Splint In Periodontal Therapy Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Definition

Periodontal splint

  • Splint is an appliance used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth to their functional position

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Important Notes

1. Classification of splints

  • According to the Period of stabilization
    1. Temporary<6 months
    2. Provisional – for months up to several years
    3. Permanent – Indefinite
  • According to the type of material
    1. Bonded composite
    2. Braided wire
    3. A-splints
  • According to the location
    1. Intra-oral
    2. Extra-oral

2. Requisites of splints

  • Easy to prepare
  • Economical
  • Rigid, durable, and stable
  • Easy to remove and replace
  • Self-cleansing
  • Easy to maintain
  • Esthetically accepted
  • Non-irritating to adjacent tissues

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Long Essays

Question 1. Define periodontal splint. Give indications and contraindications for splinting of teeth.

periodontal splint Definition:

  • Splint is an appliance used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth to their functional position

periodontal splint Indications:

  • Stabilize mobile teeth to improve patient comfort and to provide stability
  • Stabilize moderate to advanced tooth mobility
  • Stabilize teeth in secondary occlusal trauma
  • Stabilize teeth following acute trauma
  • Stabilize teeth when increased tooth mobility interferes with normal masticatory function
  • Stabilize teeth following orthodontic movement
  • Prevent tipping or drifting of teeth
  • Create adequate stability
  • Prevent extrusion of unopposed tooth

periodontal splint Contraindications:

  • Presence of periodontal inflammation
  • Presence of an insufficient number of nonmobile teeth to stabilize mobile teeth
  • Presence of inadequate oral hygiene
  • Absence of prior occlusal adjustment

Question 2. Define periodontal splint. Discuss their role as ad adjuncts in periodontal therapy.

periodontal therapy Definition:

  • Splint is an appliance used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth to their functional position

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

periodontal therapy Role Of Splinting In Periodontal Diseases

  1. Rest
    • Immobilization permits undisturbed healing
  2. Redirection of forces
    • Splinting leads to the redirection of forces in the axial direction over all the teeth
  3. Redistribution of forces
    • Distributes forces over a number of teeth and thereby prevents excessive forces on mobile teeth
  4. Restoration of functional stability
    • Restores functional occlusion
    • Stabilizes the remaining mobile abutment teeth
  5. Maintenance of arch integrity
    • Proximal contacts are restored
    • Prevents food impaction and further breakdown of Loop wire is tightened periodontal tissues
  6. Psychologic well being
    • Restores feeling of dentition, comfort, and esthetics

Question 3. Define periodontal splinting. Mention the ideal requisites of a periodontal splint and write in detail about the splinting procedure.

periodontal splinting Definition:

  • Splint is an appliance used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth to their functional position

periodontal splinting Requisites:

  • Easy to prepare
  • Economical
  • Rigid, durable, and stable
  • Easy to remove and replace
  • Self-cleansing
  • Easy to maintain
  • Esthetically accepted
  • Non-irritating to adjacent tissues

periodontal splinting Procedure:

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Procedure

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Short Essays

Question 1. Splints.

Splints Definition:

  • An appliance is used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth to their functional position.

Splints Objectives

  • Provide rest
  • By redirecting forces
  • Preserve arch integrity
  • Restores function
  • Stabilizes mobile teeth
  • Prevent eruption of unopposed teeth

Splint In Periodontal Therapy Short Question and Answers

Question 1. Permanent splinting

  • Permanent splints are indicated in dentitions that cannot maintain final stability after periodontal and restorative treatment
  • They can be either fixed or removable
  • Permanent splints utilizing cast restoration may be placed as part of a restorative phase of therapy

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