Production Of X Ray Long And Short Essays

Production Of Ray

Important Notes

  • The X-ray machine has an X-ray tube, which consists of
    • Cathode, which serves as a source of electrons.
    • Anode (target) at which beam of high-speed electrons are directed
  • The cathode has filaments and a focusing cup.
    • Filaments are coils of Tungsten, which is the source of electrons within the X-ray tubes.
    • The Molybdenum Focusing Cup focused the electrons within the X-ray tubes.
  • The anode is composed of a Tungsten Target and Copper Steam.
    • The target serves the purpose of converting the kinetic energy of electrons emitted from the cathode source into X-ray photons.
    • Tungsten is selected because of its properties such as high atomic number, high melting point, and low vapor pressure.
    • Copper Stem dissipates heat thereby reducing the risk of target melting.

Production Of Ray

Production Of Ray Long Essays

Question 1. What are the parts of an X-ray tube? Describe the working of the X-ray tube and add a note on Bremmstrahlung radiation.


  • Cathode:
    • Filaments
    • Focussing cup
  • Anode
    • Tungsten target
    • Copper stem
  • Glass tube:
    • It encloses the above apparatus
    • Cathode:
      • Filaments
        • Made up of tungsten wire
        • It is connected to electric current
        • On passage of electric current through this filament, it gets heated and emits electrons
        • A milliampere current controls the number of electrons
      • Focussing cup
        • It is made up of molybdenum
        • It is a concave reflector cup
        • The electrons emitted from the filament are received by it
        • These electrons are then focused toward the focal spot which is the anode
    • Anode:
      •  Tungsten target
        • This converts the kinetic energy of electrons into X-ray photons
      • Copper stem
        • It is a good thermal conductor

Electric current → heats the filament → Electrons are emitted from it → Electrons get collected towards the focusing cup → this focusing cup reflects the electrons to the tungsten target → this tungsten target converts electrons to X-ray photons

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray X-ray tube with the major components labeled

Bremmstrahlung Radiation:

  • These are produced due to high-speed electrons
  • These electrons pass just near the nucleus
  • These are attracted by the positively charged nucleus
  • This leads to the loss of some of its kinetic energy
  • Further results in deflected and decelerated electron and low energy photons

Read And Learn More: Oral Radiology Question and Answers

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom

When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom and is slowed down, an X-ray photo of lower energy known as general radiation results

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron

An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron from the tungsten atom results in the rearrangement of the remaining orbiting electrons and the production of an X-ray photon known as characteristic radiation

Production of Ray Short Essays

Question 1. X-ray machine/Working of X-ray tube.


  • Cathode:
    • Filaments
    • Focussing cup
  • Anode
    • Tungsten target
    • Copper stem
  • Glass tube:
    • It encloses the above apparatus
    • Cathode:
      • Filaments
        • Made up of tungsten wire
        • It is connected to electric current
        • On passage of electric current through this filament, it gets heated and emits electrons
        • A milliampere current controls the number of electrons
      • Focussing cup
        • It is made up of molybdenum
        • It is a concave reflector cup
        • The electrons emitted from the filament are received by it
        • These electrons are then focused toward the focal spot which is the anode
    • Anode:
      • Tungsten target
        • This converts the kinetic energy of electrons into X-ray photons
      • Copper stem
        • It is a good thermal conductor

Electric current → heats the filament → Electrons are emitted from it → Electrons get collected towards the focusing cup → this focusing cup reflects the electrons to the tungsten target → this tungsten target converts electrons to X-ray photons

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray X-ray tube with the major components labeled

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray X ray tube with a rotating anode X ray tube with a rotating anode

Question 2. Position indicating device [PID].

Position indicating device [PID]

It is an open-ended lead cylinder that extends from the opening of the metal housing of the tube head also called the “cone”

It appears as an extension of the tube head

Position Indicating Device Types:

  • Conical
  • Rectangular
  • Round

Position Indicating Device Significance:

  • Long PID results in less divergent X-ray beam
  • This minimizes the irradiation of tissues
  • Causes increase in target film distance
  • This further improves the quality of the image

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray The position indicating device or cone

Question 3. Production of X-ray

Production of X-ray

  • Potential differences develop between cathode and anode
  • This results in the emission of electrons from the tungsten filament
  • The emitted electrons are stopped suddenly at the focal spot
  • This sudden stoppage causes the conversion of electrons into X-ray photons
  • The heat generated during the process is absorbed by the oil circulated in the glass of the X-ray tube

Production of X-ray Mechanism:

  • Bremmstrahlung Radiation:
    • These are produced due to high-speed electrons
    • These electrons pass just near the nucleus
    • These are attracted by the positively charged nucleus
    • This leads to the loss of some of its kinetic energy
    • Further results in deflected and decelerated electron and low energy photons
  • Characteristic radiation:
    • The high-energy electrons hit the target atom
    • Electrons are ejected from the inner orbit
    • This leads to a vacancy that is filled with electrons from the outer orbit

This results in the emission of a photon whose energy is equivalent to the difference in the energy levels of two orbits

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom

When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom and is slowed down, an X-ray photo of lower energy known as general radiation results

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron

An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron from the tungsten atom results in the rearrangement of the remaining orbiting electrons and the production of an X-ray photon known as characteristic radiation

Production Of Ray Short Answers

Question 1. Bremmstrahlung radiation.

Bremmstrahlung radiation

  • These are produced due to high-speed electrons
  • These electrons pass just near the nucleus
  • These are attracted by the positively charged nucleus
  • This leads to the loss of some of its kinetic energy
  • Further results in deflected and decelerated electron and low energy photons

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom

When an electron comes close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom and is slowed down, an X-ray photo of lower energy known as general radiation results

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron

An electron that dislodges an inner shell electron from the tungsten atom results in the rearrangement of the remaining orbiting electrons and the production of an X-ray photon known as characteristic radiation

Question 2. Characteristic radiation.

Characteristic radiation

  • The high-energy electrons hit the target atom
  • Electrons are ejected from the inner orbit
  • This leads to vacancy that is filled with electrons from the outer orbit

This results in the emission of a photon whose energy is equivalent to the difference in the energy levels of two orbits

X-ray tube with a rotating anode, which allows the head at the focal spot to spread out across a large surface area

Question 3. Focal spot.

Focal spot

  • The area of the target at which the electrons are absorbed and X-rays are generated is called the focal spot
  • The size and shape of the focal spot is determined by the size and shape of the electron stream when it hits the anode

Focal spot Types:

  • Actual focal spot
    • It is the area on the anode that is struck by the electrons
  • Effective focal spot
    • It is the length and width of the emitted X-ray beam as projected down the central axis of the X-ray tube

Production Of X-Ray Viva Voce

  • The cathode of the X-ray tube is made up of tungsten
  • Anode is made up of tungsten embedded in copper stem
  • The target is kept at an angle of 20°
  • Radiations produced from focal spots are primary radiations
  • Radiations that are reflected from objects are secondary
  • Factors necessary for the production of X-rays are a source of electrons, an accelerator, and the target
  • 0.2 – 0.8% of cathode rays are transformed into X-rays after striking the anode target.
  • The average wavelengths of X-rays used in dentistry is 0.6 – 1 A.U.
  • X-rays

Oral Radiology Production Of X Ray Types of X Rays

Properties Of X-Ray Notes and Short Essays

Properties Of X-Ray

Important Notes

  • Properties of X-rays
    • Travel at the rate of speed of light
    • Invisible
    • Cannot be focused, reflected or reflected
    • Effected by magnetic and electrical fields
    • They effect photographic plates
    • They cast shadows of the object in their paths
  • The three mechanisms that explains the interactions of X-rays with matter are
    • Coherent scattering
    • Photoelectrical absorption
    • Compton scattering
  • Thomson Effect/Classical Scattering/Coherent Scattering
    • It occurs when a low – energy incident photon passes near an outer electron of an atom
    • The incident photon is non absorbed but scattered without loss of energy.
    • Energy of scattered photon = Energy of incident photon
    • It accounts for about 8% of the total number of interactions
  • Photoelectric Absorption.
    • It occurs when an incident photon collides with a bound electron in an atom.
    • The incident photon is absorbed and the electron is expelled from its shell and becomes a photoelectron
    • Energy of photoelectron = Energy of incident photon – blinding energy of electron.
    • It accounts for about 30% of interactions.
  • Compton Scattering.
    • It occurs when a photon interacts with an outer electron of an atom.
    • The electron receives kinetic energy and recoils from the point of impact.
    • The incident photon is scattered from the site of collision, making the atom ionized.
    • Approximately 62% of photon undergo Compton scattering.
    • Compton scattering is the major source of secondary radiation.
  • Inverse square law.
    • It states that the intensity of the X-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source to the film
    • Increased distance leads to the divergence of the X-ray beam

Properties Of X-Ray Short Essays:

Question 1. Properties of X-ray.

Properties of X-ray

  • Physical Properties:
    • It is electromagnetic radiation
    • It travel through space
    • They travel in a straight line
    • X-ray travel with the speed of light
    • They cannot be reflected, refracted or deflected
    • They show properties of interference, diffraction
    • They do not have any mass or weight
    • They obey inverse square law
    • These are produced by collision of electrons
  • Chemical Properties:
    • These induce color changes of several substances
    • Example: Methylene blue gets bleached
    • Cause oxidation of ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphite
    • Causes destruction of the fermenting of enzymes

Read And Learn More: Oral Radiology Question and Answers

  • Biological Properties:
    • Excitation – this property is used in the treatment of malignant tumor
    • Germicidal property – This property is used for sterilization oand preservation of food
  • Physiochemical Property:
    • Causes blackening of photographic paper on paper
    • This property is known as photographic effect

Question 2. Interaction of X-ray with matter.

Interaction of X-ray with matter

  • Coherent scattering:
    • Low energy photon passing near atom of outer electron gets scattered without loss of energy
    • Incident photon causes vibration of electrons
    • This electron radiates energy in the form of another X-ray photon

      • 8% of total X-ray interaction are consist of it
      • Effect of it in producing film fog is negligible
  • Photoelectric effect:
    • When the incident photon strikes inner orbital electron, it is ejected as photoelectron
    • Vacancy of ineer orbit is filled by electron from higher energy level
    • The ejected electrons travel only a short distance
    • All of the energy of photons is deposited in the absorber

      • Consists of 30% of total interaction
      • It is good for dentist
      • But it is bad for patients due to increased absorption
  • Compton effect:
    • Photon interacts with the outer free electron
    • It results in formation of scattered photon of low energy
    • As well as ejection of recoil electron

      • Consists of 62% of total interactions
      • It is good for patients
      • But it is bad for dentist as it causes film fog

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray Coherent scattering

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray Photoelectric absorption

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray An electron vacancy in the inner orbit

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray All orbits are subsequently filled completing energy exchange

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray Compton absorption occurs when the incident photon

Properties Of X-Ray Short Answers

Question 1. Inverse Square law.

Inverse Square law

  • It states that the intensity of the X-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source to the film
  • Increased distance leads to the divergence of the X-ray beam
  • Thus number of photons decreases
  • As a result, intensity of the X-ray beam diminishes
    1 ∝ 1/d2
    1 = k/d2, where k is constant

Question 2. Compton effect.

Compton effect

  • Photon interacts with the outer free electron
  • It results in formation of scattered photon of low energy
  • As well as ejection of recoil electron

Compton Effect Significance:

  • Consists of 62% of total interactions

Oral Radiology Properties Of X-Ray Compton absorption occurs when the incident photon

  • It is good for patient
  • But it is bad for dentist as it causes film fog

Question 3. Uses of X-ray

Uses of X-ray

  • Used for diagnostic purposes
  • Medicolegal use
  • For treatment of tumours
  • For treatment of skin diseases
  • To improve the quality of oil paints
  • For crystallography
  • For sterilization of instruments
  • As detective measure
  • Used in the field of engineering
  • As spectroscopy
  • As photochemistry
  • In the field of radiobiology

Question 4. Coherent scattering.

Coherent scattering

  • Low energy photon passing near atom of outer electron gets scattered without loss of energy
  • Incident photon causes vibration of electrons
  • This electron radiates energy in the form of another X-ray photon

Coherent Scattering Significance:

  • 8% of total X-ray interaction are consist of it
  • Effect of it in producing film fog is negligible

Properties Of X-Ray Viva Voce

  • X-ray have neutral charges
  • Velocity of x-ray is equal to that of light

Radiation Physics Notes and Short Essays

Radiation Physics Definitions

  • Ionization
    • The conversion of an atom into an ion is called Ionization
  • Ionizing radiation
    • It is defined as radiation that is capable of producing ions by removing or adding electrons to an atom
  • Resolution
    • Resolution is the ability of a radiograph to record separate structures that are close together

Radiation Physics Important Notes

  • The Conversion of an atom into an ion is called Ionization
    • The radiation, that brings about the ionization of atoms, is called ionizing radiation.
  • Radiation is of two types
    • Particulate
      • Particulate radiation consists of atomic nuclei that transmit kinetic energy using their small masses moving at very high velocities Eg: Alpha rays, Beta rays, and Cathode rays
      • Alpha rays consist of a high-speed stream of doubly ionized helium nuclei.
      • Alpha rays have higher LET, thus they are more damaging to the biological systems than X-rays.
    • Non – particulate/electromagnetic
      • Electromagnetic radiation is produced when the velocity of an electrically charged particle is alerted Eg: Radio, TV, Microwaves, infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma, and Cosmic rays.
      • The above examples are in the increasing order of their energy and decreasing order of their wavelengths.
  • Types of electromagnetic radiation
    • Ionizing radiation
    • Nonionizing radiation

Radiation Physics Short Essays

Question 1. Electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation

  • It is a combination of electric & magnetic fields
  • Generated when the velocity of an electrically charged particle is altered.

Radiation Physics Types:

  • Ionizing radiation
  • Nonionizing radiation

Radiation Physics Properties:

  • Travel in a straight line
  • They travel at the speed of light
    • They neither have mass nor weight
    • They transfer energy from place to place in the form of photons
    • They obey the inverse square law
    • These are invisible radiations

Oral Radiology Radiation Physics Scheme of electomagnetic radiation

Read And Learn More: Oral Radiology Question and Answers

Question 2. Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum

It comprises of the following radiations

Electromagnetic spectrum 2

Radiation Physics

Short Answers

Question 1. Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation

  • It is defined as radiation that is capable of producing ions by removing or adding electrons to an atom

Ionizing radiation Classification:

  • Particulate radiation.
    • This transmits kinetic energy by extremely fast-moving small masses
    • Types are electron, alpha, protons & neutrons
  • Electromagnetic radiation
    • It is the propagation of wave-like energy through space or matter

Oral Radiology Radiation Physics An ion pair is fromed when an electron is removed

Question 2. Timer


  • A timer is built into high high-voltage circuit to control the duration of the X-ray exposure
  • The electronic timer controls the length of time that high voltage is applied to the tube and the time during which tube current flows and x-rays are produced
  • Some X-ray machine timers are calibrated in fractions of a second whereas others are expressed as the number of pulses in an exposure
  • The number of pulses divided by 60 gives the exposure time in seconds

Question 3. Exposure time

Exposure time

  • It is one of the factors controlling X-ray beam
  • Changing the exposure time modifies the duration of the exposure and thus the number of photons generated
  • When the exposure time is doubled, the number of photons generated at all energies in the X-ray emission spectrum is doubled
  • The range of photon energies is unchanged.

Question 4. Resolution


  • Resolution is the ability of a radiograph to record separate structures that are close together
  • It is measured by radiographing an object made up of a series of thin lead strips with alternating radiolucent spaces of the same thickness
  • The group of lines and spaces are arranged in test targets in order of increasing the number of lines and spaces per millimeter
  • It is measured as the highest number of line pairs per millimeter that can be distinguished on the resultant radiograph when examined with low-power magnification

Viva Voice

  • X-rays were discovered by Roentgen in 1895

Determination Endodontic Working Length Question And Answers

Working Length Determination Important Notes

  • Methods for determing working length
    • Radiographic
      • Grossman formula
      • Ingle’s method
      • Weine’s method
      • Kutler’s method
      • Radiographic grid
      • Xeroradiography
      • Digital radiography
      • Subtraction radiography
    • Non-radiographic
      • Digital tactile sense
      • Paper point method
      • Electronic Apex locators
  • Grossman’s method
    • An instrument is placed in the root canal and a radiograph is taken
    • By measuring the length of radiographic images of both the tooth and measuring instrument as well as actual length of the instrument, the clinician can determine the actual length of the tooth by formula
\(\frac{\text { Actual length of tooth }}{\text { Actual length of instrument }}=\frac{\begin{array}{c}
\text { Apparent length of } \\
\text { tooth in radiograph }
\text { Apparent length of } \\
\text { instrument in radiograph }
  • Apex locators

Endodontics Working Length Determination Apex locators

Working Length Determination Long Essays

Question 1. Mention various methods to determine working length and describe any one in detail.

Working Length Determination

Various methods to determine working length and describe any one in detail

Working length: The distance from a coronal reference point to a point at which canal preparation and obturation should terminate.

Endodontics Working Length Determination Working length distance is defined as the distance from coronal reference point


  • Radiographic:
    • Grossman formula
    • Ingle’s method
    • Weine’s method
    • Kutler’s method
    • Radiographic grid

Read And Learn More: Endodontics Question and Answers

    • Xeroradiography
    • Digital radiography
    • Subtraction radiography
    • Non-radiographic
    • Digital tactile sense
    • Paper point method
    • Electronic Apex locators
  • Radiographic method:

Endodontics Working Length Determination Radiographic Method

    • The rule for subtraction:
      • No resorption – 1mm
      • Bone resorption – 1.5mm
      • Bone and root resorption – 2mm
    • Advantages:
      • The following can be viewed
        • Anatomy of tooth
        • Curvature of canal
        • Relationship with adjacent structures
    • Disadvantages:
      • Observation variation
      • Superimposition
      • Two-dimensional view
      • Time-consuming
      • Radiation exposure
  • Grossman method:
\(\frac{\text { Actual length of tooth }}{\text { Actual length of instrument }}=\frac{\begin{array}{c}
\text { Apparent length of } \\
\text { tooth in radiograph }
\text { Apparent length of } \\
\text { instrument in radiograph }
  • Kuttler’s method:

Endodontics Working Length Determination Kuttler's method

    • Narrow canal – 10-15 no. file
    • Average – 20-25 no. file
    • Wide – 30-35 no file

Radiographic Grid: Millimeter grid superimposed on radiograph

  • Endometric probe:

Endodontics Working Length Determination Endometric probe

Working Length Determination Short Essays

Question 1. Nonradiographic methods for working length determination.

Non Radiographic Methods

  • Non Radiographic Methods Non Radiographic Methods Paper point method:

    • Introduce paper-points inside the apex
    • Leave it for 1 min
    • Remove paper point
    • Observe it
    • When paper point penetrates the periodontium, the paperpoint will be wet
    • Measure the length of dry part
    • Incorrect determination
    • Can be easily curved
  • Non Radiographic Methods Tactile method:
    • Introduce the file till it stops
    • Mark the level with stopper
    • Take smaller file
    • Introduce it into canal
    • Repeat steps and compare it with larger file
    • Steps are repeated till 2 files measure same length
  • Non Radiographic Methods Apical periodontal sensitivity:
    • Introduce smallest file into canal
    • It may go deeper and file slip very easily
    • At this moment the patient feel pain
    • This means file reaches periodontal tissues
      Apical periodontal sensitivity Advantages:
    • Doesn’t require special devices
    • Cheaper
    • Very quick method
    • Easy to perform
      Apical periodontal sensitivity Disadvantages:
    • Incorrect
    • Destroys periodontal tissues
  • Apex locators:
    Apex locators Uses:

    • As adjacent to radiograph
    • Used to locate apical constriction or CDJ or apical foramen
      Apex locators Components:
    • Lip clip
    • File clip
    • Electronic devices
    • Cord connecting them
      Apex locators Advantages:
    • Use for pulp vitality
    • Objective
    • Accurate
      Apex locators Disadvantages:
    • Over estimated
    • Problematic in immature apex
    • Inaccurate in cases of
      • Presence of pulp tissue in canal
      • Blockage
      • Narrow file
      • Low battery

Question 2. Electronic Apex Locaters.

Electronic Apex Locaters Uses:

  • As adjacent to radiograph
  • Used to locate apical constriction or CDJ or apical foramen

Electronic Apex Locaters Components:

  • Lip clip
  • File clip
  • Electronic devices
  • Cord connecting them

Working Length Determination

Electronic Apex Locaters Advantages:

  • Use for pulp vitality
  • Objective
  • Accurate

Electronic Apex Locaters Disadvantages:

  • Over estimated
  • Problematic in immature apex
  • Inaccurate in cases of
    • Presence of pulp tissue in canal
    • Blockage
    • Narrow file
    • Low battery

Contradictions: Patient with cardiac pacemakers.


Endodontics Working Length Determination Apex locators - generation

Question 3. EDTA


It is chelating agent

EDTA Properties:

  • Effect depends on its concentration
  • Non-toxic
  • Optimal cleansing and shaping of canals

EDTA Functions [HELS]:

  • Hold debris in suspension
  • Emulsification
  • Lubrication
  • Smear layer removal

EDTA Mechanism:

Endodontics Working Length Determination EDTA

EDTA Uses:

  • Time saver
  • Easier Manipulation of Instruments
  • Dissolve dentin
  • Enlarges canals

EDTA Forms:

  • EDTA-C
  • Rc Prep
  • R.EDTA

Question 4. Sodium Hypochlorite.

Sodium Hypochlorite

  • It is a clear, pale, green-yellow liquid
  • Strong odor of chlorine
  • Easily miscible with water
  • Decomposes by light

Sodium Hypochlorite Mechanism:

Endodontics Working Length Determination Sodium Hypochlorite

Factors Affecting Sodium Hypochlorite Activity:

  • Sodium Hypochlorite Activity Increases:
    • Volume of solution
    • Heating of solution
    • Time of contact
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Activity Decreases:
    • Storage time
    • EDTA
    • Dissolve tissue
    • Antibacterial and bleaching action
    • Lubricate canal
    • Economical
    • High surface tension
    • Irritate tissue
    • Irritate eyes
    • Causes inflammation of the gingiva
    • Bleaches clothes
    • Bad odour and taste
    • Corrosive to instruments

Sodium Hypochlorite Activity Combine with:

Working Length Determination

  • Calcium hydroxide
  • EDTA
  • Chlorhexidine

Working Length Determination Short Answers

Question 1. Apex locators – generations.

Apex locators – generations

Endodontics Working Length Determination Apex locators - generation