Spirochaetes Long Essays
Question 1. Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis
Serological tests for syphilis
1. Microscopy
- It is useful in primary and secondary syphilis
- Direct fluorescent antibody test is used for T. pallidum
- In this method, acetone fixed smear is subjected to fluorescently tagged anti-T. pallidum antiserum
2. Serological Tests
- Tests for antibodies reacting with cardiolipin anti¬gen
- Standard tests for syphilis
- Wassermann test
- Standard tests for syphilis
- It is a complement fixation test
Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers
Serological Tests For Syphilis Method:
- The patient’s serum is inactivated by heating at 56s C for 30 minutes
- Incubated with cardiolipin antigen and guinea pig antigen at 37° C for 1 hour
- The indicator is added to detect the presence or absence of a compliment
- 0.15 ml of inactivated serum is taken in three test tubes containing 0.05, 0.025, and 0.0125 ml of freshly prepared antigen dilution
- Tubes are shaken on Kahn’s and examined
Serological Tests For Syphilis Interpretation:
- If hemolysis does not occur, it indicates that the complement is utilized
- This is positive Wassmann’s reaction
- It hemolysis takes place, it indicates the comple¬ment is not been utilized in the tire’s primary reaction but utilized by the indicator system
- Kahn test
- It is a tube flocculation test
- The negative test shows uniform opalescence
- A positive test shows floccules
- VDRL test
- In this test, the inactivated serum is mixed with cardiolipin antigen on a special slide and rotated for 4 minutes
- The uniform distribution of crystals in the drop indicates tire serum is non-reacting
- The formation of clumps indicates it is reactive
- Tests for antibodies reacting with group-specific treponemal antigen
- Reiter protein complement fixation test
- In this method, lipopolysaccharide protein complex antigen derived from the cultivable Reiter’s stain is used
- It is less sensitive
- Reiter protein complement fixation test
- Tests for specific antibodies to pathogenic tre¬ponema
- Treponema pallidum immobilization test
- It employs live T. pallidum
- The test serum is mixed with actively motile Nichol’s strain of T. pallidum and incubated anaerobically
- If antibodies are present, the treponemas are immobilised
- Treponema pallidum immobilization test
- Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
- Test serum is preabsorbed with an extract of nonpathogenic treponemas to remove group-specific antigens
- It detects IgM and IgG
- It is the earliest test to become positive
- Microhaemagglutination test for treponema pallidum
- T. pallidum antigen is coated onto the surface of red cells
- Tanned sheep RBCs are sensitized with an extract of T. pallidum
- When these sensitized erythrocytes are mixed with the patient’s serum containing anti¬bodies, the erythrocytes clump together
- Enzyme immunoassay
- They have been developed using T. pallidum antigens and are available commercially
- Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
Spirochaetes Short Question And Answers
Question 1. VDRL Test
- Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test is the most widely used serological test for diagnosis of syphilis
- It is a simple and more rapid test that gives more quantitative results
- It requires only a small amount of serum and is sensitive
VDRL test Procedure:
- In this test, the inactivated serum is mixed with cardiolipin antigen on a special slide and rotated for 4 minutes
- The uniform distribution of crystals in the drop indicates the serum is non-reacting
- The formation of clumps indicates it is reactive
- By testing serial dilutions, the antibody titer can be determined
Question 2. Vincent’s angina
- Vincent’s angina is a painful condition of the throat characterized by local ulceration of the tonsils, mouth, and pharynx
- Vincent’s bacilli is the causative organism
- It may occur as an acute illness with diffuse involve¬ment of tissue or as a chronic illness consisting of ulcera¬tion of tonsil
- It is insidious in onset with less fever and less discom¬fort
- The membrane that usually forms over the tonsil can be easily removed revealing an irregular ulcer on the tonsil
Question 3. Borrelia vincentii
- It is a motile spirochaete which is a normal mouth commensal but a potential pathogen.
- Under predisposing conditions such as malnutrition (or) viral infections, it gives rise to ulcerative gin¬givostomatitis or oropharyngitis (Vincent’s angina).
- Borrelia vincenti in association with fusiform bacilli causes an infection known as fusospirochetosis.
- Diagnosis may be made by demonstrating spirochaetes and fusiform bacilli in stained smears of exudates from the lesions.
- Cultivation is difficult but can be done in enriched me¬dia anaerobically.
- Penicillin and metronidazole are effective in treatment.
Question 4. Congenital syphilis
In congenital syphilis, the infection is transmitted from the mother to the fetus transplacentally.
Congenital Syphilis Clinical Features:
- Hutchinson’s triad
- Hyperplasia of the incisor and molar teeth
- Interstitial keratitis
- Eight nerve deafness.
- Frontal bossing
- Saddle nose
- High palatal arch
- Poorly developed maxillae
- Irregular thickening of clavicle
- Enlarged liver and spleen
- Diagnosis may be done by demonstrating spirochetes in lesions under dark dark-ground microscope.
- IgM FTA – ABS test, the modification of indirect immune fluorescence test is useful for the diagnosis of congenital syphilis and distinguishing from seropositivity due to passively transferred maternal antibodies
Spirochaetes Viva Voce
- Technic acid of the cell wall of staphylococci facilitates the adhesion of cocci to the host cell
- ASO test is used for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever
- Pneumococci gives draughtsman or carom coin appearance on blood agar
- Modified Thayer Martin, selective media is used for meningococci
- Corynebacterium diphtheria shows Chinese letter or cuneiform arrangement
- DTP vaccine consists of diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis vaccine
- Bacillus coreus causes food poisoning
- Clostridium contains peritrich flagella for motility
- Widal test is used for diagnosis of typhoid fever
- Dreyer’s tube and Felix’s tube are used in Widal test
- Food poisoning is caused by any salmonella except salmonella typhi
- Yersinia pestis is a causative agent of plaque or black death
- Treponema pallidum is the causative agent for syphilis
- VDRL test is used for syphilis
- Actinomycetes gives sun ray appearance on culture
- H payroll causes peptic ulcer