Diseases Of The Nervous System Short Question and Answers

Diseases Of The Nervous System Short Answers

Question 1. Name First 4 cranial nerves


First 4 cranial nerves

  • Olfactory nerve
  • Optic nerve
  • Oculomotor nerve
  • Trochlear nerve

Question 2. Four causes of meningitis


Causes of meningitis

Diseases Of The Nervous System Four Causes Of Meningitis

Question 3. Indications of lumbar puncture


Indications of lumbar puncture

  1. Diagnostic
    • CNS infection/ inflammation
      • Encephalitis
      • Meningitis
      • Myelitis
    • Subarachnoid haemorrhage
    • Infiltrative conditions
      • Carcinomatous meningitis
      • Lymphoma
      • Leukemia
    • To confirm raised intracranial pressure
      • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
    • Installation of contrast media
      • Myelography
  2. Therapeutic
    • Administration of intrathecal antibiotics
    • Administration of antileukemic drugs
    • Spinal anaesthesia
    • Removal of CSF to lower the pressure in benign intracranial hypertension

Question 4. Treatment of migraine


Treatment of migraine

  • Treatment of migraine includes
  • Removal of aggravating factors like alcohol, oral contraceptives, and dietary factors
  • Aspirin – 600-900 mg/ day
  • Paracetamol – 1 g/day
  • Antiemetics like metoclopramide
  • Ergotamine tartrate 0.5-1 mg sublingually/ orally/ rectally
  • Serotonin agonist sumatriptan 50-100 mg orally 23 times a day

Read And Learn More: General Medicine Question and Answers

Question 5. Evaluation of coma


Evaluation of coma

  • Evaluation of come is done through the Glasgow coma scale
  • It is as follows:

Diseases Of The Nervous System Evaluation Of Coma

Question 6. Syncope



  • Syncope refers to generalized weakness of muscles, loss of postural tone, inability to maintain an erect posture, and loss of consciousness
  • It is a transient loss of consciousness with an inability to maintain postural tone due to an acute decrease in cerebral blood flow

Syncope Clinical Features:

  • Tingling or numbness in the limbs
  • The patient feels cold and becomes unconscious
  • Sowing of pulse
  • Limbs become cold and clammy

Syncope Management:

  • Elevation of the foot end of the bed
  • Administration of 4 glucose

Question 7. Causes of syncope


Causes of syncope

  • Standing for a long time
  • Starvation
  • Excessive heat “ Exhaustion “ Fear
  • Sudden anxiety
  • Blood loss
  • Hypoglycaemia

Question 8. Bell’s palsy


Bell’s palsy Clinical Features:

  • Pain in post auricular region
  • Sudden onset
  • Unilateral loss of function
  • Loss of facial expression
  • Absence of wrinkling
  • Inability to close the eye
  • Watering of eye
  • Inability to blow the cheek
  • Obliteration of nasolabial fold
  • Loss of taste sensation
  • Hyperacusis
  • Slurring of speech

Question 9. Bell’s palsy management



  • Facial exercises
  • Massaging
  • Electrical stimulation B Protection to eye
  • Covering of eye with bandage
  1. Medical management
    • Prednisolone 60-80 mg per day
    • 3 tablets for 1st 4 days
    • 2 tablets for 2nd 4 days
    • 1 tablet for 3rd 4 days
  2. Surgical treatment
    • Nerve decompression
    • Nerve grafting

Question 10. Clinical features of trigeminal neuralgia


Clinical features of trigeminal neuralgia

  • Age: around 35 years
  • Sex: common in female
  • Site: right lower portion of the face, usually unilateral
  • Duration: a few seconds to a few minutes
    • As time passes duration between the cycles decreases
  • Nature: stabbing or lancinating
  • Aggravating factors: activation of Trigger zones
    • These are the vermillion borders of the lip, around the eyes, and the nose
  • Interference with other activities:
    • The patient avoids shaving, washing their face, chewing, and brushing, as these may aggravate pain
    • These lead to a poor lifestyle
  • Extreme cases: leads to frozen or mask-like face.

Diseases Of The Nervous System Nervous System...

Question 11. Hysteria



  • Hysteria is a syndrome characterized by a loss or distortion of neurological function

Hysteria Clinical Features:

  1. Conversion disorder
    • Gait disturbances
    • Loss of function in limbs
    • Aphonia
    • Pseudo seizures
    • Sensory Joss
    • Blindness
  2. Dissociation disorder
    • Memory loss
    • Loss of personal identity
    • Amnesia

Question 12. Schizophrenia



  • Schizophrenia is a group of disorders characterized by perturbations in language, perception, cognition, and behavior


  • Genetic
  • Emotional disturbances
  • Psychological stress

Schizophrenia Types:

  • Catatonic
  • Disorganized
  • Paranoid
  • Undifferentiated

Schizophrenia Symptoms:

  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Delusion
  • Catatonia
  • Thought disorder
  • Social withdrawal
  • Poverty of speech

Schizophrenia Management

  • Neuroleptic drugs like Chlorpromazine-100 mg tid

Question 13. Babinski’s sign


Babinski’s sign

  • Extension of the great toe with fanning of other toes is called Babinski’s sign

Babinski’s sign Causes:

  • Physiological- infants and children upto 2 years of age during deep sleep
  • Pathological- lesions of corticospinal tract above SI segment

Question 14. Four signs of Horner’s syndrome


Four signs of Horner’s syndrome

  • Ptosis of eyelid
  • Enophthalmos
  • Loss of ciliospinal reflex
  • Anhydrosis of the ipsilateral half of the face
  • Miosis

Question 15. Headache



  • Headache is a symptom with numerous possible causes

Headache Classification:

  1. Physiological
  2. Primary headache
  3. Secondary headache
    • Intracranial pathology
    • Extracranial pathology
  4. Systemic causes
  5. Depression

Question 16. Tension headache


Tension headache

  • Tension headache is usually bilateral
  • It is gradual in onset
  • Pain continues for weeks or months
  • Precipitating factors- stress and anxiety

Tension Headache Clinical Features:

  • Dull ache
  • Fullness of head
  • Pressure overhead
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia

Tension Headache Treatment:

  • Anxiolytic drugs- Alprazolam-0.25-0.5 mg twice a day
  • Antidepressants- Amitriptyline

Question 17. Facial pain-four causes


Facial pain-four causes

  • Neuritis of cutaneous nerves of the face and scalp
  • Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Post hepatic neuralgia
  • Temporal arthritis

Question 18. Anxiety disorder-symptoms any three


Anxiety disorder-symptoms

  • Muscle tension
  • Impaired concentration
  • Autosomal arousal
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Tachycardia
  • Dyspnoea

Question 19. Meningitis



  • It is defined as inflammation of the pia-arachnoid and the fluid contained in the space

Meningitis Clinical Features:

  • Classical triad – fever, headache, and neck rigidity
  • Tachycardiardia, tachypnoea
  • Convulsions in children
  • Headache
  • Blurring of vision
  • Papilloedema
  • Ixchymosis
  • Associated lung, ear, and sinus infection

Question 20. Dilantin sodium


Dilantin sodium

  • It is an anti-epileptic drug

Dilantin sodium Action:

  • Has good antiseizure activity
  • Effective against generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures

Dilantin sodium Mechanism of Action:

  • Causes blockade of voltage-dependent sodium channels
  • Stabilizes the neuronal membrane
  • Inhibits the generation of repetitive action potentials

Dilantin sodium Uses:

  • Generalized tonic-clonic seizures and partial seizures
  • Status epilepticus


  1. Kernig’s sign and Brudzinski’s sign is svn in bacterial meningitis
  2. H. influenza meningitis in children causes upper respiratory and ear infection
  3. Nucleusens of the 7th cranial nerve lie in the pons
  4. Ramsay Hunt syndrome includes Bell’s palsy, herpetic vesicles in the external auditory meatus, and deafness
  5. Postherpetic neuralgia occurs due to a previous herpetic zoster infection
  6. A seizure is an episode of abnormal subchondral neuronal discharge in the brain
  7. Convulsions are seizures accompanied by motor manifestations
  8. Absence seizures occur in childhood
  9. Aphasia is a disorder of the language content of speech
  10. Phenobarbitone is the drug of choice in pregnancy
  11. Vasovagal syncope occurs due to stress or severe pain
  12. Postural hypotension syncope occurs following chronic illness
  13. Micturition syncope occurs in elderly patients during or after urination
  14. Cardiac syncope occurs due to a sudden reduction in cardiac output
  15. Syncope of cerebrovascular disease occurs due to the narrowing of large arteries


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