases – Leukemia


  • Benign
  • Malignant
  • False enlargements

2. According to Location:

Localized: limited to one/more teeth

  • Generalized: Involves entire mouth
  • Papillary: Confined to interdental papilla
  • Marginal: Confined to the marginal gingiva
  • Diffuse: involves the entire gingiva
  • Discrete: Isolated lesions

3. According to the degree:

  • Grade 0: Normal gingiva
  • Grade 1: Involves interdental papilla
  • Grade 2: Involves marginal and interdental papilla
  • Grade 3: Covers 3/4th of the crown of teeth

Acute Inflammatory Enlargement:

  • Sudden localized painful expanding lesion occurring on biting of hard objects like apple or fish thorns


Gingival Enlargements Etio-Pathogenesis

Gingival enlargement Features:

  • Site – Localized to the marginal gingiva
  • Color – Reddish
  • Surface – Smooth and shiny
  • Symptoms – Painful, expanding lesion
  • Sign – Bleeding on probing
  • Tender on percussion
  • Exudation of purulent material
  • Size – Swollen gums

Gingival enlargement Treatment:

  • Removal of etiological factors
  • Incision and drainage of abscess
  • In persistent cases, prescribe antibiotics

Gingival Enlargements Short Essays

Question 1. Pericoronal Abscess.

Pericoronal Abscess is a localized accumulation of pus covering the crown of unerupted/partially erupted teeth

Pericoronal Abscess Etiology:

  • Plaque accumulation around the impacted teeth

Pericoronal Abscess Features:

  • Red, swollen, erythematous gingiva around impacted teeth
  • Interferes with occlusion

Pericoronal Abscess Radiographic Features:

  • Radiograph shows impacted teeth

Pericoronal Abscess Treatment:

  • Flap removal
  • Impaction

Question 3. Dilantin sodium-induced hyperplasia.

Dilantin Sodium-Induced Hyperplasia Clinical Features:

  • Dilantin Sodium-Induced Hyperplasia occurs 3 months after initiation of phenytoin therapy
  • Common in younger individuals
  • Generalized distribution but severe in the maxilla
  • Site involved-marginal gingiva and interdental papilla
  • Appears as a painless, bead-like enlargement
  • Interferes with occlusion
  • Has lobulated surface
  • Firm to resilient in consistency
  • No tendency to bleed

Dilantin Sodium-Induced Hyperplasia Histopathology:

1. Epithelium:

  • Shows varying degrees of acanthosis
  • Elongated, thin rete pegs are present
  • Increased epithelial pearls
  • Presence of PMNs

2. Lamina propria:

  • The proliferation of fibroblasts present
  • There is an increase in collagen production

Question 4. Differentiate Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Enlargement.

Gingival Enlargements Differentiate acute and chronic inflammatory enlargement

Question 5. Differentiate periapical, periodontal, and gingival abscesses.

Gingival Enlargements Differentiate periapical,periodontal and gingival abscess

Question 6. Drug-induced Gingival Enlargement.

Drugs Causing Enlargement:

Gingival Enlargements Drugs causing enlargement

Drugs Causing Enlargement Features:

  1. Duration – 3 months after initiation of drug therapy
  2. Location – Generalized
    • Severe in maxilla
  3. The site involved – Marginal gingiva and interdental papilla
  4. Appearance – Painless, bead-like enlargement
  5. Complication – Interferes with occlusion
    • Absence of inflammation
      • Mulberry shaped enlargement
      • Color-pale pink
    • Presence of inflammation
      • Color-red/bluish-red
      • Presence of increased bleeding
  6. Consistency – Firm and resilient
  7. Surface:
    • Lobulated
  8. Bleeding:
    • Absent

Drugs Causing Enlargement Pathogenesis:

  • The similarity in the structure of phenytoin and sub-population of fibroblasts
  • Thus, fibroblasts become sensitive to phenytoin
  • Results in increased collagen production

Drugs Causing Enlargement Treatment:

Step 1:

  • Oral prophylaxis
  • Substitute drug
  • Recall

Step 2:

  • Mild case – Gingivectomy
  • Severe destruction – flap surgery

Question 7. Leukemic Gingival Enlargement.

Leukemic Gingival Enlargement Distribution:

  • Diffuse/marginal
  • Localized/Generalized

Leukemic Gingival Enlargement Appearance:

  • It increases in size gradually and covers the tooth crown
  • Tumor like enlargement
  • Color-bluish red
  • Surface-shiny
  • Consistency-moderately firm
  • Bleeding on probing – positive
  • Increased susceptibility to infections Associated symptoms: ANUG

Leukemic Gingival Enlargement Treatment:

  • Consult physician
  • Monitor hematological values
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis
  • Incision and drainage
  • Cleanse the area with cotton pellets soaked in hydrogen peroxide
  • Application of pressure with gauze

Question 8. Classify gingival enlargement. Add a note on idiopathic gingival enlargement.

Gingival Enlargement:

Gingival Enlargement is an increase in the size of the gingiva

Gingival Enlargement Classification:

1. Based on etiology:

  1. Inflammation
    • Acute
    • Chronic
  2. Drug-induced
    • Phenytoin
    • Cyclosporins
  3. Systemic diseases
    • Conditioned enlargements
      • Puberty
      • Pregnancy
      • Non-specific
  4. Systemic diseases
    • Leukemia
  5. Neoplastic
    • Benign tumors
    • Malignant tumors
  6. False enlargements
  7. Idiopathic

2. According to the location:

  1. Localized-limited to one/more teeth
  2. Generalized- involves the entire mouth
    • Papillary-confined to interdental papilla
    • Marginal- confined to the marginal gingiva
    • Diffuse- involves the entire gingiva
    • Discrete- Isolated lesions

Idiopathic Gingival Enlargement:

Idiopathic Gingival Enlargement is a rare condition of unknown etiology

Idiopathic Gingival Enlargement Clinical Features:

  • It has diffuse involvement
  • Involves attached gingiva, marginal gingiva, and inter-dental papilla
  • The affected gingiva is firm, pink, and leathery in consistency and has a pebbled surface
  • Facial and lingual surfaces of the mandible and maxilla are generally affected
  • Teeth are almost completely covered by the gingival enlargement
  • The enlargement projects into the oral vestibule
  • Jaws appear distorted
  • Secondary inflammatory changes occur

Question 9. How will you differentiate between scorbutic gingival enlargement and leukemic gingival enlargement?

Gingival Enlargements The differentiate between Features and Scorbutic enlargement Leukemic enlargement

Question 10. Compare drug-induced gingival enlargement and leukemic gingival enlargement.

Gingival Enlargements Compare drug lnduced and leukemic gingival enlargemwnt.

Question 11. Compare drug-induced and Idiopathic gingival enlargement.

Gingival Enlargements Compare drug lnduced and Idiopathic gingival enlargement

Question 12. Benign tumors of the gingiva.

Benign Tumours Of Gingiva:

1. Focal fibrous hyperplasia:

  • Focal fibrous hyperplasia is present often in adults
  • Focal fibrous hyperplasia is a nodular lesion
  • Has dome-like growth with a smooth surface of normal color
  • Surface keratosis occurs
  • Focal fibrous hyperplasia is slow progressing lesion
  • Focal fibrous hyperplasia may remain the same size for many years
  • Focal fibrous hyperplasia is also known as peripheral fibroma

2. Peripheral ossifying fibroma:

Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a gingival nodule consisting of reactive hyperplasia of connective tissue containing focal areas of bone

Peripheral ossifying fibroma Clinical Features:

  • Peripheral ossifying fibroma represents a well-demarcated, encapsulated, ex-pantile, central jaw lesion
  • Peripheral ossifying fibroma is localized, painless, non-tentered bony hard swelling.
  • Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a slow-growing lesion
  • Peripheral ossifying fibroma leads to the expansion and distortion of cortical plates
  • There may be displacement of regional teeth

3. Peripheral giant cell granuloma:

Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma is the hyperplastic reaction of gingival connective tissue in which the histiocytic and endothelial cellular components predominate

Peripheral giant cell granuloma Clinical Features:

  • Age- during the mixed dentition period
  • Sex- common in females
  • Site- interdental papilla
  • Appears as a small, exophytic, well-circumscribed, pedunculated lesion on the gingival surface
  • It is painless, firm, and lobulated
  • Surface- smooth or granular
  • Size-less than 2 cm in diameter
  • Color-purplish-red to dark-red in color
  • The overlying epithelium is ulcerated
  • Consistency-firm
  • Bleeding occurs spontaneously
  • Some lesions may develop with hour-glass shapes located between teeth and lobulated extremities projecting both buccally and lingually

4. Gingival cyst: A gingival Cyst is derived from the rest of the dental lamina

Gingival Cyst Clinical Features:

  • A gingival Cyst occurs as firm, compressible, fluid-filled swelling on the facial gingiva usually in the anterior or premolar region
  • A gingival Cyst usually develops as a solitary lesion
  • Color remains normal
  • Occurs on attached gingiva or interdental papilla

Question 13. Clinical features of drug-induced gingival enlargement.

Drug-Induced Gingival Enlargement :

  • Phenytoin
  • Cyclosporins
  • CCB’s
    • It occurs 3 months after initiation of phenytoin therapy
    • Common in younger individuals
    • Generalized distribution but severe in the maxilla
    • The site involved- marginal gingiva and interdental papilla
    • Appears as a painless, bead-like enlargement
    • Interferes with occlusion
    • Has lobulated surface
    • Firm to resilient in consistency
    • No tendency to bleed

Gingival Enlargements Short Answers

Question 1. Periodontal abscess.

The periodontal abscess is a localized accumulation of pus within the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket

Periodontal abscess Etiology: Presence of plaque and calculus

Periodontal abscess Clinical Features:

  • Involves deep periodontal structures
  • Localized pain
  • Deep pockets
  • Vital tooth
  • Tender on lateral percussion
  • Tooth mobility
  • Associated fistula

Periodontal abscess Treatment:

  • Drainage
  • Flap surgery

Question 2. Conditioned Gingival Enlargements.

Conditioned enlargements are caused by systemic conditions of the patient which exaggerates the usual gingerval response to dental plaque

Conditioned Gingival Enlargements Types:

  • Hormonal
  • Nutritional
  • Allergic

Question 3. Angiogranuloma.

  • Gingival enlargement in pregnancy is also known as angiogranuloma
  • It is an inflammatory response to local irritation
  • It is modified by the patient’s condition
  • It usually appears after the first trimester

Question 4. Drug-induced gingival enlargements.

Drug-Induced Gingival Enlargements Clinical Features:

  • It occurs 3 months after initiation of phenytoin therapy
  • Common in younger individuals
  • Generalized distribution but severe in the maxilla
  • The site involved- marginal gingiva and interdental papilla
  • Appears as a painless, bead-like enlargement
  • Interferes with occlusion
  • Has lobulated surface
  • Firm to resilient in consistency
  • No tendency to bleed

Question 5. Write the difference between gingival and periodontal abscess.

Gingival Enlargements Write difference between gingival and periodontal abscess

Question 6. Wegener’s Granulomatosis.

  • Wegener’s Granulomatosis is a disease of unknown etiology
  • Wegener’s Granulomatosis basically involves the vascular, renal, and respiratory systems

Wegener’s Granulomatosis Clinical Features:

  • Occurs at any age
  • Common in males
  • Initially, there is the development of rhinitis, sinusitis, and otitis
  • The patient later develops cough and hemoptysis, fever, joint pain
  • Hemorrhagic or vesicular skin lesions are common

Wegener’s Granulomatosis Oral Manifestations

  • Affected gingiva is termed strawberry gingiva Gingival lesions may be ulcerations, friable granular lesions
  • It starts in the interdental papilla and spreads rapidly
  • This leads to bone loss and tooth mobility

Question 7. Developmental gingival enlargements.

  • These enlargements are physiologic
  • During various stages of the eruption, the labial gingiva may show a bulbous marginal distortion caused by the superimposition of the bulk of the gingiva on normal enamel
  • This enlargement is known as developmental enlargement

Question 8. Differential diagnosis of epulis.

  • Epulis refers to all discrete tumors and tumor-like masses of the gingiva
  • Differential diagnosis of it includes oral fibroma

Question 9. Leukemic gingival enlargement.

Leukemic Gingival Enlargement Distribution:

  1. Diffuse or marginal
  2. Localized or generalized
    • It increases in size and gradually covers the tooth crown
    • It appears as a tumor-like enlargement
    • Color-bluish red in color
    • Surface-shiny surface
    • Consistency-spongy-like and friable
    • Gingiva bleeds spontaneously
    • Increased susceptibility to infections

Gingival Enlargements Viva Voce

  1. Three types of conditioned gingival enlargements are: hormonal, nutritional, and allergic
  2. Fibrotic gingival enlargement is a side effect of some anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers, and immunosuppressant drugs
  3. Leukemic enlargement is generally bluish-red and has a shiny surface
  4. Administration of phenytoin may precipitate mega-holoblastic anemia and folic acid deficiency.
  5. Drug-induced gingival enlargement starts at the interdental papilla
  6. Cyclosporine causes highly vascularized gingival enlargement
  7. Systemic administration of phenytoin accelerates the healing of a gingival wound
  8. Tacrolimus can replace Cyclosporine
  9. Bacterial plaque is not necessary for the initiation of gingival enlargement in Wegener’s granulomatosis


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