Rationale For Periodontal Treatment
Rationale For Periodontal Treatment Short Essays
Question 1. Treatment Modalities.
Local Therapy:
- Removal of plaque and plaque retentive factors
- Reduces/prevents the progression of periodontal disease
Systemic Therapy:
- Used as an adjunctive
- Used for a specific purpose
- Acute infections
- Post-treatment bacteremia
- Presence of systemic disease
- Example: Juvenile periodontitis
- Use to eliminate the bacteria that have invaded gingival tissues
Question 2. Factors affecting Healing.
1. Local Factors: Delay healing
- Excessive tissue manipulation during treatment
- Trauma to tissue
- Reduced blood supply
- Presence of foreign bodies
- Repetitive treatment
- Cortisone administration
- Ionizing radiation
Improves healing:
- Increase in temperature
- Bone cells
- Debridement
- Immobilization
- Pressure
- Adequate blood supply
2. Systemic Factors:
- Delays in
- Older patients
- Generalized infections
- Malnutrition
- Increased levels of cortisone
- Stress
- Increased estrogens
Rationale For Periodontal Treatment Short Question and Answers
Question1. Define various aspects of healing after therapy.
1. Regeneration:
- It is the growth and differentiation of new cells and intercellular substances to form new tissue and parts.
2. Repair:
- It is the healing of tissues without complete re- Lateral extension of inflammation from an inner surface of storing lost tissues
3. New attachment:
- It is the embedding of new periodontal ligament fibers into new cementum and the attachment of the gingival epithelium to the tooth surface previously. denuded by disease
4. Re-attachment:
- It refers to repair in areas of the root not previously exposed to the pocket, such as after surgical de- tachment of the tissues or after traumatic tears in the cementum, tooth fractures, or treatment of peri- apical lesions.
Question 2. Healing of periodontal pocket.
- The area is invaded by cells from 4 different sources
Question 3. Periodontal Abscess.
- It is a localized purulent infection of periodontal tissues which may lead to the destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.
Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers
- Based on Location:
- Along the lateral aspect of the root
- Along the soft tissue wall of pocket
- Based on onset: Acute and chronic
- Based on number: Single and multiple
- Deep extension of infection from periodontal pocket
- The lateral extension of inflammation from the inner surface of the pocket
- Presence of a tortuous pocket
- Incomplete removal of calculus
- Impaction of foreign bodies
- Perforation of root
Clinical Features:
- Presence of pocket
- Tenderness
- Tooth mobility
- Vital/non-vital tooth
- Localized pain
- Drainage
- Scaling and root planning
- Anti-microbial therapy
- Amoxicillin 500 mg TID for 3 days
- Clindamycin 300 mg QID for 3 days
- Azithromycin 500 mg QID for 3 days
- Extraction as a last resort
Question 4. New attachment.
- It is the embedding of new periodontal ligament fibers into new cementum and the attachment of the gingival epithelium to the tooth surface previously denuded by disease