Single Visit Endodontics Question And Answers

Single Visit Endodontics Important Notes

  • Contradications of single visit endodontics
    • Tooth with acute symptoms
    • Presence of anatomic difficulties
    • If there is possible increased stress on TMJ
  • Advantages of single visit endodontics
    • Immediate familiarity with the internal anatomy, canal shape and contour facilities obturation
    • No risk of bacterial leakage
    • Reduction of clinic time
    • Less cost
  • Disadvantages of single visit endodontics
    • No easy access to apical canal
    • Fatigue to the patient and clinician
    • Not possible to place intracanal disinfectant

Single Visit Endodontics Short Essays

Question 1. Single visit Endodontic.

Single visit Endodontic

It is procedure of cleaning, shaping, disinfecting the canal followed by obturation of canal done at the same appointment.

Single Visit Endodontics Advantages:

  • Convenient
  • Efficient
  • Comfortable
  • Less painful
  • Cheaper
  • Less error

Read And Learn More: Endodontics Question and Answers

Single Visit Endodontics Disadvantages:

  • Tireful for patient
  • Mid treatment flare up
  • Unable in calcified canals.

Endodontics Single Visit Endodontics Indications

Single Visit Endodontics Contra-Indications:

  • Anatomic anomalies
  • Asymptomatic non-vital teeth
  • Acute apical periodontitis
  • Allergic patients
  • TMJ disorders

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