Some Obvious Hints For The Health Of Human Beings

Some Obvious Hints

Our body is the most wonderful creation of the Great Supreme Power or the Creator. Not only it cures itself but also it creates antibodies and its own medicine in the form of urine which we throw away.

  • In the same way, it reveals any problem that may exist anywhere in the body by way of pain when pressed on the corresponding points on the palms or soles.
  • Similarly, before you start pressing different points, you should observe certain external clues, which give you an indication of the problem in the body.

Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands

1. Hand:

When you take the palm of the patient in your hand, it reveals the degree of vitality present in the patient. This has already been mentioned.

2. Eyes:

If the eyes of the patient are whitish and there is no redness in the corners of the eyes, it denotes an anemic condition, which could be due to worms so you should press the middle of the outside part of the nails of the small finger or toes as shown here.

  • And when you observe pain on that point, it indicates that there are worms in the intestine of the patient. Similarly, the eyes reveal the vitality of the body. In the case of a healthy person, the eyes would be shining, radiating health and happiness.
  • Then carefully observe the eyes. If there are dark circles and swelling below them, it denotes that the kidneys of the patient are not functioning properly so you should check up the kidneys in both the palms.

Some Obvious Hints To Press The Middle Of The Outside Part Of Nails Of Small Finger Or Toes

3. Face:

If you observe black pigmentation mixing with the original skin color of the face, it could be due to excess heat in the body some skin problem, or even an indication of HIV.

4. Males:

If you observe that the growth of the beard has not been all over the face and there are patches where the beard has not grown, then it indicates a sex problem in males. It could be excessive masturbation and for that just check the nails for half-moons.

Some Obvious Hints Half Moons In Nails

5. Females:

If you observe hair growth above the upper lips or on the face of a lady, it indicates that the Sex glands are not functioning properly.

Some Obvious Hints Females

6. Nails:

When you hold the hand of the patient in your hand, observe the nails of the patient and you will be able to find out the level of syndrome-virility, i.e. the level of the immune system of the patient.

  • Because from the day, a baby is born, the body starts manufacturing semen or ova from the food. The details about this process have already been mentioned in Volume 1. Now there is no place where this semen or ova is stored in the body.
  • Till the age of 12/14 years, it goes on increasing – multiplying in the body. It is like raw clay. The storage level in the body is revealed in the nails and seen as half-moons in the thumb and other fingers.
  • These half-moons, if observed in the growing child, appear first in the thumb and then spread to other fingers covering about 40% of the nails.
  • In a healthy child, by the age of 12/14 years, such half-moons will be observed not only in the ten fingers of the hands but also in the ten toes of both feet. But they will look dull like watercolor.
  • At this period of 12 to 14 years, when puberty or the time at which the onset of sexual maturity occurs, the accumulated semen or ova further starts maturing like raw clay bricks in an oven. The girls start menstruation, throwing out excess heat from the body.
  • Also, there is growth of breasts in girls. In the case of boys, they start growing their moustache and beard and there is a deepening of their voice. And these half-moons start getting whiter and deeper.
  • This process is like the ripening of fruit-becoming sweet and sweeter. These half-moons become milky white and so prominent that they look as though they are pasted on the nails, and sparkling, new light comes into the eyes, reflecting virile, vibrant health.

These youngsters look attractive and their manners become pleasant. The syndrome of the body becomes powerful and the immune system becomes sound and strong enough to prevent any disease.

  • It is like spring for the youth. The boy and the girl get attracted to each other like north and south poles resulting in marriage.
  • If they remain faithful to each other and do not disturb their health in unnatural ways, they can enjoy good health and blissful sex throughout life.
  • Such virile boys and girls develop an excellent resistance to cold and heat and the change in weather does not upset them. A happy, healthy couple is the best asset of a nation. They are good citizens and also become good parents.
  • Unfortunately, due attention has not been paid to this important aspect of growth in the body.
  • While studying HIV/AIDS, I was shocked to observe that Western doctors do not understand the immune system of the human body and so have not understood its syndrome.
  • 10,000 years ago, Indian yogis in India knew about the same and they named the Sex glands, which create vital hormones, semen, and ova, as the basis of the body Moola Dhar Chakra (R).
  • The above study became possible because during the last 19/20 years while examining all types of patients, I have made it a practice to observe my patient’s nails from infants to old people.

Whenever many youths between the age of 15 to 30 years complain about loss of appetite, weaker memory, general weakness (debility), or weak eyes, the root cause is a disturbance in their Sex glands (Gonads) and thyroidarathyroid glands.

  • On further inquiry, all these young men admitted doing masturbation for the last few years. Similarly, whenever young women between the ages of 14 to 30 years, have complained to me about loss of appetite, dullness, depression, pimples, etc.
  • The cause has been damage to their sex glands, Thyroid or Parathyroid, and sometimes to their Adrenal glands. They admitted having whitish or yellowish discharge and irregular periods.
  • If this damage to the sex glands is not halted in time, then it leads to degeneration in the body; and a hurting pain will be observed on the Lymph gland.
  • Further, the patient feels depressed and even thinks of committing suicide. The face and eyes become dull and listless. With a little experience, a look at such a patient reveals the inside story.
  • If the nails of such patients are examined they will reveal small tiny white spots coming out of the half-moons in the nails, denoting that the vital life force is being discharged unnaturally.

As a practice, ner your thumb should go to the sides of the wrists, and the patient will admit to hurting pain. Then ask the male patient frankly, “Since how long have you been masturbating?”

Some Obvious Hints White Spots Coming Out Of Half Moons

In the case of female patients, such white tiny spots in their nails, denote white discharge, and when asked, they will also admit to irregularity in periods and having whitish or yellowish discharge called Leucorrhoea.

  • Even though masturbation and white discharge may have stopped, the white spots in half-moons, if any, would be smaller and that indicates weakness of sex glands both in men and women.
  • When you tell your patients about their sex problems, the patients get more confident about you because you have found out about their secrets, which they were shy to tell.
  • The patients require assurance and proper guidance for their health problems. Even if they are too much depressed and have suicidal tendencies, do not worry. Boost their confidence level.
  • Give them hope and courage. As their Adrenal gland is not functioning properly, these patients do not have the necessary courage to cut short their life.
  • A professor aged 35 years came to me and told me that he was so depressed that he wanted to commit suicide. On examination, I found no half-moons on his nails and points of Sex glands.
  • Thyroid or Parathyroid and Adrenal glands were paining when pressed. I told the professor to go ahead with his plan of suicide but delay it for some time. It was fixed up after eight days in the afternoon.
  • In the meanwhile, he was asked to start the treatment as shown by me and report after eight days in the morning. The next week, he came and told me that he had changed his mind and wanted to live.

Later on, he was completely cured and lived life to the fullest. In another case, a professor wrote to me that he had become very shy and nervous. He used to shut himself in his room and was not interested in marriage or life.

Some Obvious Hints For The Health Of Human Beings Health and body facts

  • As he had shown courage to admit his situation, I called him to see me. His points nos. 11 to 15 were found to be very tender. He admitted to masturbating regularly which made him suffer from an inferior complex.
  • But with proper treatment for three months, he had his confidence back and he started mixing with the opposite sex in less than two years, he got married and lives a happy life.
  • A young girl of 21 years came to me. She complained that her skin was becoming dark she was getting pimples and even had traces of hair on the upper lip.
  • Her nails revealed the real story. She was having irregular menstruation from its beginning, then had a white discharge. Consumption of drugs added excess heat to her body which turned her face and skin darker.

She was assured of a complete cure. In less than six months, the girl turned into an attractive lady, got married within a year and as she followed Acupressure religiously, became a proud mother of a healthy son, whom she calls an Acupressure baby.

  • A young modern couple, who were engaged came to me. They had physical relations during their engagement period. The girl admitted that she was not happy and did not wish to marry the boy.
  • The boy’s nails disclosed that he indulged in excessive masturbation. Even the pale girl admitted to having too much bleeding about five/seven days every month.
  • Both were given proper guidance and asked to postpone their marriage plans for at least a year and abstain from sex play. After about fifteen months, I received an invitation to attend their marriage.
  • The happy couple thanked me and I thanked Acupressure and the Great Supreme Power for preventing a disaster.


In about 80% of the cases, where a couple comes to me after an issueless marriage of over 3 to 15 years, I have found that the root cause is the husband.

  • His indulgence in masturbation before marriage creates excess heat leading to premature ejaculation. On inquiry, the husbands admitted to self-abuse and wet dreams, i.e. semen being discharged during night’s erotic dreams.
  • With proper treatment, these couples, have become happy parents after 10-15 years of marriage. During the examination, when I hold the palms of these patients in my hand, observation of their nails reveals the facts.
  • Moreover, I have also observed that even though they are very much younger than me, their palms are cooler. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, these half-moons denote the quantity and quality of semen (in males) and ova (in females).
  • I have been invited to many high schools and colleges to give talks and demonstrations. I request the teachers and professors not to enter the room, and talk freely with these youngsters.
  • These talks bring to light many pitiful facts. The doctors who visited these institutions encouraged masturbation and neglected complaints about irregular menses. These youngsters had no proper knowledge about their sex organs.

White spots in nails of children under 12 years:

Moreover, it was observed that in the case of youngsters of less than 12 years, they were having tiny white spots coming out of half-moons on their nails.

  • The root cause was the discharge of saliva life force from the mouth during the night. In most of such cases, it was observed that they had worms in their intestines and their solar plexus had shifted.
  • It may be noted that such discharge of saliva is a serious matter and immediate steps should be taken to correct the same.
  • Moreover, in a few cases of sinus, these young patients breathe through their mouths and are not able to control or prevent the discharge of saliva from their mouths.
  • It should be noted that such discharge of saliva is very harmful to the body. It is almost equal to the discharge of semen from the body.
  • And as such when such white spots are noticed on the nails of young patients, it is most necessary to check further and find out the root cause and treat the same.

Debility In Married Life

Now in the case of natural ejaculation of semen or ova during sexual intercourse, these half-moons go on diminishing very slowly as the discharge is replaced by doubling of semen/ova as mentioned.

  • Only in the case of over-indulgence in sex; these half-moons reduce fast and there is weakness in Sex glands, which in turn can be verified by pressing.
  • Moreover, it is observed that due to excess heat in the body, the semen/ova becomes thinner and easily passes out in wet dreams (in men) or as leucorrhoea (in women).
  • In such cases, the male patient will admit to having premature ejaculation. This can be found by pressing these Sex glands, which will be found to be tender and hurting.

Important Root Cause of Heart Attack:

Another startling fact is found out from the observation of nails. I have found out that in more than 85% to 90% of cases of heart problems in male patients between the ages of 35 and 50, these half-moons were not properly visible.

  • On pressing, there was hurting on point nos. 11 to 15 denoting damage to Sex glands. On inquiry, these patients have confided in me as doing masturbation-having discharge in wet dreams, and indulging in more sex resulting in premature ejaculation.
  • Thus the syndrome of the body was found to be damaged which in turn led to the problems of the heart. Even the World Health Organization has admitted that the problems of the heart are more common in males than in females.
  • I urge people engaged in the medical field to make more investigation and research in this direction and reveal their findings for the benefit of mankind. the root cause of unhappy married life-hysteria:
  • Moreover, incidences of unhappy married life are on the rise resulting sometimes in divorce or separation. Less satisfaction in married life and the absence of sex play lead many women to depression, emotional instability, hysteria, and even suicide.
  • The root cause in all these cases will be observed in the male partner who has indulged in masturbation before marriage and so has premature ejaculation leaving his female partner sexually dissatisfied.
  • It may be noted that having children does not prove proper virile manhood. Now, this can be prevented very easily.

Important Precautions Before Engagement Or Marriage:

When the parents of a girl are serious about her marriage, they should not be carried away by the looks, smartness, and wealth/education of the boy.

  • During the meeting, the girl should hold the hand of the boy or suitor in her hands and observe the nails – which will reveal the real facts. Even the girl’s parent should observe the nails.
  • Unless the girl or her parents are satisfied with the virility of the boy; they should not proceed with engagement and marriage. If otherwise, the boy is acceptable, the boy should be advised to take the treatment for at least 8 to 12 months.
  • It may be noted that in Nature, there is no shortcut. Moreover, after marriage, it is difficult to abstain from sex so it is most advisable for all the prospective brides and bridegrooms to take the treatment before marriage.
  • In case the engagement is already entered into, marriage should be postponed till proper treatment is carried out. In the same way, if the girl has no proper white moons, she will not be in proper health to undertake the added responsibility of married life.
  • She may suffer from a lack of sexual desire or an inability to achieve orgasm. In some cases, she may feel repulsion towards sexual activity. Moreover, she may have difficulty in conceiving, have a miscarriage, or may give birth to weaker offspring.

Red Signal About HIV

It is a well-known fact that many youths indulge in sex before marriage or even indulge in addictive drugs and so they catch HIV infection. They look virile and can have properly developed white half-moons.

  • But in case of such HIV infection, when you press their Spleen, it is found to be hurting which denotes HIV infection. Now at that time if pain is also observed it denotes suffering from venereal disease.
  • So for the best precaution against disaster after marriage, it is necessary to check up not only on the nails and before getting engaged or getting married. This will prevent disasters after marriage. The details about HIV and AIDS are given in this book.
  • The following precautions will save the couples, their parents, and the future generation in particular and the society at large in general from many undesirable, unwanted, preventable, physical and psychological problems.

Some Obvious Hints Red Signal About HIV


From the age of 8 onwards, the children must be taught to press their two palms for 5 minutes each. This will ensure their normal growth and prevent problems at the time of puberty.

  • At the age of 12, these children should be taught to sit on the ball. This will prevent sexual delinquency and even leucorrhoea.
  • Regular medical check-ups should be made for worms in the intestine and necessary treatment should be taken.
  • Parents should see that their children’s sinus problems are cured at the earliest and see that they breathe through their noses during sleep.
  • The children have the habit of sucking their thumb or fingers resulting in their saliva getting discharged. Such bad habits should be curbed at the earliest.
  • Thus precautions will prevent the discharge of saliva which is a vital life force in the case of children.
  • Proper treatment, wherever necessary, should be taken by young men and women who wish to marry, for at least six to ten months, to correct hormonal imbalance before the marriage.

Married couples should have trust in each other and they should be faithful in marriage. They should not indulge in casual, indiscriminate sexual intercourse.

  • Different methods of contraception should be practiced for birth control. This will also prevent them from getting infected with HIV/AIDS.
  • At least from the sixth month of pregnancy, husbands should abstain from sex till the baby is breastfed and take treatment to increase hormones-spermatozoa as mentioned in my book “Health in Your Hands: under the Chapter “Men’s Problems”.
  • This will ensure a blissful, married life. Thus, observation of nails, hands, eyes, and face is very important for medical practitioners. They will be able to get clues from their examination-diagnosis of their patients.

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