School Dental Health Question And Answers

School Dental Health Definitions

Comprehensive care

  • It is the meeting of accumulated dental needs at the time a population group is taken into the program & the detection & correction of new increments of dental diseases on a semiannual/another periodic basis

Incremental dental care

  • It is defined as periodic care so spaced that increments of dental disease are treated at the earliest time consistent with proper diagnosis & operating efficiency in such a way that there is no accumulation of dental needs beyond the minimum

School Dental Health Short Essays

Question 1. Tattle tooth program.

Tattle tooth program

  • Developed in 1974-76 as a cooperative effort between
  • Texas dental health professional organization
  • Texas Department of Health &
  • Texas education agency


  • 3 videotapes were produced as part of the teacher training package
  • First- familiarises teachers with lesson format
  • 2nd- trains the teacher & educate students
  • 3rd- prepares teachers to teach the lesson

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  • Materials for program implementation consist of
  • Brochure providing an overview of the program
  • A school nurse’s brochure


  • Less than $ 1.00 per child


  • Relates dental health of the individuals & focuses on a total person
  • Reduces dental diseases & develops dental habits to last a lifetime

Program Implementation:

  • The hygienist instructs the teacher
  • Health promotion activities are encouraged to invite a dental professional
  • A field trip to the dental office is recommended


  • Field testing
  • Statewide continuous monitoring

School Dental Health Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Comprehensive care.

Comprehensive care Definition:

  • It is the meeting of accumulated dental needs at the time a population group is taken into the program & the detection & correction of new increments of dental diseases on a semiannual/other periodic bases

Comprehensive care Services Provided:

  • Eliminate pain & infection
  • Restore serviceable teeth
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Provide maintenance care for the control of early lesions
  • Provide preventive & educational measures

Comprehensive care Advantages:

  • Inexpensive
  • Less interruption
  • Better psychological

Comprehensive care Disadvantage:

  • Disease has already occurred
  • The initial cost of controlling disease is high
  • Time-consuming

Question 2. Incremental dental care.

Incremental dental care Definition:

  • It is defined as periodic care so spaced that increments of dental disease are treated at the earliest time consistent with proper diagnosis & operating efficiency in such a way that there is no accumulation of dental needs beyond the minimum

Incremental dental care  Advantages:

  • Aims at prevention & maintenance
  • Less initial cost
  • Fewer man hours
  • Treatment of early lesions
  • Maintains topical & other preventive measures
  • Bills are equalized & regularly spaced
  • A child develops the habit of visiting the dentist regularly
  • Establish a positive impression of dentists in the community
  • Periodontal disease is interrupted at/near the beginning
  • Confines dental disease to small early increments

Incremental dental care  Disadvantages:

  • Time-consuming
  • Attention to deciduous teeth
  • Interruption in Children’s Dental Health Program
  • Exhaustion of financial resources

School Dental Health

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