Estrogen Progestins And Hormonal Contraceptives Question and Answers

Estrogen Progestins And Hormonal Contraceptives Short Essays

Question 1. Combination of estrogen and progesterone in oral contraceptives.

Combined pills contain low doses of estrogen and progestin.

  • Estrogen used is ethinylestradiol or mestranol.
  • Progestrin used are desogestre and norgestimate.
  • They are highly efficacious.

Combination of estrogen and progesterone in oral contraceptives Schedule:

  • Starts on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • One tablet daily for 21 days.
  • The next course started after a gap of 7 days.

Combination of estrogen and progesterone in oral contraceptives Combined effect:

  • Inhibits ovulation.
  • Progestin ensures prompt bleeding at the end of a cycle.
  • Blocks risk of developing endometrium carcinoma due to estrogen.
  • Reduces incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy.
  • Reduces risk of ovarian cancers.

Estrogen Progestins And Hormonal Contraceptives Short Notes

Question 1. Oral contraceptives.

Various types of oral contraceptives are

1. Oral contraceptives Combined pill.

  • Contains low doses of estrogen and progestin.
  • It is highly efficacious.
  • Monophasic, diphasic, and triphasic preparation are available.
  • Started on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle for 21 days.

2. Oral contraceptives Mini pill.

  • Contains a low dose of progestin-only.
  • Taken daily continuously without any gap.
  • Has low efficacy.

Read And Learn More: Pharmacology Question and Answers

3. Oral contraceptives Postcoital contraceptives.

  • Combined use of estrogen and progesterone is preferred.
  • Should be used as an emergency method.
  • They act by preventing implantation.
  • Should be started within 72 hours of coitus.
  • Has 90 – 98% efficacy.

Question 2. Oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a non-peptide secreted by the posterior pituitary along with ADH.

Oxytocin Actions:

  • Increases force and frequency of uterine contractions.
  • With low doses full relaxation occurs between contractions.
  • Contracts myoepithelium of mammary gland
  • Helps in milk ejection.

Oxytocin Uses:

  • Before delivery to induce labor.
  • Used to control postpartum hemorrhage.

Oxytocin Adverse effects:

  • Improper administration or overdosage causes.
    • Maternal and fetal soft tissue injury.
    • Rupture of the uterus.
    • Fetus asphyxia.
    • Death.

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