Oral Medicine Cysts Important Notes
1. Pseudo Cysts Are:
- Stafne’s cyst
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
- Hemorrhagic bone cyst
- Mucocele
2. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
- It is a lesion of young persons
- Commonly occur in long bones and vertebral column with a history of trauma
- Characterized by excessive bleeding
3. Cysts And Their Radiographic Features
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4. Cyst And Their Location
5. Cysts And Their Origin
6. Nasolabial Cyst
- Arises at the junction of the globular portion of the lateral nasal process, medial nasal process, and maxillary process
- It is a soft tissue cyst
- Has no radiographic features
7. Syndromes Associated With Dentigerous Cyst
- Cleidocranial dysplasia
- Maroteaux Lamy syndrome
8. Gorlin Goltz Syndrome
- Multiple Odontogenic keratocyst
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Bifid basal rib
- Sexual abnormalities
- Neurological and ophthalmological abnormalities
9. Rushton Bodies Are Seen In
- Periapical cyst
- Dentigerous cyst
- Gingival cyst of infants
Oral Medicine Cysts Short Essays
Question 1. Median Mandibular Cyst.
Median Mandibular Cyst
They have been derived from epithelium remnants between the fusing mandibular process during the embryonic phase
Median Mandibular Cyst Clinical Features:
- It is a rare lesion
- Site: in the midline of the mandible
- It may cause displacement of the adjacent teeth
- The cystic swelling may be palpable buccally
- The teeth associated with the lesion are vital
- Radiographic Features:
- Well-defined small radiolucency is seen in the mid-line of the mandible
Median Mandibular Cyst Management:
- Enucleation of the cyst is done
- Care should be taken not to damage the apices of the teeth
Question 2. Gingival cyst of infants.
Gingival Cyst Of Infants
- Gingival cysts of the infant are multiple small, nodular, keratin-filled, cystic lesions seen in the oral cavity
- Depending on their location, they are divided into:
- Cyst of the dental lamina
- These are mostly found along the alveolar ridge and are odontogenic in origin
- Epstein’s pearls
- These small cystic lesions are found along the mid-palatine raphe
- They are derived from the epithelium, entrapped along the line of fusion of the palate during embryogenesis
- Bohn’s nodules
- These are small cysts usually found along the junction of the hard and soft palate and over buccal and lingual aspects of the alveolar ridge
- They are derived from remnants of the mucosal glands
- Cyst of the dental lamina
Gingival Cyst Of Infants Clinical Features:
- They are usually multiple, asymptomatic
- They are small, discrete, white nodules developing in several parts of the oral cavity
- They may discharge the contents by fusion with the overlying alveolar mucosa
- They may undergo spontaneous regression
Gingival Cyst Of Infants Management:
- No treatment is required
Question 3. Dentigerous cyst.
Dentigerous Cyst Clinical Features:
- Sex: Common in males
- Age: First and 3rd decade
- Site: Mandibular 3rd molar, maxillary canines, maxillary 3rd molar
- Expansion of bone
- Facial asymmetry
- Displacement of adjacent teeth
- Resorption of adjacent teeth
Dentigerous Cyst Radiological Features:
- The unilocular, well-defined radiolucency
- Margins- sclerotic
Dentigerous Cyst Types:
- Central: covering the crown of an unerupted tooth
- Circumferential: covering the crown from all the sides
- Lateral: covering crown from the side
Dentigerous Cyst Management:
- Marsupialization- In children
- Enucleation – In adults
Question 4. Odontogenic keratocyst.
Question 4. Primordial Cyst.
Odontogenic Keratocyst Clinical Features:
- Age: 2ndand 3rd decade
- Sex: Common in males
- Site: mandible
- Features:
- Asymptomatic
- If secondary infected, causes expansion of cortical plates
- Mobility of teeth
- Pain and tenderness of the site
Odontogenic Keratocyst Radiological Features:
- Unilocular or multilocular radiolucency
- Margins: well-defined sclerotic margins
- Expansion of cortical plates
- Soap bubble appearance
Odontogenic Keratocyst Management:
- Enucleation Of Cyst:
- Smaller single cyst through intraoral approach
- Unilocular lesions through marginal excision
- Large multilocular lesions
Resection of involved bone
Reconstruction of the site
Bone grafting
Question 5. Radicular Cyst.
Radicular Cyst Etiology:
- Dental caries
- Fractured tooth
- Thermal/ Chemical injury to the pulp
- Iatrogenic injury to the pulp
Radicular Cyst Clinical Features:
- Sex: common in males
- Age: Young age
- Site: common in maxillary anterior
- Nonvital tooth
- Smaller cysts are asymptomatic
- Larger lesions produce slow enlarging, bony hard swelling
- Expansion and distortion of cortical plates
- Severe bone destruction
- Springiness of jawbones
- Pain is secondarily infected
- Intraoral or extraoral pus discharge
- Pathological fractures
- Formation of an abscess called “cyst abscess”
Radicular Cyst Radiological Features:
- The unilocular radiolucent area around the apex of the nonvital tooth
- Border: sclerotic
- Diameter: less than 1 cm
- Discontinuity of lamina dura
Radicular Cyst Treatment:
- Nonvital tooth
- Extraction
- Smaller cyst
- Removed through socket
- Larger cyst
- Marsupialization
Oral Medicine Cysts Short Answers
Question 1. Residual cyst.
Residual Cyst
- Any cyst may have an associated periapical or periodontal cyst which is asymptomatic
Residual Cyst Clinical Features:
- The patient may complain of tooth pain
- The tooth may be extracted without noticing the presence of a cyst in the region associated with the tooth
- In such cases, the cyst is known as a residual cyst
- It continues to grow even after the tooth is removed as the cystic lining is still present
- The cyst is seen in an edentulous area, in place of the extracted tooth
- Incidence is more in the maxilla than mandible
Residual Cyst Treatment:
- Enucleation
Question 2. Globulomaxillary cyst.
Globulomaxillary Cyst
- A common type of developmental cyst
- Arises in the bone suture, between the maxilla and premaxilla
Residual Cyst Clinical Features:
- Asymptomatic
- If the secondary infection causes pain and discomfort
- Small swelling between canine and premolar
- Vital teeth
Residual Cyst Radiographic Features:
- The inverted pear-shaped radiolucent area between the roots of the upper lateral incisor and canine
- Divergence of the roots
Residual Cyst Treatment:
- Surgical excision
Oral Medicine Cysts Viva Voice
- A nasolabial cyst is a soft tissue cyst
- Stafne cyst is due to the developmental inclusion of sali-vary glandular tissue on the lingual surface of the mandible below the mandibular canal
- A nasopalatine cyst is the most common Odontogenic cyst
- Globulomaxillary cyst is found within bone
- A globulomaxillary cyst is present between the maxillary lateral incisor and cuspid
- Globulomaxillary cyst is fissural cyst
- A radicular cyst is an inflammatory cyst
- Botryoid Odontogenic cyst is a multicystic variant of lateral periodontal cyst
- Eruption cyst is a form of dentigerous cyst