Behavioral Sciences Management Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

Behavioral Sciences Definitions


It is defined as the study of human interactions & interrelations, their conditions & Consequences

Behavioral Sciences Important Notes

1. Social stratification

Behavioral Sciences Social stratification

2. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Behavioral Sciences Intelligence quotient

Behavioral Sciences Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Nuclear family.

Nuclear family

  • It is universal in all human society
  • Consists of
  • Married couple & their children while they are still dependents

Question 2. Intelligence Quotient.

Intelligence Quotient

  • Obtained by
    • Dividing the mental age by chronological age
    • Then multiplying by 100
    • IQ=( Mental age / chronological age) 100

Question 3. Sociology-definition.


  • It is the science concerned with the organization/ structure of social groups
  • It is defined as the study of human interactions & interrelations, their conditions and consequences
  • It deals with human relationships & human behavior for a better understanding of the pattern of human life

Atraumatic Behavioral Sciences Managment

Behavioral Sciences Viva Voce

  1. Learned behavior that has been socially acquired is culture.
  2. The term new families is implied to those under 10 years of duration.
  3. A family in which parents have separated or where death has occurred of either parent is a broken family.

Read And Learn More:  Percentive Communitive Dentistry Question And Answers

Behavioural Management Definitions


It means any consequences which increase the likelihood of a behavior being shown

Behavioral Management Important Notes

1. Home technique

  • Indications
    • 3-6 years
    • A child who can understand simple verbal commands
    • Children displaying uncontrolled behaviour
    • Healthy children displaying uncontrolled behaviour
  • Contraindications
    • Children under 3 years of age
    • Handicapped/ immature/ frightened child
    • Physical, mental, and emotional handicap.

2. Desensitization

  • It is an effective method for reducing maladaptive behaviour
  • It is accomplished by teaching the child a competing response such as relaxation and then introducing progressively more threatening stimuli.

3. Modelling

  • It is based on the social learning principle allowing a patient to observe one or more models demonstrating positive behaviour in a situation
  • It is brought about by
  • Live models
  • Filmed models
  • Posters
  • Audiovisual aids

4. Indications of tell show do the technique

  • Children more than 3 years of age
  • Fearful child
  • First Visit

5. Behaviour-shaping techniques

  • Desensitization
  • Modelling
  • Contingency management

6. Physical restraints can be

  • Active – restraints performed by dentist or parents or staff
  • Passive – with the aid of the restraining device

Behavioural Management Short Essays

Question 1. Management of children in the dental office.

Management of children in the dental office Voice Control:

  • The voice should be soft, gentle, modulated
  • It is a controlled alteration of voice volume, tone or pace to influence a patient’s behaviour

Management of children in the dental office Non-Verbal Communication:

  • Smiling face/ other facial expression
  • Walking with the patient around
  • Admiration, encouragement, friendliness

Management of children in the dental office Biofeedback:

It includes EMG activity

Management of children in the dental office Coping:

  • Patient differs in coping with stress associated with painful experiences
  • It includes distraction/ displacement of attention

Management of children in the dental office Humour:

It is to elevate the mood of the child

Management of children in the dental office Relaxation:

  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces reaction to pain
  • Reduces anxiety present

Management of children in the dental office Audio-Analgesia:

  • Diverts the attention of the patient
  • This reduces stress & decreases reaction to pain

Management of children in the dental office Hypnosis:

  • It includes
  • Flattering of closed eyelid ° Deep breathing
  • Progressive sense of relaxation

Management of children in the dental office Implosion Therapy:

Refers to the picturization of animated movies

Management of children in the dental office Aversive Conditioning:

  • It includes
    • Physical restraints
      • Use of mouth props
      • Restraint of the patient by the dentist & assistant
  • Home technique

Management of children in the dental office Drug Therapy:

  • Used when basic techniques do not work
  • Used in
    • Very young children
    • Very apprehensive children
    • Physically handicapped children
    • Mentally handicapped children
  • Drugs used
    • Sedative & hypnotics
    • Anti-anxiety drugs
    • Narcotics

Question 2. Dental practice management.

Practice management the Dental Office Setting:

  • Selection of the location
  • Locate where there are few dentists
  • In town, surrounded by villages, near a bus stop
  • In a city near the railway station, a shopping complex
  • Close to government commercial offices, corporate & business houses
  • Located in a place from where ladies can commute easily without fear

1. Selection of the building:

  • Select the dental office in a new building
  • It should be well-ventilated, with proper electrical, water & drainage system
  • It should have a parking facility

2. Designing of the dental office:

  • A spacious waiting room, work area, x-ray room, laboratory, resting place, toilet, etc
  • Furniture must be durable, aesthetic & comfortable
  • Placement of each electrical equipment & gadget required
  • The exact position of the dental chair & unit, wash basin
  • Autoclaving & sterilization done in a separate chamber
  • The compressor & the generator should be kept as far away as possible

Management Of Dental Office:

  • A dentist may appoint a full-time receptionist, a dental assistant
  • Fair salaries & good benefits are necessary to avoid job dissatisfaction

Practice management Patient System:

  • Dentists should have good communication with their patients
  • He should be aware of the timings, weekly holidays, etc
  • An appointment book should be maintained
  • The clinic should be open at least 30 minutes before the first appointment
  • Should have proper disposal of waste

Behavioural Management Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Home technique.

Home technique

  • Home: Hand Over Mouth Exercise
  • It is an accepted technique for intercepting & managing demonstrably unsuitable behaviour

Home technique Procedure

  • The dentist gently places his hand on the child’s mouth
  • He then whispers in the child’s ear that if he cooperates, the hand will be removed
  • Once the child cooperates complements the child for good behaviour
  • Physical restraints are used only as a last resort

Question 2. Reinforcement.


It means any consequences which increase the likelihood of a behavior being shown

Reinforcement Types:

  • Primary
  • Based on primary biological needs
  • Example: food, clothing
  • Secondary
  • Involves that are not intrinsically rewarding
  • Example: praise
  • Positive
  • It is a pleasant reinforcement
  • It increases the likelihood of behaviour
  • Example: voice modulation, facial expression
  • Negative
  • It is an unpleasant event thus it can be avoided
  • Example: threats of failing an examination

Question 3. Modeling in behavior management.

Modelling in behavior management

Developed by Bandura in 1969

Behavior management requirements:

  • Expended concentrated attention
  • Presence of sufficient retention of desirable behaviour
  • Must reproduce effectively the behaviour modeled
  • The newly acquired behavior must be appropriately rewarded

Behavior management Uses:

  • To achieve the attention of the child
  • To alleviate anxiety
  • To encourage preventive care at home
  • Reduces uncertainty

Behavioural Management Viva Voce

  1. Voice control is an effective communicative technique using sudden and firm commands to stop disruptive behavior and to get the child’s attention
  2. HOME and physical restraints are methods of aversive conditioning
  3. Behavior followed by termination of an aversive event is negative reinforcement
  4. The show-do technique shapes the patient’s response to procedures through desensitization
  5. Tell show-do technique uses verbal explanation, demonstration, and completion of the task
  6. Modeling is an important component of social learning theory.


Cultural taboos Important Notes

1. Social norms

  • They indicate the established and approved ways of doing things, of dress, of speech, and of appearance
  • They are rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
  • Types: folkways, mores, and taboos

2. Folkways

They are the patterns of conventional behavior in society and norms that apply to everyday matters

3. Mores

  • They are norms or lessons that express fundamental values of society
  • They are derived from the established practices of society
  • Some important mores are converted into laws to ensure implementations

4. Taboos

It is a strong social prohibition or ban against words, objects, actions, or discussions that are considered undesirable or offensive by a group, culture, society, or community

Cultural taboos Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Taboos related to dentistry in India.

Taboos related to dentistry in India

  • Some taboos may lead to severe penalties while others result in embarrassment, shame & rudeness
  • Example:
    • Tooth avulsion
    • Lacquering and dyeing of teeth
    • Tattooing

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