Bacillus Short Question And Answers

Bacillus Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Morphology of bacillus anthracis.

  • Bacillus anthracis is
  • Gram-positive
  • Non-acid fast.
  • Non-motile.
  • Spore forming.
  • Capsulated – polypeptide in nature.
    • Size – Large, 3-10 Elm x 1 – 1.6 Elm.
    • Shape – Rectangular.
    • Spores – Refractile, oval, and central in position.
    • Spores are of same width as the bacillary body.
    • Thus, they do not cause bulging.

Bacillus anthracis Arrangement:

1. In infected tissues:

  • Bacilli are found singly, in pairs or in short chains.
  • The entire chain is surrounded by a capsule.

2. In culture.

  • In bacilli are arranged end-to-end in long chains.
  • The ends of the bacilli are truncated or often con-cave and somewhat swollen.
  • This gives it a bombastic appearance.

Question 2. Cultivation of Bacillus Anthracis.

Bacillus anthracis is an aerobe and facultative anaerobe.

  • Grows in a temperature range of 12-45°C.

Bacillus Cultivation of Bacillus anthracis

Question 3. Malignant pustule.

It is a feature of cutaneous anthrax

  • Site of entry
  • Abraded skin.

Affected sites involved are:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Back

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

The persons involved are:

  • Farmers
  • Persons handling dead bodies.

Malignant pustule Features:

  • The lesion starts as a papule which becomes a vesicle containing fluid called a pustule.
  • The acute inflammatory reactions lead to congestion and edema of the area with central necrotic lesions.
  • This lesion is called a malignant pustule.

Question 4. Types of diseases caused by B. Anthracis.

There are three clinical types of diseases caused by B. Anthracis based on the route of infection.

Bacillus Types of diseases causes by B. Anthracis

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