NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats Multiple Choice Questions

The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Animals like a camels can survive in a desert. Which of the following features in the camel helps them to survive in the desert?

  1. The hump of the camel that produces food
  2. A long neck helps to store more water
  3. Long legs to protect them from the heat of the sand
  4. Thicker skin helps in the transpiration of more water.

Answer: 3. Thicker skin that helps in the transpiration of more water.

Question 2. Fishes move in water with the help of their

  1. Mouth and gills
  2. Legs and scales
  3. Wings and tails
  4. Fms and tails

Answer: 4. Fms and tails

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organismd Characteristics And Habitats MCQs

Question 3. If you go to a desert, what changes do you expect to observe in the urine you excrete? You would

  1. Excrete a small amount of urine.
  2. Excrete large amounts of urine.
  3. Excrete concentrated urine.
  4. Excrete very dilute urine.

Which of the above would hold?

  1. 1 and 3
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 1 and 4
  4. 1 and 2

Answer: 1. 1 and 3

Question 4. Which one of the following depicts an aquatic adaptation?

  1. Streamline body
  2. Light and hollow bones
  3. Hair on body
  4. Strong hooves

Answer: 1. Streamline body

Question 5. Boojho comes across an animal with a streamlined and slippery body. What is the habitat of the animal?

  1. Water
  2. Desert
  3. Grassland
  4. Mountain

Answer: 1. Water

Question 6. Which of the following labels shows the correct function of a plant part?

The Living Organisms Fuctions Of Plant Part

Answer: 2.

The Living Organisms Fuctions Of Plant Part.

Question 7. Animals and plants have certain features which make them capable of surviving in a particular habitat. This is called

  1. Adaptation
  2. Speciation
  3. Specialization
  4. Evolution

Answer: 1. Adaptation

Question 8. Select those who represent all the types of aquatic habitats.

  1. Freshwater, coastal, and rainforest
  2. Marine, tundra, and desert
  3. Mountain, grassland, and coastal
  4. Marine, freshwater and estuaries

Answer: 4. Marine, freshwater and estuaries

Question 9. Choose the incorrect pair.

  1. Cactus – Desert
  2. Germs – Air
  3. Water lily – Sea
  4. Frog – Pond

Answer: 3. Water lily – Sea

Question 10. Which of the following cannot be called a habitat?

  1. A desert with camels
  2. A pond with fishes
  3. A jungle with wild animals
  4. Cultivated land with grazing cattle

Answer: 4. Cultivated land with grazing cattle

Question 11. Choose the set that represents only the biotic components of a habitat.

  1. Tiger, deer, grass, soil
  2. Rocks, soil, plants, air
  3. Sand, turtle, crab, rocks
  4. Aquatic plant, fish, frog, insect

Answer: 4. Aquatic plants, fish, frogs, insect

Question 12. Identify which among these is not an abiotic component of the environment.

  1. Soil
  2. Bacteria
  3. Water
  4. Air

Answer: 2. Bacteria

Question 13. Which of the following constitute the biotic components of the environment?

  1. Plants and animals
  2. Soil and minerals
  3. Air and water
  4. Sunlight and temperature

Answer: 1. Plants and animals

Question 14. A cactus In a desert lacks a leaf. Instead of leaves, its thick stem is responsible for photosynthesis. What is the reason for the absence of leaves in these plants?

  1. Leaves would have wilted easily in the strong desert sun
  2. Leaves are absent in cactus plants to save them from predators
  3. Leaves would have caused increased loss of water from the plant
  4. Leaves are reduced to spines to protect from cold nights in the desert

Answer: 3. Leaves would have caused increased loss of water from the plant

Question 15. Following are some features of plants.

  1. They lose a lot of water through transpiration.
  2. Their leaves are always broad and flat.
  3. They lose very little water through transpiration.
  4. Their roots grow very deep into the soil.

Which of the combination of given features is typical Of desert plants?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 3 and 4

Answer: 4. 3 and 4

Question 16. Which is an example of an animal found in a mountain region?

  1. Leopard
  2. Yak
  3. Mountain goat
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 17. Animals like polar bears living in cold regions have long hairs on their body. What is the role of these hairs to survive in a cold region?

  1. They keep their body warm
  2. They help an animal to run faster
  3. They help the animals to swim in the water
  4. They absorb water from the atmosphere

Answer: 1. They keep their body warm

Question 18. Carbon dioxide in the air is used by plants to

  1. Breathe
  2. Make food
  3. Remove waste
  4. Trap energy of the sun for photosynthesis

Answer: 2. Make food

Question 19. Which of the following is correct for respiration in plants?

  1. Respiration takes place only during day time
  2. Respiration takes place only during the night
  3. Respiration takes place both during the day and night
  4. Respiration takes place only when plants are not making food

Answer: 3. Respiration takes place both during the day and night

Question 20. Which of the following Is not an example of a response to a Stimulus?

  1. Watering in the mouth when we sec delicious food items
  2. Closing of leaves of Mimosa pudica plant when touched
  3. Shutting our eyes when an object is suddenly thrown in our direction
  4. A chick hatching out of an egg

Answer: 4. Shutting our eyes when an object is suddenly thrown in our direction

Question 21. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about excretion?

  1. Excretion takes place in plants
  2. Excretion takes place both in plants and animals
  3. Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only
  4. Secretion is one method of excretion

Answer: 3. Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only

Question 22. Which one of the following is not associated with reproduction?

  1. A new leaf coming out of a tree branch
  2. A dog giving birth to a puppy
  3. A seed growing into a plant
  4. Chick hatching from an egg

Answer: 1. A new leaf coming out of a tree branch

Question 23. Choose the odd one out from below concerning reproduction.

  1. Eggs of hen
  2. Seeds of plants
  3. Buds of potato
  4. Roots of the mango tree

Answer: 4. Roots of mango tree

Question 24. Although organisms die, their kind continues to live on Earth. Which characteristic of living organisms makes this possible?

  1. Respiration
  2. Reproduction
  3. Excretion
  4. Movement

Answer: 2. Reproduction

Question 25. Which plant among the following has a poorly developed root system?

  1. Aquatic plant
  2. Desert plant
  3. Terrestrial plant
  4. Mountainous plant

Answer: 1. Aquatic plant

Question 26. The term used for water habitat is

  1. Marine
  2. Freshwater
  3. Aerial
  4. Aquatic

Answer: 4. Aquatic

Question 27. Animals that hunt and feed on other animals are called

  1. Omnivore
  2. Abiotic
  3. Predator
  4. Prey

Answer: 3. Predator

Question 28. In which direction a plant will grow when kept near a window from where light is coming in?

  1. Towards the window
  2. Away from window
  3. Do not grow
  4. Straight up

Answer: 1. Towards the window

Question 29. Plants in deserts have

  1. Thick bark
  2. Sunken stomata
  3. Short roots
  4. Spongy stem

Answer: 2. Sunken stomata.

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