Community Dentistry Health Education Question And Answers

Health Education Definitions

Health Education

  • Health education is a process that informs, motivates & helps people to adopt & maintain healthy practices & lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal & conducts professional training & research to the same end

Community Dentistry

  • It is concerned with dental disease prevention & dental health care services to all the people of the community, the rich, the poor, the educated, the disadvantaged, middle class, urban & rural persons of every racial, religious & ethnic group


  • It is a publicity campaign aimed at presenting a particular thing/ concept in a favorable light in such a way that the public may accept it without thinking about it analytically

Health Education Important Notes

1. Principles of health education

  • Credibility:
  • Interest
  • Participation
  • Motivation
  • Comprehension:
  • Reinforcement
  • Learning by doing:
  • Known to unknown
  • Setting an example
  • Good human relation
  • Feedback
  • Leaders

2. Soil, seed, sower

It forms the important components of any health education program All components are interdependent and result in dynamic interaction

3. Approaches to health education

  1. Individual approach
    • Personal contact
    • Personal letters
    • Home visits
  2. Group approach
    • Lecture
    • Demonstration
    • Discussion methods
    • Group discussion
    • Panel discussion
    • Workshop
    • Symposium
    • Seminars and conferences
    • Role-playing
  3. Mass media
    • TV
    • Radio
    • Newspapers
    • Printed material
    • Direct mailing
    • Posters, billboards, signs
    • Health museums and exhibitions
    • Folk media
    • Internet
    • Mobile

Commuinty Denstistry Health Edcation

Health Education Long Essays

Question 1. Define Health education. Write about principles. of health education, discuss the role of mass media in educating people at large (or) Define health education. Write in detail about the principles of health education (or) Define health education. Give your plan for educating the population of Andhra Pradesh on the prevention of dental diseases.

Health Education Definition:

  • Health education is a process that informs, motivates & helps people to adopt & maintain healthy practices & lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal & conducts professional training & research to the same end

Health education Principles:

Health education Credibility:

Health education Interest:

  • The health educator should identify the felt needs of the people
  • Health education should relate to the interest of the people

Health education Participation:

  • The health educator should encourage people to participate in the program
  • Group discussions, panel discussions, and workshops all provide opportunities for active learning

Health education Motivation:

Health education Definition: the fundamental desire for learning in an individual

Health education Types: primary & secondary

  • Primary motive: inborn desires. Ex. Food, clothing, housing
  • Secondary motives: desires resulting from outside forces. Ex. Gifts, love, word of praise, reward
  • Health education can be facilitated by the motivation provided by the desire to achieve individual goals

Health education Comprehension:

  • The health educator must know the level of understanding, education & literacy of people
  • Words that are strange/ new to the people should not
  • Teaching should be within the mental capacity of the audience

Health education Reinforcement:

  • Repetition of new concepts done at regular intervals helps people to understand it

Health education Learning by Doing:

  • If the learning process is accompanied by doing new things, it is better instilled in the minds of the people
  • It is based on the famous Chinese proverb, “If I hear, I forget, if I see, I remember, if I do, I know”

Read And Learn More:  Percentive Communitive Dentistry Question And Answers

Health education Known to Unknown:

  • Health education should start where the people are & with what they understand & then proceed to new knowledge

Health education Setting an Example:

  • The health educator should set an example for other people to follow

Health education Good Human Relations:

  • The health educator must be kind, sympathetic & should have good personal qualities

Health education Feedback:

  • It is necessary to find out if any modifications are needed

Health education Leaders:

  • If the leaders are convinced first about the program, then implementing the program will be easy as they are respected by the people of the community

Health education Soil. seed & Sower:

  • The people are the soil
  • Seeds: health facts- must be truthful
  • Sower: transmitting media- should be attractive, pal- a table & acceptable

Health education Role of Mass Media:

Useful in transmitting messages to people even in remote areas

  • It can reach a large number of people
  • People of all socio-economic statuses irrespective of their caste, creed & religion have access to health education
  • The effectiveness can give high returns for the time & money involved.

Question 2. Define community dentistry. What are the dif- be used different methods for mass communication? (or) Public health approach/mass approach

Community dentistry Definition:

  • It is concerned with dental disease prevention & dental health care services to all the people of the community, the rich, the poor, the educated, the disadvantaged, middle class, urban & rural persons of every racial, religious & ethnic group

1. Mass Approach:

  • Most common & effective approach

community dentistry Advantage:

  • Reaches a large number of people
  • Useful for people irrespective of their socio-economic status, caste, creed, or religion.

community dentistry Disadvantage:

  • One-way communication
  • Media

Mass Communication:

Health Education Mass communication

Question 3. Define Health education. What are the different approaches in health education? Discuss the most common & effective approach used.

Health Education Definition:

  • Health education is a process that informs, motivates & helps people to adopt & maintain healthy practices & lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal & conducts professional training & research to the same end

Approaches In Health Education:

Individual Approach:

  • It is used by public health personnel like public health Advantage: nurses, health visitors & health inspectors
  • They interact with the individual & their families

Health education Advantage:

  • Can be done in the dentist’s consultation room
  • Can discuss, argue & persuade the individual to change the Disadvantages of his behavior
  • Provide the opportunity for the individual for asking questions & clear doubts

Health education Disadvantage:

  • The number we reach is small

Health Education Group Approach

  • An effective way of educating the community
  • Methods

Health Education Group approach

Health Education Mass Approach

  • Most common & effective approach

Health education Advantage

  • Reaches a large number of people
  • Useful for people irrespective of their socio-economic status, caste, creed, or religion.

Health education Disadvantage

  • One-way communication


  • Refer to the previous question

Health Education Short Essays

Question 1. Differentiating between health education & Health education should relate to the interest of the propaganda.

Difference between Health education and propaganda

Health Education Differentiate between health education and propaganda

Question 2. Visual aids to health education.

  • It helps individuals to understand better


Health Education Visual aids to health education

Question 3. Barriers to communication/ health education.


  • Emotional disturbances, depression, or neurosis
  • When interacting with individuals with these problems, special methods & utmost care should be adopted


  • Include difficulties in self-expression, difficulties in hearing/seeing, difficulties in understanding
  • While educating them specific media of communication should be selected


  • Including excessive noise, difficulties in vision & congestion
  • Overcome by making small groups


  • It depends on levels of knowledge & understanding, customs, beliefs, attitudes

Health Education Cultural

Question 4. Models of health education.

Medical Model:

  • It is concerned with the identification & treatment of diseases & technological advances to facilitate this process
  • This medical information is provided to people
  • But as it doesn’t give importance to the social, cultural & psychological factors it couldn’t succeed

Motivation Model:

  • To make the health information effective, the individual is motivated to put it into action

Social Intervention Model:

  • This model describes the importance of social environment besides focusing on an individual’s health

Question 5. Contents of health education.

Human Biology:

  • Children are taught about
  • Parts of the human body & their functions
  • Importance of good health
  • Need for exercise, adequate rest & sleep
  • Adverse habits like smoking, alcohol
  • Methods of first aid


  • People should be taught about
  • Nutritive value of foodstuffs
  • Effect of nutrition on health
  • Optimum & balanced diet


  • People are taught about
  • The impotence of hygiene & methods of maintaining it


  • Personal hygiene
  • Environmental hygiene
    • Domestic hygiene
    • Community hygiene

Family Health Care:

  • It is to strengthen & improve the family health espe- cially maternal oral health to improve the oral health of the child

Control Of Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases:

  • It is to provide knowledge about common signs & symp- Q. 1. Chalk and talk method. toms of disease & their prevention

Prevention Of Accidents:

  • People are taught about basic safety rules & use of mouth guards while doing sports to prevent oro-facial trauma

Use Of Health Services:

Question 6. Educational aids.

Educational aids

  • Suitable for group
  • Effective when used in a good environment with good light. Each speaker presents as aspect of the subject briefly ing, ventilation, temperature & comfortable seating

Auditory Aids:

  • Based on the principles of sound, electricity & magnetism


  • Megaphones, gramophones, tape recorders, radio, sound amplifier
  • Advantage
  • Can reproduce any kind of spoken words
  • Used for entertainment & mass communication

Visual Aids:

  • It helps individuals to understand better
  • Classification

Health Education Educational aids

Combination Of Audio-Visual Aids:

  • It creates a better presentation as it combines both sound & sight
  • It includes
    • Television
    • Tape & slide combination
    • Video cassette players & recorder
    • Motion pictures or cinemas

Health Education Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Chalk and talk methods

Chalk and talk methods

  • It is a method of group health education method
  • Consists of an opening statement giving the theme of the lecture
  • In it, the group should not exceed more than 30 people
  • Duration should not exceed 15-20 minutes
  • It should be based on the topic of people’s interest

Question 2. Symposium.


  • It comprises a series of speeches on a selected topic
  • Each speaker presents an aspect of the subject briefly
  • No discussion occurs among speakers
  • In the end, the audience may ask questions & at last, the chairman makes a summary of the topic

Question 3. Motivation.


  • Definition: the fundamental desire for learning in an individual
  • Types: primary & secondary
  • Primary motive: inborn desires. Ex. Food, clothing, housing
  • Secondary motives: desires resulting from outside forces. Ex. Gifts, love, word of praise, reward
  • Health education can be facilitated by the motivation provided by the desire to achieve individual goals

Question 4. Audio-visual aids.

Audio-visual aids

  • It creates a better presentation as it combines both sound & sight
  • It includes
    • Television
    • Tape & slide combination
    • Video cassette players & recorder
    • Motion pictures or cinemas

Health Education Viva Voce

  1. A series of charts displayed one after the other before a group is a flip chart.
  2. A series of speeches on a selected subject is a symposium.
  3. A carefully prepared presentation to show how to perform a skill or procedure is called a demonstration
  4. Mass media is an example of one-way communication
  5. Health education failing as a result of illiteracy is due to cultural barrier
  6. Health education differs from propaganda in develop- ing reflective behavior
  7. The Chinese proverb ” If I hear, I forget, if I see I remember, if I do I know” illustrates learning by doing the principle of health education.
  8. Education can be given only to people who come in contact with an individual approach is it limitation.

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