Rationale Of Endodontics Question And Answers

Rationale Of Endodontics Important Notes

  • Fish Zones
    • Zone of infection
      • Zone of infection is present in center of the lesion
      • Zone of infection is characterized by PMNs
    • Zone of contamination
      • Zone of contamination is characterized by round cell infiltration
      • Zone of contamination demonstrates cellular destruction due to toxins from the central zone of infection
      • Because of autolysis and death of bone cells the lacunae were empty
      • Lymphocytes are prevalent everywhere
    • Zone of irritation
      • Zone of irritation is characterized by macrophages and osteoclasts
      • The collagen framework was digested by phagocytic cells, the macrophages
      • Zone of irritation demonstrates much activity prepararoty to repair
    • Zone of stimulation
      • Zone of stimulation is characterized by fibroblasts and osteoblasts
      • In this zone, the effects of toxins were mild enough to be stimulant which results in laying down of collagen fibres around the zone of irritation
      • This new bone is built in irregular fashion

Rationale Of Endodontics Short Essays

Question 1. Rationale of Endodontics.

Rationale of Endodontics

Endodontics is a branch of dealing with the disease and injuries of the pulp. Endodotic procedures are required only when the infected organisms reach the pulp or else It can be treated by conventional methods.

Rationale of Endodontics – Causes Of Infection:

  • Trauma
  • Latrogenic
  • Chemicals
  • Aseptic techniques
  • Pathologic wear
  • Toxins
  • Micro organisms

Endodontics Rarely Motile And Motile

Read And Learn More: Endodontics Question and Answers

    • Cyst
    • Granuloma
    • Chronic abscess
  • Only if the periapical pathologies occur which cannot be treated by conventional methods, endodontic procedures are the only solutions
  • Thus by endodontic procedures, infection is eliminated by keeping in mind the cause and healing occurs.

Rationale Of Endodontics Short Answer

Question 1. Fish Zones.

Fish Zones

Endodontics Rationale of Endodontics Fish zones

Endodontics Rationale of Endodontics Healthy vascular pulp

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