Aims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Notes and Short Essays

Aims Of Medicine Important Notes:

  1. Auscultatory areasAims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Auscultatory Areas
  2. Clubbing
    • Definition
      • Bulbous enlargement of soft parts of terminal phalanges with both transverse and longitudinal curving of nails
    • Causes
      • Pulmonary – bronchogenic carcinoma, lung abscess, bronchiectasis
      • Cardiac – infective endocarditis, cyanotic congenital heart disease
      • Alimentary – ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, biliary cirrhosis
      • Endocrine – myxedema, Grave’s disease, acromegaly
      • Miscellaneous – hereditary, heroin addicts
    • Grading

      Aims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Clubbing Grading
  3. Pseudoclubbing
    • In hyperparathyroidism, excessive bone resorption may result in the disappearance of the terminal phalanges with telescoping of soft tissues and a drumstick appearance of the fingers resembling clubbing
    • However, the curvature of the nail is not present
  4. Scliamrotli’s sign
    • Normally when two fingers are held together with nails facing each other, a space is seen at the level of the proximal nail fold
    • This is lost in clubbing
  5. Jugular venous pressureAims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Jugular Venous Pressure
  6. Different sounds and their significanceAims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Different Sounds And Their Significance
  7. Important termsAims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Important Terms

Aims Of Medicine Short Essays:

Question 1. Jugular venous pulse.


Jugular venous pulse

It is an important sign of cardiovascular disease

Jugular venous pulse Procedure:

  1. Patient is placed in a reclining position at 45° angle with neck muscles relaxed.
  2. Upper level of pulsation of an internal jugular vein is seen.

Read And Learn More: General Medicine Question and Answers

Jugular venous pulse Significance:

  1. Fall in pressure during inspiration.
  2. Rise in pressure in constrictive pericarditis & cardiac tamponade.

Jugular venous pulse Waves:

  1. Positive waves
    • a wave
      • Cause – Atrial contraction.
      • Absent in atrial fibrillation.
      • Prominent in tricuspid stenosis.
    • c wave
      • Small positive wave.
    • v wave
      • Cause: Passive filling of blood from veins into the right atrium.
  2. Negative waves
    • x wave
      • Cause: Descent of tricuspid valve.
    • y wave
      • Cause: Rapid flow of blood from right atrium to right ventricle when the tricuspid valve is open.
      • Prominent y wave – seen in tricuspid regurgitation.

Question 2. Clubbing.


Clubbing Definition:

It is an enlargement of distal segment of fingers and toes due to an increase in soft tissues.

Clubbing Causes:

  1. Disorders of heart.
    • Cyanotic heart disease.
    • Subacute bacterial endocarditis
  2. Disorders of lungs.
    • Suppuration of lung
    • Tumours of lung
  3. Disorders of GI tract St liver
    • Inflammatory bowel disease.
    • Cirrhosis of liver.
    • Malignancy of liver
  4. Hereditary or idiopathic.


  • The commonest cause of raised JVP is cardiac failure
  • White-colored sputum is called mucoid
  • Yellowish greenish lotid sputum is called purulent sputum
  • Grade 3 clubbing gives nails shape of parrut’s beak.

Aims Of Medicine And Clinical Methods Notes Jugular venous pulse Waves

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