General Microbiology Historical Introduction Question And Answers

Historical Introduction Important Notes

1. Scientists and their contribution

Historical Introduction Scientists And Their Contribution

2. Staining

Historical Introduction Staining

Historical Introduction Short Answers

Question 1. Koch’s postulates/Robert Koch?

. Koch’s postulates/Robert Koch

  • Robert Koch is known as the father of medical microbiology.
  • His contributions to microbiology are:

1. Robert Koch Introduced

  • Methods of obtaining bacteria in pure cultures using solid media.
  • Staining techniques for bacteria
  • Methods for isolation of pure strains of bacteria.

2. Robert Koch Discovered

  • Anthrax bacillus
  • Tubercle bacillus
  • Cholera vibrios.

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

3. Robert Koch Proposed Koch’s Postulates

  • Koch’s postulates:
    • According to Koch’s postulates, a micro-organism can be accepted as the causative agent of an infectious disease only if
      • The organism is constantly associated with the lesions of the disease
      • If it is possible to isolate the organism in pure cultures from the lesions of the disease.
      • Inoculation of such pure culture into suitable laboratory animals will reproduce the lesions of the disease.
      • If it is possible to re-isolate the bacterium in pure culture from the lesions produced in the experimental animals.

4. He demonstrated Koch’s phenomenon through his observation of guinea pigs

  • It is as follows
    • Koch’s phenomenon:
      • Robert Koch observed that guinea pigs already infected with tubercle bacillus responded with an exaggerated inflammatory response when injected with the tubercle bacillus (or) its protein.
      • This hypersensitivity reaction is known as Koch’s phenomenon.

Question 2. Louis Pasteur.

Louis Pasteur

  • He was a trained chemist in France.
  • He is known as the father of microbiology.

General Microbiology Microbiology

Important contributions in microbiology:

  • He developed methods and techniques of bacteriology.
  • Introduced sterilization techniques.
  • Developed steam sterilizer, autoclave, and hot air oven
  • Developed live attenuated vaccine for prophylactic use
  • He studied
    • Chicken cholera
    • Anthrax
    • Hydrophobia
  • He also coined the term vaccine.
  • He proved that all forms of life even microbes arose only from their like and not de novo.
  • He proposed a microbial theory of fermentation to explain the role of microorganisms in disease production
  • He controlled the diseases of silkworm

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