NCERT Notes For Class 6 History Chapter 9 New Empires And Kingdoms

New Empires And Kingdoms

Prashasti, which means ‘in praise of’, became popular during Gupta’s rule.

  • In Allahabad prashasti of Samudragupta, the ruler is described as a god. This was written by the court poet Harishena.
  • Prashastis mentioned the genealogy of the ruler.
  • The first ruler of the Gupta dynasty, Chandragupta, used the title of adhiraja. This was continued by his son Samudragupta.
  • Samudragupta defeated the nine rulers and merged their kingdoms into his empire. He defeated 12 Dakshinapatha rulers but allowed them to rule under him.
  • Harshavardhan reded Thanesar about 1400 years ago. He also ruled over Kanauj after his brother-in-law’s death. Banabhatta, the court poet, wrote his biography; Harshacharita in Sanskrit.

NCERT Notes For Class 6 History Chapter 9 New Empires And Kingdoms

  • Pallavas and Chalukyas ruled in south India.
  • Pulakeshin II an important Chalukyan ruler checked the advance of Harsha. His poet Ravikirti wrote his prashasti.
  • Pallavas and Chalukyas gave way to Cholas and Rashtrakutas.
  • Kings maintained a well-organized army with cavalry, infantry, chariots, elephants, etc.
  • Local assemblies like “ur”, “sabha”, and “anagram” functioned.
  • The condition of untouchables was not good in society.

New Empires And Kingdoms Keywords

NCERT Notes For Class 6 History Chapter 9

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