NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. The ozone layer forms naturally by
- The interaction of CFC with oxygen
- The interaction of UV radiation with oxygen
- The interaction of IR radiation with oxygen
- The interaction of oxygen and water vapour
Answer: 2. The interaction of UV radiation with oxygen
The ozone layer forms naturally by the interaction of UV radiation with oxygen
Question 2. Among the following, the one which is not a “greenhouse gas” is
- N2O
- CO
- CH 4
- O
Answer: 4. O
O2 is not a gas responsible for the rise in temperature of the earth. So, O2 is not a ‘greenhouse gas.
Question 3. Metal ion responsible for the Minamata disease is
- CO
- Hg2+
- Cu
- Zn2+
Answer: 2. Hg2+
Hg2+ ion is responsible for the Minamata disease.
Question 4. What is DDT among the following
- A fertilizer
- Biodegradable pollutant
- Non-biodegradable pollutant
- Greenhouse gas
Answer: 3. Non-biodegradable pollutant
DDT is a non-biodegradable pollutant
Question 5. The gas leaked from a storage tank of the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal gas tragedy was O2
- Phosgene
- Methylisocyanate
- Methylamine
- Ammonia
Answer: 2. Methylisocyanate
Methylisocyanate gas was leaked from a storage tank of the Union Carbide plant in the Bhopal gas tragedy.
Question 6. The concentration of fluoride, lead, nitrate and iron in a water sample from an underground lake was found to be 1000 ppb, 40 ppb, 100 ppm and 0.2 ppm respectively. The water is unsuitable for drinking due to its high concentration.
- Fluoride
- Lead
- Nitrate
- Iron
Answer: 3. Nitrate
In the sample of water, the concentration of fluoride, lead and iron are in permissible limit but the concentration of nitrate ion is much higher than its permissible limit. Thus the water is not suitable for drinking.
Question 7. A water sample has ppm level concentration of the following anions, F– = 10, SO42-= 10, NO3– = 50. The anion/ anions that make/makes the water sample unsuitable for drinking is/are—
- Only F–
- Only SO42-
- Only NO3–
- Both SO42- And NO3–
Answer: 1. Only F–
In drinking water, if the concentration of SO42- is more than 500 ppm, it shows a laxative effect and it is not suitable for drinking. If the concentration of SO42- is less than 500 ppm, it is consumable.
In drinking water, if the concentration of NO3 ion is more than 50 ppm it causes methemoglobinemia disease. This is not suitable for drinking. If the concentration of F“ ion in drinking water is more than 1 ppm it damages teeth and bones. Thus it is not suitable for drinking.
Question 8. The recommended concentration of fluoride ion in drinking water is upto 1 ppm as fluoride ion is required to make teeth enamel harder
- [3Ca3(PO4)2 Ca(OH)2]
- [3Ca3(PO4)2 .CaF2]
- [3{Ca(OH)2} . CaF2]
- [3(CaF2) . Ca(OH)2]
Answer: 1. [3Ca3(PO4)2 Ca(OH)2]
Generally, tooth enamel is hydroxyapatite [3Ca3(PO4)2 Ca(OH)2]. Fluoride ion (F–) reacts with hydroxyapatite to form a more rigid solid compound fluorapatite.
Question 9. Which one of the following statements is not true
- Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the most widespread air pollutants
- PH of drinking water should be between 5.5-9.5
- A concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
- Clean water would have a BOD value of less than 5 ppm
Answer: 3. A concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
Fish growth is facilitated if the DO value is less than 6 ppm. A decrease in the Do value means an increase in water pollution
Question 10. Which one of the following statements regarding photochemical smog is not correct
- Photochemical smog is formed through a photochemical reaction involving solar energy
- Photochemical smog does not irritate the eyes and throat
- Carbon monoxide does not play any role in photochemical smog formation
- Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in character
Answer: 2. Photochemical smog does not irritate eyes and throat
Question 11. Which one of the following is not a common component of photochemical smog
- Ozone
- Acrolein
- Peroxyacetyl nitrate
- Chlorofluorocarbons
Answer: 4. Chlorofluorocarbons
Question 12. Which of the following is a sink for CO
- Microorganisms present in the soil
- Oceans
- Plants
- Haemoglobin
Answer: 1. Microorganisms present in the soil
Question 13. Which oxide of nitrogen is not a common pollutant introduced into the atmosphere both due to natural and human activity
- NO
- N2O5
- N2O
- NO2
Answer: 2. N2O5
Question 14. Living in the atmosphere of CO is dangerous because it
- Combines with O2 present inside to form CO2
- Reduces organic matter of tissues
- Combines with haemoglobin and makes it incapable of absorbing oxygen
- Dries up the blood
Answer: 3. Combines with haemoglobin and makes it incapable of absorbing oxygen
Question 15. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas
- Hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide
- Methane
- Nitrous oxide or NO2
Answer: 1. Hydrogen
Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide, CFCs and ozone are greenhouse gases.
Question 16. Which of the following has the highest concentration of PAN
- Smoke
- Ozone
- Photochemical smog
- Reducing smog
Answer: 3. Photochemical smog
The main component of photochemical smog is peroxyacetyl nitrate, (PAN). The other components are ozone, nitric oxide, acrolein and formaldehyde.
Question 17. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
- Carbon dioxide
- Water vapours
- Methane
- Oxygen
Answer: 4. Oxygen
Carbon dioxide, water vapours and methane are greenhouse gases
Question 18. Which air pollutants do not evolve from motor vehicles
- Formaldehyde
- Carbon dioxide
- Fly ash
- Sulphur dioxide
Answer: 3. fly ash
Question 19. The top layer of the atmosphere is
- Stratosphere
- Troposphere
- Exosphere
- Ionosphere
Answer: 3. Exosphere
Question 20. Which of the following is not an air pollutant
- NO
- CO
- O3
- CxHy
Answer: 2. CO
Question 21. Which of the following has the highest affinity towards haemoglobin
- CO
- NO
- O2
- CO2
Answer: 1. CO
Question 22. Which gas is not present in the ozone layer
- O2
- O3
- N2
- CO
Answer: 4. CO
Question 23. Fluoride pollution mainly affects
- Teeth
- Brain
- Kidney
- Heart
Answer: 1. Teeth
Question 24. Which metal is mainly responsible for the decline of the Roman Empire
- Copper
- Lead
- Arsenic
- Zinc
Answer: 2. Lead
Question 25. Which of the given pollutants does not affect the lungs
- CO
- SO2
- CO
- NO
Answer: 3. CO
Question 26. Which of the following statements is not true
- Ozone gas has no role in the greenhouse effect
- Ozone gas oxidises sulphur dioxide of the atmosphere to sulphur trioxide
- Gradual thinning of the ozone layer leads to the formation of an ozone hole
- Oxygen molecule in the stratosphere forms ozone molecules in the presence of ultraviolet radiation
Answer: 1. Ozone gas has no role in the greenhouse effect
Question 27. Although nitrogen and oxygen are the major constituents of air, they do not react with each other to produce oxides of nitrogen because
- As the reaction is exothermic, a high temperature is required
- A catalyst is required for the initiation of the reaction
- Oxides of nitrogen are unstable
- Nitrogen and oxygen do not take part in the reaction
Answer: 1. As the reaction is exothermic, a high temperature is required
Question 28. Which of the following is a secondary air pollutant
- CO
- CH
- NO
Answer: 3. PAN
Question 29. Which of the given fuels used in motor vehicles is not environment friendly
- Dye
- Petrol
Answer: 4. LPG
Question 30. A major source of methane in India
- Fruit garden
- Sugarcane field
- Paddy fields
- Wheat fields
Answer: 3. Paddy fields
Question 31. Cause of stenosis diseases
- Fly ash
- Cement particles
- Cotton fibre
- Lead particles
Answer: 3. Cotton fibre
Question 32. The poisonous substance used in the paper is
- Cadmium
- Lead
- Manganese
- Mercury
Answer: 2. Lead
Question 33. Which reaction is carried out in the catalytic converter of motor vehicles to eliminate NOx from smoke
- Oxidation
- Reduction
- Both oxidation-reduction
- None
Answer: 2. Reduction
Question 34. Which of the following causes depletion in the ozone layer directly
- SO2
- CFCs
- H2O
- NO
Answer: 1. SO2
Question 35. The incomplete combustion of gasoline produces
- CO2
- CO
- SO2
- NO2
Answer: 2. CO
Question 36. Value of pH in drinking water—
- Between 5.3 to 6.5
- <5.5
- Between 5.5 to 9.5
- 9.5
Answer: 3. Between 5.5 to 9.5
Question 37. The radiation has a specific biological effect but is unable to cause Ionisation Is
- UV-radiation
- β -ray
- X-ray
- y-ray
Answer: 1.UV-radiatlon
Question 38. Which of the following compounds increases the BOD value of the water supply
- CO2
- O
- H2O
Answer: 4. CHOH
Question 39. Which is most harmful for a human being
- UV- A
- UV – BOD
- UV – CO2
Answer: 2. UV – BOD
Question 40. DDT and BHC are
- Antibiotic
- Chemical fertilizer
- Non-biodegradable pollutant
- Biodegradable compound
Answer: 3. Non-biodegradable pollutant
Question 41. Which component of motor vehicle smoke causes nerve and mental diseases
- Hg
- SO2
- Pb
- NO
Answer: 3. Pb
Question 42. Which mercury compound is the most toxic
- CH3Hg+
- HgCl2
- Hg2Cl2
- Hg metal
Answer: 1. CH3Hg+
Question 43. Example of herbicide
- Triazines
- Methylmercury
Answer: 2. Triazines
Question 44. Nitrogen oxide is not a major air pollutant
- NO2
- N2O
- NO
- N2O5
Answer: 4. N2O5
Question 45. pH of natural rainwater
- 6.5
- 3.5
- 4.6
- 5.6
Answer: 4. 4.6
Question 46. Which water pollutant metal causes sterility disease
- Cu
- Hg
- Cd
- Mn
Answer: 4. Mn
Question 47. The minimum permissible level of sound pollution is
- 75 dB
- 65 dB
- 55 dB
- 50 dB
Answer: 1. 75 dB
Question 48. In acid rain which of the following are present
- H2CO3
- HNO3
- H2SO4
Answer: 1, 2, and 4
Question 49. If fertilizer containing phosphate is dissolved in water
- The amount of dissolved oxygen decreases
- Calcium phosphate precipitates
- Growth of fish increases
- The growth of aquatic plants increases
Answer: 1 and 4
Question 50. Result of global warming
- The temperature of the earth’s surface will increase
- Glaciers of the Himalayan region will melt
- Demand for biochemical oxygen will increase
- Eutrophication
Answer: 1 and 2
Question 51. Which are responsible for photochemical smog
- Oxides of nitrogen
- Hydrocarbons
- Carbon monoxide
- Nobel gases
Answer: 1, 2, and 3
Question 52. Which gases absorb IR radiation
- O2
- NO2
- CO
Answer: 3 and 4
Question 53. Depletion in the ozone layer is caused by
- So2
- Halons
- NO
- CxHy
Answer: 2 and 3
Question 54. Which of the following states are responsible for environmental pollution
- pH value in rainwater is 5.6
- Eutrophication
- The BOD value in the water sample is 15 ppm
- The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.03%
Answer: 2, and 3
Question 55. Which processes occur in the troposphere
- Photosynthesis
- Combustion
- Greenhouse effect
- Acid rain
Answer: 1, 2, 3 and 4
Question 56. Which statements are true
- Mainly the effects of HNO3 are more in acid rain
- NO is more toxic than NO2
- Ozone gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect
- IR radiation cannot pass through CO2 gas but gets absorbed by it
Answer: 3 and 4
Question 57. Which radical causes depletion in the Ozone layer
- CH3
- F
- Cl
- Br
Answer: 3 and 4
Question 58. Which greenhouse gases are produced in the agriculture field
- CH4
- NH
- Nobel
- SO
Answer: 1 and 4
Question 59. Which are the following statements are incorrect
- SO2 does not affect the larynx
- SO2 is a more harmful pollutant than SO3
- In the case of living cells NO2 is more toxic than NO
- There is no role of NOx in photochemical smog
Answer: 1, 2 and 4
Question 60. Diseases caused by the harmful effects of SO2
- Digestion problem
- Breathing problem
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
Answer: 2, 3 and 4
Question 61. Which of the following processes are responsible for the formation of CO2 in the atmosphere
- Respiration
- Combustion of fossil fuel
- Decay of animals
- Production of cement in factories
Answer: 2 and 4
Question 62. Which of the following react to produce PAN
- NO
- O2
- Hydrocarbon
- CO
Answer: 1, 2 and 3
Question 63. Which constituents of phytochemicals responsible for eye irritation
- Ozone
- Hydrocarbon
- O2
Answer: 1 and 2
Question 64. The main constituents of London smog are
- Oxides of sulphur
- O2
- O3
- Oxides of nitrogen
Answer: 1 and 4
Question 65. Which of the following is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere
- So
- CFCl
- CF
- CF Br
Answer: 2 and 4
Question 66. Which of the following are primary pollutants
- SO
- NOz
- Me2Hg
Answer: 2 and 3
Question 67. Contribution of CO2 and CH4 in greenhouse effects
- The contribution of CO2 is 50%
- The contribution of CH4 is 16%
- The contribution of CO2 is 19%
- The contribution of CH4 is 19%
Answer: 1 and 4
Question 68. In which region there is a greater possibility of formation of photochemical smog
- The region where a large number of automobiles are used
- Region where sulphur-containing coal is used
- Marshy land region
- Orest region
Answer: 1. Region where a large number of automobiles are used
Question 69. Acid rain is a dilute aqueous solution of which of the following pairs of acids
- H2SO4 and HCl
- H2CO3 and HCl
- H2SO4 and HNO3
- H2CO3 and HCl
Answer: 3 . H2SO4 and HNO
Question 70. Which of the following metallic air pollutants is present in the gas emitted by motor vehicles
- Iron
- Lead
- Copper
- Mercury
Answer: 2. Lead
Question 71. Which of the following is not a Greenhouse gas
- CFCs
- Ammonia
- Carbon dioxide
- Methane
Answer: 2. Ammonia
Question 72. Which compound is responsible for hole formation in the stratosphere of the ozone layer
- C6F6
- C6H4Cl2
- CCl2F2
- C6H6
Answer: 3. CCl2F2
Question 73. Which of the following gases emitted by motor vehicles is responsible for the formation of photochemical smog
- SO2
- CO
- NO
- CO2
Answer: 3. NO