Staphylococcus Question And Answers

Staphylococcus Important Notes

1. Toxins produced by staphylococci and diseases caused by them

staphylococcus Toxins produced by staphylococci and diseases caused by them

2. Classification of streptococci

  • Alpha hemolytic streptococci
  • Beta hemolytic streptococci
  • Gamma hemolytic/ non hemolytic/ enterococcus group

3. Toxins produced by streptococci

Staphylococcus Toxins produced by streptococci

4. Diseases caused by streptococci

  • Sore throat
  • Ludwig’s angina, otitis media, quinsy, cellulitis
  • Erysipelas, impetigo
  • Acute glomerulonephritis
  • Acute rheumatic fever

5. Toxins produced by pneumococci

  • Hemolysin
  • Leucocidin

6. Outer membrane of gonococci consists of

  • Lipopolysaccharides
  • Proteins
    • Protein 1 – helps in typing of strains, forms pores on surface
    • Protein 2 – helps in adhesion
    • Protein 3 – associated with protein 1

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

7. McLeod classification

  • Gravis
  • Intermedius
  • Mitis

8. Test used for bacillus anthrax

  • M Fadyean’s reaction
  • String of pearls reaction
  • Ascolis thermoprecipitation test

9. Diseases caused by bacillus anthrax

  • Hide Porter’s disease
  • Pulmonary anthrax
  • Malignant pustule

10. Toxins produced by clostridium tetani

  • Tetanolysin
  • Tetanospasmin

11. Antigens of salmonella typhi

  • H antigen
  • O or somatic antigen
  • Vi or virulence antigen

12. Types of E.coli

  • Enteropathogenic E.coli
  • Enterotoxigenic E.coli
  • Entero aggregative E.coli
  • Enteninvasive E.coli
  • Enterohaemorrhagic E.coli

13. Classification of vibrios

  • Halophilic vibrios
  • V. vulnibicus
  • V. alginolyticus
  • V. parahemolyticus
  • Non halophilic vibrios
  • V. cholera
  • V. mimicus

14. Diseases caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  • Infections in burns
  • Iatrogenic meningitis
  • Nosocomial infection
  • Blue pus
  • Bed sores
  • Shanghai fever

15. Tests used for mycobacterium tuberculosis

  • Catalase peroxidase
  • Microscopy
  • Petroff s method
  • Montouxtest

16. Classification of leprosy

  • Lepromatous leprosy
  • Tuberculoid leprosy
  • Dimorphous leprosy
  • Indeterminate
  • Pure neuritic

17. Lepra reaction

  • Type 1 – reversal reaction
  • Type 2 – erythema nodosum leprosum

Staphylococcus Long Essays

Question 1. Describe the morphology, staining characters, and pathogenicity of Staphylococcus. Add a note on laboratory diagnosis of staphylococcal infections.

Staphylococcus Morphology:

  • Staphylococcus are
    • Gram-positive
    • Non-motile
    • Non-sporing.
    • Non-capsulated
    • Aerobic and normally facultative anaerobic.
  • Shape: spherical cocci.
  • Size: approx 1 micrometer in diameter.
  • Arrangement: Arranged in grape-like clusters.
  • This arrangement is due to cell division occurring in three planes.
  • They may be found singly, in pairs, and in short chains of 3 – 4 cells.

Staphylococcus Staining characters:

  • Staphylococci are gram-positive cocci.
  • On gram-staining:
    • They resist decolorization with acetone.
    • Retain the color of the primary stain.
    • Appears violet in color in pink background.

Staphylococcus Pathogenicity:

Staphylococcus produces two types of diseases.

1. Infections – In it.

staphylococcus Infections in it

2. Intoxications.

In it, the disease is caused by the toxins produced by bacteria.

Staphylococcal diseases:

Staphylococcus- Staphylococcal diseases

Laboratory Diagnosis:

The specimen to be collected depends on the type of lesion.


  • Pus
  • Sputum
  • CSF
  • Blood
  • Suspected food


  • Suppurative lesions
  • Respiratory infections
  • Meningitis
  • Septicaemia
  • Food poisoning

1. Direct microscopy.

  • Gram staining of the smear shows gram-positive cocci arranged in clusters.

2. Culture.

  • The inoculated media used are incubated at 37oC for 18 – 24 hours.
  • The cultural media used are.

Staphylococcus Culture media

3. Biochemical reaction

  • Catalase test – positive.
    • It distinguishes Staphylococcus from streptococcus
  • Coagulase test – positive
  • Mannitol fermentation – produces acid without gas
  • Gelatin fermentation – positive.
  • Tellurite reduction – positive.
  • Production of enzyme phosphatase and deoxyribonuclease – positive.

4. Bacteriophage typing.

  • Trace the source of staphylococcus.

5. Antibiotic susceptibility.

  • Determined by Stokes method.

6. Serological tests.

  • Helps to diagnose hidden deep infections.
  • Also, titre more than 2 units/ml with rising titre diagnose deep infections.

Question 2. Classify staphylococci. Describe the morphology, cultural characteristics, and reactions of staphylococcus aureus. Describe the pathological lesions caused by staphylococci.

Staphylococci Classification:

  • Based on pigment production and virulence.

Staphylococcus Culture media

  • Based on coagulase production.
  • Coagulase positive – St. Aureus.
  • Coagulase-negative – other staphylococci

Morphology Cultural characteristics:

Staphylococci usually grow readily within a temperature range of 10 – 42°C with an optimal temperature of 37°C and pH 7.4 – 7.6.

Staphylococcus - Staphylococci cultural characteristics

Morphology Reactions:

Staphylococcus aureus undergoes following, reaction.

  • Catalase positive.
  • Oxidase negative.
  • Fermentation of sugar.
    • It ferments sugar without gas.
    • This helps to distinguish staphylococcus aureus from. St. Epidermidis.
  • Causes beta type of hemolysis.
  •  Produces.
    • Coagulase.
    • Phosphatase.
    • Enzyme deoxyribonuclease.
  • Reduction of tellurite occurs.

Staphylococcus Short Essays

Question 1. Name enzymes produced by staphylococcus aureus.


Staphylococcus Enzymes produced by staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Antigenic structure of staphylococci.

Antigenic structure of staphylococci composed on.

Staphylococcus Antigenic structure of staphylococci

staphylococcus -Antigenic structure of staphylococcus aureus

Question 2. Coagulase test.

The coagulase test is the standard criterion for the identification of staphylococcus aureus isolates.

It is done by two methods.

1. Slide coagulase test.

  • It detects bound coagulase.
  • It gives results parallel to the tube test.
  • In this method, a few colonies of bacteria re emulsified in a drop of normal saline on a clean glass slide.
  • It is mixed with a drop of undiluted rabbit or human plasma.

2. Tube coagulase.

  • It detects free coagulase.
  • In this method, 0.1 ml of an overnight broth culture or an agar culture suspension of the organism is mixed with 0.5 ml of a 1 in 5 dilutions of human or rabbit plasma.
  • Diluted plasma in another tube is used as a control.
  • Plasma clots in case of positive reaction.

Question 3. Bacteriophage typing.

  • Bacteriophage typing is important in epidemiological studies of staphylococcal infections.
  • Strains of S. aureus may be distinguished by their susceptibility to different bacteriophages.
  • An internationally accepted set of 23 bacteriophages is employed.

Bacteriophage typing Method

staphylococcus Bacteriophage Typing Method

Centre in India:

Department of Microbiology, Moulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

Question 4. Enumerate pyogenic organisms.

Pyogenic Organism:

  1. Staphylococcus Aureus – Gram-positive cocci.
  2. Streptococcus pyogenes – Gram-positive cocci.
  3. Klebsiella pneumonia – Gram-negative bacilli.
  4. Burkholderia mallei – Gram-negative bacilli.

Question 5. Treatment of staphylococcal infections.

Staphylococcus Treatment of staphyloccoccal infections

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